999 resultados para Assisted cases
Resumo I (Prática Pedagógica) - A Secção I - Prática Pedagógica - refere-se ao Estágio que a mestranda realizou no Conservatório de Música de Ourém e Fátima durante o ano lectivo 2013-2014. No âmbito das suas funções de docente, a mestranda realizou o estágio com um aluno do I Grau – 5º ano do Regime Articulado, e com um aluno do III Grau - 7º ano do Regime Articulado e assistiu, ainda, às aulas de um aluno do V Grau - 9º ano do Regime Articulado, sob a orientação da professora cooperante, docente de órgão dessa mesma escola. Nesta secção é feita uma breve caracterização da escola onde se realizou o estágio bem como dos alunos envolvidos no estágio. Por último, são mencionadas as práticas educativas desenvolvidas, os objectivos gerais para o ano lectivo, os métodos utilizados, os objectivos pedagógicos implícitos para cada período e, a finalizar, é apresentada uma análise crítica da actividade docente.
Aroylhydrazone oxidovanadium compounds, viz, the oxidoethoxidovanadium(V) [VO(OEt)L1] (1) (H2L =salicylaldehyde-2-hydroxybenzoylhydrazone), the salt like dioxidovanadium(V) (NH3CH2CH2OH)(+) [VO2L](-) (2), the mixed-ligand oxidovanadium(V) [VO(hq)L](Hhq = 8-hydroxyquinoline) (3) and the vanadium(IV) [VO(phen)L] (phen=1,10-phenanthroline) (4) complexes (3 and 4 obtained by the first time), have been tested as catalysts for solvent-free microwave-assisted oxidation of aromatic and alicyclic secondary alcohols with tert-butylhydroperoxide. A facile, efficient and selective solvent-free synthesis of ketones was achieved with yields up to 99% (TON= 497, TOF= 993 h(-1) for 3) and 58% (TON =291, TOF= 581 h(-1) for 2) for acetophenone and cyclohexanone, respectively, after 30 min under low power (25W) microwave irradiation. (C) 2015 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
The iron(III) complexes [H(EtOH)][FeCl2(L)(2)] (1), [H(2)bipy](1/2)[FeCl2(L)(2)].DMF (2) and [FeCl2(L)(2,2'-bipy)] (3) (L = 3-amino-2-pyrazinecarboxylate; H(2)bipy = doubly protonated 4,4'-bipyridine; 2,2'-bipy = 2,2'-bipyridine, DMF = dimethylformamide) have been synthesized and fully characterized by IR, elemental and single-crystal X-ray diffraction analyses, as well as by electrochemical methods. Complexes 1 and 2 have similar mononuclear structures containing different guest molecules (protonated ethanol for 1 and doubly protonated 4,4'-bipyridine for 2) in their lattices, whereas the complex 3 has one 3-amino-2-pyrazinecarboxylate and a 2,2'-bipyridine ligand. They show a high catalytic activity for the low power (10 W) solvent-free microwave assisted peroxidative oxidation of 1-phenylethanol, leading, in the presence of TEMPO, to quantitative yields of acetophenone [TOFs up to 8.1 x 10(3) h(-1), (3)] after 1 h. Moreover, the catalysts are of easy recovery and reused, at least for four consecutive cycles, maintaining 83 % of the initial activity and concomitant rather high selectivity. 3-Amino-2-pyrazinecarboxylic acid is used to synthesize three new iron(III) complexes which act as heterogeneous catalysts for the solvent-free microwave-assisted peroxidative oxidation of 1-phenylethanol.
