794 resultados para Best interests


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Legal problems faced by older Iowans are often more critical than those problems faced by any other segment of our population. Older Iowans in poverty are less likely to seek the assistance of an attorney. Often, it is either because they do not have cash resources to pay for services or they do not realize that they have a “legal problem.” The Older Americans Act of 1965 (hereafter, OAA) as amended, which primarily funds the Legal Assistance Program, requires that states have the capacity to improve the quality and quantity of legal programs for older individuals. These Legal Assistance Program Best Practices are meant to provide guidance to providers in the area of priority casework, coordination and collaboration to ensure cohesiveness and uniformity throughout the state’s legal assistance programs. Additionally, Congress mandates that states improve the quality of their Title III-B legal programs. One proven way to ensure a quality program is to have in place best practices to define expectations for not only the legal assistance program provider, but for the state unit on aging (the Iowa Department on Aging) and the area agencies on aging as well. These legal assistance program best practices may be amended from time to time to reflect the change in the legal needs of older Iowans as well as the mandates under the OAA, Iowa Department on Aging (hereafter, department) policy and other governing state and federal laws and regulations.


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Many good maintenance practices are done routinely to ensure safe travel on low-volume local roads. In addition, there are many specific treatments that may go beyond the point of routine maintenance and in fact provide additional safety benefits with a relatively low price tag. The purpose of this publication is to try to assemble many of these treatments that are currently practiced in Iowa by local agencies into one, easy-to-reference handbook that not only provides some clarity to each treatment with photos and narrative, but also features references to agencies currently using that technique. Some strategies that are utilized by Iowa, other states, and are topics of research have also been included to allow the user more information about possible options. Even though some areas overlap, the strategies presented have been grouped together in the following areas: Signing and Delineation, Traffic "Calming," Pavement Marking and Rumble Strips/Stripes, Roadside and Clear Zone, Guardrail and Barriers, Lighting, Pavements and Shoulders, Intersections, Railroad Crossings, Bridges and Culverts, and Miscellaneous. The intention is to make this a “living” document, which will continue to be updated and expanded periodically as other existing practices are recognized or new practices come into being.


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BACKGROUND: NovoTTF is a portable device delivering low-intensity, intermediate-frequency, electric fields using noninvasive, disposable scalp electrodes. These fields physically interfere with cell division. Preliminary studies in recurrent and newly diagnosed glioblastoma (GBM) have shown promising results. A phase III study in recurrent GBM has recently been concluded. METHODS: Adults (KPS ≥ 70%) with recurrent GBM (any recurrence) were randomized (stratified by surgery and center) to either NovoTTF administered continuously (20-24 hours/day, 7 days/week) or the best available chemotherapy (best physician choice [BPC]). Primary endpoint was overall survival (OS); 6-month progression-free survival (PFS6), 1-year survival, and QOL were secondary endpoints. RESULTS: Two hundred thirty-seven patients were randomized (28 centers in the United States and Europe) to either NovoTTF alone (120 patients) or BPC (117 patients). Patient characteristics were balanced, median age was 54 years (range, 23-80 years), median KPS was 80% (range, 50-100). One quarter had surgery for recurrence, and over half were at their second or more recurrence. A survival advantage for the device group was seen in patients treated according to protocol (median OS, 7.8 months vs. 6.1 months; n = 185; p = 0.01). Moreover, subgroup analysis in patients with better prognostic baseline characteristics (KPS ≥ 80%; age ≤ 60; 1st-3rd recurrence) demonstrated a robust survival benefit for NovoTTF patients compared to matched BPC patients (median OS, 8.8 months vs. 6.6 months; n = 110; p < 0.01). In this group, 1-year survival was 35% vs. 20% and PFS6 was 25.6% vs. 7.7%. Interestingly, in patients who failed bevacizumab prior to the trial, OS was also significantly extended by NovoTTF (4.4 months vs. 3.1 months; n = 23 vs. n = 21; p < 0.02). Quality of life was equivalent or superior in NovoTTF patients. CONCLUSIONS: NovoTTF, a noninvasive, novel cancer treatment modality shows significant therapeutic efficacy with improved quality of life. The impact of NovoTTF was more pronounced when patients with better baseline prognostic factors were treated. A large scale phase III clinical trial in newly diagnosed GBM is currently being conducted.


