439 resultados para Artisanal
A light fishery for "Ndagala" (Strolothrissa tanganicae) has been practised for many years on Lake Tanganyika. Initially this had a low catch rate, but has since been developed by the introduction of an artisanal fishery unit based on the catamaran. A unit consists of a pair of metal canoes joined together. The fish are attracted by three lights mounted on the structure, and are caught with a pyramid-shaped lift net. Selected beaches have been reserved for the artisanal fishery and the numher of units operating has increased from 12 in 1957 to 538 in 1972. The mean annual catch per unit is 11,000 kg, which is not sufficient for the fishery to be economic. However, prediction of a possible mean catch as high as 40 tons year encouraged the Burundi Government to launch a project with help from the Freedom from Hunger Campaign. This was designed to develop the fishery by the creation of artisanal fishing centres, and to make available a large number of fully equipped catamarans which could be paid for by a system of hire-purchase. The success of the project has illustrated that the furnishing of adequate equipment can bring about a transformation of the traditional fishery.
贵州省是我国最重要的汞工业基地,境内分布着大量的汞矿床,汞金属储量88000 t,占全国总储量近80%。汞矿开采、冶炼历史悠久,大规模的汞矿开采冶炼活动都已经停止。但是,由于汞矿区偏僻的自然地理位置、落后的经济水平和近期金属汞价格的攀升,这些地区仍然存在着较大规模的土法炼汞活动。大面积的土法炼汞活动和长期的大规模汞矿开采冶炼活动,给矿区生态环境造成了严重的汞污染。土法炼汞工艺十分落后,冶炼过程向周围大气释放大量的汞,而土法炼汞工人也必然会遭受严重的汞蒸气暴露。释放到大气的汞在进入周围环境后,在自然条件下通过微生物活动,会转化为毒性、生物有效性更强的甲基汞,并通过食物链富集放大,最终对矿区居民的身体健康构成一定的威胁。 本文选择贵州省务川汞矿区、万山汞矿区和铜仁垢溪、老屋场土法炼汞地区,进行了土法炼汞的汞释放量估算、汞矿地区环境汞污染调查及炼汞工人和矿区居民汞暴露调查和健康风险评价,系统阐述了贵州典型土法炼汞地区汞的生物地球化学循环特征及人体汞暴露评价。 1. 务川和铜仁垢溪地区的土法炼汞活动是当地大气的最主要人为释汞源。务川汞矿区土法炼汞的平均释汞因子为18.2%(6.9-32.1%),土法炼汞活动每年向大气排汞3.7-9.6 t;铜仁垢溪地区土法炼汞的平均释汞因子为9.8%(6.6-14.5%),土法炼汞活动每年向大气排汞1.3-2.7 t。 2. 务川汞矿区大面积的土法炼汞活动和长期大规模的汞矿活动以及垢溪、老屋场地区的土法炼汞活动,给当地的大气、地表水体和土壤造成了严重的汞污染,而汞污染程度受汞矿开采冶炼活动的历史和规模的影响显著。务川汞矿区大气汞浓度空间变化很大(7-40000 ng•m-3),受矿业活动影响的区域,大气汞含量明显升高;重污染区大气汞平均浓度为15000 ng•m-3,轻污染区为120 ng•m-3,对照区为24 ng•m-3。务川矿区地表水体的总汞含量的变化范围为43-2100 ng•L-1,总甲基汞含量变化范围为0.30-1.1 ng•L-1;垢溪、老屋场地区地表水体总汞含量的变化范围为92-2300 ng•L-1,总甲基汞含量变化范围为2.6-7.9 ng•L-1,地表水体显示了极强的甲基化能力。颗粒态汞占地表水体总汞含量的绝大部分比例,是矿区地表水体汞迁移的主要方式;而甲基汞则以溶解态为主。务川汞矿区土壤总汞含量的变化范围为1.3-360 mg•kg-1,垢溪、老屋场地区土壤总汞含量的变化范围为0.18-47.5 mg•kg-1,土壤剖面表层土壤汞的富集表明大气汞的沉降是土壤汞的重要来源,而土壤pH、有机质含量和土地利用类型影响着土壤中汞的迁移和富集。 3. 务川汞矿区土法炼汞工人尿汞含量的平均值高达1060 g•g-1 Cr,铜仁垢溪地区炼汞工人尿汞含量的平均值为347 g•g-1 Cr,铜仁老屋场地区炼汞工人尿汞含量的平均值为917 g•g-1 Cr,土法炼汞工人尿汞平均含量远远超过世界卫生组织规定的职业暴露人群的最大允许值-50 g•g-1 Cr,说明土法炼汞工人遭受严重的汞蒸气暴露。部分土法炼汞工人已经表现出轻度慢性汞中毒的症状,其肾脏已经遭受到一定程度的损伤。铜仁垢溪地区一般居民尿汞的平均值为40.0 g•g-1 Cr,铜仁老屋场地区一般居民尿汞含量的平均值为66.2 g•g-1 Cr,万山汞矿区大水溪居民尿汞含量的平均值为56.9 g•g-1 Cr,说明土法炼汞地区一般居民也遭受一定的汞蒸气暴露。对照区人群尿汞含量的平均值为1.30 g•g-1 Cr,万山下场溪村居民尿汞含量的平均值为2.5 g•g-1 Cr,其尿汞水平与对照组接近。 4. 食用大米是汞矿区居民甲基汞暴露的主要途径。万山汞矿区大水溪、下场溪和报溪3个村庄居民头发总汞含量的几何平均值分别为7.3、1.9和2.3 g•g-1,而头发甲基汞的平均含量分别为2.8、1.3和1.5 g•g-1,说明万山汞矿区居民存在一定程度的汞暴露。3个村庄居民食用大米总汞的平均含量分别为58.5、21.3和33.1 ng•g-1,大米甲基汞的平均含量分别为14.6、5.7和4.0 ng•g-1。居民食用的蔬菜、猪肉和饮水也表现出很高的总汞含量,但是甲基汞含量很低。