A retrospective survey of 473 cases of snake bite admitted to a Brazilian teaching hospital from 1984 to 1990 revealed 91 cases of bite without envenoming and/or caused by non-venomous snakes. In 17 of these cases the snake was identified, and one patient was bitten by a snake-like reptile (Amphisbaena mertensii). In 43 cases diagnosis was made on clinical grounds (fang marks in the absence of signs of envenoming). The other 30 cases were of patients who complained of being bitten but who did not show any sign of envenoming or fang mark. Most cases occurred in men (66;73%), in the 10-19 years age group (26;29%), in the lower limbs (51/74;69%), between 6 A. M. and 2 P.M. (49;61%) and in the month of April (16; 18%). One patient bitten by Philodryas olfersii developed severe local pain, swelling and redness at the site of the bite, with normal clotting time. The patient bitten by Drymarcon corais was misdiagnosed as being bitten by a snake of the genus Bothrops, was given the specific antivenom, and developed anaphylaxis. One patient bitten by Sibynomorphus mikanii presented prolonged clotting time, and was also given antivenom as a case of Bothrops bite. Correct identification of venomous snakes by physicians is necessary to provide correct treatment to victims of snake bite, avoiding unnecessary distress to the patient, and overprescription of antivenom, which may eventually cause severe untoward effects.
Legionella sp has been emerging over the last decade as an important cause of pneumonia both hospital and community-acquired. Following an outbreak in a Renal - Transplant Unit stocked serum was tested for antibodies against Legionella pneumophila serogroup 1, and 5 cases of Legionnaires' Disease were reviewed. Two of the cases were nosocomial and three cases were community - acquired. Clinical and laboratorial aspects were similar to those expected for other causes of pneumonia, however jaundice was encountered in two cases. This study suggests that the real incidence of pneumonia caused by Legionella sp is being underestimated and the authors emphasize the importance of considering Legionnaires' Disease when empirically treating community - acquired pneumonia
Wireless Body Area Networks (WBANs) have emerged as a promising technology for medical and non-medical applications. WBANs consist of a number of miniaturized, portable, and autonomous sensor nodes that are used for long-term health monitoring of patients. These sensor nodes continuously collect information of patients, which are used for ubiquitous health monitoring. In addition, WBANs may be used for managing catastrophic events and increasing the effectiveness and performance of rescue forces. The huge amount of data collected by WBAN nodes demands scalable, on-demand, powerful, and secure storage and processing infrastructure. Cloud computing is expected to play a significant role in achieving the aforementioned objectives. The cloud computing environment links different devices ranging from miniaturized sensor nodes to high-performance supercomputers for delivering people-centric and context-centric services to the individuals and industries. The possible integration of WBANs with cloud computing (WBAN-cloud) will introduce viable and hybrid platform that must be able to process the huge amount of data collected from multiple WBANs. This WBAN-cloud will enable users (including physicians and nurses) to globally access the processing and storage infrastructure at competitive costs. Because WBANs forward useful and life-critical information to the cloud – which may operate in distributed and hostile environments, novel security mechanisms are required to prevent malicious interactions to the storage infrastructure. Both the cloud providers and the users must take strong security measures to protect the storage infrastructure.
Isosporiasis in Venezuela: a report of two cases in patients with acquired immunodeficiency syndrome
