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This paper investigates dendritic peptides capable of assembling into nanostructured gels, and explores the effect on self-assembly of mixing different molecular building blocks. Thermal measurements, small angle Xray scattering (SAXS) and circular dichroism (CD) spectroscopy are used to probe these materials on macroscopic, nanoscopic and molecular length scales. The results from these investigations demonstrate that in this case, systems with different "size" and "chirality" factors can self-organise, whilst systems with different "shape" factors cannot. The "size" and "chirality" factors are directly connected with the molecular information programmed into the dendritic peptides, whilst the shape factor depends on the group linking these peptides together-this is consistent with molecular recognition hydrogen bond pathways between the peptidic building blocks controlling the ability of these systems to self-recognise. These results demonstrate that mixtures of relatively complex peptides, with only subtle differences on the molecular scale, can self-organise into nanoscale structures, an important step in the spontaneous assembly of ordered systems from complex mixtures.


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Two-component systems capable of self-assembling into soft gel-phase materials are of considerable interest due to their tunability and versatility. This paper investigates two-component gels based on a combination of a L-lysine-based dendron and a rigid diamine spacer (1,4-diaminobenzene or 1,4-diaminocyclohexane). The networked gelator was investigated using thermal measurements, circular dichroism, NMR spectroscopy and small angle neutron scattering (SANS) giving insight into the macroscopic properties, nanostructure and molecular-scale organisation. Surprisingly, all of these techniques confirmed that irrespective of the molar ratio of the components employed, the "solid-like" gel network always consisted of a 1:1 mixture of dendron/diamine. Additionally, the gel network was able to tolerate a significant excess of diamine in the "liquid-like" phase before being disrupted. In the light of this observation, we investigated the ability of the gel network structure to evolve from mixtures of different aromatic diamines present in excess. We found that these two-component gels assembled in a component-selective manner, with the dendron preferentially recognising 1,4-diaminobenzene (>70%). when similar competitor diamines (1,2- and 1,3-diaminobenzene) are present. Furthermore, NMR relaxation measurements demonstrated that the gel based oil 1,4-diaminobenzene was better able to form a selective ternary complex with pyrene than the gel based oil 1,4-diaminocyclohexane, indicative of controlled and selective pi-pi interactions within a three-component assembly. As such, the results ill this paper demonstrate how component selection processes in two-component gel systems call control hierarchical self-assembly.


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This paper compares and contrasts, for the first time, one- and two-component gelation systems that are direct structural analogues and draws conclusions about the molecular recognition pathways that underpin fibrillar self-assembly. The new one-component systems comprise L-lysine-based dendritic headgroups covalently connected to an aliphatic diamine spacer chain via an amide bond, One-component gelators with different generations of headgroup (from first to third generation) and different length spacer chains are reported. The self-assembly of these dendrimers in toluene was elucidated using thermal measurements, circular dichroism (CD) and NMR spectroscopies, scanning electron microscopy (SEM), and small-angle X-ray scattering (SAXS). The observations are compared with previous results for the analogous two-component gelation system in which the dendritic headgroups are bound to the aliphatic spacer chain noncovalently via acid-amine interactions. The one-component system is inherently a more effective gelator, partly as a consequence of the additional covalent amide groups that provide a new hydrogen bonding molecular recognition pathway, whereas the two-component analogue relies solely on intermolecular hydrogen bond interactions between the chiral dendritic headgroups. Furthermore, because these amide groups are important in the assembly process for the one-component system, the chiral information preset in the dendritic headgroups is not always transcribed into the nanoscale assembly, whereas for the two-component system, fiber formation is always accompanied by chiral ordering because the molecular recognition pathway is completely dependent on hydrogen bond interactions between well-organized chiral dendritic headgroups.


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The self-assembly of a modified fragment of the amyloid beta peptide, based on sequence A beta(16-20), KLVFF, extended to give AAKLVFF is studied in methanol. Self-assembly into peptide nanotubes is observed, as confirmed by electron microscopy and small-angle X-ray scattering. The secondary structure of the peptide is probed by FTIR and circular dichroism, and UV/visible spectroscopy provides evidence for the important role of aromatic interactions between phenylalanine residues in driving beta-sheet self-assembly. The beta-sheets wrap helically to form the nanotubes, the nanotube wall comprising four wrapped beta-sheets. At higher concentration, the peptide nanotubes form a nematic phase that exhibits spontaneous flow alignment as observed by small-angle neutron scattering.