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RESUME L'obésité et l'hypertension atteignent des niveaux épidémiques aussi bien dans les pays industrialisés que dans ceux en voie de développement. La coexistence de ces deux pathologies est associée à un risque cardiovasculaire augmenté. Traditionnellement on mesure la pression artérielle (PA) au bras au moyen d'un brassard qui détermine la pression systolique et diastolique en utilisant soit la méthode auscultatoire ou oscillométrique. L'utilisation d'un brassard de taille standard chez le patient avec un tour de bras augmenté peut surestimer la pression artérielle. Il semble même qu'il existe un rapport idéal entre le tour de bras, et la taille du brassard La mesure à domicile de la pression artérielle avec des appareils validés donne des valeurs de la PA valables. Plusieurs appareils existent sur le marché et depuis quelques années les appareils de mesure de la PA au poignet font leur apparition sur le marché. Cette étude vise à comparer chez des sujets sains et obèses les valeurs de PA obtenues au poignet avec celles obtenues au bras en utilisant deux appareils validés l'OMRON HEM 705-CP et l'OMRON R6. L'OMRON HEM 705-CP permet l'utilisation soit d'un brassard standard (13x30 cm) ou d'un brassard large (16x38 cm), et l'OMRON R6 mesure la PA au poignet. Nous avons comparé un groupe de sujets obèses [Body Mass Index (BMI) >35kg/m2] avec un groupe de sujets sains (BMI <25kg/m2). Ont été exclues de l'étudé les personnes prenant un traitement antihypertenseur ainsi que celles souffrant d'arythmies. La PA a été mesurée en position assise avec le bras gauche sur une table à hauteur du coeur. Un brassard large a été employé pour les sujets obèses et un brassard standard pour les sujets sains. Trois mesures ont été effectuées, la première après une pause de 5 min et chacune des suivantes avec un intervalle de 2 min. La pression d'inflation maximale a été fixée à 170 mmHg. Nous avons utilisé la formule proposée par Marks LA et al pour déterminer si le rapport entre la taille des brassards fournis avec l'OMRON .HEM 705-CP et le tour de bras de nos sujets était optimal (taille du brassard = 9.34 x log10 taille du bras). Nos résultats ne montrent pas de différence statistiquement significative de la PA diastolique entre les deux groupes, qu'elle soit mesurée au bras ou au poignet. La PA systolique mesurée au bras s'est par contre avérée significativement plus basse chez les sujets obèses que chez les sujets sains. Aucune différence n'a été trouvée lorsque la mesure est effectuée au poignet. En utilisant la formule fournie par Marks le rapport entre taille du brassard (large chez les obèses) et tour de bras a été de 10.30±30 chez les sujets obèses et 9.630.45 chez les sujets sains (p<0.001). Le rapport entre tour de bras et brassard chez les sujets obèses est nettement au-dessus de la valeur optimale, ce qui suggère une possible sous-estimation de la PA systolique chez ces sujets. Ces résultats suggèrent qu'il existe un risque de sous-estimer la PA chez le patient obèse lors de l'utilisation d'un brassard large. Cette erreur pourrait être réduite par l'utilisation d'appareils de mesure au poignet. validés chez le sujet obèse.


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We carried out a systematic review of HPV vaccine pre- and post-licensure trials to assess the evidence of their effectiveness and safety. We find that HPV vaccine clinical trials design, and data interpretation of both efficacy and safety outcomes, were largely inadequate. Additionally, we note evidence of selective reporting of results from clinical trials (i.e., exclusion of vaccine efficacy figures related to study subgroups in which efficacy might be lower or even negative from peer-reviewed publications). Given this, the widespread optimism regarding HPV vaccines long-term benefits appears to rest on a number of unproven assumptions (or such which are at odd with factual evidence) and significant misinterpretation of available data. For example, the claim that HPV vaccination will result in approximately 70% reduction of cervical cancers is made despite the fact that the clinical trials data have not demonstrated to date that the vaccines have actually prevented a single case of cervical cancer (let alone cervical cancer death), nor that the current overly optimistic surrogate marker-based extrapolations are justified. Likewise, the notion that HPV vaccines have an impressive safety profile is only supported by highly flawed design of safety trials and is contrary to accumulating evidence from vaccine safety surveillance databases and case reports which continue to link HPV vaccination to serious adverse outcomes (including death and permanent disabilities). We thus conclude that further reduction of cervical cancers might be best achieved by optimizing cervical screening (which carries no such risks) and targeting other factors of the disease rather than by the reliance on vaccines with questionable efficacy and safety profiles.


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Le projet "Bonnes pratiques de promotion de la santé des personnes âgées" vise à définir des recommandations pour promouvoir la santé des personnes âgées dans les différents cantons suisses adhérents au projet. Cinq instituts suisses ont ainsi été mandatés à produire un rapport faisant état de la situation relative à cinq domaines :- mesures visant à stimuler l'activité physique;- prévention des chutes;- participation du corps médical (médecins de famille);- conseils en matière de santé, manifestations, cours;- accès aux groupes-cibles et outils de recrutement.Dans le but de définir les bases pour une évaluation future des interventions recommandées, le présent rapport, sollicité par Promotion Santé Suisse, détaille le travail effectué avec les équipes responsables de chaque domaine pour élaborer une série de trois synthèses de leur travail, à savoir :- une analyse de la situation en question (problèmes constatés);- une théorie d'action définissant les objectifs intermédiaires et finaux à atteindre à partir des recommandations faites dans leur domaine;- une liste des indicateurs associés aux objectifs prioritaires.Ces synthèses ont été réalisées à l'aide du modèle de catégorisation des résultats de promotion de la santé et de la prévention (SMOC) un outil développé conjointement par les Instituts universitaires de médecine sociale et préventive de Berne et de Lausanne, en collaboration avec Promotion Santé Suisse. Les théories d'action ainsi élaborées ont ensuite été intégrées dans une théorie d'action globale correspondant à l'ensemble du projet " Bonnes pratiques de promotion de la santé des personnes âgées ". [P. 5]


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Driving requires integrating multiple motor, sensory, and cognitive skills. As people age, cognition becomes increasingly vulnerable due to impairment and dementia. Older drivers suffering from dementia, even at an early stage, have been shown to be significantly more likely to develop unsafe driving. Primary care physicians have the difficult task to assess these persons' driving capacity. This paper briefly describes the consequences of altered cognition on driving capacity and proposes an algorithm to address this challenge.


