Many B cell epitopes within p24 of human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) were identified, while most of them were determined by using murine monoclonal antibodies reacting with overlapping peptides of p24. Therefore these epitopes may not represent the actual epitopes recognized by the HIV-1 infected individuals. In the present study, immune responses of 67 HIV-1 positive sera from Yunnan Province, China to five peptides on p24 of HIV-1 and one of HIV-2 were analyzed. All of 67 sera did not recognize peptide GA-12 on HIV-1 and peptide AG-23 on HIV-2, which indicated that GA-12 was not human B cell epitope and AG-23 did not cross-react with HIV-1 positive serum. Except 13 sera (19.4%), all remaining sera did not recognize peptides NI-15, DR-16, DC-22 and PS-18, which indicated that these four peptides represented B cell linear epitopes of HIV-1 p24 in some HIV-1 infected individuals but not the immuno-dominant epitopes in most individuals. Cellular & Molecular Immunology. 2005;2(4):289-293.
两栖动物是最原始的陆生脊椎动物,分布比较广泛。无尾目两栖动物现有3000 多种,它们皮肤裸露、光滑,为适应广泛的栖息地和生态条件,已进化出各种有效的皮肤防御系统。抗菌肽(Antimicrobial peptides,AMPs)作为两栖类先天防御系统的重要组成部分,在皮肤分泌液中含量异常丰富。我们以来源于云南省普洱市景东县的铃蟾科微蹼铃蟾(Bombina microdeladigitora)和楚雄州双柏县雨蛙科华西雨蛙(Hyla annectans)为实验材料,对其皮肤分泌液中抗菌肽的分子多样性并对其结构和功能进行研究。微蹼铃蟾皮肤抗菌肽多样性非常丰富,我们从单一个体中克隆得到了64 条编码不同抗菌肽的cDNA 序列,其中有两条序列只编码Maximin 一种抗菌肽,其余 62 条均编码Maximin 和Maximin H 两类抗菌肽。这64 条cDNA 序列共编码44 种Maximins 和30 种Maximin Hs,其中有32 种Maximins 和20 种Maximin Hs 为新鉴定的抗菌肽,其余和铃蟾属其它种中发现的抗菌肽具有相同的序列。除了皮肤外,两栖动物的脑也是抗菌肽的丰富资源库。我们分别从微蹼铃蟾和大蹼铃蟾(B. maxima)脑中得到了大量新的抗菌肽cDNA 序列。其中从微蹼铃蟾脑中克隆到21 条新的cDNA序列,共编码16 种Maximins 和10 种Maximin Hs,其中7 种Maximins 和4 种Maximin Hs 为新鉴定的抗菌肽。从大蹼铃蟾脑中克隆到39 条新的cDNA 序列,编码27 种Maximins 和20 种Maximin Hs,其中16 种 Maximins 和12 种Maximin Hs 为新鉴定的抗菌肽。在以上新鉴定的抗菌肽中,Maximins 均为阳离子抗菌肽,Maximin Hs 中除以前鉴定的Maximin H5 外,尚有十余种阴离子抗菌肽。抗菌肽碱基转换/颠换(R=s/v)分析表明,RMaximin<1 而RMaximin H>1,说明这两种抗菌肽碱基转换和颠换发生的几率并不相同,Maximin 间差异主要由碱基颠换引起,而Maximin H 则主要由碱基转换引起。种间进化分析表明,大蹼铃蟾和微蹼铃蟾的遗传距离较近,而它们与欧洲花铃蟾(B. variegata)的遗传距离均较远。种内各部分遗传距离差异较大。与信号肽和酸性间隔肽相比,成熟肽的遗传距离明显增大,其中Maximin 的进化速度比Maximin H 更快。抗菌肽Maximin 和Maximin H 种内、种间均存在正选择(ω>1),而信号肽和酸性间隔肽在分化过程中没有正选择(ω<1),说明Maximin 和Maximin H 经受着达尔文正选择驱动的快速进化,是抗菌肽多样性产生的根本原因。