954 resultados para Badiou, Alain.
ThetimingofNeanderthal disappearanceandtheextent to whichthey overlapped with the earliest incoming anatomically modern humans (AMHs)inEurasia arekey questions inpalaeoanthropology1,2 .Deter- mining the spatiotemporal relationship between the two populations is crucial if we are to understand the processes, timing and reasons leading to the disappearance of Neanderthals and the likelihood of cultural and genetic exchange. Serious technical challenges, however, havehinderedreliable datingof the period,as theradiocarbonmethod reaches its limit at 50,000 years ago3 .Herewe apply improved accel- erator mass spectrometry 14C techniques to construct robust chro- nologies from 40 key Mousterian and Neanderthal archaeological sites, ranging fromRussia toSpain.Bayesianagemodellingwas used togenerate probability distributionfunctions todetermine the latest appearancedate.Weshowthat theMousterianendedby41,030–39,260 calibratedyears BP(at95.4%probability) acrossEurope.Wealsodem- onstrate that succeeding ‘transitional’ archaeological industries, one ofwhich has beenlinked withNeanderthals (Cha ˆtelperronian)4 ,end at a similar time. Our data indicate that the disappearance of Nean- derthals occurred at different times in different regions.Comparing the data with results obtained fromthe earliest datedAMHsites in Europe, associated with the Uluzzian technocomplex5 , allows us to quantify the temporal overlap between the two human groups. The results revealasignificantoverlap of 2,600–5,400years (at 95.4%prob- ability).This hasimportant implications formodels seeking toexplain the cultural, technological and biological elements involved in the replacement of Neanderthals byAMHs.Amosaic of populations in Europe during the Middle to Upper Palaeolithic transition suggests that there was ample time for the transmission of cultural and sym- bolic behaviours, as well as possible genetic exchanges, between the two groups.
Lumpfish, or lumpsucker, Cyclopterus lumpus (Linnaeus, 1758) is widely distributed in the North Atlantic Ocean. It has a considerable economic value and substantial fisheries occur in several North Atlantic regions owing to the use of its fully ripe internal egg masses in the ovaries as an alternative to sturgeon caviar. Despite being intensively fished in several locations, biological knowledge is limited and no genetic structure information is available. In this study, the stock structure of C. lumpus was investigated across the North Atlantic using ten microsatellite loci. Out of ten loci, two exhibited higher level of differentiation but their inclusion/ exclusion from the analyses did not drastically change the observed genetic pattern. A total of three distinct genetic groups were detected: Maine-Canada-Greenland, Iceland-Norway and Baltic Sea. These results, discussed in terms of origin of differentiation, gene flow, and selection, showed that gene flow was rather limited among the detected groups, and also between Greenland and Maine-Canada.
Com o objectivo de cumprir com as normas legais em vigor na Universidade de Aveiro conducentes ao reconhecimento do grau de Doutor em Design por avaliação da obra realizada, o presente relatório descreve os objectivos e procedimentos metodológicos, demonstrando o argumento da inovação no conjunto compilado das 100 obras seleccionadas entre os projectos de design realizados no período dos últimos dez anos de actividade profissional do candidato. Para além do enunciado em conformidade com os pressupostos legais, e porque a obra desenvolvida decorre de um contínuo processo de reflexão sobre a própria prática, entende o candidato oportuna a apresentação de um conjunto de textos realizados no mesmo período e que conformarão assim, uma cosmologia teórica própria, sobre a história e teoria do design que contribuirá para o melhor esclarecimento em contexto, das intenções éticas e estéticas dessa obra. O conjunto de contributos de reflexão teórica, que aqui se encontram revelam uma continuidade (maculada pela experiência existencial), que atribui à prática um desempenho quase sempre contaminado pelo corpo de afectos do seu agente, que assim dá origem ao género criativo (poietico) autobiográfico, fundado na metodologia fenomenológica (revelando a ciência do design nos seus próprios