Resumo: A decisão da terapêutica hormonal no tratamento do cancro da mama baseiase na determinação do receptor de estrogénio alfa por imunohistoquímica (IHC). Contudo, a presença deste receptor não prediz a resposta em todas as situações, em parte devido a limitações do método IHC. Investigámos se a expressão dos genes ESR1 e ESR2, bem como a metilação dos respectivos promotores, pode estar relacionada com a evolução desfavorável de uma proporção de doentes tratados com tamoxifeno assim como com a perda dos receptores de estrogénio alfa (ERα) e beta (ERß). Amostras de 211 doentes com cancro da mama diagnosticado entre 1988 e 2004, fixadas em formalina e preservadas em parafina, foram utilizadas para a determinação por IHC da presença dos receptores ERα e ERß. O mRNA total do gene ESR1 e os níveis específicos do transcrito derivado do promotor C (ESR1_C), bem como dos transcritos ESR2_ß1, ESR2_ß2/cx, and ESR2_ß5 foram avaliados por Real-time PCR. Os promotores A e C do gene ESR1 e os promotores 0K e 0N do gene ESR2 foram investigados por análise de metilação dos dinucleotidos CpG usando bisulfite-PCR para análise com enzimas de restrição, ou para methylation specific PCR. Atendendo aos resultados promissores relacionados com a metilação do promotor do gene ESR1, complementamos o estudo com um método quantitativo por matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization time-of-flight mass spectrometry (MALDI-TOF MS) suportado pelo software Epityper para a medição da metilação nos promotores A e C. Fez-se a avaliação da estabilidade do mRNA nas linhas celulares de cancro da mama MCF-7 e MDA-MB-231 tratadas com actinomicina D. Baixos níveis do transcrito ESR1_C associaram-se a uma melhor sobrevivência global (p = 0.017). Níveis elevados do transcrito ESR1_C associaram-se a uma resposta inferior ao tamoxifeno (HR = 2.48; CI 95% 1.24-4.99), um efeito mais pronunciado em doentes com tumores de fenótipo ERα/PgR duplamente positivo (HR = 3.41; CI 95% 1.45-8.04). A isoforma ESR1_C mostrou ter uma semi-vida prolongada, bem como uma estrutura secundária da região 5’UTR muito mais relaxada em comparação com a isoforma ESR1_A. A análise por Western-blot mostrou que ao nível da 21 proteína, a selectividade de promotores é indistinguivel. Não se detectou qualquer correlação entre os níveis das isoformas do gene ESR2 ou entre a metilação dos promotores do gene ESR2, e a detecção da proteína ERß. A metilação do promotor C do gene ESR1, e não do promotor A, foi responsável pela perda do receptor ERα. Estes resultados sugerem que os níveis do transcrito ESR1_C sejam usados como um novo potencial marcador para o prognóstico e predição de resposta ao tratamento com tamoxifeno em doentes com cancro da mama. Abstract: The decision of endocrine breast cancer treatment relies on ERα IHC-based assessment. However, ER positivity does not predict response in all cases in part due to IHC methodological limitations. We investigated whether ESR1 and ESR2 gene expression and respective promoter methylation may be related to non-favorable outcome of a proportion of tamoxifen treated patients as well as to ERα and ERß loss. Formalin-fixed paraffin-embedded breast cancer samples from 211 patients diagnosed between 1988 and 2004 were submitted to IHC-based ERα and ERß protein determination. ESR1 whole mRNA and promoter C specific transcript levels, as well as ESR2_ß1, ESR2_ß2/cx, and ESR2_ß5 transcripts were assessed by real-time PCR. ESR1 promoters A and C, and ESR2 promoters 0N and 0K were investigated by CpG methylation analysis using bisulfite-PCR for restriction analysis, or methylation specific PCR. Due to the promising results related to ESR1 promoter methylation, we have used a quantification method by matrixassisted laser desorption/ionization time-of-flight mass spectrometry (MALDITOF MS) together with Epityper software to measure methylation at promoters A and C. mRNA stability was assessed in actinomycin D treated MCF-7 and MDA-MB-231 cells. ERα protein was quantified using transiently transfected breast cancer cells. Low ESR1_C transcript levels were associated with better overall survival (p = 0.017). High levels of ESR1_C transcript were associated with non-favorable response in tamoxifen treated patients (HR = 2.48; CI 95% 1.24-4.99), an effect that was more pronounced in patients with ERα/PgR double-positive tumors (HR = 3.41; CI 95% 1.45-8.04). The ESR1_C isoform had a prolonged mRNA half-life and a more relaxed 5’UTR structure compared to ESR1_A isoform. Western-blot analysis showed that at protein level, the promoter selectivity is undistinguishable. There was no correlation between levels of ESR2 isoforms or ESR2 promoter methylation and ERß protein staining. ESR1 promoter C CpG methylation and not promoter A was responsible for ERα loss. We propose ESR1_C levels as a putative novel marker for breast cancer prognosis and prediction of tamoxifen response.
