846 resultados para Boron mobility
Contient : Histoire du Saint-Graal, par ROBERT DE BORON. « [C]hil ki se tient et juge au plus peceor de tous, mande salus... » [Le Saint Graal, éd. Hucher, II, 3, note] ; « ... et commenche messire ROBERS en tel manière [Ibid., III, 303], comme vos poerés oïr, s'il est ki le vos die. Or nous consaut Sainte Marie. Explicit li commencemens de l'estoire del s. Graal, et chi après vient l'estoire de Merlin. Dieu nous maint tous à boine fin. Amen. » [Cf. l'explicit dans le ms. franç. 95] ; Histoire de Merlin, par ROBERT DE BORON. « Mout fut iriés li anemis, quant nostre sires ot estei en enfer... » ; «... si come li contes le vous devisera cha avant. Explicit l'enserrement de Merlin. Diex nous maint tous à boine fin. Amen »
This qualitative study was designed to inquire about the barriers to participation within the fitness industry for people living with mobility challenges. i\n examination of the insights, stolies~ and experiences with barriers through interviews gi ven by 4 people living with mobility challenges (PMC) formed the core of the research. An analysis of the interviews from the 4 PMC informants was performed at t\\/O levels. First, a content analysis served to identify general and specific categories related to barrier issues within various fitness environments. Secondly, in-depth thematic analyses of the entries related to the insights and stories from the 4 informants which emerged from the content analysis of the data gave rise to fi ve thematic statements. From the thematic statements a fitness industry awareness protocol was created in the fonn of a statement response questionnaire. The protocol, which was given to 4 fitness assessors/trainers, \vas used to provide a snapshot of the fitness industry's readiness to work vvith disability. Throughout the process, the four PNIC informants formed a collaborati vely involved group of coresearchers, adding their voices to the narrative of the fitness-barrier experience. The result of the study suggests that barriers to participation within the fitness industry for PMC exist in various forms and levels of severity. The results also suggest that the fitness industry needs to better prepare their people and environment for working with people with physical disabilities, such as PMC, and provide a more open and positi ve environment for participation. Within the context of any fitness-related environment, recognizing that barriers to participation do exist, and acknowledging and accepting people with disabilities for who they are as indi viduals, will serve to develop a relationship where fitness practitioners and people with disabilities can work towards creating an inviting, inclusive, accessible, and barrier-free fitness environment for all.
PreVi011.3 ':i or~ : indicat e('. tk~t ho t~)rE's sed ~-Al B 12 1i~2, ~' a semiconductor. r:Toreove r , the s i mpl.(~ electronic t heory also indi cates that ~ -AIB1 2 should be a semico nductor, since thf're is one nonbonding e 'Le ctrofl per AlB12- uni t. JPor these reasons, we decided to measure t he electrical n ropert i ~ s of ~ -AlB1 2 single crystal s . Singl e crystal s of¥- AIB 12 ab ou t 1 x 1 r1n1 . size were grown from a copper mel t at 12500 C. The melt technique coupled. 1,vi th slow cooling vilas used because of i ts advantages such as : siTYInle set- up of the expe rimon t ; only e ;l.sil y available c hemi cals are required and it i s a c omparatively strair::bt forvvard y,le t hod still yielding crystal s big enouGh for OtU' purpose . Copper rms used as a solvent , i nst8ad of previOl.wly used aluminum , because it allows c.l.'ystal growth at hig he r t emneratures. HovlGver, the cry s tals of ] -AlB12 shm'red very hi gh res i s t ance a t r oom temperature . From our neasureJ'lents we conclude that the r esistivity of j3- Al B12 is, at least, given as ~ = 4. x 107 oblD .em •• Those results are inc ons i s t ent wi 'uh the ones .. reported by IIiss Khin fo r bot- pressed j3-AlB12 g i ven a s = 7600 ohm . em . or I e s s . ' Since tbe hot pressing was done at about 800 - ' 9000C i n ~ rap hi te moul ds 1,7i th 97% AlB12- p oVJder, vie thi nk there is pas s ib i 1 i ty th a.t lower borides or borot] carbide are , being formed, ':.Jhich are k11 own to be good semiconductors . v7e tried to ro-pe r-AlB12 by addi'J,'?: agents s uch as l:Ig , IG.