900 resultados para Architectural metal-work.
To understand pitting corrosion in stainless steel is very important, and a recent work showed that the MnS dissolution catalyzed by MnCr2O4{111} is a starting point of pit g. This demonstrates the need to understand the oxygen reduction reaction (ORR) on MnCr2O4{111}, which is the other half-reaction to complete pitting corrosion. In this study, the adsorption behaviors of all oxygen-containing species on MnCr2O4{111}, which has several possible terminations, are explored via density functional theory calculations. It is found that O-2 adsorbs on MnCr2O4{111) surfaces very strongly. Many possible reactions are investigated and the favored reaction mechanism of ORR is determined. The interactions between O-2 and H2O on the two metal-terminated MriCr(2)O(4){111} are found to be different according to the atomic configurations of the two surfaces. All the calculated results suggest that ORR can readily occur on the MnCr2O4{111} surfaces.
Transition metals are often introduced to a catalyst as promoters to improve catalytic performance. In this work, we study the promotion effect of transition metals on Co, the preferred catalytic metal for Fischer-Tropsch synthesis because of its good compromise of activity, selectivity and stability, for ethylene chemisorption using density functional theory (DFT) calculations, aiming to provide some insight into improving the alpha-olefin selectivity. In order to obtain the general trend of influence on ethylene chemisorption, twelve transition metals (Zr, Mn, Re, Ru, Rh, It, Ni, Pd, Pt, Cu, Ag and Au) are calculated. We find that the late transition metals (e.g. Pd and Cu) can decrease ethylene chemisorption energy. These results suggest that the addition of the late transition metals may improve alpha-olefin selectivity. Electronic structure analyses (both charge density distributions and density of states) are also performed and the understanding of calculated results is presented. (C) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
There is a broad consensus surrounding the ability of building information modelling (BIM) to positively impact a project by enabling greater collaboration. This paper aims to examine the development of BIM and how it can contribute to the evermore present and growing cold-formed steel (CFS) industry. This is achieved thorough a comprehensive literature review and four exploratory interviews with industry experts. Work has been carried out, for the first time, alongside one of the UK’s largest CFS Designer/Fabricators in conjunction with Northern Ireland’s leading Architectural and Town Planning Consultants in the identification and dissemination of information. The capabilities of BIM have been investigated through modeling of simple CFS structures n consultation with the project partners. By scrutinising the literature and associated interviews, the primary opportunities, as well as barriers, of BIM implementation have been investigated in the context of these companies. It is essential to develop greater understanding of the flexibility, adaptability and interoperability of BIM software as the UK construction industry faces a daunting challenge; fully collaborative 3D BIM as required by the UK Government under the “Government Construction Strategy” by 2016 in all public sector projects. This paper, and the wider study that it stems from, approaches the problem from a new angle, from sections of the construction industry that have not yet fully embedded BIM.
Por parte da indústria de estampagem tem-se verificado um interesse crescente em simulações numéricas de processos de conformação de chapa, incluindo também métodos de engenharia inversa. Este facto ocorre principalmente porque as técnicas de tentativa-erro, muito usadas no passado, não são mais competitivas a nível económico. O uso de códigos de simulação é, atualmente, uma prática corrente em ambiente industrial, pois os resultados tipicamente obtidos através de códigos com base no Método dos Elementos Finitos (MEF) são bem aceites pelas comunidades industriais e científicas Na tentativa de obter campos de tensão e de deformação precisos, uma análise eficiente com o MEF necessita de dados de entrada corretos, como geometrias, malhas, leis de comportamento não-lineares, carregamentos, leis de atrito, etc.. Com o objetivo de ultrapassar estas dificuldades podem ser considerados os problemas inversos. No trabalho apresentado, os seguintes problemas inversos, em Mecânica computacional, são apresentados e analisados: (i) problemas de identificação de parâmetros, que se referem à determinação de parâmetros de entrada que serão posteriormente usados em modelos constitutivos nas simulações numéricas e (ii) problemas de definição geométrica inicial de chapas e ferramentas, nos quais o objetivo é determinar a forma inicial de uma chapa ou de uma ferramenta tendo em vista a obtenção de uma determinada geometria após um processo de conformação. São introduzidas e implementadas novas estratégias de otimização, as quais conduzem a parâmetros de modelos constitutivos mais precisos. O objetivo destas estratégias é tirar vantagem das potencialidades de cada algoritmo e melhorar a eficiência geral dos métodos clássicos de otimização, os quais são baseados em processos de apenas um estágio. Algoritmos determinísticos, algoritmos inspirados em processos evolucionários ou mesmo a combinação destes dois são usados nas estratégias propostas. Estratégias de cascata, paralelas e híbridas são apresentadas em detalhe, sendo que as estratégias híbridas consistem na combinação de estratégias em cascata e paralelas. São apresentados e analisados dois métodos distintos para a avaliação da função objetivo em processos de identificação de parâmetros. Os métodos considerados são uma análise com um ponto único ou uma análise com elementos finitos. A avaliação com base num único ponto caracteriza uma quantidade infinitesimal de material sujeito a uma determinada história de deformação. Por outro lado, na análise através de elementos finitos, o modelo constitutivo é implementado e considerado para cada ponto de integração. Problemas inversos são apresentados e descritos, como por exemplo, a definição geométrica de chapas e ferramentas. Considerando o caso da otimização da forma inicial de uma chapa metálica a definição da forma inicial de uma chapa para a conformação de um elemento de cárter é considerado como problema em estudo. Ainda neste âmbito, um estudo sobre a influência da definição geométrica inicial da chapa no processo de otimização é efetuado. Este estudo é realizado considerando a formulação de NURBS na definição da face superior da chapa metálica, face cuja geometria será alterada durante o processo de conformação plástica. No caso dos processos de otimização de ferramentas, um processo de forjamento a dois estágios é apresentado. Com o objetivo de obter um cilindro perfeito após o forjamento, dois métodos distintos são considerados. No primeiro, a forma inicial do cilindro é otimizada e no outro a forma da ferramenta do primeiro estágio de conformação é otimizada. Para parametrizar a superfície livre do cilindro são utilizados diferentes métodos. Para a definição da ferramenta são também utilizados diferentes parametrizações. As estratégias de otimização propostas neste trabalho resolvem eficientemente problemas de otimização para a indústria de conformação metálica.
