959 resultados para Brasil - Politica econômica
Los ciudadanos hoy en día están más y mejor informados y son mucho más exigentes en cuanto al funcionamiento de las instituciones públicas, tienen expectativas más altas de sus gobiernos y demandan la provisión de servicios de calidad de manera transparente, efectiva y oportuna. Por esta razón, uno de los mayores desafíos que enfrentan los gobiernos de la región es la falta de confianza de los ciudadanos en las instituciones públicas. Es por eso que la gestión pública efectiva representa una necesidad imperativa para abordar el desafío mencionado. En este contexto, el concepto de gobierno abierto llega en buena hora para atender estas demandas ciudadanas. Con el objetivo de profundizar la democracia en las Américas, la OEA, a través de distintos programas, promueve los principios de gobierno abierto para que las instituciones públicas de la región sean cada vez más transparentes, efectivas y cuenten con mecanismos de participación ciudadana.
Reflexão sobre a participação de partidos políticos da base do governo nos ministérios, a estabilidade política e a eficacidade das políticas públicas no país.
Investors were wrong to believe in change for the better; Brazil is stuck for at least two years
This document brings together in a succinct form the available data about the current state of the Creative and Advanced Technology Economy of Brazil, presents some suggestions for public policies which can contribute to the development of technological and creative activities, and also points to issues to be studied and actions to be carried out in the future.
Pesquisador da DAPP, Luis Felipe da Graça, comenta a resolução do Tribunal Superior Eleitoral que obriga partidos a terem diretório municipal constituído nas cidades onde pretendem lançar candidato a prefeito
The objectives of these notes are two. The first objective is to analyze whether the strategy of growth with absorption of foreign savings leads to a trajectory of the economy that is sustainable in the long run. The second one is to evaluate the possibility of success of a policy of administered devaluation of the exchange rate in Brazil.
This note addresses the question “To what extent financial regulation in Brazil was effective in neutralizing the tendency to the overvaluation of the exchange rate in Brazil since the 1994 Real Plan?” Aiming at answering this question, this note is organized as follows: after this short introduction, we briefly describe the Brazilian exchange rate behavior after the Real Plan, emphasizing its key role in keeping prices stable. In section 3, the recent measures adopted by the Brazilian Central Bank (BCB) aiming at avoiding the overvaluation of real will be summarized. In section 4, we argue in favor of a new policy mix that could avoid overvaluation of the currency. Finally, some issues will be raised in order to effectively neutralize the overvaluation of real.
This paper attempts to understand the Brazilian financial crisis mainly from an ‘endogenous-failure’ perspective. It argues that the general mechanisms that led to this financial crisis were in essence endogenous to the workings of an economy facing a sudden liberalisation, a surge in capital inflows, ineffective regulation and weak governance. This paper will also argue that within this general framework, there is a very specific ‘Minskyian’ feature to the Brazilian crisis, which made it different from other financial crises both in Latin America and in East Asia: how a particularly radical monetary policy led to a major financial fragility in the financial sector and State finances, and to an unmanageable Ponzi finance in the accounts of the Federal Government.