1000 resultados para Cão - Oftalmologia - Cirurgia
Abstract:Through the development of a proposal to categorize accountability into four stages - classical, cross-sectional, systemic, and diffused -, this article aims to identify characteristics of co-production of information and socio-political control of public administration in the work of Brazilian social observatories in relationship with government control agencies. The study analyses data from 20 social observatories and, particularly, three experiences of co-production of information and control, based on a systemic perspective on accountability and a model with four categories: Political and cultural; valuing; systemic-organizational, and production. The conclusions summarize characteristics of these practices, specific phases in the accountability processes, as well as the potentialities and challenges of co-production of information and control, which not only influences, but it is also influenced by the accountability system.
No Estado de São Paulo, desenvolveu-se o Plano de Oftalmologia Sanitária Escolar, no período de 1973 a 1976, junto às escolas da rede de ensino oficial estadual, que se propunha a detectar distúrbios visuais de escolares, prover a devida assistência, respaldado por atividades educativas e proceder a levantamento de dados sobre a problemática oftalmológica existente. Mediante mecanismo de descentralização da organização dos serviços de Saúde e de Educação, o trabalho atingiu todas as regiões administrativas do Estado, com participação de grande contingente de pessoal da rede escolar, técnicos e especialistas em saúde, entidades governamentais, particulares e comunidade em geral. Considerando a metodologia empregada no Plano, o presente estudo aborda alguns aspectos referentes a: abrangência do programa, pessoal administrativo e docente atingido, identificação e assistência a problemas visuais de escolares.
This article describes an experimental study on ash deposition during the co-firing of bituminous coal with pine sawdust and olive stones in a laboratory furnace. The main objective of this study was to relate the ash deposit rates with the type of biomass burned and its thermal percentage in the blend. The thermal percentage of biomass in the blend was varied between 10% and 50% for both sawdust and olive stones. For comparison purposes, tests have also been performed using only coal or only biomass. During the tests, deposits were collected with the aid of an air-cooled deposition probe placed far from the flame region, where the mean gas temperature was around 640 degrees C. A number of deposit samples were subsequently analyzed on a scanning electron microscope equipped with an energy dispersive X-ray detector. Results indicate that blending sawdust with coal decreases the deposition rate as compared with the firing of unblended coal due to both the sawdust low ash content and its low alkalis content. The co-firing of coal and sawdust yields deposits with high levels of silicon and aluminium which indicates the presence of ashes with high fusion temperature and, thus, with less capacity to adhere to the surfaces. In contrast, in the co-firing of coal with olive stones the deposition rate increases as compared with the firing of unblended coal and the deposits produced present high levels of potassium, which tend to increase their stickiness.
The present work deals with preliminary studies concerning a new synthesis approach to prepare SAPO materials with AEL structure and evaluate their catalytic behavior in the hydroisomerization of long paraffins. The new SAPO-11 catalysts were synthesized with the help of a small amine (methylamine, MA) added during the preparation of the initial gel. As MA incorporates into the structure of the final materials, it contributes, together with DPA (dipropylamine), to an increase in Si incorporation as isolated species, which results in Bronsted acid sites. Thus, this new and original synthesis strategy allows to obtain materials with enhanced Bronsted acidity when compared with free MA materials. The catalysts were tested in n-decane hydroisomerization (n-decane was used as a model molecule) and confirmed the effect of MA on the acidic properties of the catalysts. The samples synthesized with MA present a higher number of acid sites that increase the catalytic conversion but have a negative effect in the isomerization selectivity, i.e. a more significant amount of cracking products is formed.
Procedeu-se à investigação de factores que influenciam a percepção da dor pós-operatória em doentes submetidos a cirurgia cardíaca, usando uma amostra de 93 indivíduos sujeitos a bypass coronário no ano de 2002, no hospital de Santa Marta, 78,5% do sexo masculino e com idades compreendidas entre os 39 e os 84 anos. O questionário utilizado no estudo abrangeu os seguintes factores: demográficos, cirúrgicos, percepção da saúde geral, saúde mental, expectativas de dor, apoio, autoeficácia e satisfação com o tratamento para a dor, com médicos e enfermeiros. Quanto à dor de uma forma geral, os pacientes deste estudo revelaram uma dor média às 24 horas; uma dor um pouco mais baixa mas ainda média às 48 horas; e ao quinto dia apresentaram uma dor baixa. Através da aplicação do teste t-student, observou-se que a dor máxima e média que os pacientes revelaram nas 24 horas que precederam as 96 horas, bem como a dor geral, foi em média de menor intensidade nos homens do que nas mulheres. Análises de correlação revelaram que existe correlação entre a experiência de dor global e as várias dores avaliadas. Observaram-se também correlações entre as expectativas de dor e a intensidade de dor, o apoio e a intensidade da dor, a autoeficácia relativa à dor e a intensidade de dor, a saúde mental no pós operatório e a intensidade de dor às 96 horas, dor máxima e dor média nas últimas 24 horas e dor global. De igual modo observaram-se correlações entre a saúde mental no período pré-operatório e a intensidade de dor às 48 horas, dor máxima nas últimas 24 horas e dor global. Observaram-se ainda correlações entre a saúde geral (medida por um item) e a intensidade de dor às 24 horas, 48 horas, dor máxima nas últimas 24 horas e dor global, assim como na saúde geral percepcionada (medida por escala) e a intensidade de dor às 48 horas, dor máxima nas últimas 24 horas e dor global. Observaram-se igualmente correlações entre a satisfação com o tratamento para a dor e a intensidade de dor às 48 horas, às 96 horas, dor máxima e dor média nas últimas 24 horas e dor global. Pode afirmar-se que os sujeitos que apresentaram expectativas de dor baixas, percepcionaram maior apoio, apresentaram níveis elevados de auto-eficácia para lidar com a dor, ou que pertenciam ao sexo masculino, sentiram menos dor. De igual modo, os sujeitos que apresentaram melhor saúde mental no pré e no pós-operatório, sentiram menos dor, excepto às 24 horas onde a dor provavelmente é de índole mais física. Relativamente à percepção da saúde geral, verificou-se que os sujeitos que percepcionaram a sua saúde como boa, sentiram menos dor. Os sujeitos que expressaram maior satisfação com o tratamento, sentiram igualmente menos dor. Analisaram-se os resultados relativamente aos de outros estudos sobre dor pós-operatória em cirurgia cardíaca e propuseram-se variáveis a abordar em estudos futuros nesta temática específica.
