289 resultados para Brucella ovis


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Pós-graduação em Medicina Veterinária - FCAV


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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The aim of this study was to study the seroepidemiological profile of brucellosis and leptospirosis in horses traction Island Maiandeua, state of Para. In two distinct periods, blood samples were collected from 52 animals of both sexes and different ages (2 to 17 years), totaling 104 samples. For the research of antibodies anti-Brucella abortus were used in rapid agglutination test in plate. In the first harvest, none animal was positive, however in the second harvest there were three animals reactive serum. The research of antibodies anti-Leptospira spp. was performed with the use of the microscopic agglutination test (MAT), the first harvest was 23.07% reacting animals and 15.38% at the second harvest, for one or more Leptospira spp. with titers ranging from 100 to 200. The predominant serotype at first and second harvest was the Autumnalis 40% and 37.5% respectively. According to age, it was observed in group 1 (2 to 7 years) 27.78% and 13.89% respectively in the two samples and the second group (> 7 years) was found 12.50% and 18 75% of reactive serum. The results observed in this study demonstrated that the island of Maiandeua, state of Para, there is the presence of Leptospira spp, with the most frequent serovar autumnalis and possible exposure of animals to brucella smooth, suggesting low risk of infection in the population of horses examined.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Stress hormones in Rocky Mountain bighorn sheep (Ovis canadensis canadensis), produced in response to environmental changes, road development, or high population density, may impact their immune systems to a threshold level that predisposes them to periodic, large-scale mortality. We compared the stress response to a novel environmental situation and repeated handling between bighorn sheep born and raised in captivity (CR) and bighorn sheep born in the wild (WC) and brought into captivity. We measured plasma epinephrine, norepinephrine, cortisol, and fecal glucocorticoid metabolites (FGM). Three weeks after each group’s arrival we used a one-time drop-net event to elicit an acute stress response, and we collected blood samples from each sheep over 35 minutes, as well as one fecal sample. We collected blood and fecal samples from both groups on 7 other occasions over the subsequent 6 months. We also collected fecal samples from the pen at approximately 24-hour intervals for 3 days following every handling event to monitor the stress response to handling. We found that CR sheep had a stronger autonomic nervous system response than WC sheep, as measured by epinephrine and norepinephrine levels, but we found a very similar hypothalamic–pituitary–adrenal axis (HPA) response, measured by cortisol levels, to the acute stress event of a drop-net restraint. We also found that once the WC sheep had acclimated, as indicated by the return to the initial baseline FGM levels within 12 weeks, the CR and WC groups’ HPA responses to sampling events were not significantly different from one another. Fecal samples can provide a noninvasive mechanism for managers to monitor baseline FGM for a given herd. Using long-term monitoring of FGM rather than values from a single point in time may allow managers to correlate these levels to outside influences on the herd and better understand the impacts of management changes, population density, or increased human developments on the health of the sheep population.


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A sample of 608 adult pigs from Cape York and adjacent islands was examined for parasites and their serum tested for livestock diseases associated with the Queensland tropics. Feral pigs from North Queensland pose a significant health threat to humans with the incidence of Spargana (the plerocercoid of Spirometra erinacei) through the consumption of undercooked pork. Meliodosis (Pseudomonas pseudomalleO. Leptospirosis (L. yar. pomona). and Brucellosis (Brucella suis) are capable of infecting humans directly during unhygienic butchering of infected carcasses. In North Queensland, the widespread intermingled distribution of feral pigs and cattle increases the potential for the transmission of Actinobacillus, Leptospirosis, and Brucellosis from feral pigs to cattle. Both Europeans and Aborigines on Cape York also raise wild-caught feral pigs for meat. It is important to realize that parasites and diseases are present in young pigs and that poor husbandry practices increase the risk of infection from several parasites, i.e., Lungworm (Metastrongylus sp.) Stomach worm (Physocephalus sexalatus. Hvostrongvlus rubidus). Thorny headed worm (Macracanthorrhynchus hirudinaceus) and Kidney worm (Stephanurus dentatus). Heavy infection of these parasites reduce growth rates and cause unthriftiness in infected ani¬mals.


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Background: Porcine circovirus type 2 (PCV2) has been associated with several disease complexes, including reproductive failure. The aim of this study was to identify the subtypes of PCV2 that are associated with reproductive failure in pigs from the State of Sao Paulo, Brazil and to investigate co-infections with other infectious organisms. Findings: Samples of 168 aborted foetuses or mummified foetuses from five farrow-to-finish swine farms known to be infected with PCV2 and located in the State of Sao Paulo were tested for PCV2 by polymerase chain reaction (PCR). Positive samples were additionally tested for porcine parvovirus (PPV), Leptospira spp. and Brucella spp. by PCR. PCV2 was detected in 18 of the samples (10.7%). PPV, Brucella spp. and Leptospira spp were found in 2, 10 and 0 cases, respectively. Eleven PCV2 strains were sequenced and determined to be either genotype 2a (n = 1) or 2b (n = 10). Conclusions: The findings indicate that the frequency of PCV2 infections in aborted porcine foetuses from the State of Sao Paulo is rather low (10.7%) and that co-infection with other pathogens is common and may be involved in PCV2 associated reproductive failure. No repeatable, characteristic amino acid motifs for regions of the PCV2 capsid protein seemed to be associated with abortion in sows.