这与抗菌肽参与最终的生物防御功能,从而增加物种对环境的适应是一致的。功能研究发现,有些微蹼铃蟾Maximins 抗菌肽是多功能分子,不但对革兰氏阴性菌、革兰氏阳性菌和真菌起抗菌作用,而且还具有很强的抗氧化功能。脑中抗菌肽基因的大量表达也预示着抗菌肽可能在神经信号传导中起一定作用。用基因克隆方法我们从微蹼铃蟾皮肤得到大量缓激肽前体序列,由1-4 个拷贝的Bombinakinin 或1-4 个拷贝的Bombinakinin 和1 个拷贝的Bombinakinin-GAP 组成。这与大蹼铃蟾皮肤中缓激肽前体由1-8 个拷贝的Bombinakinin 或1-8 个拷贝的Bombinakinin 和1 个拷贝的Bombinakinin-GAP 组成有所不同。按同样方法,我们从大蹼铃蟾脑中也得到了三条缓激肽前体序列,其中两条含有6 个 Bombinakinin 拷贝,另一条含2 个Bombinakinin 拷贝。通过比较只含Bombinakinin 和同时含有Bombinakinin 和Bombinakinin-GAP 的前体cDNA 序列后发现, 前者序列中缺失了一段碱基序列TGCGGGTA, 从而导致移码突变, 终止了 Bombinakinin-GAP 的表达。通过生物化学的手段从微蹼铃蟾皮肤分泌液中分离到一种丝氨酸蛋白酶抑制剂BMSI1,与铃蟾属其它种中的胰蛋白酶抑制剂具有很高的相似性。根据已有铃蟾属丝氨酸蛋白酶抑制剂cDNA 序列设计引物,以皮肤cDNA 为模板,扩增丝氨酸蛋白酶抑制剂的基因序列,结果得到两条不同的序列。这两条前体序列与铃蟾属其它两栖动物皮肤中的丝氨酸蛋白酶抑制剂具有高度相似性(>70%),而且它们都含有10 个半胱氨酸残基。BMSI1 对五种丝氨酸蛋白水解发色底物的抑制活性测定表明,BMSI 1 能抑制胰蛋白酶和凝血酶的水解活性,其K(i)分别为0.02 μM 和0.15 μM。通过随机筛选cDNA 文库的方法,我们从大蹼铃蟾脑中得到了一条完整的 Somatostatin(SST)序列,根据该序列,我们在大蹼铃蟾和微蹼铃蟾脑cDNA 文库中筛选到两条变异体序列SST-L(Leu11-SST-14)和SST-R(Arg14-SST-14)。功能研究表明,这两种变异体具有和SST 相似的生物学功能,可抑制肿瘤细胞增殖、抑制细胞因子释放以及具有一定的镇痛作用。从大蹼铃蟾和微蹼铃蟾脑中得到了阿片肽前体POMC 和Proenkephalin 的 cDNA 序列,序列比对发现与东方铃蟾具有较高的同源性。从华西雨蛙皮肤cDNA 中克隆得到两类活性多肽,命名为Annins。其中一类为抗菌肽类似肽,共11 条序列,编码单一的成熟肽序列,其信号肽与雨蛙科信号肽具有很高的同源性,但酸性间隔肽和成熟肽相差较大。其成熟肽由15-17 个氨基酸残基组成,活性分析表明无抗菌和抗氧化作用,但在较高浓度时对部分细菌和多种细胞有促进生长作用,推测可能在使伤口快速愈合方面起重要作用;另一类编码具有2 个拷贝的成熟肽序列,成熟肽由5 个氨基酸残基组成,具有一定的镇痛活性,其镇痛机理可能是拮抗bradykinin 作用。
Pressurized capillary electrochromatography (pCEC) was coupled with electrospray ionization mass spectrometry (ESI-MS) using a coaxial sheath liquid interface. It was used for separation and analysis of peptides and proteins. The effects of organic modifier and applied voltage on separation were investigated, and the effects of pH value of the mobile phase and the concentration of the electrolyte on ESI-MS signal were investigated. The resolution and detection sensitivity with different separation methods (pCEC, capillary high-performance liquid chromatography) coupled on-line with mass spectrometry were compared for the separation of a peptide mixture. To evaluate the feasibility and reliability of the experimental setup of the system, tryptic digests of cytochrome c and modified protein as real samples were analyzed by using pCEC-ESI-MS.