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Tutkimuksen tavoitteena on tutkia, kuinka Suomen vuonna 2004 voimaan tullut corporate governance -suositus tukee hallituksen riippumattomuutta. Tutkimuksessa määritellään hallituksen riippumattomuuden käsite. Tämän määritelmän avulla tarkastellaan, kuinka Suomen corporate governance -suosituksessa ohjataan hallituksen riippumattomuutta. Tutkimus on kvalitatiivinen tutkimus, joka on luonteeltaan osittain teoreettinen ja osittain normatiivinen. Tutkimusstrategiassayhdistyvät deskriptiivisyys ja komparatiivisuus. Tutkimuksessa Suomen corporategovernance -suosituksen hallituksen riippumattomuutta koskevia suosituksia verrataan toisaalta päämies-agenttiteorian pohjalta muodostettuun riippumattoman hallituksen määritelmään ja toisaalta keskeisimpiin ulkomaisiin corporate governance -säännöstöihin. Riippumattomaksi hallitukseksi määriteltiin hallitus, jonka toimintaa toimiva johto tai merkittävä osakkeenomistaja ei voi suoraan tai välillisesti dominoida. Suomen suosituksessa voidaan nähdä pyrkimys kohti riippumaton-ta hallitusta. Suomen suositus ei kuitenkaan tue hallituksen riippumattomuutta parhaalla mahdollisella tavalla. Sekä toimivalle johdolle että yhtiön merkittäville osakkeenomistajille jää valtaa vaikuttaa hallituksen toimintaan enemmän kuin osakkeenomistajien etujen kannalta olisi suositeltavaa.


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Séance de travail de la Direction des Soins, CHUV, Lausanne


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The three essays constituting this thesis focus on financing and cash management policy. The first essay aims to shed light on why firms issue debt so conservatively. In particular, it examines the effects of shareholder and creditor protection on capital structure choices. It starts by building a contingent claims model where financing policy results from a trade-off between tax benefits, contracting costs and agency costs. In this setup, controlling shareholders can divert part of the firms' cash ows as private benefits at the expense of minority share- holders. In addition, shareholders as a class can behave strategically at the time of default leading to deviations from the absolute priority rule. The analysis demonstrates that investor protection is a first order determinant of firms' financing choices and that conflicts of interests between firm claimholders may help explain the level and cross-sectional variation of observed leverage ratios. The second essay focuses on the practical relevance of agency conflicts. De- spite the theoretical development of the literature on agency conflicts and firm policy choices, the magnitude of manager-shareholder conflicts is still an open question. This essay proposes a methodology for quantifying these agency conflicts. To do so, it examines the impact of managerial entrenchment on corporate financing decisions. It builds a dynamic contingent claims model in which managers do not act in the best interest of shareholders, but rather pursue private benefits at the expense of shareholders. Managers have discretion over financing and dividend policies. However, shareholders can remove the manager at a cost. The analysis demonstrates that entrenched managers restructure less frequently and issue less debt than optimal for shareholders. I take the model to the data and use observed financing choices to provide firm-specific estimates of the degree of managerial entrenchment. Using structural econometrics, I find costs of control challenges of 2-7% on average (.8-5% at median). The estimates of the agency costs vary with variables that one expects to determine managerial incentives. In addition, these costs are sufficient to resolve the low- and zero-leverage puzzles and explain the time series of observed leverage ratios. Finally, the analysis shows that governance mechanisms significantly affect the value of control and firms' financing decisions. The third essay is concerned with the documented time trend in corporate cash holdings by Bates, Kahle and Stulz (BKS,2003). BKS find that firms' cash holdings double from 10% to 20% over the 1980 to 2005 period. This essay provides an explanation of this phenomenon by examining the effects of product market competition on firms' cash holdings in the presence of financial constraints. It develops a real options model in which cash holdings may be used to cover unexpected operating losses and avoid inefficient closure. The model generates new predictions relating cash holdings to firm and industry characteristics such as the intensity of competition, cash flow volatility, or financing constraints. The empirical examination of the model shows strong support of model's predictions. In addition, it shows that the time trend in cash holdings documented by BKS can be at least partly attributed to a competition effect.


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The EAUN Guidelines Working Group for indwelling catheters have prepared this guideline document to help nurses assess the evidence-based management of catheter care and to incorporate the guidelines’ recommendations into their clinical practice. These guidelines are not meant to be proscriptive, nor will adherence to these guidelines guarantee a successful outcome in all cases. Ultimately, decisions regarding care must be made on a case-by-case basis by healthcare professionals after consultation with their patients using their clinical judgement, knowledge and expertise.