-InO 4. ' HgS04 , KI12PO 4·' etc. to t he melt .. However , all these re age 11 t eel either reduced the yield and size of t lJe crystals or r;ave crystals of high r esis'can ce again. We think tba t molten copper keeps t he i mpurities off . There is also a pos s i bil i ty t hc:!,t these doping agents get oxidi~::;ed at '1 250°C • Hence, we co ~ clud e that J -AIB12 has v~ ry high r es i stance at r oom temperature . This was a l s o C011 - fi rmed by checki ng the siYlgle and. polycrystals of .~-AIB12 from Norton Co., Ontario and Cooper Nletallurgical Association. Boron carbide has been reported to be a semiconductor with ~ - 0.3 to 0.8 ohm . cm. for hotpres sed s araples. Boron carbide b e inq: struct urally related to ¥-AIB12 , we de cided to study the electrical prone rties of it~ Single crystals. These crystals were cut from a Single melt grovvn crystal a t Norton Co., Ontario. The resistivity of th," se crystal s was measured by the Van der Pam-v' s ~ nethod, which \vas very c onvenient fo r our crystal sha-pp.s. Some of the crystals showed resistivity ~ == 0.50 ob,Tn.cr] . i n agreement with the previously reported results . However , a few crystals showed lower resistivity e.g . 0 .13 and 0.20 ohm.cra • • The Hall mobility could .not be measured and th8reiore i s lower than 0 .16 em 2 v - 1 sec -1 • This is in agreement \vith t he re1)orted Hall mobility for pyrolytic boron . _ 2 -1 -1 carbide as 0.13 cm v sec • We also studied the orientation of the boron carbide crystals by the Jjaue-method. The inclination of c-axis with res pect to x-ray be81Il was det ermined . This was found to be 100 t o 20° f or normal resistivity sarnples (0.5 ohm . cm.) and 27 - 30° for t he lower r esistivity samples (0.1 ~5 to 0.20 ohm.cm .). This indica tes the possibility that th.e r es if.1tivity of B13C3 i s orientation dependent.
Reactions of the boron halides with organic halides and organo-silicon compounds have been investigated. The results show exchange of halogens between the BX3 (X = Br# 1) and the organic halidef exchange of the halogen of the C-X bond being proved. The rates of halogen exchange vary. Reaction of the heavier halides with organo-silicon compounds indicated that the silicon-carbon bonds ruptured in the absence of electronegative atom attached to the silicon. The presence of an electronegative atom (halogen or oxygen) attached to the silicon causes the bond between the silicon and the electronegative atom to be preferentially broken. Products of exchange reactions of the boron halides and the organic halides or the organo-silicon compounds were studied by use of 1H NMR and GC/MS. From these results some possible mechanisms for the exchange reactions are postulated, but further work is indicated to prove the real courses of the reactions
Nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy has been used to study donor-acceptor complexes of boron trifluoride with several ureas, tetramethylthiourea, tetramethylselenourea, and tetramethylquanidine as well as adducts of tetramethyl- -urea with BF2Cl, BFC1 2 , and BC1 3 - A large number of mixed tetrahaloborate ions, including some of the ternary ones such as BF2CIBr-,have been obtained by ligand exchange reactions and studied by NMR techniques. The bonding in these ions is of the same inherent interest as the bonding in the isoelectronic tetrahalomethanes which have been the subject of many detailed studies and have been involved in a controversy concerning the existence of and the nature of "fluorine hyperconjugation" or C-F P1T- Pn bonding_ Ligand exchange reactions also gave rise to the difluoroboron cation, (TMU)20BF2+o The difluoroboron cation has been observed in solutions of TMU-BF3 , and has been proposed as a possible intermediate for fluorine exchange reactions in BF3 adducts.