The mixed mode of reversed phase (RP) and strong canon-exchange (SCX) capillary electrochromatography (CEC) based on a monolithic capillary column has been developed. The capillary monolithic column was prepared by in situ copolymerization of 2-(sulfooxy)ethyl methacrylate (SEMA) and ethylene dimethacrylate (EDMA) in the presence of porogens. The sulfate group provided by the monomer SEMA on the monolithic bed is used for the generation of the electroosmotic flow (EOF) from the anode to the cathode, but at the same time serves as a SCX stationary phase. A mixed-mode (RP/SCX) mechanism for separation of peptides was observed in the monolithic column, comprising hydrophobic and electrostatic interaction as well as electrophoretic migration at a low pH value of mobile phase. A column efficiency of more than 280000 plates/m for the unretained compound has been obtained on the prepared monoliths. The relative standard deviations observed for to and retention factors of peptides were about 0.32% and less than 0.71% for ten consecutive runs, respectively. Effects of mobile phase compositions on the EOF of the monolithic column and on the separation of peptides were investigated. The selectivity on separation of peptides in the monolithic capillary column could be easily manipulated by varying the mobile phase composition.
A new method for the sensitive determination of amino acids and peptides using the tagging reagent 2-(9-carbazole)-ethyl chloroformate (CEOC) with fluorescence (FL) detection has been developed. Identification of derivatives was carried out by liquid chromotography mass spectrometry. The chromophore in the 2-(9-fluorenyl)-ethyl chloroformate (FMOC) reagent was replaced by carbazole, which resulted in a sensitive fluorescence lerivatizing agent CEOC. CEOC can easily and quickly label peptides and amino acids. Derivatives are stable enough to be efficiently analyzed by high-performance liquid chromatography. Studies on derivatization demonstrate excellent derivative yields over the pH range 8.8-10.0. Maximal yields close to 100% are observed with three- to fourfold molar reagent excess. Derivatives exhibit strong fluorescence and allow direct injection of the reaction mixture with no significant disturbance from the major fluorescent reagent degradation by-products, such as 2(9-carbazole)-ethanol and bis-(2-(9-carbazole)-ethyl) carbonate. In addition, the detection responses for CEOC derivatives are compared to those obtained with FMOC. The ratios AC(CEOC)/AC(FMOC) = 1.00-1.82 for fluorescence (FL) response and AC'(CEOC)/AC'(FMOC) = 1.00-1.21 for ultraviolet (UV) response are observed (here, AC and AC' are, respectively, FL and UV F response). Separation of the derivatized peptides and amino acids has been optimized on a Hypersil BDS C18 column. Excellent linear responses are observed. This method was used successfully to analyze protein hydrolysates from wool and from direct-derivatized beer. (C) 2003 Elsevier Science (USA). All rights reserved.