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The effect of hyperbranched macromolecular architectures (dendrimers) upon chirality has received significant attention in recent years in the light of the proposal of amplification of chirality. In particular, several studies have been carried out on the chiroptical properties of dendrimers that contain a chiral core and achiral branches in order to determine if the chirality of the central core can be transmitted to the distal. region of the macromolecule. In addition to interest of a pure academic nature, the presence of such chiral conformational order would be extremely useful in the development of asymmetric catalysts. In this paper, a novel class of chiral dendrimers is described - these perfect hyperbranched macromolecules have been prepared by a convergent route by the coupling of a chiral central core based upon tris(2-aminoethyl)amine and poly(aromatic amide ester) dendritic branches. The chiral properties of these dendrimers have been investigated by detailed optical rotation studies and circular dichroism analysis; the results of these studies are described herein. (C) Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH Co.


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The reaction of the redox-active ligand, Hpyramol (4-methyl-2-N-(2-pyridylmethyl)aminophenol) with K2PtCl4 yields monofunctional square-planar [Pt(pyrimol)Cl], PtL-Cl, which was structurally characterised by single-crystal X-ray diffraction and NMR spectroscopy. This compound unexpectedly cleaves supercoiled double-stranded DNA stoichiometrically and oxidatively, in a non-specific manner without any external reductant added, under physiological conditions. Spectro-electrochemical investigations of PtL-Cl were carried out in comparison with the analogue CuL-Cl as a reference compound. The results support a phenolate oxidation, generating a phenoxyl radical responsible for the ligand-based DNA cleavage property of the title compounds. Time-dependent in vitro cytotoxicity assays were performed with both PtL-Cl and CuL-Cl in various cancer cell lines. The compound CuL-Cl overcomes cisplatin-resistance in ovarian carcinoma and mouse leukaemia cell lines, with additional activity in some other cells. The platinum analogue, PtL-Cl also inhibits cell-proliferation selectively. Additionally, cellular-uptake studies performed for both compounds in ovarian carcinoma cell lines showed that significant amounts of Pt and Cu were accumulated in the A2780 and A2780R cancer cells. The conformational and structural changes induced by PtL-Cl and CuL-Cl on calf thymus DNA and phi X174 supercoiled phage DNA at ambient conditions were followed by electrophoretic mobility assay and circular dichroism spectroscopy. The compounds induce extensive DNA degradation and unwinding, along with formation of a monoadduct at the DNA minor groove. Thus, hybrid effects of metal-centre variation, multiple DNA-binding modes and ligand-based redox activity towards cancer cell-growth inhibition have been demonstrated. Finally, reactions of PtL-Cl with DNA model bases (9-Ethylguanine and 5'-GMP) followed by NMR and MS showed slow binding at Guanine-N7 and for the double stranded self complimentary oligonucleotide d(GTCGAC)(2) in the minor groove.


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In this work, we report the formation of complexes by self-assembly of bovine serum albumin (BSA) with a poly(ethylene glycol) lipid conjugate (PEG(2000)-PE) in phosphate saline buffer solution (pH 7.4). Three different sets of samples have been studied. The BSA concentration remained fixed (1, 0.01, or 0.001 wt % BSA) within each set of samples, while the PEG(2000)-PE concentration was varied. Dynamic light scattering (DLS), rheology, and small-angle X-ray scattering (SAXS) were used to study samples with 1 wt % BSA. DLS showed that BSA/PEG(2000)-PE aggregates have a size intermediate between a BSA monomer and a PEG(2000)-PE micelle. Rheology suggested that BSA/PEG(2000)-PE complexes might be surrounded by a relatively compact PEG-lipid shell, while SAXS results showed that depletion forces do not take an important role in the stabilization of the complexes. Samples containing 0.01 wt % BSA were studied by circular dichroism (CD) and ultraviolet fluorescence spectroscopy (UV). UV results showed that at low concentrations of PEG-lipid, PEG(2000)-PE binds to tryptophan (Trp) groups in BSA, while at high concentrations of PEG-lipid the Trp groups are exposed to water. CD results showed that changes in Trp environment take place with a minimal variation of the BSA secondary structure elements. Finally, samples containing 0.001 wt % BSA were studied by zeta-potential experiments. Results showed that steric interactions might play an important role in the stabilization of the BSA/PEG(2000)-PE complexes.


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We study the complex formation of a peptide betaAbetaAKLVFF, previously developed by our group, with Abeta(1–42) in aqueous solution. Circular dichroism spectroscopy is used to probe the interactions between betaAbetaAKLVFF and Abeta(1–42), and to study the secondary structure of the species in solution. Thioflavin T fluorescence spectroscopy shows that the population of fibers is higher in betaAbetaAKLVFF/Abeta(1–42) mixtures compared to pure Abeta(1–42) solutions. TEM and cryo-TEM demonstrate that co-incubation of betaAbetaAKLVFF with Abeta(1–42) causes the formation of extended dense networks of branched fibrils, very different from the straight fibrils observed for Abeta(1–42) alone. Neurotoxicity assays show that although betaAbetaAKLVFF alters the fibrillization of Abeta(1–42), it does not decrease the neurotoxicity, which suggests that toxic oligomeric Abeta(1–42) species are still present in the betaAbetaAKLVFF/Abeta(1–42) mixtures. Our results show that our designed peptide binds to Abeta(1–42) and changes the amyloid fibril morphology. This is shown to not necessarily translate into reduced toxicity.