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The objective of the present study was to compare the performance of three serological tests for diagnosis of Brucella abortus infections in buffaloes (Bubalus bubalis). Serum samples collected from 696 adult females were submitted to the competitive enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISAC), (I-ELISA), fluorescence polarization test (FPA), 2-mercaptoethanol test (2-ME) and complement fixation test (CFT). The gold standard was the combination of CFT and 2-ME, considering as positive the reactors in both CFT and 2-ME, and as negative those non-reactors. ROC analyses were done for C-ELISA, I-ELISA and FPA and the Kappa agreement index were also calculated. The best combinations of relative sensitivity (SEr) and relative specificity (SPr) and Kappa were given by C-ELISA (96.9%, 99.1%, and 0.932, respectively) and FPA (92.2%, 97.6 and 0.836, respectively). The C-ELISA and FPA were the most promising confirmatory tests for the serological diagnosis of brucellosis in buffaloes, and for these tests, cut-off values for buffaloes may be the same as those used for bovines.


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Background Porcine circovirus type 2 (PCV2) has been associated with several disease complexes, including reproductive failure. The aim of this study was to identify the subtypes of PCV2 that are associated with reproductive failure in pigs from the State of São Paulo, Brazil and to investigate co-infections with other infectious organisms. Findings Samples of 168 aborted foetuses or mummified foetuses from five farrow-to-finish swine farms known to be infected with PCV2 and located in the State of São Paulo were tested for PCV2 by polymerase chain reaction (PCR). Positive samples were additionally tested for porcine parvovirus (PPV), Leptospira spp. and Brucella spp. by PCR. PCV2 was detected in 18 of the samples (10.7%). PPV, Brucella spp. and Leptospira spp were found in 2, 10 and 0 cases, respectively. Eleven PCV2 strains were sequenced and determined to be either genotype 2a (n = 1) or 2b (n = 10). Conclusions The findings indicate that the frequency of PCV2 infections in aborted porcine foetuses from the State of São Paulo is rather low (10.7%) and that co-infection with other pathogens is common and may be involved in PCV2 associated reproductive failure. No repeatable, characteristic amino acid motifs for regions of the PCV2 capsid protein seemed to be associated with abortion in sows.


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Durch die ansteigende Inzidenz und niedrige Mortalität steigt die Anzahl der überlebenden Männer nach Prostatakarzinom. Mit einer 5-Jahresprävalenz von 279.000 Männern stellte das Prostatakarzinom im Jahr 2010 den größten Anteil der Krebspatienten. Die absolute 5-Jahres-Überlebensrate liegt bei 78 %. Studien zur Lebensqualität dieser Langzeitüberlebenden (> 5 Jahre nach Diagnosestellung) beschränken sich meist auf bestimmte Therapien, schließen höhere Tumorstadien aus oder untersuchen nur die Wirkung von klinischen Einflussfaktoren. In Schleswig-Holstein wurde im Rahmen der populationsbezogenen OVIS- und CAESAR-Studie die Lebensqualität bei Männern mit bzw. nach Prostatakrebs zu drei Zeitpunkten erhoben (15 Monate, 3 ½ und 7 Jahre nach initialer Diagnose). Für die allgemeine krebsspezifische Lebensqualität (EORTC QLQ-C30) erfolgt eine Beschreibung des Verlaufs sowie ein Vergleich mit Referenzdaten aus der deutschen Allgemeinbevölkerung. Aus der dritten Befragung liegen auch Daten zur prostataspezifischen Lebensqualität (EORTC QLQ-PR25) vor. Mittels multipler linearer Regressionen werden für elf ausgewählte Lebensqualitätsskalen (mögliche Werte 0 bis 100) potenzielle Einflussfaktoren (klinisch, soziodemographisch, Lifestyle) untersucht. Die Lebensqualität der 911 Männer (medianes Alter bei Drittbefragung: 72 Jahre) nimmt im zeitlichen Verlauf nur gering, aber nicht klinisch relevant ab. Es zeigen sich nur geringe Unterschiede zur Lebensqualität der Referenzbevölkerung. Im absoluten Vergleich aller Skalen werden zum Zeitpunkt der Drittbefragung auf den prostataspezifischen Skalen die größten Einschränkungen berichtet. In den berechneten multiplen Regressionen war sieben Jahre nach Diagnose eine Krankheitsprogression auf allen untersuchten Skalen signifikant mit einer geringeren Lebensqualität assoziiert (niedrigster Regressionskoeffizient βadj -13,8, 95 %-CI -18,8; -8,8). Eine Strahlentherapie zeigte auf zehn, eine Hormontherapie auf fünf Skalen einen negativen Einfluss. Ebenfalls auf fünf Skalen war ein höherer Body-Mass-Index ein Prädiktor für eine geringere Lebensqualität. Auf allen Funktionsskalen war ein höherer Sozialstatus mit einer besseren Lebensqualität assoziiert und zeigte tendenziell einen größeren Einfluss als die initiale Therapie. Alleinstehende Männer berichteten eine geringere sexuelle Aktivität (βadj -7,5, 95 %-CI -13,8; -1,2) als Männer in einer Partnerschaft. Neben klinischen Faktoren beeinflussen auch soziodemographische Variablen die Lebensqualität von langzeitüberlebenden Männern nach bzw. mit Prostatakarzinom signifikant. Daher sollten in nicht-randomisierten Studien zum Adjustieren die entsprechenden Variablen (wie z. B. Body-Mass-Index, Sozialstatus, Partnerschaft) mit erhoben werden. Klinisch relevante Veränderungen der allgemeinen krebsspezifischen Lebensqualität finden – wenn überhaupt – innerhalb der ersten 15 Monate nach Diagnosestellung statt. Referenzdaten für die prostataspezifische Lebensqualität der Allgemeinbevölkerung liegen nicht vor. Eine Erhebung dieser scheint sinnvoll, da hier größere Unterschiede im Vergleich beider Gruppen erwartet werden.