A pressurized electrochromatography (pCEC) instrument with gradient capability was used in this work for separation of peptides. Three separation modes, namely, pCEC, high-performance liquid chromatography and capillary electrophoresis can be carried out with the instrument. In pCEC mode, the mobile phase is driven by both electroosmotic flow and pressurized flow, facilitating fine-tuning in selectivity of neutral and charged species. A continuous gradient elution can be carried out conveniently on this instrument, which demonstrates that it is more powerful than isocratic pCEC for separation of complicated samples. The effects of applied voltage, supplementary pressure and ion-pairing agents on separation of peptides in gradient pCEC were investigated. The effects of flow-rate of the pump and the volume of the mixer on resolution were also evaluated. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
A pressurized capillary electrochromatography (pCEC) instrument with solvent gradient capability has been used for the separation of a peptide mixture. Retention mechanism and selectivity of the peptides were studied by pCEC using a strong cation exchange (SCX) column. The effects of applied voltage, supplementary pressure, organic modifier concentration, ionic strength,, and pH value on pCEC separation were investigated. It was found that the retention mechanism of the peptides in this system is based on a mixed mode of hydrophilic interaction, strong cation exchange, and electrophoresis. Compared with the separation results obtained by reverse phase pCEC and capillary electrophoresis (CE), this mixed-mode pCEC is more powerful for the separation of hydrophilic peptides with similar charge-to-mass ratio.
A mode of capillary electrochromatography for separation of ionic compounds driven by electrophoretic mobility on a neutrally hydrophobic monolithic column was developed. The monolithic column was prepared from the in situ copolymerization of lauryl methacrylate and ethylene dimethacrylate to form a C-12 hydrophobic stationary phase. It was found that EOF in this hydrophobic monolithic column was very poor, even the pH value of mobile phase at 8.0. The peptides at acidic buffer were separated on the basis of their differences in electrophoretic mobility and hydrophobic interaction with the stationary phase; therefore, different separation selectivity can be obtained in CEC from that in capillary zone electrophoresis (CZE). Separation of peptides has been realized with high column efficiency (up to 150 000 plates/meter) and good reproducibility (migration time with RSD < 0.5%), and all of the peptides, including some basic peptides, showed good peak symmetry. Effects of the mobile phase compositions on the retention of peptides at low pH have been investigated in a hydrophobic capillary monolithic column. The significant difference in selectivity of peptides in CZE and CEC has been observed. Some peptide isomers that cannot be separated by CZE have been successfully separated on the capillary monolithic column in this mode with the same buffer used.
Edwardsiella tarda is a gram-negative pathogen with a broad host range that includes humans, animals, and fish. Recent studies have shown that the LuxS/autoinducer type 2 (AI-2) quorum sensing system is involved in the virulence of E. tarda. In the present study, it was found that the E. tarda LuxS mutants bearing deletions of the catalytic site (C site) and the tyrosine kinase phosphorylation site, respectively, are functionally inactive and that these dysfunctional mutants can interfere with the activity of the wild-type LuxS. Two small peptides, 5411 and 5906, which share sequence identities with the C site of LuxS, were identified. 5411 and 5906 proved to be inhibitors of AI-2 activity and could vitiate the infectivity of the pathogenic E. tarda strain TX1. The inhibitory effect of 5411 and 5906 on AI-2 activity is exerted on LuxS, with which these peptides specifically interact. The expression of 5411 and 5906 in TX1 has multiple effects (altering biofilm production and the expression of certain virulence-associated genes), which are similar to those caused by interruption of luxS expression. Further study found that it is very likely that 5411 and 5906 can be released from the strains expressing them and, should TX1 be in the vicinity, captured by TX1. Based on this observation, a constitutive 5411 producer (Pseudomonas sp. strain FP3/pT5411) was constructed in the form of a fish commensal isolate that expresses 5411 from a plasmid source. The presence of FP3/pT5411 in fish attenuates the virulence of TX1. Finally, it was demonstrated that fish expressing 5411 directly from tissues exhibit enhanced resistance against TX1 infection.
