975 resultados para Beecher Island, Battle of, Colo., 1868.


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Growing legume fallow crops has proven to be an important factor in reducing the yield decline effect in sugarcane production. Legumes can also provide a direct economic benefit to sugarcane farmers by providing a source of nitrogen. Further, in some instances, income can flow from the sale, of grain or seed. The following case study provides an insight into the changes made by Russell Young, a sugarcane farmer situated in the Rita Island area of the Burdekin district. The case study focuses on the economics of the old farming system versus a new farming system. The old farming system is based on the conventional farming practices previously used by the Young family in 2002 compared to the 2006 farming system which involves a reduction in tillage practices and use of a Soybean rotational crop for seed production. A whole-of-farm was used to assess the impact of the new farming system on farm profitability. A whole-of-farm economic analysis looks at the impact of a change in farming practice across the whole business, rather than focusing on one single component. This case study is specific to an individual grower’s situation and is not representative of all situations. When evaluating a farming system change, it is important to have a detailed plan.


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A sensitive framework has been developed for modelling young radiata pine survival, its growth and its size class distribution, from time of planting to age 5 or 6 years. The data and analysis refer to the Central North Island region of New Zealand. The survival function is derived from a Weibull probability density function, to reflect diminishing mortality with the passage of time in young stands. An anamorphic family of trends was used, as very little between-tree competition can be expected in young stands. An exponential height function was found to fit best the lower portion of its sigmoid form. The most appropriate basal area/ha exponential function included an allometric adjustment which resulted in compatible mean height and basal area/ha models. Each of these equations successfully represented the effects of several establishment practices by making coefficients linear functions of site factors, management activities and their interactions. Height and diameter distribution modelling techniques that ensured compatibility with stand values were employed to represent the effects of management practices on crop variation. Model parameters for this research were estimated using data from site preparation experiments in the region and were tested with some independent data sets.


