993 resultados para BERGES, JOSE
The purpose of this dissertation is to analyze the collection of poems Versos libres written by José Martí, as a cycle of literary expression closely connected with the origins and development of the modernist movement, as well as to the emergence of what has been later termed the modernism of Hispanic-American literature. ^ The poetics of Versos libres is based on the liberating function attributed to them by their author, who was determined to reach with this cycle a level of expression where literary modernism and radical Americanism would be fully integrated, in order to enrich the communicative capabilities of poetic language, making it penetrate deep and complex realities: Man's conscience, psyche and creative effort, nature and history. ^ This study of the Versos libres as a cycle, allows us to characterize the contribution of such a work to Hispanic-American poetry as a result of a literary praxis whose tone makes Versos libres a piece of work that, in its best-realized moments, surpasses the limits of the turn-of-the-century Hispanic-American poetry; thus laying a bridge towards modern poetry in the Spanish language. ^ The dissertation is based on the direct and complete transcription of Martí's own handwritings of the Versos libres, included in his Poesía completa. Edición Crítica (1985), edited by Cintio Vitier, Fina García Marruz and the present author. ^
Il seguente elaborato presenta la proposta di traduzione verso l’italiano del libro di poesia per l’infanzia “¿Sabrá volar el mar?” (2010), dell’autore spagnolo José Corredor-Matheos, illustrato da Noemí Villamuza ed edito dalla casa editrice spagnola El Jinete Azul. “¿Sabrá volar el mar?” è composto da 25 poesie brevi ed è diviso in 4 sezioni, ognuna delle quali ha un titolo che suggerisce al lettore le tematiche affrontate nelle poesie seguenti. Le poesie raccolte in questo libro creano un complesso gioco di specchi e ci invitano a guardare ciò che ci circonda da un punto di vista diverso, a porci delle domande su quanto diamo per scontato e a vedere la vita come un assurdo e inutile mistero a cui abbandonarsi con gioia e spontaneità. Si tratta di un libro “atipico” ed eterogeneo, con componimenti che si rifanno a una ninna nanna, altri a un haiku giapponese e altri ancora alla tradizione classica occidentale. Una raccolta di poesie che possono essere apprezzate tanto dai bambini quanto dagli adulti, perché il linguaggio delle emozioni è comprensibile a tutte le età. Durante il processo di traduzione è stato necessario prestare particolare attenzione all’aspetto fonetico e ritmico, alla stretta interazione tra parole e immagini, alle metafore e alle scelte lessicali. Il lavoro è suddiviso in diverse sezioni: un’introduzione di riflessione sul lavoro del poeta e del traduttore, seguita dal motivo della scelta del libro; la presentazione del libro originale e del suo autore; la proposta di traduzione con relativo commento alle problematiche traduttive e alle diverse strategie impiegate; l’intervista realizzate all’editore Antonio Ventura; una scheda di presentazione editoriale; e infine una breve analisi del ruolo della letteratura e in particolare della poesia, sia per l’infanzia che per un pubblico adulto.
Les changements climatiques, au niveau de la variabilité du climat, se font ressentir un peu partout à travers le globe que ce soit par le décalage des saisons, une variation des précipitations ou l’augmentation des températures. Certaines régions telles que le delta du Gange-Brahmapoutre-Meghna subissent au quotidien les impacts de ces variations. Quatre grandes perturbations environnementales chamboulent cette dynamique dans cette grande région du delta du GANGE-BRAHMAPOUTRE-MEGHNA : le changement du régime des précipitations, la fonte des glaciers causée par la hausse des températures moyennes annuelles, l’augmentation du niveau marin moyen et les perturbations climatiques extrêmes ponctuelles. Ces perturbations transforment le trait de côte, d’une manière directe ou indirecte. Cette fragilité des berges devient problématique dans un environnement urbain à forte densité. Nos résultats mettent en évidence que, dans un contexte de variabilité climatique changeant et de densité de population croissante, la région du delta du GANGE-BRAHMAPOUTRE-MEGHNA souffre d’une perte de terre viable entraînant des déplacements de populations. Certaines villes ont connu une augmentation de leur population allant au-delà de 1000% sur la période de 1921-2011. L’analyse de photographies aériennes sur la période 2001- 2013 montre un accroissement de l’étendue des zones urbaines, mais aussi du mouvement des berges. Sur une période plus récente, on constate même que de nouveaux quartiers ont été construits dans les zones inondées de 2004.