Edwardsiella tarda is a gram-negative pathogen with a broad host range that includes humans, animals, and fish. Recent studies have shown that the LuxS/autoinducer type 2 (AI-2) quorum sensing system is involved in the virulence of E. tarda. In the present study, it was found that the E. tarda LuxS mutants bearing deletions of the catalytic site (C site) and the tyrosine kinase phosphorylation site, respectively, are functionally inactive and that these dysfunctional mutants can interfere with the activity of the wild-type LuxS. Two small peptides, 5411 and 5906, which share sequence identities with the C site of LuxS, were identified. 5411 and 5906 proved to be inhibitors of AI-2 activity and could vitiate the infectivity of the pathogenic E. tarda strain TX1. The inhibitory effect of 5411 and 5906 on AI-2 activity is exerted on LuxS, with which these peptides specifically interact. The expression of 5411 and 5906 in TX1 has multiple effects (altering biofilm production and the expression of certain virulence-associated genes), which are similar to those caused by interruption of luxS expression. Further study found that it is very likely that 5411 and 5906 can be released from the strains expressing them and, should TX1 be in the vicinity, captured by TX1. Based on this observation, a constitutive 5411 producer (Pseudomonas sp. strain FP3/pT5411) was constructed in the form of a fish commensal isolate that expresses 5411 from a plasmid source. The presence of FP3/pT5411 in fish attenuates the virulence of TX1. Finally, it was demonstrated that fish expressing 5411 directly from tissues exhibit enhanced resistance against TX1 infection.
Antimicrobial peptides (AMPs) are important components of the host innate immune response against microbial invasion. They are usually characterized by their small-size, heat-stability and broad range of antimicrobial activity. This review covers research advances on marine mollusc AMPs, specifically those isolated from mussels, scallops, oysters, venerid clams and abalone, which mainly include MGD, mytilin, myticin, mytimycin, big defensin, and RPD-1. Their structural characteristics, antibacterial activity, and expression pattern as well as peptide distribution and their release following microbial challenge are also discussed. In addition, the prospect of the application of AMPs as food additives or their use in immunostimulation to prevent diseases of aquatic animals, as well as their potential hazards, are also discussed.
Penaeid shrimp, as an invertebrate, relies on the innate immunity to oppose the microbial invaders. Antimicrobial peptides (AMP) are an integral component of the innate immune system in most organisms and function as an early first line of defense against pathogens, but the knowledge about the pathways to regulate the shrimp AMP gene expression is still absent up to date. In the current study, a Relish homolog (FcRelish) was cloned from Chinese shrimp Fenneropenaeus chinensis. The full length cDNA of FcRelish consists of 2157 bp, including 1512 bp open reading frame, encoding 504 amino acids. The predicted molecular weight of FcRelish is 57 kDa, and the theoretical PI is 7.00. Spatial expression profiles showed that FcRelish had the highest expression levels in the hemocytes and lymphoid organ. Both Vibrio anguillarium and Micrococcus lysodeikticus stimulation to shrimp can affect the transcription profile of FcRelish. Silencing of FcRelish through DsRNA interference can greatly change the transcription profile of AMP. Therefore, we suggest that FcRelish identified in the present study is closely related to the transcription of AMP, and then we inferred that Imd pathway might exist in shrimp. (C) 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Using in vitro selection method to isolate nucleic acids, peptides and proteins has been studied intensively in recent years. In vitro mRNA display is a new and effective technique for peptides selection, and the rationale of this technique is that a synthetic mRNA with puromycin could covalently link with the protein that it encodes, thus an mRNA-protein fusion is formed. This approach has been used in identification of many functional peptides. The peptides binding with thymidylate synthase RNA were isolated using mRNA display technique from a large peptide library (>10(13) different sequences). The selection scheme was constructed, and the experimental conditions, including library synthesis, formation of RNA-peptide fusion and RNA immobilization were optimized. Eight cycles have been processed and the results confirmed that the selected peptides could bind with thymidylate synthase mRNA specifically. Compared the amino acid sequences of the selected peptides with those from the initial random library, the basic and aromatic residues in selected peptides were enriched significantly, suggesting these peptide regions may be important in the peptide-TS mRNA interaction. As a novel in vitro selection approach, mRNA display technique would be developed as a powerful tool for isolation of functional peptides and proteins that could interact with immobilized targets with high affinity and specificity.