986 resultados para CABRERA, LYDIA, 1899-1991


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Aquesta publicació és alhora el primer número de la revista "Studia Ramazziniana Mediterranea", nascuda en ocasió d'aquestes jornades i creada amb la voluntat de recollir la producció científica en el camp de la medicina del treball i totes les activitats que li estan relacionades.En aquest número queda recollit el primer volum de les actes, compost per articles sencers i altres que són només resums de les comunicacions exposades.


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Aquesta publicació és alhora el primer número de la revista "Studia Ramazziniana Mediterranea", nascuda en ocasió d'aquestes jornades i creada amb la voluntat de recollir la producció científica en el camp de la medicina del treball i totes les activitats que li estan relacionades.En aquest número queda recollit el primer volum de les actes, compost per articles sencers i altres que són només resums de les comunicacions exposades.


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El llibre conté el programa de les jornades i la relació de comunicacions presentades, no el seu resum.També conté una cronologia dels fets més rellevants en el desenvolupament de la disciplina de Medicina del Treball.


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L'autor exposa aquí el seu treball fruit de l'estudi dels arxius parroquials de dites localitats del Maresme. En concret, el seu estudi està fet sobre els llibres de Naixements, Òbits i Matrimonis. D'aquí n'extreu la informació de caràcter sanitari però també informació sobre la societat de l'època, la demografia i dades estadístiques.


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La presencia visigoda en la actual Comunidad de Madrid está ampliamente constatada a través de las innumerables necrópolis conocidas. El pequeño conjunto funerario de la Cabeza, excavado con carácter de urgencia, ofrece una serie de características que le hacen particularmente interesante: número de tumbas, situación geográfica, ubicación topográfica, tipología del conjunto, etc. Tanto por su arquitectura funeraria como, y sobre todo, por el material hallado, hemos fechado el conjunto dentro del siglo VII.


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Se analiza la producción iberoamericana en biblioteconomía y documentación existente en el Social Science Citation Index para el periodo 1991-2000. Se analiza la producción por países, instituciones, revistas y autores. También se estudia la citación de autores y revistas. Por último, se realiza un análisis de cocitación de revistas (ACR) y se representa mediante un mapa bidimensional.


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Fili de pares occitans, nasqué accidentalment a Paris i passa la infantesa a Algeria, on el seu pare era funcionari. Feu estudis a l'escola normal de Tolosa de Llenguadoc i exerci com a mestre. Més tard fou professor a l'Escola Primària Superior Professional de Rodez. En aquesta situació prepara la llicenciatura en ciències naturals a la Universität de Tolosa. El 1946 entra com a encarregat de curs a la Universität de Marsella, de la qual esdevingué professor titular el 1958. Ensenyà en aquesta Universität fins a la jubilació, l'any 1969.


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For more than 80 years, visitors to the Iowa State Historical, Memorial, and Art Building were treated to the state’s collection of historic documents, literature, portraits, and historical, geological, and archeological artifacts. Those who visited might have memories of the spectacular sand paintings by Iowan Andrew Clemens, the variety of taxidermy Iowa animals, the pioneer Conestoga wagon in the basement, the biplane hanging from the dome ceiling, the odd display by the medical library of things removed from stomachs, or the Native American display on the third floor. This booklet is a look back at the origins of the museum. It includes some of the Historical Department reports, legislation passed by the general assembly, newspaper and magazine articles, and photographs pertaining to the museum and library. It is not intended to be an exhaustive review and documentation of displays and exhibits. It is a brief overview of the building’s history and some photographs that may bring back memories, for some, of a field trip as a student. This booklet has been created from a variety of source materials: photographs, newspaper articles, and various reports. The following have contributed: State Library of Iowa, Iowa State Historical Society, the Iowa Judicial Branch, Susan Wallace, Helen Dagley, Barb Corson, Jerome Thompson, Pam Rees, Georgiann Fischer, and Jason Mrachina.


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In the United States many bridge structures have been designed without consideration for their unique construction problems. Many problems could have been avoided if construction knowledge and experience was utilized in the design process. A systematic process is needed to create and capture construction knowledge for use in the design process. This study was conducted to develop a system to capture construction considerations from field people and incorporate it into a knowledge-base for use by the bridge designers. This report presents the results of this study. As a part of this study a microcomputer-based constructability system has been developed. The system is a user-friendly microcomputer database which codifies construction knowledge, provides easy access to specifications, and provides simple design computation checks for the designer. A structure for the final database was developed and used in the prototype system. A process for collecting, developing and maintaining the database is presented and explained. The study involved a constructability survey, interviews with designers and constructors, and visits to construction sites to collect constuctability concepts. The report describes the development of the constructability system and addresses the future needs for the Iowa Department of Transportation to make the system operational. A user's manual for the system is included along with the report.


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The purpose of this research was to evaluate the materials Iowa uses as a granular subbase and to determine if it provides adequate drainage. Numerous laboratory and in-situ tests were conducted on the materials currently being used in Iowa. The follow conclusions can be made based on the test results: 1. The crushed concrete that is used as a subbase material has a relatively low permeability compared to many other materials used by other states. 2. Further research and tests are needed to find the necessary parameters for crushed concrete to make sure it is providing its optimum drainage and preventing premature damage of the pavement. 3. We have definitely made improvements in drainage in the past few months, but there are many areas that we can improve on that will increase the permeability of this material and insure that the pavement system is safe from premature damage due to water. The current gradation specification for granular subbase material at the start of this study was: Sieve # % Passing 1” 100 #8 10-35 #50 0-15 #200 0-6


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An expert system has been developed that provides 24 hour forecasts of roadway and bridge frost for locations in Iowa. The system is based on analysis of frost observations taken by highway maintenance personnel, analysis of conditions leading to frost as obtained from meteorologists with experience in forecasting bridge and roadway frost, and from fundamental physical principles of frost processes. The expert system requires the forecaster to enter information on recent maximum and minimum temperatures and forecasts of maximum and minimum air temperatures, dew point temperatures, precipitation, cloudiness, and wind speed. The system has been used operationally for the last two frost seasons by Freese-Notis Associates, who have been under contract with the Iowa DOT to supply frost forecasts. The operational meteorologists give the system their strong endorsement. They always consult the system before making a frost forecast unless conditions clearly indicate frost is not likely. In operational use, the system is run several times with different input values to test the sensitivity of frost formation on a particular day to various meteorological parameters. The users comment. that the system helps them to consider all the factors relevant to frost formation and is regarded as an office companion for making frost forecasts.