996 resultados para Austria. Armee. Generalstab.
Ms. germ. fol. 46 - Das Exerzieren und die Evolutionen der Englischen Armee. Revidiert im Jahre 1833
Vorbesitzer: Freiherr von Ende II
Welsch (Projektbearbeiter): Nach dem gescheiterten Versuch, von Kaschau aus nach Galizien durchzubrechen, dringt der polnische General Bem über Klausenburg und Bistritz bis in die Bukowina vor. Verfolgung versprengter ungarischer Truppenteile im Gebiet von Gran (Esztergom) und der Großen Schütt (Donauinsel zwischen Preßburg und Komorn) sowie bei Veszprim und im Bakonywald
Bericht über eine Heuschreckenplage in Mitteleuropa 1693, gefolgt durch eine Chronik der Heuschreckenplagen in den Jahren 27 - 1543. - Bibliogr. Nachweis: Faust: Zoolog. Einblattdrucke .̤ I,67
Originale beschädigt
Original handkoloriert
Anisotropy-magnetic susceptibility from the Krems Wachtberg archaeological Site (Austria), section 1
A third glacier inventory (GI3) is presented for the province of Salzburg where 173 glaciers are located in the seven mountain ranges: Ankogel (47°4'N, 13°14'E), Glockner, Granatspitz, Sonnblick (Goldberg), Hochkönig, Venediger and Zillertal (47°8'N, 12°7'E). The basis for the new GI3 are orthophotos of 2007 and 2009 and the digital elevation model (DEM) of the southern part of Salzburg. On the basis of former inventories, area- and volume changes have been calculated. The biggest relative loss of glacier area per mountain range was found in the Ankogel range and on Hochkönig as a result of the disrupted structure of their small and thin glaciers. In terms of absolute values, the largest changes took place in the Glockner- and Venediger range with an area loss of -10.1 km**2 and -9.7 km**2 during the period between GI1 (1969) and GI3 (2007/2009), respectively. Volume changes have been calculated for nearly half of the glacier area in Salzburg, where DEMs were available. The Glockner, Granatspitz and Sonnblick mountain ranges showed a volume loss of -0.481 km**3 which corresponds to a mean thickness change of -10.5 m. An extrapolation of these changes to all of the 173 glaciers in Salzburg results in a loss of about 1.04 km**3 between GI1 and GI3 and 0.44 km**3 between GI2 and GI3. Overall annual changes in the province of Salzburg between GI2 and GI3 were higher than between GI1 and GI2 and show likewise changes such as those of Tyrol.