875 resultados para Bourdieu


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In recent times the sociology of childhood has played an important role in challenging the dominance of Piagetian models of child development in shaping the way we think about children and childhood. What such work has successfully achieved is to increase our understanding of the socially constructed nature of childhood; the social competence and agency of children; and the diverse nature of children’s lives, reflecting the very different social contexts within which they are located. One of the problems that has tended to be associated with this work, however, is that in its critique of developmentalism it has tended simply to replace one orthodoxy (psychology) with another (sociology) rather than providing the opportunity to transcend this divide. The purpose of this paper is to demonstrate some of the potential ways in which the sociological/psychological divide might be transcended and the benefits of this for understanding, more fully, the ‘production’ of children’s schooling identities. In particular it shows how some of the key sociological insights to be found in the work of Bourdieu may be usefully extended by the work inspired by the developmental psychologist, Vygotsky. The key arguments are illustrated by reference to ethnographic data relating to the schooling experiences and identities of a group of 5-6 year old working class boys.


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This paper presents the findings of a large-scale survey (n = 1,049) of the ethnic awareness and attitudes of 3-4 year old children in Northern Ireland. In drawing upon and applying Bourdieu’s notion of habitus, the paper demonstrates how even at this age, the children are already beginning to embody and internalize the cultural habits and dispositions of their respective ethnic groups. This was found in relation to the children’s: friendships choices; preferences for particular national flags; and dispositions towards specific sports associated with their respective communities. Informed by the work of Bourdieu, the paper concludes by arguing for the need for greater use of quantitative methods employing multivariate and multilevel statistical analyses and for these to be based on a more open and meaningful engagement with the findings of indepth qualitative and ethnographic research in this area.


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O presente trabalho inscreve-se no domínio da etnomusicologia e propõe-se abordar o fenómeno das bandas filarmónicas em Portugal numa perspetiva eminentemente histórica, usando como recursos metodológicos a pesquisa de arquivo e o trabalho de campo. Tomando como exemplo a Banda de Música de Santiago de Riba-Ul, que se autodesigna “a banda mais antiga de Portugal”, e tentando contextualizar a sua existência bicentenária no movimento filarmónico nacional, procurei explorar o desenvolvimento que o grupo teve ao longo do tempo, a partir da análise de documentos de arquivo em articulação com os discursos produzidos no domínio da oralidade e do periodismo local. Através da análise histórica reflito sobre movimentos semelhantes aos da implantação de agrupamentos filarmónicos na Europa, a estrutura democratizada e multifuncional que foram adquirindo ao longo do tempo, os espaços de ocorrência, o repertório e os instrumentos. Tendo em conta que o universo das bandas filarmónicas em Portugal representa ainda um domínio pouco estudado, procurei neste trabalho definir um quadro conceptual sobre as diferentes designações associadas a agrupamentos de sopro em Portugal, que recorre à história como ferramenta essencial para o entendimento da relação entre designações e conceitos a partir da análise de funções, contextos e repertórios. Através do estudo de caso da Banda de Música de Santiago de Riba-Ul, procurei estabelecer um modelo de análise que é revelador sobre o modo como, em muitos casos, as bandas usam o passado (real, imaginado, vivido ou mitificado), transformado em memória semântica, como forma de legitimar o presente, convertendo a própria banda num documento/monumento. Esse estatuto conduz à reprodução do modelo de polivalência que o passado lhe legou e oferece-lhe, através de um jogo coerente de cumplicidades no seio do movimento filarmónico em Portugal, um lugar cativo no macrocosmos que aqui defini como um campo social institucional, a partir da proposta conceptual de Bourdieu.


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Background: There is growing concern surrounding the ‘racialised’ body and the way young people develop dispositions towards physical activity (PA) and sports, and more broadly to physical culture. This paper draws on Bourdieu's social theory in an effort to explore the ways in which the intersectionality of various fields (family, religion and school) and their dimensions (culture and social class) influence young Muslims' physical culture. Purpose: More specifically the paper examines the ‘racialised’ pedagogic practices in various fields that influence young Muslims' dispositions to physical culture. Method: The study reports on the voices of 40 participants identifying as young Muslims (12–15 years old; 20 girls and 20 boys) from one secondary school in the South of England, UK. A case study approach was used to explore participants’ understanding, meaning, structural conditions and personal agency with regard to physical culture and ‘racialised’ body pedagogies. Data include semi-structured paired interviews with participants. Data were analysed using thematic analysis. More specifically, thematic analysis based on the notion of ‘fields' informed deductive and inductive procedures. Findings: Results suggested that religion had limited influence on the participants' agency when intersecting with schooling and social class with regard to embodiment of active physical culture. Economic capital, on the other hand, had a considerable influence on participants’ physical culture as it contributed to young people's access to PA opportunities, agency and body pedagogies. In addition, the study concludes that fields outside the school play a significant role in influencing and enabling young Muslims’ physical culture. Conclusions: One of the most significant implications of this study is emphasising that young Muslims should not be viewed as a homogenous group as various fields intersect to influence their participation in physical education and their embodiment of physical culture. Identified fields and their markers make dispositions unique, dependent upon characteristics and their relative influence.