Nanoporous materials with large surface area and well-ordered pore structure have been synthesized. Thiol groups were grafted on the materials' surface to make heavy metal ion pre-concentration media. The adsorption properties ofthe materials were explored. Mercury, gold and silver can be strongly adsorbed by these materials, even in the presence of alkaline earth metal ion. Though the materials can adsorb other heavy metal ions such as lead and copper, they show differential adsorption ability when several ions are present in solution. The adsorption sequence is: mercury> == silver> copper » lead and cadmium. In the second part of this work, the memory effects of mercury, gold, silver and boron were investigated. The addition of 2% L-cysteine and 1% thiourea eliminates the problems of the three metal ions completely. The wash-out time for mercury dropped from more than 20 minutes to 18 seconds, and the wash-out time for gold decreased from more than 30 minutes to 49 seconds. The memory effect of boron can be reduced by the use of mannitol.
Boron tribalide complexes of 1,1-bis(dimethylamino)ethylene (DME) , t etramethylurea (TMU), tetramethylguanidine (TMG) , and pentamethylguanidine (PMG) and also mixed boron t r ihalide adducts of DME have been investigated by 1H and 19F NMR spectroscopy. Both nitrogen and the C-Q-H carbon of DME are possible donor a toms to boron trihal ides but complexation has been found to occur only at carbon of DME. The initial adduct acts as a Bronsted acid and gives up a proton to free DME in solut ion. A side reaction in the DME-BF, system gives rise to trace amounts of a complex aSSigned as (DME)2BF2+. (DME)2BF2+ is produced in much larger quantities in t he DME-BF3-BC13 and DME-BF,-BBr, systems by reaction of free DME with DME:BF2X (X = Cl, Br). Restricted r otation about the C-N bonds of TMUlBC13 and n1U:BBr3 has been observed at low temperatures. This complements previous work in this system and confirms oxygen donation of TMU to boron trihalides . Restricted rotation at low temperatures also has been observed in DMEboron trihalide systems
Boron trihalide and mixed boron trihalide adducts of trimethylamine have been prepared, and characterized by proton and fluorine N.M.R. spectroscopy. The acceptor power of the boron trihalides was seen to increase in the order BF3 < BC13 < BBr3 < BI3, corroborating previous evidence. The mixed boron trihalides had intermediate Lewis acidities. Solution reactions between adducts and free boron trihalides rapidly led to the formation of mixed adducts when the free boron trihalide is a stronger Lewis acid than that in the adduct. A slower reaction is observed when the free BX3 is a weaker Lewis aoid than that complexed. The mechanism of halogen exchange leading to the mixed (CH3)3NBX3 adducts was investigated. 10B labelling experiments precluded B-N bond rupture as a possible mechanism in solution; results are discussed in terms of halogen-bridged intermediates. Pre-ionization may be important for some systems. At higher temperatures, during gas phase reactions,B-N coordinate bond rupture may be the initial step of reaction. Two mixed adduots, namely (CH3)3NBClBr2 and (CH3)3NBHOIBr were prepared and characterized by Mass Spectrometry
This qualitative investigation explored the professional experiences of 3 Ontario teachers who have mobility challenges. The study’s participants (2 male and 1 female) were Ontario teachers who have permanent physical disabilities that challenge their means of mobility. Each participant has an Ontario Certified Teaching License and has either taught or is currently teaching in an Ontario school. My primary source of data collection was a semi-structured face-to-face interview with each participant. The focus of the interview was participant perspectives. Data analysis was accomplished in 3 phases. Data analysis generated 5 prominent themes of commonality among participants: (a) independence and sacrifice, (b) living with pain, (c) barriers and obstacles, (d) the importance of communication, and (e) professional benefits and personal rewards.
Rapport de recherche
This article studies mobility patterns of German workers in light of a model of sector-specific human capital. Furthermore, I employ and describe little-used data on continuous on-the-job training occurring after apprenticeships. Results are presented describing the incidence and duration of continuous training. Continuous training is quite common, despite the high incidence of apprenticeships which precedes this part of a worker's career. Most previous studies have only distinguished between firm-specific and general human capital, usually concluding that training was general. Inconsistent with those conclusions, I show that German men are more likely to find a job within the same sector if they have received continuous training in that sector. These results are similar to those obtained for young U.S. workers, and suggest that sector-specific capital is an important feature of very different labor markets. In addition, they suggest that the observed effect of training on mobility is sensible to the state of the business cycle, indicating a more complex interaction between supply and demand that most theoretical models allow for.
Rapport de recherche