A one-pot template reaction of sodium 2-(2-(dicyanomethylene) hydrazinyl) benzenesulfonate (NaHL1) with water and manganese(II) acetate tetrahydrate led to the mononuclear complex [Mn(H2O)(6)](HL1a)(2)center dot 4H(2)O (1), where (HL1a) -= 2-(SO3-)C6H4(NH)=N=C(C N) (CONH2) is the carboxamide species derived from nucleophilic attack of water on a cyano group of (HL1) . The copper tetramer [Cu-4(H2O)(10)(-) (1 kappa N: kappa O-2: kappa O, 2 kappa N: k(O)-L-2)(2)]center dot 2H(2)O (2) was obtained from reaction of Cu(NO3)(2)center dot 2.5H(2)O with sodium 5-(2( 4,4-dimethyl-2,6-dioxocyclohexylidene) hydrazinyl)-4-hydroxybenzene-1,3-disulfonate (Na2H2L2). Both complexes were characterized by elemental analysis, IR spectroscopy, ESI-MS and single crystal X-ray diffraction. They exhibit a high catalytic activity for the solvent-and additive-free microwave (MW) assisted oxidation of primary and secondary alcohols with tert-butylhydroperoxide, leading to yields of the oxidized products up to 85.5% and TOFs up to 1.90 x 103 h(-1) after 1 h under low power (5-10 W) MW irradiation. Moreover, the heterogeneous catalysts are easily recovered and reused, at least for three consecutive cycles, maintaining 89% of the initial activity and a high selectivity.
Two cases of Aspergillosis in immunocompromised children are reported. Both were caused by Aspergillns flavus. Early diagnosis and treatment led to the remission of the process. One patient had acute myeloid leukemia; the fungus was isolated from the blood. The other patient with bone marrow aplasia, presented an invasive aspergillosis of the paranasal sinuses with dissemination of fungal infection; the diagnosis was obtained by histology and culture of biopsied tissue from a palatal ulceration.
The results of 32 cases studied lead us to the conclusion that erythema nodosum's investigation routine is very important, once in our retrospective study, the percentage of cases of unknown etiology was 69.4%, and in this prospective study it is 21.8%. In 10 cases (31.2%), more than one causing agent was suspected. Infections (bacterial, helminthic, fungal, by protozoa) were diagnosed in 26 cases, streptococcal infection having predominated (12 cases). Drugs-dipirone, aspirin, anovulatory - were suspected as causing agents in 13 cases. The association of erythema nodosum and histoplasmosis capsulata is described for the first time in Brazil. We consider erythema nodosum to be a complex syndrome which should be regarded as a manifestation of underlying diseases. The fact that all 32 subjects were women, 26 of them during menacme, suggests that particular hormonal media may favor the action of various processes (infections and drugs), precipitating erythema nodosum's clinical picture.
We report the clinical findings and evolution of seven patients (five men and two women), the majority of them intravenous drug users, with paracoccidioidomycosis associated to acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS). In four of the patients the paracoccidioidomycosis was restricted to the lung and in the three others was generalized with cutaneous involvement. Only two of them had lived recently in rural area, an indication of the possible reactivation of latent focal infection in the other five patients. The recognition of the role of cell-mediated immunity in host defense against Paracoccidioides brasiliensis leds to the prediction of a growing occurrence of the paracoccidioidomycosis-AIDS association in areas that are endemic for these diseases.
Colonization of the colon and rectum by intestinal spirochetes is detected for the first time in Brazil in 4 of 282 (1.41%) patients who had undergone sigmoidoscopy and/or colonoscopy with a histopathological diagnosis of chronic non specific-colitis. This frequency is probably understimated, since surgically obtained specimens were not considered in the present study. Histopathological diagnosis was performed using routine stains like hematoxylin-eosin which showed the typical, of 3-µm thick hematoxyphilic fringe on the brush border of the surface epithelium, and by silver stains like the Warthin-Starry stain. Immunohistochemical procedures using two, polyclonal, primary antibodies, one against Treponema pallidum and the other against Leptospira interrogans serovar copenhageni serogroup Icterohaemorrhagiae cross-reacted with spirochetal antigen/s producing a marked contrast of the fringe over the colonic epithelium, preserving the spiral-shaped morphology of the parasite. In one case with marked diarrhea, immunohistochemistry detected spirochetal antigen/s within a cell in an intestinal crypt, thus demonstrating that the infection can be more widely disseminated than suspected using routine stains. Immunohistochemical procedures, thus, greatly facilitate the histological diagnosis of intestinal spirochetosis and may contribute to a better understanding of the pathogenesis of the disease. Transmission and scanning electron microscopy performed in one case showed that the spirochete closely resembled the species designated as Brachyspira aalborgi.