977 resultados para Big Four Banks
In recent years, increasing focus has been made on making good business decisions utilizing the product of data analysis. With the advent of the Big Data phenomenon, this is even more apparent than ever before. But the question is how can organizations trust decisions made on the basis of results obtained from analysis of untrusted data? Assurances and trust that data and datasets that inform these decisions have not been tainted by outside agency. This study will propose enabling the authentication of datasets specifically by the extension of the RESTful architectural scheme to include authentication parameters while operating within a larger holistic security framework architecture or model compliant to legislation.
Twitter ist eine besonders nützliche Quelle für Social-Media-Daten: mit dem Twitter-API (dem Application Programming Interface, das einen strukturierten Zugang zu Kommunikationsdaten in standardisierten Formaten bietet) ist es Forschern möglich, mit ein wenig Mühe und ausreichenden technische Ressourcen sehr große Archive öffentlich verbreiteter Tweets zu bestimmten Themen, Interessenbereichen, oder Veranstaltungen aufzubauen. Grundsätzlich liefert das API sehr langen Listen von Hunderten, Tausenden oder Millionen von Tweets und den Metadaten zu diesen Tweets; diese Daten können dann auf verschiedentlichste Weise extrahiert, kombiniert, und visualisiert werden, um die Dynamik der Social-Media-Kommunikation zu verstehen. Diese Forschung ist häufig um althergebrachte Fragestellungen herum aufgebaut, wird aber in der Regel in einem bislang unbekannt großen Maßstab durchgeführt. Die Projekte von Medien- und Kommunikationswissenschaftlern wie Papacharissi und de Fatima Oliveira (2012), Wood und Baughman (2012) oder Lotan et al. (2011) – um nur eine Handvoll der letzten Beispiele zu nennen – sind grundlegend auf Twitterdatensätze aufgebaut, die jetzt routinemäßig Millionen von Tweets und zugehörigen Metadaten umfassen, erfaßt nach einer Vielzahl von Kriterien. Was allen diesen Fällen gemein ist, ist jedoch die Notwendigkeit, neue methodische Wege in der Verarbeitung und Analyse derart großer Datensätze zur medienvermittelten sozialen Interaktion zu gehen.
Reality television, alongside shows such as Q&A – which may be Reality TV in all but name – frequently drives social media conversations about the Australian television industry. Big Brother, currently screening on Channel 9, is consistently among the shows with the highest levels of chatter in that regard. The precise Facebook data is hard to quantify but the Official Big Brother page boasts 805,400 likes and more than 59,000 comments since the start of the series, suggesting it has established a firm presence on that platform too...
Glutathione transferases (GSTs) catalyzing the conjugation of glutathione with electrophilic substrates are important enzymes in the metabolism of xenobiotics. Several isozymes exhibit polymorphisms in humans. The two deletion polymorphisms of hGSTM1 and hGSTT1 result in total loss of enzyme activity in homozygous null genotype (GSTM1*0 and GSTT1*0 respectively) individuals (Seidegård et al. 1988; Pemble et al. 1994). Individuals that are heterozygous for hGSTT1 show distinctly lower enzyme activities than individuals carrying two functional alleles of hGSTT1 (Wiebel et al. 1996). A similar effect is conceivable for the hGSTM1 polymorphism but has not been verified so far.
The concepts of traffic safety culture and climate hold considerable impact on road safety outcomes. Data sourced from four Australian organisations revealed a five factor structure that was consistent with previous research, which were: management commitment; work demands; relationships; appropriateness of rules; and communication. Correlation and regression analyses were conducted to identify which aspects of fleet safety climate were related to driver behaviours. The findings suggest that organisations may be able to reduce the likelihood of employees engaging in unsafe driving behaviours as a result of fatigue or distractions through increasing aspects of fleet safety climate, including: management commitment; level of trust; safety communication; appropriateness of work demands; and appropriateness of safety policies and procedures. To assist practitioners in enhancing fleet safety climate and managing occupational road risks, recommendations are made based on these findings, such as fostering a supportive environment of mutual responsibility.