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Dissertação de mest., Ciências da Educação e da Formação (Observação e Análise da Relação Educativa), Faculdade de Ciências Humanas e Sociais, Univ. do Algarve, 2011


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Pour montrer comment s'articulent les mécanismes de l'interprétation dans la chanson populaire, nous nous sommes inspirée [inspirés] de travaux de sociologues qui se sont penchés sur la chanson depuis une vingtaine d'années (Authelain, Buxton, Calvet, Giroux, Hennion, Frith, Middleton) ou sur le marché des biens symboliques (Bourdieu), ainsi que de la sémiologie musicale de Jean-Jacques Nattiez. Comme lui, nous avons identifié un processus poïétique, un niveau neutre et un processus esthésique dans la pratique de la chanson, processus qui se dédoublent dans la chanson populaire selon le point d'ancrage de l'analyse: la partition (la trace, constituant un premier"niveau neutre") puis la chanson interprétée (ou résultat musical, qui constitue un second"niveau neutre"). Nous avons par la suite identifié les différents lieux où entre en jeu l'interprétation: chez les exécutants (musiciens et interprètes) qui actualisent la partition, produisant ainsi la chanson interprétée; dans le processus de production/promotion, où s'élaborent l'image de marque de l'artiste et les discours promotionnels; chez le public où l'interprétation apparaît aussi sous ses deux facettes, c'est-à-dire l'exécution possible par les auditeurs/spectateurs, mais surtout la lecture que propose le discours critique. Un exemple précis, l'album D'instinct (1995) de l'auteur/compositeur/interprète Richard Séguin, nous a permis de mettre à l'épreuve ce modèle ainsi qu'une méthode d'analyse qui permet à la fois de se pencher sur une chanson et sur la chanson. Dans un premier temps, nous avons analysé une chanson à partir de la partition puis de la chanson interprétée (sous forme de chanson, d'album, de vidéoclip et de spectacle), sans tenir compte des discours que l'on tient sur cette chanson. Dans un deuxième temps, notre attention s'est portée sur la chanson, analysant l'objet"chanson" transformé par les discours, puis les discours eux-mêmes. Ces analyses nous ont permis de nous pencher sur l'interprétation, d'abord comme exécution (de la partition), et surtout comme lecture, puis de schématiser le réseau des discours, promotionnels et critiques, qui circulent entre l'artiste (et sa musique) et l'auditeur/spectateur. Notre recherche s'intéresse ainsi de façon nouvelle à la chanson populaire et la méthode d'analyse que nous proposons permet de tenir compte de la spécificité de son objet: une approche multidisciplinaire s'imposait pour étudier un phénomène pluridimensionnel comme la chanson. Aussi, les résultats de nos analyses confirment que le modèle et la méthode sont opératoires, mais surtout, ils laissent entrevoir de nombreuses possibilités d'analyses nouvelles d'une/de la chanson, analyses qui permettraient d'en saisir le caractère stylistique, les qualités esthétiques, etc. et même, il nous semble qu'ils pourraient s'avérer tout aussi opératoires appliqués à d'autres corpus."--Résumé abrégé par UMI


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Tese de doutoramento, Educação (História da Educação), Universidade de Lisboa, Instituto de Educação, 2015


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Thesis (Ph.D.)--University of Washington, 2015


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Tese apresentada para cumprimento dos requisitos necessários à obtenção do grau de Doutor em Sociologia e Economia Histórica


