987 resultados para August, prince of Saxe-Coburg-Gotha, 1845-
letzte ungarische lieferung gelangte am 1. october 1901. die letzte deutsche lieferung am 1. juni 1902 in den buchandel.
No meetings held from June-August.
Original in the Princeton Theological Seminary.
Title from caption.
I. Man of feeling. Man of the world.--II. Man of the world (cont.)--III. Julia de Roubigné.--IV. Papers from The Mirror.--V. Papers from The Mirror (cont.) Papers from The Lounger.--VI. Papers from The Lounger (cont.)--VII. Papers from The Lounger (cont.) Life of Dr. Blacklock. Life of Lord Abercromby. Life of William Tytler. Review of the principal proceedings of the Parliament of 1784.--VIII. Poems. Dramatic pieces: The prince of Tunis. The Spanish father. False shame, or The white hypocrit.
I. Alcibiades. Don Carlos, prince of Spain. Titus and Berenice. The cheats of Scapin. Friendship in fashion. The soldier's fortune.--II. The atheist; or, The second part of The soldier's fortune. The orphan. The history and fall of Caius Marius. Venice preserved. Poems and letters.
Sessions held in August.
Vol. 2-6 published by C. Muquardt.
Signed: A member of the 28th Congress.
v.2. Midsummer-night's dream. Love's labor's lost. Merchant of Venice. As y@u like it. All's well that ends well. Taming of the shrew.--v.3. Winter's tale. Comedy of errors. Macbeth. King John. King Richard the second. King Henry the fourth, pt. 1st.--v.4. King Henry the fourth, pt. 2d. King Henry the fifth. King Henry the sixth, pt. 1st - 3d.--v.5. King Richard the third. King Henry the eighth. Troilus and Cressida. Timon of Athens. Coriolanus.--v.7. King Lear. Romeo and Juliet. Hamlet, prince of Denmark. Othello, the Moor of Venice.
Mode of access: Internet.
All these plays may be performed free of royalty.
v. 1. From the Roman invasion to the Wars of Roses -- v. 2. From the Wars of the Roses to the Great Rebellion -- v. 3. From the Great Rebellion to the fall of Marlborough -- v. 4. From the fall of Marlborough to the Peninsular War -- v. 5. From the Peninsular War to the death of Sir Robert Peel -- v. 6. From the death of Sir Robert Peel to the illness of the Prince of Wales -- v. 7. From the illness of the Prince of Wales to the British occupation of Egypt -- v. 8. From the British occupation of Egypt to the opening of Parliament, 1895 -- v. 9. From the opening of Parliament, 1895, to the death of Queen Victoria and accession of Edward VII.
Monthly except July and August.
Edited by F.P. Walesby. cf. W.P. Courtney's Bibliography.