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The effect of sputtering parameters such as gas pressure and power on the structure, microstructure and magnetic properties of sputtered Tb-Fe thin films was investigated. X-ray diffraction and transmission electron microscopy studies showed that all the films were amorphous in nature irrespective of the sputtering parameters. A fine island kind of morphology was observed at low sputtering power whereas large clusters were seen at higher sputtering power. While the composition of Tb-Fe films remained constant with increasing sputtering power, the magnetic behaviour was found to change from superparamagnetic to ferromagnetic. On the other hand, the increase in argon gas pressure was found to deplete the iron concentration in Tb-Fe thin films, which in turn reduced the anisotropy and Curie temperature. Annealing of the films at 773 K did not result in any crystallization and the magnetic properties were also found to remain unchanged. (C) 2015 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Table of Contents [pdf, 0.01 Mb] Preface [pdf, 0.01 Mb] Masaaki Aota Long-term tendencies of sea ice concentration and air temperature in the Okhotsk Sea coast of Hokkaido [pdf, 0.05 Mb] Hajime Ito & Miki Yoshioka Geography of the seasonally ice covered seas [pdf, 0.5 Mb] George V. Shevchenko & Victor F. Putov On wind and tide induced sea-ice drift on the northeastern shelf of Sakhalin Island (analysis of radar data) [pdf, 0.96 Mb] Boris S. Dyakov, A.A. Nikitin, L. S. Muktepavel & T.A. Shatilina Variability of the Japan and Okhotsk Seas ice cover depending on geopotential field H500 over the Far-Eastern region [pdf, 0.10 Mb] Aleksandr G. Petrov & Nikolay A. Rykov Intermediate cold layer and ice cover in the Sea of Okhotsk [pdf, 0.37 Mb] Vladimir Ponomarev, Olga Trusenkova, Elena Ustinova & Dmitry Kaplunenko Interannual variations of oceanographic and meteorological characteristics in the Sea of Okhotsk [pdf, 0.16 Mb] George V. Shevchenko & Akie Kato Seasonal and interannual changes of atmospheric pressure, air and water temperature in the area of the Kuril Ridge [pdf, 0.13 Mb] George V. Shevchenko & Vladimir Yu. Saveliev Spatial variability of the wind field in the area of the Kuril Islands [pdf, 0.15 Mb] Alexander L. Figurkin & Igor A. Zhigalov Seasonal variability and specifity of the oceanological conditions in the northern Okhotsk Sea in 1997 [pdf, 1.04 Mb] Igor A. Zhabin Ventilation of the upper portion of the intermediate water in the Okhotsk Sea [pdf, 0.80 Mb] Vladimir A. Luchin & Alexander L. Figurkin Oceanographic conditions over the Kashevarov Bank [pdf, 0.61 Mb] Toshiyuki Awaji, Tomohiro Nakamura, Takaki Hatayama, Kazunori Akimoto & Takatoshi Takizawa Tidal exchange through the Kuril Straits [pdf, 2.01 Mb] Tomohiro Nakamura, Toshiyuki Awaji, Takaki Hatayama, Kazunori Akimoto, Takatoshi Takizawa & Masao Fukasawa Vertical mixing induced by tidally generated internal waves in the Kuril Straits [pdf, 0.83 Mb] Katsuro Katsumata & Ichiro Yasuda Water exchange between the Okhotsk Sea and the North Pacific Ocean estimated by simple models [pdf, 0.97 Mb] Konstantin A. Rogachev Oyashio west path culmination as the consequence of a rapid thermohaline transition in the Pacific Subarctic [pdf, 0.22 Mb] Yasuhiro Kawasaki On the year-to-year change in subarctic water characteristics around the Kuril Islands [pdf, 0.39 Mb] Alexander L. Figurkin & Evgeniy E. Ovsyannikov Influence of oceanological conditions of the West Kamchatka shelf waters on spawning grounds and on pollock egg distribution [pdf, 0.97 Mb] Igor E. Kochergin & Alexander A. Bogdanovsky Transport and turbulence characteristics for the northeastern Sakhalin shelf conditions [pdf, 0.08 Mb] Igor E. Kochergin, Alexander A. Bogdanovsky, Valentina D. Budaeva, Vyacheslav G. Makarov, Vasily F. Mishukov, S.N. Ovsienko, Victor F. Putov, L.A. Reitsema, J.W. Sciallabba, O.O. Sergucheva & P.V. Yarosh Modeling of oil spills for the shelf conditions of northeastern Sakhalin [pdf, 0.32 Mb] Valentina D. Budaeva & Vyacheslav G. Makarov A peculiar water regime of currents in the area of eastern Sakhalin shelf [pdf, 0.66 Mb] Nikolay A. Rykov The oceanographic databases on the Sakhalin shelf [pdf, 0.27 Mb] Akifumi Nakata, Iori Tanaka, Hiroki Yagi, Tomomi Watanabe, Gennady A. Kantakov & Andrew D. Samatov Formation of high-density water (over 26.8 sigma-t) near the La Perouse Strait (the Soya Strait) [pdf, 0.09 Mb] Minoru Odamaki & Kouji Iwamoto Currents and tidal observations by Hydrographic Department of Maritime Safety Agency, off the Okhotsk coast of Hokkaido [pdf, 0.16 Mb] Yasushi Fukamachi, Genta Mizuta, Kay I. Ohshima, Motoyo Itoh, Masaaki Wakatsuchi & Masaaki Aota Mooring measurements off Shiretoko Peninsula, Hokkaido in 1997-1998 [pdf, 0.19 Mb] Mikhail A. Danchenkov, David Aubrey & Stephen C. Riser Oceanographic features of the La Perouse Strait [pdf, 0.91 Mb] Iori Tanaka & Akifumi Nakata Results of direct current measurements in the La Perouse Strait (the Soya Strait), 1995-1998 [pdf, 0.06 Mb] Gennady A. Kantakov & George V. Shevchenko In situ observations of Tsushima and West-Sakhalin currents near La Perouse (Soya) Strait [pdf, 0.79 Mb] Irina Y. Bragina Geographical and biological characteristics of the net zooplankton in the southwestern part of the Sea of Okhotsk during 1987-1996 [pdf, 0.27 Mb] List of corresponding authors [pdf, 0.01 Mb] (Document pdf contains 193 pages)


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The Monitor National Marine Sanctuary (MNMS) was the nation’s first sanctuary, originally established in 1975 to protect the famous civil war ironclad shipwreck, the USS Monitor. Since 2008, sanctuary sponsored archeological research has branched out to include historically significant U-boats and World War II shipwrecks within the larger Graveyard of the Atlantic off the coast of North Carolina. These shipwrecks are not only important for their cultural value, but also as habitat for a wide diversity of fishes, invertebrates and algal species. Additionally, due to their unique location within an important area for biological productivity, the sanctuary and other culturally valuable shipwrecks within the Graveyard of the Atlantic are potential sites for examining community change. For this reason, from June 8-30, 2010, biological and ecological investigations were conducted at four World War II shipwrecks (Keshena, City of Atlanta, Dixie Arrow, EM Clark), as part of the MNMS 2010 Battle of the Atlantic (BOTA) research project. At each shipwreck site, fish community surveys were conducted and benthic photo-quadrats were collected to characterize the mobile conspicuous fish, smaller prey fish, and sessile invertebrate and algal communities. In addition, temperature sensors were placed at all four shipwrecks previously mentioned, as well as an additional shipwreck, the Manuela. The data, which establishes a baseline condition to use in future assessments, suggest strong differences in both the fish and benthic communities among the surveyed shipwrecks based on the oceanographic zone (depth). In order to establish these shipwrecks as sites for detecting community change it is suggested that a subset of locations across the shelf be selected and repeatedly sampled over time. In order to reduce variability within sites for both the benthic and fish communities, a significant number of surveys should be conducted at each location. This sampling strategy will account for the natural differences in community structure that exist across the shelf due to the oceanographic regime, and allow robust statistical analyses of community differences over time.