A co-incineração constitui um método de tratamento de resíduos industriais, introduzido em diversos países e proposto também em Portugal, como alternativa à construção de centrais de incineração “dedicada”. A co-incineração consiste na queima de resíduos, incluindo resíduos industriais perigosos, em fornos de fábricas cimenteiras, onde são utilizados como combustível. Motivos de ordem ambiental, assim como de ordem económica, têm sido invocados em defesa do recurso a esse método como parte de estratégias de gestão dos resíduos industriais.
Objectivo: Identificar os factores psicossociais que influenciam a percepção da dor pós-operatória em doentes submetidos a cirurgia de revascularização do miocárdio (CRM). Material e Métodos: Estudo exploratório correlacional de 91 doentes (71 homens e 20 mulheres) submetidos a CRM (pontagem aortocoronária) por esternotomia). A idade média era de 63,8 ± 9,6 anos (entre 39 e 84). Foram utilizados os seguintes instrumentos: Escala Analógica Visual às 24, 48 e 96 horas do pós-operatório; Questionário de Caracterização Demográfica; Mental Health Inventory de 5 itens; Percepção de Saúde Geral (SF-36); Escala de Expectativas de Dor; Escala de Percepção de Apoio; Escala de Expectativas de Auto-eficácia; Satisfação com o tratamento, médicos e enfermeiros (American Pain Society Questionnaire) aplicados às 96 horas após a cirurgia. Resultados: Os doentes que apresentaram expectativas elevadas de dor, percepcionaram maior apoio, apresentaram níveis elevados de auto-eficácia para lidar com a dor ou, se pertenciam ao sexo masculino, sentiram menos dor. De igual modo, os doentes que apresentaram melhor saúde mental, percepcionaram a sua saúde como boa e os doentes que expressaram maior satisfação com o tratamento sentiram menos dor. A dor não foi influenciada pela idade, grau de escolaridade ou pela satisfação com a conduta de médicos e enfermeiros. Conclusão: Após as primeiras 48 horas do pós-operatório, a experiência de dor é influenciada por factores psicossociais, em oarticular pela expectativa de dor, expectativa de auto-eficácia, apoio percebido, percepção da saúde geral, percepção de saúde mental e satisfação com o tratamento para a dor. Perante os resultados, evidencia-se a necessidade de conjugar conhecimentos no sentido de dar respostas mais alargadas e de carácter multidisciplinar no tratamento da dor pós-operatória em CRM devendo, a par de outros aspectos, focar-se na gestão das expectativas dos doentes. ABSTRACT - Objective: To identify the psychological factors that influence post-surgery pain perception in patients undergoing coronary artery bypass graft surgery (CABG). Methods: This was an exploratory correlational study of 91 patients (71 men and 20 women) who underwent CABG (aortocoronary anastomosis) by sternotomy. Mean age was 63.8 ± 9.6 years (between 39 and 84). The following instruments were used: visual analogical scales at 24, 48 and 96 hours of post-surgery; demographic characteristics survey; pain expectations scale; perceived support scale; self-efficacy scale, Mental Inventory (5 items); health perception scale; and satisfaction with treatment, doctors and nurses (American Pain Society questionnaire) at 96 hours after surgery. Results: Patients who had presented high expectations of pain, perceived more support, presented high levels of self-efficacy to deal with pain or were male, felt less pain. Furthermore, patients who presented better mental health, perceived their general health as being good, or expressed greater satisfaction with treatment, felt less pain. Pain was not influenced by age, level of education or satisfaction with doctors and nurses. Conclusion: After the first 48 hours following surgery, the pain experience is influenced by psychosocial factors, in particular by expectation of pain and of self-efficacy, perceived support, perception of general and mental health, and satisfaction with pain treatment. The results confirm the need to bring together different kinds of knowledge for a broad, multidisciplinary approach to postoperative CABG pain treatment, focusing, along with other aspects, on management of patients’ expectations.
