418 resultados para Authoritarian


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Este artigo reporta análises e conclusões formuladas a partir de observações sobre a Justiça Penal brasileira e que deram origem a tese intitulada “Justiça Penal no Brasil Atual: Discurso democrático – prática autoritária”. Focalizando especificamente o ensino jurídico nacional, este texto procura associar a manutenção do autoritarismo no controle penal à tradição positivista da ciência jurídica nacional.


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Este artigo tem por finalidade discutir as relações políticas entre o grupo reunido em torno do jornal O Estado de S. Paulo e o governo autoritário de Getúlio Vargas instaurado em novembro de 1937, num momento em que a Europa se dividia entre países totalitários, de esquerda e de direita, e liberal-democráticos.


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Este artigo discute o desenvolvimento dos conceitos democracia e sociedade civil, no Brasil dos anos 70. Defende a premissa de que seu início foi fortemente marcado por intelectuais acadêmicos de matriz marxista. Aponta que foi possível desenvolverem-se esses conceitos por uma vertente da dependência estrutural e da concepção de Estado burocrático-autoritário.


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Avalia-se aqui como evoluíram as relações entre governo e Forças Armadas, e o comportamento destas no interior da burocracia de Estado com base na análise dos orçamentos federais desde o governo autoritário até o atual (1964-2001). Os dados indicam um declínio lento e constante dos gastos com a defesa, entremeados por repiques elevatórios no início de novos gover­nos. De maneira geral, sugerem que os governos civis definem o padrão orça­mentário sem interferência militar, embora os recursos sejam usados sem um acompanhamento adequado das atividades castrenses. Indica-se ainda que a autonomia castrense, isto é, a sua capacidade de definir seu campo de atua­ção, as normas que a norteiam e as missões a desempenhar, pode ser revigo­rada. Essa autonomia endêmica não é fruto de escolhas militares, mas da omissão do poder civil.


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Este artigo reporta análises e conclusões formuladas a partir de observações sobre a Justiça Penal brasileira e que deram origem à tese intitulada Justiça Penal no Brasil atual: discurso democrático – prática autoritária. O objetivo desta pesquisa foi o de refletir sobre a política criminal contemporânea, voltada à ampliação da repressão e ao uso contínuo do encarceramento. Tal política, implementada no Brasil logo após a abertura política ocorrida em 1985, ajusta-se ao projeto liberal em curso no país e também em praticamente todo o Ocidente capitalista.


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The aim of this paper is to analyze the confluences between the thinking of philosophers Theodor Adorno and Hannah Arendt in critiquing totalitarianism and fascism in the post-World War II period. Looking for approximation between the works of both philosophers, the most relevant aspects of this criticism for the philosophy of education will be explicited.


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This was a qualitative study with the purpose of designing a meta-model for the work process of the Family Health Strategy (FHS) team. It was based on the experience of six sample groups, composed of their members (physicians, professional nurses, dentists, dental assistants, licensed technical nurses and community health agents) in a city in São Paulo state, Brazil, totaling 54 subjects. Six theoretical models emerged from non-directive interviews. These were analyzed according to Grounded Theory and submitted to the meta-synthesis strategy, which produced the meta-model between the processes of strengthening and weakening of the FHS model: professional-team-community reciprocity as an intervening component. When analyzed in light of the Theory of Complexity (TC), it showed to be a work with a vertical and authoritarian tendency, which is largely hegemonic in the tradition of public health care policies.


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The moral judgment was approached upon a constructivist perspective which focuses on its evolution according to the different types of social relations. The several forms of resolution of conflicts are also considered in this reference, since they are related to situations of interaction, as well as the aggressiveness. The research was carried out with sixty children and teenagers from a socio-educational institution. It aimed to identify the variations according to age, and relate the trends in moral judgment, the styles of resolution of conflicts, and the perception of the educators regarding to the manifestation of aggressive behaviors. The instruments for collecting data were the Scale of Perception from Teachers for children that manifested Aggressive Behaviors in School, a Clinical Interview about moral judgment and the adaptation of the Children\'s Action Tendency Scale - CATS. The results showed that variations in relation to age were significant regarding to moral judgment. The younger children showed more heteronomous judgments and the older children more autonomous. Furthermore, the data evidenced a positive relationship between semiautonomia and aggressiveness, which raises the possibility of this being regarded as one of the unique strategies to take a position within an authoritarian and coercive environment.


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Understanding the women’s political manifest at the present national scenario through analyzing the historicity and complexity of women’s movement and their contradictions regarding females / feminists actions in public and political areas. Thus, I give emphasis to the 30s and its “green blouses” and 60’s with “the marchadeiras” showing how those conservatives movements and their facist trend took on organized actions. And, also acting on the opposite way of democratic areas and the struggles for increasing the rights and advocating the maintenance of a status quo, keeping female traditional practices. Those women, who were living in the most visible female conjunctures and resistance to authoritarian governments, have taken positions that were holding back the progress in the game, contributing to reflux before the conquest of rights and gender equity.


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A transition of Brazil from a juridico-political system of exception to a democracy was accompanied by several legal and institutional reform processes, aimed at the gradual elimination of so-called authoritarian rubble and the implementation of instruments of the democratic system, based on recognized citizenship and justice. However, to this day the extent and effects of those reforms can be questioned, especially in light of the increased public demand for justice and citizenship. The article The Difficult Path to Reform: The Police and Limits of the Post-Redemocratization Reform Process shows that the route to reform, above all in the sphere of police agencies, is a tortuous one, with an extensive agenda of problems and solutions, demanding research on the part of academics in order to form an understanding of the resistance to change and to new paradigms that define the public security agenda.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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This monograph object of analysis is the agriculture modernization in Brazil between 1960 and 1980, highlighting the discussion of the economic and politic ideas around the Brazilian agrarian question. The first parte presents an introduction about this issue and the theoretical positions, as well as social and economic implications for the development of the productive forces on rural areas. Nevertheless, reflections of its development to the economy as a whole, highlighting the way the income distribution and concentration was realized. On the second part its presented the agriculture modernization Project on the centralized militar government point of view, by the propositions of that time Agriculture Minister, Antônio Delfim Netto. The approach is made through the proposals precreeded by the Rural Worker Statute and the Land Statute, before the Military Coup, with its news counterpoints settled in law by the Agriculture Modernization Project installed in 1964; the concessions of funding grants and subsidized credits; the relationship between the authoritarian State and the militarization of the land conflicts. The third part deals with the salary dinamics, income and profit on the modernized rural economy created by the agroindustrial productions system. Lastly the conclusion cross the economic and social results of the agrarian question evolution, to the Brazilian agriculture modernization on income distribution