procedimentos, “voltando às próprias coisas”). Ao reflectir sobre a prática de projecto enquanto definição disciplinar de Design, verificou-se urgente o esclarecimento ontológico da disciplina, assim procurando perscrutar a definição do que seja, para compreender melhor de que forma lhe pudesse servir os seus interesses bioculturais, numa perspectiva metaprojectual, social, política e estética. O Design, enquanto disciplina da con-formação (da atribuição de forma às coisas), é também o lugar da atribuição de sentido, elevando-as à condição de seres idealizados _ formas são ideias, ainda que imperfeitamente desenhadas (Platão). Neste pressuposto parece inevitável a aproximação da prática projectual do design ao exercício da filosofia, já que a filosofia serve, sobretudo, para inventar conceitos operativos, funcionalizando a mudança (Deleuze). No entanto, o que se encontra neste registo não é uma produção prática que ilustra a jusante uma intencionalidade teórica motivadora mas, bem pelo contrário, uma teorização que anda a zorro da prática da vida, procurando perceber o que parecia inconscientemente suspeitar, confirmando-o. O conjunto de temas teoricamente tratados, constituem aproximações naturalistas por tentativa e erro, que se repetem no tempo em torno de palavras chave como poética, criação, criatividade, tecnologia, artesanato, ontologia, disciplina, desenho, desejo-desenho-desígnio, engenharia-arte-gestão, design, projecto, humano, humanização, diferença, dispositivo, ética, estética, domínio, submissão, zen. Muitos destes temas foram apropriados recorrendo a um conjunto muito diverso e heterogéneo de autores. Aqui misturam-se os filósofos universalmente consagrados, com outros pensadores do Design (Adorno, Aristóteles, Badiou, Di Bártolo, Branco, Brusatin, Calvera, Deleuze, Descartes, Doberti, Espinosa, Flusser, Heidegger, Leiro, Maldonado, Munari, Platão, Pombo, Séneca, Simon, Zizek, e Zumthor), aos quais se associa uma terceira vaga de colegas menos conhecidos, estudantes e investigadores, respigados no grande acaso da web. Na sua assistemática forma de abordagem teórica (Flusser), a teoria não é aqui convocada como janela modernista, abrindo-se sem limites sobre a paisagem organizada, mas como múltiplas aberturas determinadas pela urgência da necessidade, conformando uma arquitectura orgânica e espontânea, do vernacular dirigido por pontos de vista pertinentes e dispersos, produzindo uma visão caleidoscópica, múltipla, cubista, mas sincronicamente orientada sobre o objecto que, tendo vida própria, não pára para posar.
Biodiversity continues to decline in the face of increasing anthropogenic pressures such as habitat destruction, exploitation, pollution and introduction of alien species. Existing global databases of species’ threat status or population time series are dominated by charismatic species. The collation of datasets with broad taxonomic and biogeographic extents, and that support computation of a range of biodiversity indicators, is necessary to enable better understanding of historical declines and to project – and avert – future declines. We describe and assess a new database of more than 1.6 million samples from 78 countries representing over 28,000 species, collated from existing spatial comparisons of local-scale biodiversity exposed to different intensities and types of anthropogenic pressures, from terrestrial sites around the world. The database contains measurements taken in 208 (of 814) ecoregions, 13 (of 14) biomes, 25 (of 35) biodiversity hotspots and 16 (of 17) megadiverse countries. The database contains more than 1% of the total number of all species described, and more than 1% of the described species within many taxonomic groups – including flowering plants, gymnosperms, birds, mammals, reptiles, amphibians, beetles, lepidopterans and hymenopterans. The dataset, which is still being added to, is therefore already considerably larger and more representative than those used by previous quantitative models of biodiversity trends and responses. The database is being assembled as part of the PREDICTS project (Projecting Responses of Ecological Diversity In Changing Terrestrial Systems – www.predicts.org.uk). We make site-level summary data available alongside this article. The full database will be publicly available in 2015.