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Species of the genus Vibrissaphora are unique among all annurans in that males exhibit external cornified spines in the maxillary region during the breeding season. They were separated from species of the genus Leptobrachium based on this unique character. We construct a phylogeny using the 16S, ND4, and cytochrome b mitochondrial genes of 42 individuals from eight species of Vibrissaphora and five species of Leptobrachium from mainland China, Southeast Asia, and Hainan Island. Species of both Oreolalax and Scutiger were used as outgroups. The results indicate that: L. huashen and L. chapaense form a clade that is nested within Vibrissaphora, and L. hainanense is the sister taxon to the clade comprising all Vibrissaphora plus L. chapaense and L. huashen; V. boringiae is grouped with a clade consisting of V. leishanensis, V. liui, and V. yaoshanensis; and V. yaoshanensis is a species separate from V. liui. We propsed taxonomix changes that reflect these findings. Also based on the resulting phylogenetic trees, we propose that the mustache toads originated in the trans-Himalayan region of southwest China, and that the evolution of maxillary spines, large body size, and reverse sexual size dimorphism in these frogs was influenced by intrasexual selection due to adopting a resource-defense polygyny matting system.


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This paper investigates the interaction of solitary waves (representative of tsunamis) with idealized flat-topped conical islands. The investigation is based on simulations produced by a numerical model that solves the two-dimensional Boussinesq-type equations of Madsen and Sørensen using a total variation diminishing Lax-Wendroff scheme. After verification against published laboratory data on solitary wave run-up at a single island, the numerical model is applied to study the maximum run-up at a pair of identical conical islands located at different spacings apart for various angles of wave attack. The predicted results indicate that the maximum run-up can be attenuated or enhanced according to the position of the second island because of wave refraction, diffraction, and reflection. It is also observed that the local wave height and hence run-up can be amplified at certain gap spacing between the islands, owing to the interference between the incident waves and the reflected waves between islands. © 2012 American Society of Mechanical Engineers.


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Through the comparative analysis of primary freshwater fishes in Chinese continent and the Taiwan Island, we summarize the three distinctions of distribution of freshwater fishes in these areas: (i) there exists a high similarity of freshwater fish fauna between Taiwan and the southeastern shore of the continent; (ii) some species of freshwater fish are found both in the Taiwan Island and East Himalayans; (iii) different freshwater fishes have different distributions in island arch of western Pacific where Taiwan is located, but the distribution pattern shows a similarity to that of adjacent continent. The characteristic distributions of the fishes are closely related to the change in paleogeography and geology in the area. The parsimony analysis of endemicity (PAE analysis) indicates that the three distribution patterns can be explained by the vicariance theory.


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The influence of dielectric surface energy on the initial nucleation and the growth of pentacene films as well as the electrical properties of the pentacene-based field-effect transistors are investigated. We have examined a range of organic and inorganic dielectrics with different surface energies, such as polycarbonate/SiO2, polystyrene/SiO2, and PMMA/SiO2 bi-layered dielectrics and also the bare SiO2 dielectric. Atomic force microscopy measurements of sub-monolayer and thick pentacene films indicated that the growth of pentacene film was in Stranski-Kranstanow growth mode on all the dielectrics. However, the initial nucleation density and the size of the first-layered pentacene islands deposited on different dielectrics are drastically influenced by the dielectric surface energy. With the increasing of the surface energy, the nucleation density increased and thus the average size of pentacene islands for the first mono-layer deposition decreased. The performance of fabricated pentacene-based thin film transistors was found to be highly related to nucleation density and the island size of deposited Pentacene film, and it had no relationship to the final particle size of the thick pentacene film. The field effect mobility of the thin film transistor could be achieved as high as 1.38 cm(2)/Vs with on/off ratio over 3 x 10(7) on the PS/SiO2 where the lowest surface energy existed among all the dielectrics. For comparison, the values of mobility and on/off ratio were 0.42 cm(2)/Vs and 1 x 10(6) for thin film transistor deposited directly on bare SiO2 having the highest surface energy.


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Within the preformed cluster model approach, the values of the preformation factors have been deduced from the experimental cluster decay half-lives assuming that the decay constant of the heavy-ion emission is the product of the assault frequency, the preformation factor and the penetrability. The law according to which the preformation factors follow a simple dependence on the mass of the cluster was confirmed. Then predictions for some of the most possible cluster decays are provided.