3个村庄居民食用大米的摄入量占总甲基汞摄入量的平均比例分别为97.5%、94.1%和93.5%,且不同参与者每日通过食用大米的甲基汞摄入量和对应的头发甲基汞含量之间存在显著的相关关系 (r=0.65, p<0.01),这证实了居民头发甲基汞的来源确实是食用大米,食用大米是汞矿区居民甲基汞暴露的主要途径。 5. 铜仁垢溪、老屋场地区炼汞工人头发甲基汞的平均含量分别为5.05 g•g-1(2.35-10.6 g•g-1)和5.63 g•g-1(2.54-9.55 g•g-1),而一般居民头发甲基汞的平均含量分别为3.53 g•g-1(1.87-5.65 g•g-1)和4.01 g•g-1(2.29-9.23 g•g-1)。万山汞矿区大水溪、下场溪和报溪3个村庄居民头发甲基汞的平均含量分别为2.8、1.3和1.5 g•g-1。务川汞矿区土法炼汞工人和居民的头发甲基汞含量的变化范围为0.47-5.69 μg•g-1。对照组头发甲基汞的平均含量为0.65 g•g-1,变化范围为0.26¬-1.38 g•g-1。食用大米甲基汞摄入量的估算表明,铜仁垢溪和老屋场地区部分居民的甲基汞摄入量已经超过世界卫生组织2003年制定的标准-0.23 g•d-1•kg-1,汞矿区大部分人群的甲基汞摄入量超过了美国环保局的推荐值-0.1 g•d-1•kg-1 (USEPA, 1997),而对照区居民的甲基汞摄入量均没有超过这一推荐值,表明铜仁垢溪和老屋场地区居民存在一定的甲基汞暴露风险,而其他汞矿区人群也存在通过食用大米暴露甲基汞的潜在风险。
The coastal ecosystems in Southeast Asia are under increased pressure from local and global change. This paper examines human migration and the use of marine resources in coastal villages in the Minahasa district of North Sulawesi, Indonesia. Primary data were collected through interviews with village leaders, focus groups, and a sample survey of 600 fishing households. Migration is responsible for at least one quarter of the total growth during the past decade. All groups of fishermen report falling productivity of the nearshore fisheries. Econometric analysis is used to examine the weekly fish catch of the artisanal fishing sector. Migration status and socioeconomic variables seem to have no systematic effect, while fishing effort (labor, boat, and gear), the degree of specialization, and the remoteness of villages are found to be positively related to weekly fish catches.
Construction of a highway and artisanal gold mining have contributed to population and land use changes within the department of Madre de Dios, Peru. Such changes are expected to alter malaria rates due to impacts on vector habitat and human exposure. Vulnerability, as defined by the possibility of bereavement of a physical good or abstract state, is useful for understanding which communities are most likely to be adversely impacted by hazards such as malaria. A model defining susceptibility (SUS) and lack of resilience (LOR) was used to create an index of vulnerability to malaria for 40 communities in Madre de Dios. Indicators of SUS and LOR were developed from household and community data and combined into a final vulnerability index score. Vulnerability scores ranged between 0.13 and 0.31 with a mean of 0.21. Communities were grouped according to standard deviations from the mean. The most vulnerable communities (>1.5 standard deviations from mean) were located in the southern portion of the study area. When the dimension scores were compared for all communities, scores were generally higher in the susceptibility dimension than in the lack of resilience dimension. Examination of the indicator scores of individual communities revealed that drivers of vulnerability vary across the department. Therefore, targeted interventions addressing specific aspects of vulnerability may be useful. Finally, a predicted vulnerability surface was created for a 10 km buffer surrounding the Interoceanic Highway in Madre de Dios.