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The self-assembly of peptide YYKLVFFC based on a fragment of the amyloid beta (A) peptide, A beta 16-20, KLVFF has been studied in aqueous solution. The peptide is designed with multiple functional residues to examine the interplay between aromatic interactions and charge on the self-assembly, as well as specific transformations such as the pH-induced phenol-phenolate transition of the tyrosine residue. Circular dichroism (CD) and Fourier-transform infrared (FTIR) spectroscopies are used to investigate the conditions for beta-sheet self-assembly and the role of aromatic interactions in the CD spectrum as a function of pH and concentration. The formation of well-defined fibrils at pH 4.7 is confirmed by cryo-TEM (transmission electron microscope) and negative stain TEM. The morphology changes at higher pH, and aggregates of short twisted fibrils are observed at pH 11. Polarized optical microscopy shows birefringence at a low concentration (1 wt.-%) of YYKLVFFC in aqueous solution, and small-angle X-ray scattering was used to probe nematic phase formation in more detail. A pH-induced transition from nematic to isotropic phases is observed on increasing pH that appears to be correlated to a reduction in aggregate anisotropy upon increasing pH.


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The conformation of a model peptide AAKLVFF based on a fragment of the amyloid beta peptide A beta 16-20, KLVFF, is investigated in methanol and water via solution NMR experiments and Molecular dynamics computer simulations. In previous work, we have shown that AAKLVFF forms peptide nanotubes in methanol and twisted fibrils in water. Chemical shift measurements were used to investigate the solubility of the peptide as a function of concentration in methanol and water. This enabled the determination of critical aggregation concentrations, The Solubility was lower in water. In dilute solution, diffusion coefficients revealed the presence of intermediate aggregates in concentrated solution, coexisting with NMR-silent larger aggregates, presumed to be beta-sheets. In water, diffusion coefficients did not change appreciably with concentration, indicating the presence mainly of monomers, coexisting with larger aggregates in more concentrated solution. Concentration-dependent chemical shift measurements indicated a folded conformation for the monomers/intermediate aggregates in dilute methanol, with unfolding at higher concentration. In water, an antiparallel arrangement of strands was indicated by certain ROESY peak correlations. The temperature-dependent solubility of AAKLVFF in methanol was well described by a van't Hoff analysis, providing a solubilization enthalpy and entropy. This pointed to the importance of solvophobic interactions in the self-assembly process. Molecular dynamics Simulations constrained by NOE values from NMR suggested disordered reverse turn structures for the monomer, with an antiparallel twisted conformation for dimers. To model the beta-sheet structures formed at higher concentration, possible model arrangements of strands into beta-sheets with parallel and antiparallel configurations and different stacking sequences were used as the basis for MD simulations; two particular arrangements of antiparallel beta-sheets were found to be stable, one being linear and twisted and the other twisted in two directions. These structures Were used to simulate Circular dichroism spectra. The roles of aromatic stacking interactions and charge transfer effects were also examined. Simulated spectra were found to be similar to those observed experimentally.(in water or methanol) which show a maximum at 215 or 218 nm due to pi-pi* interactions, when allowance is made for a 15-18 nm red-shift that may be due to light scattering effects.


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The self-assembly of a fragment of the amyloid beta peptide that has been shown to be critical in amyloid fibrillization has been studied in aqueous solution. There are conflicting reports in the literature on the fibrillization of A beta (16-20), i.e., KLVFF, and our results shed light on this. In dilute solution, self-assembly of NH2-KLVFF-COOH is strongly influenced by aromatic interactions between phenylalanine units, as revealed by UV spectroscopy and circular dichroism. Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy reveals beta-sheet features in spectra taken for more concentrated solutions and also dried films. X-ray diffraction and cryo-transmission electron microscopy (cryo-TEM) provide further support for beta-sheet amyloid fibril formation. A comparison of cryo-TEM images with those from conventional dried and negatively stained TEM specimens highlights the pronounced effects of sample preparation on the morphology. A comparison of FTIR data for samples in solution and dried samples also highlights the strong effect of drying on the self-assembled structure. In more concentrated phosphate-buffered saline (PBS) solution, gelation of NH2-KLVFF-COOH is observed. This is believed to be caused by screening of the electrostatic charge on the peptide, which enables beta sheets to aggregate into a fibrillar gel network. The rheology of the hydrogel is probed, and the structure is investigated by light scattering and small-angle X-ray scattering.