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Our analysis of approximately 40,000 km of multichannel 2-D seismic data, reef oil-field seismic data, and data from several boreholes led to the identification of two areas of reef carbonate reservoirs in deepwater areas (water depth >= 500 in) of the Qiongdongnan Basin (QDNB), northern South China Sea. High-resolution sequence stratigraphic analysis revealed that the transgressive and highstand system tracts of the mid-Miocene Meishan Formation in the Beijiao and Ledong-Lingshui Depressions developed reef carbonates. The seismic features of the reef carbonates in these two areas include chaotic bedding, intermittent internal reflections, chaotic or blank reflections, mounded reflections, and apparent amplitude anomalies, similar to the seismic characteristics of the LH11-1 reef reservoir in the Dongsha Uplift and Island Reef of the Salawati Basin, Indonesia, which house large oil fields. The impedance values of reefs in the Beijiao and Ledong-Lingshui Depressions are 8000-9000 g/cc x m/s. Impedance sections reveal that the impedance of the LH11-1 reef reservoir in the northern South China Sea is 800010000 g/cc x m/s, whereas that of pure limestone in BD23-1-1 is > 10000 g/cc x m/s. The mid-Miocene paleogeography of the Beijiao Depression was dominated by offshore and neritic environments, with only part of the southern Beijiao uplift emergent at that time. The input of terrigenous sediments was relatively minor in this area, meaning that terrigenous source areas were insignificant in terms of the Beijiao Depression: reef carbonates were probably widely distributed throughout the depression, as with the Ledong-Lingshui Depression. The combined geological and geophysical data indicate that shelf margin atolls were well developed in the Beijiao Depression, as in the Ledong-Lingshui Depression where small-scale patch or pinnacle reefs developed. These reef carbonates are promising reservoirs, representing important targets for deepwater hydrocarbon exploration. (C) 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Based on Th-230-U-238 disequilibrium and major element data from mid-ocean ridge basalts (MORBs) and ocean island basalts (OIBs), this study calculates mantle melting parameters, and thereby investigates the origin of Th-230 excess. (Th-230/U-238) in global MORBs shows a positive correlation with Fe-8, P (o), Na-8, and F-melt (Fe-8 and Na-8 are FeO and Na2O contents respectively after correction for crustal fractionation relative to MgO = 8 wt%, P (o)=pressure of initial melting and F (melt)=degree of melt), while Th-230 excess in OIBs has no obvious correlation with either initial mantle melting depth or the average degree of mantle melting. Furthermore, compared with the MORBs, higher (Th-230/U-238) in OIBs actually corresponds to a lower melting degree. This suggests that the Th-230 excess in MORBs is controlled by mantle melting conditions, while the Th-230 excess in OIBs is more likely related to the deep garnet control. The vast majority of calculated initial melting pressures of MORBs with excess Th-230 are between 1.0 and 2.5 GPa, which is consistent with the conclusion from experiments in recent years that D (U)> D (Th) for Al-clinopyroxene at pressures of > 1.0 GPa. The initial melting pressure of OIBs is 2.2-3.5 GPa (around the spinel-garnet transition zone), with their low excess Ra-226 compared to MORBs also suggesting a deeper mantle source. Accordingly, excess Th-230 in MORBs and OIBs may be formed respectively in the spinel and garnet stability field. In addition, there is no obvious correlation of K2O/TiO2 with (Th-230/U-238) and initial melting pressure (P (o)) of MORBs, so it is proposed that the melting depth producing excess Th-230 does not tap the spinel-garnet transition zone. OIBs and MORBs in both (Th-230/U-238) vs. K2O/TiO2 and (Th-230/U-238) vs. P (o) plots fall in two distinct areas, indicating that the mineral phases which dominate their excess Th-230 are different. Ce/Yb-Ce curves of fast and slow ridge MORBs are similar, while, in comparison, the Ce/Yb-Ce curve for OIBs shows more influence from garnet. The mechanisms generating excess Th-230 in MORBs and OIBs are significantly different, with formation of excess Th-230 in the garnet zone only being suitable for OIBs.


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The tendency for island populations of mammalian taxa to diverge in body size from their mainland counterparts consistently in particular directions is both impressive for its regularity and, especially among rodents, troublesome for its exceptions. However, previous studies have largely ignored mainland body size variation, treating size differences of any magnitude as equally noteworthy. Here, we use distributions of mainland population body sizes to identify island populations as 'extremely' big or small, and we compare traits of extreme populations and their islands with those of island populations more typical in body size. We find that although insular rodents vary in the directions of body size change, 'extreme' populations tend towards gigantism. With classification tree methods, we develop a predictive model, which points to resource limitations as major drivers in the few cases of insular dwarfism. Highly successful in classifying our dataset, our model also successfully predicts change in untested cases.