Many factors such as poverty, ineffective institutions and environmental regulations may prevent developing countries from managing how natural resources are extracted to meet a strong market demand. Extraction for some resources has reached such proportions that evidence is measurable from space. We present recent evidence of the global demand for a single commodity and the ecosystem destruction resulting from commodity extraction, recorded by satellites for one of the most biodiverse areas of the world. We find that since 2003, recent mining deforestation in Madre de Dios, Peru is increasing nonlinearly alongside a constant annual rate of increase in international gold price (∼18%/yr). We detect that the new pattern of mining deforestation (1915 ha/year, 2006-2009) is outpacing that of nearby settlement deforestation. We show that gold price is linked with exponential increases in Peruvian national mercury imports over time (R(2) = 0.93, p = 0.04, 2003-2009). Given the past rates of increase we predict that mercury imports may more than double for 2011 (∼500 t/year). Virtually all of Peru's mercury imports are used in artisanal gold mining. Much of the mining increase is unregulated/artisanal in nature, lacking environmental impact analysis or miner education. As a result, large quantities of mercury are being released into the atmosphere, sediments and waterways. Other developing countries endowed with gold deposits are likely experiencing similar environmental destruction in response to recent record high gold prices. The increasing availability of satellite imagery ought to evoke further studies linking economic variables with land use and cover changes on the ground.
This study examines the potential effects of ocean acidification on countries and fisheries of the Mediterranean Sea. The implications for seafood security and supply are evaluated by examining the sensitivity of the Mediterranean to ocean acidification at chemical, biological, and macro-economic levels. The limited information available on impacts of ocean acidification on harvested (industrial, recreational, and artisanal fishing) and cultured species (aquaculture) prevents any biological impact assessment. However, it appears that non-developed nations around the Mediterranean, particularly those for which fisheries are increasing, yet rely heavily on artisanal fleets, are most greatly exposed to socioeconomic consequences from ocean acidification.
Mediterranean Sea fisheries supply significant local and international markets, based largely on small pelagic fish, artisanal fisheries and aquaculture of finfish (mainly seabass and seabream) and shellfish (mussels and oysters). Fisheries and aquaculture contribute to the economy of countries bordering this sea and provide food and employment to coastal communities employing ca 600,000 people. Increasing temperatures and heat wave frequency are causing stress and mortality in marine organisms and ocean acidification is expected to worsen these effects, especially for bivalves and coralligenous systems. Recruitment and seed production present possible bottlenecks for shellfish aquaculture in the future since early life stages are vulnerable to acidification and warming. Although adult finfish seem able to withstand the projected increases in seawater CO2, degradation of seabed habitats and increases in harmful blooms of algae and jellyfish might adversely affect fish stocks. Ocean acidification should therefore be factored into fisheries and aquaculture management plans. Rising CO2 levels are expected to reduce coastal biodiversity, altering ecosystem functioning and possibly impacting tourism being the Mediterranean the world’s most visited region. We recommend that ocean acidification is monitored in key areas of the Mediterranean Sea, with regular assessments of the likely socio-economic impacts to build adaptive strategies for the Mediterranean countries concerned.
Este trabalho combina esforços de simulação numérica e de análise de dados para investigar a dinâmica em diversos compartimentos (oceano aberto, plataforma continental e zona costeira-estuarina) e, em multiplas escalas, na Margem Continental Leste Brasileira (MCLB). A circulação de largo e mesoescala espacial e a propagação da maré barotrópica são investigadas através de uma configuração aninhada do modelo numérico ROMS. O estudo da dinâmica regional da Baía de Camamu (CMB) baseia-se na análise de dados locais. A MCLB, localizada a SW do Atlântico Sul entre 8±S e 20±S, possui plataforma estreita, batimetria complexa, e baixa produtividade primária. A sua dinâmica é influenciada pela divergência da Corrente Sul Equatorial (CSE). As simulações refletem as conexões sazonais e espaciais entre a Corrente do Brasil e a Contra Corrente Norte do Brasil , em conexão com a dinâmica da CSE. As simulações revelam atividades vorticais nas proximidades da costa e interações com a dinâmica costeira, cujos padrões são descritos. A validação do modelo em mesoescala é baseada em cálculos de energia cinética turbulenta e em dados históricos de transporte. A CMB, localizada a 13±400S, abriga uma comunidade piscatória tradicional e extenso de manguezal. Situa-se porém sobre uma bacia sedimentar com grande reservas de óleo e gás, estando em tensão permanente de impacto ambiental. Neste trabalho sumarizamos as condições físicas regionais e investigamos sua dinâmica interna, focando sua variabilidade em amostragens realizadas sob condições de seca (Setembro de 2004) e de chuva (Julho de 2005). Finalmente, o modelo numérico ROMS é forçado com o sinal de maré, empregando-se uma configuração simples (com coeficientes de atrito de fundo constantes e condições hidrográficas homogéneas), com o intuito de avaliar sua resposta e investigar a natureza da propagação da maré barotrópica na MCLB, convergindo na CMB. A análise da resposta do modelo à maré basea-se em séries históricas do nível do mar para a MCLB e dados recentes da CMB.