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Pensar o espaço implica perceber as características e as problemáticas que surgem quando se fala dele. Implica estudar que definições e conceções lhe foram dadas para ter uma base solida de reflexão. Desde modo, é necessário rever as conceções políticas, etológicas, geográficas e sociológicas do espaço para entender o tipo de territórios que elas sugerem. É necessário também perceber como um território é percecionado e se deixa percecionar pelo um agente constituindo o espaço vivido desse agente. O território nasce pelas relações e ações que os vários agentes têm enquanto as determina. Essas ações e relações estão ligadas ao corpo da terra e as técnicas presentes num determinado território no qual um agente se insere, em função do capital cultural e económico desse agente. Existe um espaço social (Bourdieu, 1979) e um imaginário espacial que determina e é determinado por um ambiente territorial. É esse imaginário e esse ambiente que determina as ações, os desejos e as criações dos agentes e que atualizam o agente. É desta forma que se tem de falar do devir, de um constante “tornarse” tanto para o agente que para o território. Não se pode pensar o território humano sem as interações que os agentes têm entre eles é com o território. Interações que são, como veremos, ligadas a perceção (imaginário) do espaço em função do tipo de espaço. Desde modo, não se pode separar o imaginário do espaço real tal como não se pode separar as interações entre os homens das interações com as técnicas. Este todo, com a noção do constante “tornar-se”, é o território, já é o território. O que nos leva a falar do movimento do território que não para de tornar-se, de mudar, que não para de se desterritorializar e de se reterritorializar. O território é assim inseparável de um agente tal como é inseparável da desterritorialização. Ao aprofundar essa noção de G. Deleuze e F. Guatarri, poderemos pensar no território como um agenciamento ou uma multiterritorialiadade tanto de forma micro como macro-política. No entanto, antes dessa afirmação, será necessário entender como se pode concetualizar o espaço, que características e intensidades um certo espaço reflete. Para tal, veremos a distinção e a relação entre o espaço do sedentário dito estriado, e o espaço do nómada dito liso (Deleuze, Guatarri, 1980). Dois espaço que fluem e se alimentam um no outro em função das suas características e dos agentes que se inserem neles. Contudo, pensar o espaço é o contrário de o fechar numa nova definição, mas é entender que movimento ele sugere e como esse movimento pode responder a compreensão do homem e da sociedade. Como é que hoje, o ambiente ou o agenciamento territorial pode ser considerado como móbil, ou seja, como surge uma multiterritorialidade e como passar de um território a outro pelo movimento de territorialização. Desde modo, é preciso pensar no espaço como algo de aberto, de móbil.


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This thesis examines Death of a Ghost (1934), Flowers for the Judge (1935), Dancers in Mourning (1937), and The Fashion in Shrouds (1938), a group of detective novels by Margery Allingham that are differentiated from her other work by their generic hybridity. The thesis argues that the hybrid nature of this group of Campion novels enabled a highly skilled and insightful writer such as Allingham to negotiate the contradictory notions about the place of women that characterized the 1930s, and that in dOing so, she revealed the potential of one of the most popular and accessible genres, the detective novel of manners, to engage its readers in a serious cultural dialogue. The thesis also suggests that there is a connection between Allingham's exploration of modernity and femininity within these four novels and her personal circumstances. This argument is predicated upon the assumption that during the interwar period in England several social and cultural attitudes converged to challenge long-held beliefs about gender roles and class structure; that the real impact of this convergence was felt during the 1930s by the generation that had come of age in the previous decade-Margery Allingham's generation; and that that generation's ambivalence and confusion were reflected in the popular fiction of the decade. These attitudes were those of twentieth-century modernity--contradiction, discontinuity, fragmentation, contingency-and in the context of this study they are incorporated in a literary hybrid. Allingham uses this combination of the classical detective story and the novel of manners to examine the notion of femininity by juxtaposing the narrative of a longstanding patriarchal and hierarchical culture, embodied in the image of the Angel in the House, with that of the relatively recent rights and freedoms represented by the New Woman of the late nineteenth-century. Pierre Bourdieu's theory of social difference forms the theoretical foundation of the thesis's argument that through these conflicting narratives, as well as through the lives of her female characters, Allingham questioned the Hsocial myth" of the time, a prevailing view that, since the First World War, attitudes toward the appropriate role and sphere of women had changed.


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This research uses the work of Pierre Bourdieu as a starting point for an examination of women's experiences during the pre-tenure stages of their academic career. This thesis is based on six semi-structured interviews with six tenured academic women in the Faculty of Social Sciences at a medium sized Ontario University. I explore the ranges of experiences that the women report encountering during their pre-tenure years, as well as demonstrate how these experiences are gendered. Through my analysis, I find that women's experiences in academia are shaped by a culture that legitimates their existence in the academic field insofar as they embody the dispositions that reinforce the gendered structure of the academic institution. I argue that being measured according to a prototypical male standard creates difficulties for academic women during their pre-tenure years.


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This research is a qualitative study of cultural reproduction and resistance from students' perspectives. Thirteen teenagers (eight in attendance in regular high schools and five drop-outs) were recruited to take part and were involved to varying degrees through interviews, journal writing, and group interactive sessions. A purposive sampling design was used initially to recruit individuals known to the researcher through contacts in an alternate education setting. Other participants were recruited throughout the research phase. The theoretical aspects are premised on the work of Paul Willis, Michel Foucault, and Pierre Bourdieu. The reflexive praxeology of Bourdieu reflects the position taken as one way of understanding how students construct and respond to the situations of cultural dominance they experience in schools. The same reflexivity is offered for suggestions as to how teachers can respond to their own position in the education system.