996 resultados para BON-13-AI.1


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Cap. 1. Extensão rural e a viabilidade econômica da produção de leite familiar no Sul do Brasil: conceitos aplicados e resultados obtidos na atuação da Cooperideal; Cap. 2. Falta mão de obra na roça (E vai faltar cada vez mais); Cap. 3. Sucessão e herança na propriedade rural leiteira; Cap. 4. Importancia de los lácteos en la nutrición humana; Cap. 5. Bacterias probióticas en productos lácteos fermentados; Cap. 6. Tópicos avançados em reprodução de bovinos leiteiros; Cap. 7. Reaproveitamento de água residuária em sistemas de produção de leite; Cap. 8. GISLEITE: um sistema computacional para a gestão de sistemas de produção de leite; Cap. 9. Uma visão internacional da sustentabilidade na pecuária leiteira; Cap. 10. Indicadores de sustentabilidade e gestão ambiental na agropecuária brasileira - aplicações na intensificação ecológica da produção leiteira Cap. 11. Pesquisar para conhecer e crescer na produção do leite; Cap. 12. Fundamentos e perspectivas do desenvolvimento sustentável e do uso de indicadores de sustentabilidade em propriedades leiteiras; Cap. 13. Lácteos naturalmente enriquecidos com ácidos graxos benéficos à saúde; Cap. 14. Terapêutica de precisão e suas perspectivas em um país de pecuária heterogênea; Cap. 15. Novos produtos para a indústria de laticínios; Cap. 16. A sustentabilidade da bovinocultura de leite: a perspectiva do sistema de proteção ambiental; Cap. 17. Sistemas de integração lavoura-pecuária-floresta como alternativa para produção pecuária leiteira sustentável em áreas declivosas; Cap. 18. Technical assistance for agricultural development, a review of international experiences with focus on dairy; Cap. 19. Boas práticas na produção leiteira.


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sermon text; MS Word document


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Introduction: Traditional medicines are one of the most important means of achieving total health care coverage globally, and their importance in Tanzania extends beyond the impoverished rural areas. Their use remains high even in urban settings among the educated middle and upper classes. They are a critical component healthcare in Tanzania, but they also can have harmful side effects. Therefore we sought to understand the decision-making and reasoning processes by building an explanatory model for the use of traditional medicines in Tanzania.

Methods: We conducted a mixed-methods study between December 2013 and June 2014 in the Kilimanjaro Region of Tanzania. Using purposive sampling methods, we conducted focus group discussions (FGDs) and in-depth interviews of key informants, and the qualitative data were analyzed using an inductive Framework Method. A structured survey was created, piloted, and then administered it to a random sample of adults. We reported upon the reliability and validity of the structured survey, and we used triangulation from multiple sources to synthesize the qualitative and quantitative data.

Results: A total of five FGDs composed of 59 participants and 27 in-depth interviews were conducted in total. 16 of the in-depth interviews were with self-described traditional practitioners or herbal vendors. We identified five major thematic categories that relate to the decision to use traditional medicines in Kilimanjaro: healthcare delivery, disease understanding, credibility of the traditional practices, health status, and strong cultural beliefs.

A total of 473 participants (24.1% male) completed the structured survey. The most common reasons for taking traditional medicines were that they are more affordable (14%, 12.0-16.0), failure of hospital medicines (13%, 11.1-15.0), they work better (12%, 10.7-14.4), they are easier

to obtain (11%, 9.48-13.1), they are found naturally or free (8%, 6.56-9.68), hospital medicines have too many chemical (8%, 6.33-9.40), and they have fewer side effects (8%, 6.25-9.30). The most common uses of traditional medicines were for symptomatic conditions (42%), chronic diseases (14%), reproductive problems (11%), and malaria and febrile illnesses (10%). Participants currently taking hospital medicines for chronic conditions were nearly twice as likely to report traditional medicines usage in the past year (RR 1.97, p=0.05).

Conclusions: We built broad explanatory model for the use of traditional medicines in Kilimanjaro. The use of traditional medicines is not limited to rural or low socioeconomic populations and concurrent use of traditional medicines and biomedicine is high with frequent ethnomedical doctor shopping. Our model provides a working framework for understanding the complex interactions between biomedicine and traditional medicine. Future disease management and treatment programs will benefit from this understanding, and it can lead to synergistic policies with more effective implementation.


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Many macroecological theories have been developed to study the diversity on our planet. All these theories require the existence of consistent databases to test their predictions. In this work, we compiled a data set of marine microplankton species abundances at 788 stations with an extensive geographical coverage. Data were collected on different oceanographic cruises between 1992 and 2002. This database consists of abundances (cells/mL) for each species at each station and depth, together with estimates of the biomass and biovolume for each species. One of the key strengths in this database is that species identifications were made by the same taxonomist, which provides greater strength to the collection and ensures that estimates of species diversity are reliable. Environmental information has also been compiled at each station (chlorophyll, temperature, photosynthetically active radiation [PAR], nutrients) in order to have a characterization of the study area and to be used in studies on the environmental and biological controls of marine biodiversity.


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The dissolution of anthropogenically emitted excess carbon dioxide lowers the pH of the world's ocean water. The larvae of mass spawning marine fishes may be particularly vulnerable to such ocean acidification (OA), yet the generality of earlier results is unclear. Here we show the detrimental effects of OA on the development of a commercially important fish species, the Atlantic herring (Clupea harengus). Larvae were reared at three levels of CO2: today (0.0385 kPa), end of next century (0.183 kPa), and a coastal upwelling scenario (0.426 kPa), under near-natural conditions in large outdoor tanks. Exposure to elevated CO2 levels resulted in stunted growth and development, decreased condition, and severe tissue damage in many organs, with the degree of damage increasing with CO2 concentration. This complements earlier studies of OA on Atlantic cod larvae that revealed similar organ damage but at increased growth rates and no effect on condition.


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