995 resultados para Bardey, Alfred (1854-1934) -- Portraits
The proteocephalid species Nomimoscolex piraeeba Woodland, 1934, N. dorad (Woodland, 1935) and Endorchis piraeeba Woodland, 1934, from Brachyplatystoma spp., South American silurid fishes, are critically revised. It is concluded that they concern to one species, N. piraeeba. The Endorchiinae, a subfamily of Monticelliidae, and genus Endorchis are invalidated herein. The valid species of Endorchiinae, belonging to genus Muzophorus, M. admonticellia Woodland, 1934, M. pirarara Woodland, 1934 and M. woodlandi Rego, 1984, are transferred provisionally to Zygobothriinae.
La difusión del cooperativismo agrario de crédito en España (1890-1934) se realizó bajo distintas orientaciones ideológicas y económicas. El trabajo se centra en reconstruir la información estadística dispinible para ofrecer una imagen económica de las principales variables que permitan describir la evolución del fenómeno a lo largo de la cronología seleccionada. Se realiza un considerable esfuerzo en el análisis de funcionamiento financiero de las cajas rurales ligado a otros aspectos sociopolíticos que influyeron en su desenvolvimiento, para analizar el éxito relativo de un proceso de adaptación de los modelos cooperativistas de crédito alemanes a la realidad agraria española, como sucedió en otras periferias europeas.
A new species of the genus Arachnidomyia Townsend, 1934 is described and illustrated, based on male specimen from Chile.
A survey of Isospora suis performed in 177 faecal samples from 30 swine farms detected thin wall type I. suis oocysts in seven samples. This type of oocyst measuring 23.9 by 20.7 mm had a retracted thin wall similar to that of the genus Sarcocystis. This type of oocysts, isolated from four different faecal samples, was inoculated in four-five-days-old piglets free of contamination in order to verify the life cycle and pathogenicity of the species. The pigs were kept in individual metal cages and fed with cow milk. Daily faecal collections and examinations were performed until the 21st day after infection. MacMaster and Sheather' s methods were used for oocyst counting and identification. Infected piglets produced yellowish-pasty diarrhoea with slight dehydration. The prepatent and patent periods were respectively from 6 to 9 and 3 to 10 days after infection. Oocyst elimination was interrupted on the 10th and 11th days after infection with biphasic cycles. Thin and thick wall oocysts were detected in the same faecal samples. Thin walls were not observed in unsporulated oocysts. The observations suggest that this type of oocysts could appear in specific strains which occur in the later stages of their development. These oocysts seem to be responsible for clinical and pathogenic signs of neonatal isosporosis in pigs.
There are two vectors of Chagas disease in Chile: Triatoma infestans and Mepraia spinolai. We studied the feeding behavior of these species, looking for differences which could possibly explain the low impact of the latter species on Chagas disease. Both species used thermal cues to locate their feeding source and consumed a similar volume of blood which was inversely related to the body weight before the meal and directly related to the time between meals. The average time between bites were 6.24 and 10.74 days. The average bite of M. spinolai lasted 9.68 min, significantly shorter than the 19.46 min for T. infestans. Furthermore, while T. infestans always defecated on the host, this behavior was observed in M. spinolai in only one case of 27 (3.7%). The delay between the bites and defecation was very long in M. spinolai and short in T. infestans. These differences may affect the reduced efficiency of transmission of Chagas infection by M. spinolai.
Vingt-six portraits par vingt-six exégètes. Tel est le défi proposé et assumé pour un parcours surprenant de lectures et d'interprétations multiples d'un Dieu unique et en même temps complexe. Quelle cohérence entre le Dieu fracassant de l'Exode et le Dieu crucifié de l'apôtre Paul ? Quelle continuité entre le Dieu de Gédéon et celui de Jésus : " Mon Dieu, mon Dieu, pourquoi m'as-tu abandonné ? " (Mc 15,34) ? Le Dieu de l'entrée en Canaan ressemble-t-il vraiment à l'Agneau immolé de l'Apocalypse ? Mais déjà, au sein de la Bible hébraïque, les trompettes de Jéricho côtoient le Serviteur souffrant d'Isaïe. Comment comprendre aujourd'hui cette diversité de la présence de Dieu dans la Bible, si ce n'est par la diversité des regards d'exégètes dont la lecture croisée des textes bibliques nous invite à renouveler notre compréhension de Dieu ?
The kidney trematode Paratanaisia bragai is reported for the first time parasitizing the ring-necked pheasant (Phasianus colchicus L., 1758) and the pathological alterations associated to the parasitism are referred on the basis of 50 specimens of this bird from backyard flocks in 11 counties of the state of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil after clinical examination, necropsies, and histopathological analysis. The counting of the kidney flukes was based on worms recovered from one of the kidneys, since the other was fixed in 10% formalin and then routinely processed for histopathological procedures. The prevalence of P. bragai was of 22%, with a mean intensity of 44.3, mean abundance of 9.7, and range of infection of 3-153. Parasitized birds did not present with clinical signs and kidney gross lesions. Microscopic lesions were mild and characterized by dilatation of the renal medullary collecting ducts, occasional flattening of the lining epithelium of the ducts and inflammatory reaction of variable intensity with granulocytes around the ureter branches and medullary collecting ducts. The severity and pattern of the microscopic lesions seem not to be associated to the size of the worm burden and could be related to the mechanic action of the parasites, without traumatism, in despite of the presence of the tegumentar spines in specimens of P. bragai.
Alfred Loisy au Collège de France: Un colloque à l'occasion du centième anniversaire de son élection