A dor é uma das experiência humanas mais importantes, sendo basicamente uma experiência emocional. Os conhecimentos actuais sobre a importância e riqueza dos fenómenos psicológicos perante o acto cirúrgico evidenciam a necessidade de uma preparação psicológica cuidada. A intervenção psicológica, do psicólogo a par com os restantes profissionais deve focar a gestão das expectativas do doente dado que a dor é um dos aspectos deletérios da intervenção cirúrgica mais salientes. Objectivo do estudo - Identificar quais os factores psicossociais associados à percepção de dor, num grupo de doentes cardíacos, recentemente submetidos a intervenção cirúrgica.
The increasing endemicity of tuberculosis resulting from causes such as immigration, poverty, a declining public health infrastructure and co-infection by HIV/Mycobacterium tuberculosis, is leading to a change in tuberculosis control programmes. One of the main reasons for the resurgence of tuberculosis is HIV infection - the risk of tuberculosis is greater in HIV patients than in the majority of the population as can be seen from numerous research projects. The need for systematic testing for HIV infection in all tuberculosis patients by undertaking confidential HIV tests on admission to a tuberculosis programme is brought out. This measure would increase the number of cases diagnosed and provide data for better surveillance of the co-infection.
Oxide based diluted magnetic semiconductor (DMS) materials have been a subject of increasing interest due to reports of room temperature ferromagnetism in several systems and their potential use in the development of spintronic devices. However, concerns on the stability of the magnetic properties of different DMS systems have been raised. Their magnetic moment is often unstable, vanishing with a characteristic decay time of weeks or months, which precludes the development of real applications. This paper reports on the ferromagnetic properties of two-year-aged Ti1-xCoxO2-δ reduced anatase nanopowders with different Co contents (0.03≤x≤0.10). Aged samples retain rather high values of magnetization, remanence and coercivity which provide strong evidence for a quite preserved long-range ferromagnetic order. In what concern Co segregation, some degree of metastability of the diluted Co doped anatase structure could be inferred in the case of the sample with the higher Co content.
Since the discovery of ferromagnetism well above room temperature in the Co-doped TiO2 system, diluted magnetic semiconductors based on TiO2 doped with transition metals have generated great interest because of their potential use in the development of spintronic devices. The purpose of this paper is to report on a new and swift chemical route to synthesise highly stable anatase single-phase Co- and Fe-doped TiO2 nanoparticles, with dopant concentrations of up to 10 at.-% and grain sizes that range between 20 and 30 nm. Complementary structural, microstructural and chemical analyses of the different nanopowders synthesised strongly support the hypothesis that a homogeneous distribution of the dopant element in the substitutional sites of the anatase structure has been achieved. Moreover, UV/Vis diffuse reflectance spectra of powder samples show redshifts to lower energies and decreasing bandgap energies with increasing Co or Fe concentration, which is consistent with n-type doping of the TiO2 anatase matrix. Films of Co-doped TiO2 were successfully deposited onto Si (100) substrates by the dip-coating method, with suspensions of Ti1-xCOxO2 nanoparticles in ethylene glycol. ((C)Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, 69451 Weinheim, Germany, 2008).
This letter reports on the magnetic properties of Ti(1-x)Co(x)O(2) anatase phase nanopowders with different Co contents. It is shown that oxygen vacancies play an important role in promoting long-range ferromagnetic order in the material studied in addition to the transition-metal doping. Furthermore, the results allow ruling out the premise of a strict connection between Co clustering and the ferromagnetism observed in the Co:TiO(2) anatase system.
This work reports on the synthesis of chromium oxide thin films prepared by photodissociation of Cr(CO)(6) in an oxidizing atmosphere, using a pulsed UV laser (KrF, lambda = 248 nm). The experimental conditions, which should enable the synthesis of CrO2, are discussed and results on the deposition of CrxOy films on Al2O3 (0001) substrates are presented.
Co-deposition of nickel and cobalt was carried out on austenitic stainless steel (AISI 304) substrates by imposing a square waveform current in the cathodic region. The innovative procedure applied in this work allows creating a stable, fully developed, and open porous three-dimensional (3D) dendritic structure, which can be used as electrode for redox supercapacitors. This study investigates in detail the influence of the applied current density on the morphology, mass, and chemical composition of the deposited Ni-Co films and the resulting 3D porous network dendritic structure. The morphology and the physicochemical composition were studied by scanning electron microscopy (SEM), energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDS) and X-ray diffraction (W). The electrochemical behavior of the materials was evaluated by cyclic voltammetry (CV). The results highlight the mechanism involved in the coelectrodeposition process and how the lower limit current density tailors the film composition and morphology, as well as its electrochemical activity.
Mestrado em Medicina Nuclear - Área de especialização: Tomografia por Emissão de Positrões.