Qu'on le déplore ou que l'on s'en félicite, la statistique est présente dans notre vie de tous les jours. Paradoxalement, les compétences pour l'appréhender semblent faire défaut, à tel point que plus d'un militent pour que la statistique fasse partie des compétences minimales de tout citoyen (statistical literacy). Mais au niveau de l'enseignement, de nombreux obstacles apparaissent quant à l'acquisition de ces compétences : ainsi, de multiples recherches ont-elles identifié maints obstacles, que ceux-ci soient d'ordre affectif ou cognitif. Toutefois ces recherches adoptent le point de vue de l'enseignant ou du chercheur et il n'en existe que peu qui se sont interrogées sur la représentation que les étudiants ont de la statistique. Tel est l'objectif général de la présente recherche. Après avoir caractérisé ce qu'est une représentation sociale et abouti à poser "qu'est statistique ce que l'on se donne comme étant statistique", une enquête a été menée en France auprès de 614 étudiants de différentes sections en Sciences humaines et sociales. Il s'en dégage qu'une vingtaine de mots rend compte de la statistique, tels mathématiques, pourcentages, chiffrs et calculs. Cependant, au-delà de ce discours commun, des différences apparaissent entre les sections quant aux mots utilisés pour caractériser la statistique : pour certains, les mots utilisés, peu nombreux, assimilent la statistique aux statistiques ; pour d'autres, elle est conçue comme des mathématiques utilisées dans le cadre d'études, de recherches. D'autres discours se distinguent soit par la proximité de la statistique avec la méthodologie du questionnaire, soit par son utilisation professionnelle : la référence aux mathématiques y est alors nettement atténuée. De ces résultats se dégagent des prolongements en termes de recherche (étude longitudinale de la représentation sociale de la statistique), en termes de pédagogie (conditions propices à la problématisation) et en termes de rapport au savoir (thêmata). Cette recherche invite les formateurs et les chercheurs en didactique à faire un pas de côté par rapport à leur propre représentation et à envisager celle potentiellement différente des apprenants ; à côté des chiffrs, il y a aussi des êtres.
BACKGROUND: To plan and implement services to persons who inject drugs (PWID), knowing their number is essential. For the island of Montréal, Canada, the only estimate, of 11,700 PWID, was obtained in 1996 through a capture-recapture method. Thirteen years later, this study was undertaken to produce a new estimate. METHODS: PWID were defined as individuals aged 14-65 years, having injected recently and living on the island of Montréal. The study period was 07/01/2009 to 06/30/2010. An estimate was produced using a six-source capture-recapture log-linear regression method. The data sources were two epidemiological studies and four drug dependence treatment centres. Model selection was conducted in two steps, the first focusing on interactions between sources and the second, on age group and gender as covariates and as modulators of interactions. RESULTS: A total of 1480 PWID were identified in the six capture sources. They corresponded to 1132 different individuals. Based on the best-fitting model, which included age group and sex as covariates and six two-source interactions (some modulated by age), the estimated population was 3910 PWID (95% confidence intervals (CI): 3180-4900) which represents a prevalence of 2.8 (95% CI: 2.3-3.5) PWID per 1000 persons aged 14-65 years. CONCLUSIONS: The 2009-2010 estimate represents a two-third reduction compared to the one for 1996. The multisource capture-recapture method is useful to produce estimates of the size of the PWID population. It is of particular interest when conducted at regular intervals thus allowing for close monitoring of the injection phenomenon.
Dissertação para obtenção do Grau de Mestre em Ensino de Matemática
Soft tissue sarcomas (STS) with complex genomic profiles (50% of all STS) are predominantly composed of spindle cell/pleomorphic sarcomas, including leiomyosarcoma, myxofibrosarcoma, pleomorphic liposarcoma, pleomorphic rhabdomyosarcoma, malignant peripheral nerve sheath tumor, angiosarcoma, extraskeletal osteosarcoma, and spindle cell/pleomorphic unclassified sarcoma (previously called spindle cell/pleomorphic malignant fibrous histiocytoma). These neoplasms show, characteristically, gains and losses of numerous chromosomes or chromosome regions, as well as amplifications. Many of them share recurrent aberrations (e.g., gain of 5p13-p15) that seem to play a significant role in tumor progression and/or metastatic dissemination. In this paper, we review the cytogenetic, molecular genetic, and clinicopathologic characteristics of the most common STS displaying complex genomic profiles. Features of diagnostic or prognostic relevance will be discussed when needed.