With the aim to provide new insights into operational cetacean-fishery interactions in Atlantic waters, this thesis assesses interactions of cetaceans with Spanish and Portuguese fishing vessels operating in Iberian and South West Atlantic waters. Different opportunistic research methodologies were applied, including an interview survey with fishers (mainly skippers) and onboard observations by fisheries observers and skippers, to describe different types of interactions and to identify potential hotspots for cetacean-fishery interactions and the cetacean species most involved, and to quantify the extent and the consequences of these interactions in terms of benefits and costs for cetaceans and fisheries. In addition, the suitability of different mitigation strategies was evaluated and discussed. The results of this work indicate that cetaceans interact frequently with Spanish and Portuguese fishing vessels, sometimes in a beneficial way (e.g. cetaceans indicate fish schools in purse seine fisheries), but mostly with negative consequences (depredation on catch, gear damage and cetacean bycatch). Significant economic loss and high bycatch rates are, however, only reported for certain fisheries and associated with particular cetacean species. In Galician fisheries, substantial economic loss was reported as a result of bottlenose dolphins damaging artisanal coastal gillnets, while high catch loss may arise from common dolphins scattering fish in purse seine fisheries. High cetacean bycatch mortality arises in trawl fisheries, mainly of common dolphin and particularly during trawling in water depths below 350 m, and in coastal set gillnet fisheries (mainly common and bottlenose dolphins). In large-scale bottom-set longline fisheries in South West Atlantic waters, sperm whales may significantly reduce catch rates through depredation on catch. The high diversity of cetacean-fishery interactions observed in the study area indicates that case-specific management strategies are needed to reduce negative impacts on fisheries and cetaceans. Acoustic deterrent devices (pingers) may be used to prevent small cetaceans from approaching and getting entangled in purse seines and set gillnets, although possible problems include cetacean habituation to the pinger sounds, as well as negative side effects on non-target cetaceans (habitat exclusion) and fisheries target species (reduced catch rates). For sardine and horse mackerel, target species of Iberian Atlantic fisheries, no aversive reaction to pinger sounds was detected during tank experiments conducted in the scope of this thesis. Bycatch in trawls may be reduced by the implementation of time/area restrictions of fishing activity. In addition, the avoidance of fishing areas with high cetacean abundance combined with the minimization of fishery-specific sound cues that possibly attract cetaceans, may also help to decrease interactions. In large-scale bottom-set longline fisheries, cetacean depredation on catch may be reduced by covering hooked fish with net sleeves ("umbrellas") provided that catch rates are not negatively affected by this gear modification. Trap fishing, as an alternative fishing method to bottom-set gillnetting and longlining, also has the potential to reduce cetacean bycatch and depredation, given that fish catch rates are similar to the rates obtained by bottom-set gillnets and longlines, whereas cetacean by-catch is unlikely. Economic incentives, such as the eco-certification of dolphin-safe fishing methods, should be promoted in order to create an additional source of income for fishers negatively affected by interactions with cetaceans, which, in turn, may also increase fishers’ willingness to accept and adopt mitigation measures. Although the opportunistic sampling methods applied in this work have certain restrictions concerning their reliability and precision, the results are consistent with previous studies in the same area. Moreover, they allow for the active participation of fishers that can provide important complementary ecological and technical knowledge required for cetacean management and conservation.
Dissertação mest., Biologia Marinha, Universidade do Algarve, 2007
Tese de dout., Ciências e Tecnologia das Pescas, Faculdade de Ciências do Mar e do Ambiente, Universidade do Algarve, 2005
Dissertação de mest., Aquacultura e Pescas (Pescas), Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia, Univ. do Algarve, 2011
Tese de dout., Química, Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia, Univ. do Algarve, 2012
Dissertação de mestrado, Biologia Marinha, Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia, Universidade do Algarve, 2015
Tese de doutoramento, Belas-Artes (Escultura), Universidade de Lisboa, Faculdade de Belas-Artes, 2014