Tesis (Maestría en Docencia).-- Universidad de La Salle. Facultad de Ciencias de La Educación. Maestría en Docencia, 2014
The 2108,0 m deep exploration well "Bad Laer Z 1" (1993) has been carried down in order to investigate the deeper ground lying beneath the "Kleiner Berg" anticline, concerning the existence of reservoir beds which was postulated according to preceeding seismic investigations. This aim of the borehole was not attained, because no formations have been drilled suitable for the construction of an artificial gas reservoir. On the other hand the bore hole revealed a great amount of new regional geologic, stratigraphic, mining, coalification and coal bed gas data. Therefore, from a scientific point of view the exploration well must be considered successful. After the drilling of a stratigraphic succession, mainly consisting of cretaceous "Pläner" limestones (from Albian to Turonian), surprisingly in a depth of only 439 m productive Upper Carboniferous rocks formed by the Lembeck beds of uppermost Westfalian C have been found. In addition to this discovery, nearly the whole Westfalian C and B reaching down to the coal bed "Katharina" at the Westfalian A boundary were drilled through revealing over 66 partly minable coal beds. Investigations of the coalification pattern showed a more or less continuous increase of the rank gradient with depth reaching from the step of gas flame coal down to 700 m over that of gas coal down to 1600 m to that of fat coal down to the bottom of the borehole. An additional surprising result of the exploration well was the observation, that immediately below the base of the Cretaceous the coal beds revealed a high gas content without the presence of a desorption zone. This result must also be considered as success of the drilling with respect to the strong interest in a potential utilization of coal bed methane nowadays.
The Directed Practice Seminar was developed under the theme Document Control in Canton Puriscal, San Jose Costa Rica. The practice consisted of a process of identification, collection, description, analysis and typing of documents Puriscal of historical, scientific and cultural, to publicize the county's documentary heritage, thus contributing to the Costa Rican national literature, and also promote the rescue culture of the peoples, a task that performs modern librarianship.The search, identification and collection of documents that have been published or not, in and to the Canton Puriscal was thorough and in all possible formats: books, journals, letters, brochures, memos, videos, newspaper articles, manuscripts , periodicals, electronic resources, among others.
Dyslipidemia, i.e. high levels of blood lipids (cholesterol and triglycerides), is strongly related to cardiovascular disease (CVD). In order to reduce the risk of CVD at any moment in a person ́s life, it is crucial to know his/her –and the population’s– lipid profile. The aim of this study was to assess the (statistical) indicators of blood lipids and the prevalence of dyslipidemia in patients treated in the Integral Health Attention Program from Universidad de Costa Rica. A descriptive study was conducted including 10,044 patients aged 20 to 65 years, who were tested for a blood lipid profile in 2006. A total of 2,969 (29.6%) male and 7,075 (70.4%) female patients took part in the study, with an average age of 43.5 years. General averages for blood lipids were: 203.3 mg/dl for total cholesterol, 50.1 mg/dl for HDL, 120.1 mg/dl for LDL, and 165.6 mg/dl for triglycerides. Prevalence of 17.2% was determined for hypercholesterolemia (≥240 mg/dl), as well as 21.3% for low HDL levels (<40 mg/dl), 11.9% for high LDL levels (≥160 mg/dl), and 26.3% for high triglyceride levels (≥200 mg/dl). Women showed higher overall levels of dyslipidemia than men. Based on health areas, no significant differences were found in general lipid levels by age or sex. Results indicate that the general prevalence of dyslipidemia is close to half the rate reported in worldwide literature and lower than results reported in Costa Rican studies. However, general averages exceeded optimal levels for each blood lipid; consequently, it is important to develop health interventions oriented to reduce the impact of dyslipidemia in the studied population.
The present work describes myxozoans found in Cyphocharax nagelli (Characiformes: Curimatinae) commonly called saguiru collected from Rio do Peixe Reservoir, Sao Jose do Rio Pardo, São Paulo, Brazil. From a total of 38 examined fish, 24 were infected with Henneguya garavelli n. sp. (63% prevalence) and two with Myxobolus peculiaris n. sp. (5% prevalence) in the gills. Spores were studied by staining and fresh spores were observed by differential interference contrast optics. Henneguya garavelli n. sp. differs from Henneguya iheringi , Henneguya occulta, Henneguya cesarpintoi, Henneguya santae, Henneguya pisciforme, Henneguya amazonica, Henneguya striolata, Henneguya leporinicola and Henneguya chydadea in spore length and from Henneguya travassosi, Henneguya adherens, Henneguya malabarica, Henneguya piaractus and also Henneguya chydadea in polar capsule length and tail length. Myxobolus peculiaris n. sp. was very different when compared to other species of Myxobolus in its morphology and the biggest size of spore body. The authors present tables with comparative measurements of Brazilian myxozoan parasites. (c) 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.