The goal of the present work was assess the feasibility of using a pseudo-inverse and null-space optimization approach in the modeling of the shoulder biomechanics. The method was applied to a simplified musculoskeletal shoulder model. The mechanical system consisted in the arm, and the external forces were the arm weight, 6 scapulo-humeral muscles and the reaction at the glenohumeral joint, which was considered as a spherical joint. The muscle wrapping was considered around the humeral head assumed spherical. The dynamical equations were solved in a Lagrangian approach. The mathematical redundancy of the mechanical system was solved in two steps: a pseudo-inverse optimization to minimize the square of the muscle stress and a null-space optimization to restrict the muscle force to physiological limits. Several movements were simulated. The mathematical and numerical aspects of the constrained redundancy problem were efficiently solved by the proposed method. The prediction of muscle moment arms was consistent with cadaveric measurements and the joint reaction force was consistent with in vivo measurements. This preliminary work demonstrated that the developed algorithm has a great potential for more complex musculoskeletal modeling of the shoulder joint. In particular it could be further applied to a non-spherical joint model, allowing for the natural translation of the humeral head in the glenoid fossa.
Les principales caractéristiques biomécaniques de la prothèse inversée (cupule sur le versant huméral et sphère sur le versant scapulaire), cet implant semi-contraint, consistent en une médialisation ainsi qu'un abaissement du centre de rotation. Par ce biais, le bras de levier du deltoïde est augmenté. Les fibres musculaires du deltoïde antérieur et postérieur sont ainsi également recrutées pour devenir principalement abducteur. La congruence relative des composants (semi-contrainte) confère également à la prothèse inversée une certaine stabilité primaire, importante pour pallier la déficience de la coiffe des rotateurs (sus-épineux).
The aim of this study was to evaluate adverse effects of multiwalled carbon nanotubes (MWCNT), produced for industrial purposes, on the human epithelial cell line A549. MWCNT were dispersed in dipalmitoyl lecithin (DPL), a component of pulmonary surfactant, and the effects of dispersion in DPL were compared to those in two other media: ethanol (EtOH) and phosphate-buffered saline (PBS). Effects of MWCNT were also compared to those of two asbestos fibers (chrysotile and crocidolite) and carbon black (CB) nanoparticles, not only in A549 cells but also in mesothelial cells (MeT5A human cell line), used as an asbestos-sensitive cell type. MWCNT formed agglomerates on top of both cell lines (surface area 15-35 μm2) that were significantly larger and more numerous in PBS than in EtOH and DPL. Whatever the dispersion media, incubation with 100 μg/ml MWCNT induced a similar decrease in metabolic activity without changing cell membrane permeability or apoptosis. Neither MWCNT cellular internalization nor oxidative stress was observed. In contrast, asbestos fibers penetrated into the cells, decreased metabolic activity but not cell membrane permeability, and increased apoptosis, without decreasing cell number. CB was internalized without any adverse effects. In conclusion, this study demonstrates that MWCNT produced for industrial purposes exert adverse effects without being internalized by human epithelial and mesothelial pulmonary cell lines. [Authors]
Bien qu'intrinsèquement non toxiques, les gaz nobles comme l'argon entraînent à fortes concentrations une déplétion d'oxygène pouvant mener jusqu'à l'asphyxie. Si l'argon se retrouve dans la circulation générale, celui-ci peut même être responsable d'embolies parfois fatales. Cependant, les propriétés d'inerties physicochimiques de ce gaz le rendent très utile dans de nombreuses applications actuelles. Ces applications étant en constante augmentation, il n'est pas rare d'observer proportionnellement des intoxications parfois létales liées à ce gaz. Ainsi, devant le manque d'harmonisation des prélèvements d'échantillons biologiques afin de mettre en évidence de telles intoxications aux gaz nobles et devant l'augmentation du nombre de cas, il devient nécessaire d'établir un état des lieux sur l'utilisation de l'argon, sa toxicité et la stratégie analytique à adopter dans le contexte médico-légal.