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The self-assembly of a hydrophobically modified fragment of the amyloid beta(A beta) peptide has been studied in methanol. The peptide FFKLVFF is based on A beta(16-20) extended at the N terminus by two phenylalanine residues. The formation of amyloid-type fibrils is confirmed by Congo Red staining, thioflavin T fluorescence and circular dichroism experiments. FTIR points to the formation of beta-sheet structures in solution and in dried films and suggests that aggregation occurs at low concentration and is not strongly affected by further increase in concentration, i.e. the peptide is a strong fibril-former in methanol. UV fluorescence experiments on unstained peptide and CD point to the importance of aromatic interactions between phenylalanine groups in driving aggregation into beta-sheets. The CD spectrum differs from that usually observed for beta-sheet assemblies formed by larger peptides or proteins and this is discussed for solutions in methanol and also trifluoroethanol. The fibril structure is imaged by transmission electron microscopy and scanning electron microscopy on dried samples and is confirmed by small-angle X-ray scattering experiments in solution.


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The EfeM protein is a component of the putative EfeUOBM iron-transporter of Pseudomonas syringae pathovar syringae and is thought to act as a periplasmic, ferrous-iron binding protein. It contains a signal peptide of 34 amino acid residues and a C-terminal 'Peptidase_M75' domain of 251 residues. The C-terminal domain contains a highly conserved 'HXXE' motif thought to act as part of a divalent cation-binding site. In this work, the gene (efeM or 'Psyr_3370') encoding EfeM was cloned and over-expressed in Escherichia coli, and the mature protein was purified from the periplasm. Mass spectrometry confirmed the identity of the protein (M(W) 27,772Da). Circular dichroism spectroscopy of EfeM indicated a mainly alpha-helical structure, consistent with bioinformatic predictions. Purified EfeM was crystallised by hanging-drop vapor diffusion to give needle-shaped crystals that diffracted to a resolution of 1.6A. This is the first molecular study of a peptidase M75 domain with a presumed iron transport role.


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The self-assembly of tripeptides based on the RGD cell adhesion motif is investigated. Two tripeptides containing the Fmoc [N-(fluorenyl)-9-methoxycarbonyl] aromatic unit were synthesized, Fmoc-RGD and a control peptide containing a scrambled sequence, Fmoc-GRD. The Fmoc is used to control selfassembly via aromatic stacking interactions. The self-assembly and hydrogelation properties of the two Fmoc-tripeptides are compared. Both form well defined amyloid fibrils (as shown by cryo-TEM and SAXS) with b-sheet features in their circular dichroism and FTIR spectra. Both peptides form selfsupporting hydrogels, the dynamic shear modulus of which was measured. Preliminary cell culture experiments reveal that Fmoc-RGD can be used as a support for bovine fibroblasts, but not Fmoc- GRD, consistent with the incorporation of the cell adhesion motif in the former peptide.


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The influence of charge and aromatic stacking interactions on the self-assembly of a series of four model amyloid peptides has been examined. The four model peptides are based on the KLVFF motif from the amyloid Beta peptide, ABeta(16-20) extended at the N terminus with two Beta-alanine residues. We have studied NH2-BetaABetaAKLVFF-COOH (FF), NH2-BetaABetaAKLVFCOOH (F), CH3CONH-BetaABetaAKLVFF-CONH2 (CapF), and CH3CONH-BetaABetaAKLVFFCONH2 (CapFF). The former two are uncapped (net charge plus 2) and differ by one hydrophobic phenylalanine residue; the latter two are the analogous capped peptides (net charge plus 1). The self-assembly characteristics of these peptides are remarkably different and strongly dependent on concentration. NMR shows a shift from carboxylate to carboxylic acid forms upon increasing concentration. Saturation transfer measurements of solvent molecules indicate selective involvement of phenylalanine residues in driving the self-assembly process of CapFF due presumably to the effect of aromatic stacking interactions. FTIR spectroscopy reveals beta-sheet features for the two peptides containing two phenylalanine residues but not the single phenylalanine residue, pointing again to the driving force for self-assembly. Circular dichroism (CD) in dilute solution reveals the polyproline II conformation, except for F which is disordered. We discuss the relationship of this observation to the significant pH shift observed for this peptide when compared the calculated value. Atomic force microscopy and cryogenic-TEM reveals the formation of twisted fibrils for CapFF, as previously also observed for FF. The influence of salt on the self-assembly of the model beta-sheet forming capped peptide CapFF was investigated by FTIR. Cryo-TEM reveals that the extent of twisting decreases with increased salt concentration, leading to the formation of flat ribbon structures. These results highlight the important role of aggregation-induced pKa shifts in the self-assembly of model beta-sheet peptides.