Can I write across media? Yes and no. No, I can’t begin writing a sentence with a pen on paper and then use that pen to write on a screen. I have to change my tools. But, I can use those different tools to write a story that begins in paper and ends on the screen. At it most fundamental level, this is transmedia. Transmedia is not synonymous with digital media as it often involves both digital and nondigital media. A transmedia writer is also not synonymous with writers who write both screenplays and novels. Instead, transmedia often involves the continuation of a story across media.
The existence of a healthy immigrant effect—where immigrants are on average healthier than the native born—is a widely cited phenomenon across a multitude of literatures including epidemiology and the social sciences. There are many competing explanations. The goals of this paper are twofold: first, to provide further evidence on the presence of the healthy immigrant effect across source and destination country using a set of consistently defined measures of health; and second, to evaluate the role of selectivity as a potential explanation for the existence of the phenomenon. Utilizing data from four major immigrant recipient countries, USA, Canada, UK, and Australia allows us to compare the health of migrants from each with the respective native born who choose not to migrate. This represents a much more appropriate counterfactual than the native born of the immigrant recipient country and yields new insights into the importance of observable selection effects. The analysis finds strong support for the healthy immigrant effect across all four destination countries and that selectivity plays an important role in the observed better health of migrants vis a vis those who stay behind in their country of origin.
With a fair share of the blame for the subprime crisis pointing to banks' extensive involvement in trading, this thesis examines three closely related issues. The first essay shows that regulatory capital arbitrage, insolvency risk, and non-interest income are all important motivations for banks to become involved in trading. The second essay support the widely held perception that trading activities such as off-balance sheet derivatives, securitization, and assets sales all are making banks more opaque. With banks' business model changing from ''originate and hold'' to ''originate, repackage, and sell'', the last essay show that trading channel exist and it has weakened the effectiveness of monetary policy transmission through banks' capital and lending channel.
Health Information Exchange (HIE) is an interesting phenomenon. It is a patient centric health and/or medical information management scenario enhanced by integration of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT). While health information systems are repositioning complex system directives, in the wake of the ‘big data’ paradigm, extracting quality information is challenging. It is anticipated that in this talk, ICT enabled healthcare scenarios with big data analytics will be shared. In addition, research and development regarding big data analytics, such as current trends of using these technologies for health care services and critical research challenges when extracting quality of information to improve quality of life will be discussed.
YouTube is contemplating the launch of a new music service. But how would such a service fare against established music services like Spotify, Rdio, and Pandora? All these services are referred to as “access-based music services”. They offer music listeners access to millions of songs they can listen to as much as they want for free (with advertising and only basic functionality) or for a monthly subscription fee (without advertising)...
The upstream oil & gas industry has been contending with massive data sets and monolithic files for many years, but “Big Data”—that is, the ability to apply more sophisticated types of analytical tools to information in a way that extracts new insights or creates new forms of value—is a relatively new concept that has the potential to significantly re-shape the industry. Despite the impressive amount of value that is being realized by Big Data technologies in other parts of the marketplace, however, much of the data collected within the oil & gas sector tends to be discarded, ignored, or analyzed in a very cursory way. This paper examines existing data management practices in the upstream oil & gas industry, and compares them to practices and philosophies that have emerged in organizations that are leading the Big Data revolution. The comparison shows that, in companies that are leading the Big Data revolution, data is regarded as a valuable asset. The presented evidence also shows, however, that this is usually not true within the oil & gas industry insofar as data is frequently regarded there as descriptive information about a physical asset rather than something that is valuable in and of itself. The paper then discusses how upstream oil & gas companies could potentially extract more value from data, and concludes with a series of specific technical and management-related recommendations to this end.
This paper discusses proposed changes to the Australian welfare state in the Welfare Review chaired by Patrick McClure and launched by Kevin Andrews, Minister for Social Services in the Abbott government, in a recent address to the Sydney Institute. Andrews cited the Beveridge Report of 1942, referring to Lord William Beveridge as the “godfather of the British post-war welfare state”, commending him for putting forward a plan for a welfare state providing a minimal level of support, constituting a bare safety net, rather than “stifling civil society and personal responsibility” through generous provision. In line with a key TASA conference theme of challenging institutions and identifying social and political change at local and global levels, this paper examines both the Beveridge Report and the McClure Report, identifying key issues and themes of relevance to current times in Australia.