A new electrochemical methodology to study labile trace metal/natural organic matter complexation at low concentration levels in natural waters is presented. This methodology consists of three steps: (i) an estimation of the complex diffusion coefficient (DML), (ii) determination at low pH of the total metal concentration initially present in the sample, (iii) a metal titration at the desired pH. The free and bound metal concentrations are determined for each point of the titration and modeled with the non-ideal competitive adsorption (NICA-Donnan) model in order to obtain the binding parameters. In this methodology, it is recommended to determine the hydrodynamic transport parameter, α, for each set of hydrodynamic conditions used in the voltammetric measurements. The methodology was tested using two fractions of natural organic matter (NOM) isolated from the Loire river, namely the hydrophobic organic matter (HPO) and the transphilic organic matter (TPI), and a well characterized fulvic acid (Laurentian fulvic acid, LFA). The complex diffusion coefficients obtained at pH 5 were 0.4 ± 0.2 for Pb and Cu/HPO, 1.8 ± 0.2 for Pb/TPI and (0.612 ± 0.009) × 10−10 m2 s−1 for Pb/LFA. NICA-Donnan parameters for lead binding were obtained for the HPO and TPI fractions. The new lead/LFA results were successfully predicted using parameters derived in our previous work.
Dissertação de mestrado, Qualidade em Análises, Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia, Universidade do Algarve, 2015
This paper describes a qualitative observational study of how a work based learning masters leadership development programme for middle managers in health and social care in the UK introduced students to key aspects of delivering innovation, through a formative assignment on contemporary architectural design. Action learning and activity theoretical approaches were used to enable students to explore common principles of leading the delivery of innovation. Between 2001 and 2013 a total of 89 students in 7 cohorts completed the assignment. Evaluation lent support for the view that the assignment provided a powerful learning experience for many. Several students found the creativity, determination and dedication of architects, designers and structural engineers inspirational in their ability to translate a creative idea into a completed artefact, deploy resources and negotiate complex demands of stakeholders. Others expressed varying levels of self-empowerment as regards their capacity for fostering an equivalent creativity in self and others. Theoretical approaches in addition to activity theory, including Engeström’s concepts of stabilisation knowledge and possibility knowledge, are discussed to explain these differing outcomes and to clarify the challenges and opportunities for educational developers seeking to utilise cross-disciplinary, creative approaches in curriculum design.
In this work we isolated from soil and characterized several bacterial strains capable of either resisting high concentrations of heavy metals (Cd2+ or Hg2+ or Pb2+) or degrading the common soil and groundwater pollutants MTBE (methyl-tertbutyl ether) or TCE (trichloroethylene). We then used soil microcosms exposed to MTBE (50 mg/l) or TCE (50 mg/l) in the presence of one heavy metal (Cd 10 ppm or Hg 5 ppm or Pb 50 or 100 ppm) and two bacterial isolates at a time, a degrader plus a metalresistant strain. Some of these two-membered consortia showed degradation efficiencies well higher (49–182% higher) than those expected under the conditions employed, demonstrating the occurrence of a synergetic relationship between the strains used. Our results show the efficacy of the dual augmentation strategy for MTBE and TCE bioremediation in the presence of heavy metals.
The use of buffers to maintain the pH within a desired range is a very common practice in chemical, biochemical and biological studies. Among them, zwitterionic N-substituted aminosulfonic acids, usually known as Good’s buffers, although widely used, can complex metals and interact with biological systems. The present work reviews, discusses and updates the metal complexation characteristics of thirty one commercially available buffers. In addition, their impact on biological systems is also presented. The influences of these buffers on the results obtained in biological, biochemical and environmental studies, with special focus on their interaction with metal ions, are highlighted and critically reviewed. Using chemical speciation simulations, based on the current knowledge of the metal–buffer stability constants, a proposal of the most adequate buffer to employ for a given metal ion is presented.
This work explores the use of fluorescent probes to evaluate the responses of the green alga Pseudokirchneriella subcapitata to the action of three nominal concentrations of Cd(II), Cr(VI), Cu(II) and Zn(II) for a short time (6 h). The toxic effect of the metals on algal cells was monitored using the fluorochromes SYTOX Green (SG, membrane integrity), fluorescein diacetate (FDA, esterase activity) and rhodamine 123 (Rh123, mitochondrial membrane potential). The impact of metals on chlorophyll a (Chl a) autofluorescence was also evaluated. Esterase activity was the most sensitive parameter. At the concentrations studied, all metals induced the loss of esterase activity. SG could be used to effectively detect the loss of membrane integrity in algal cells exposed to 0.32 or 1.3 μmol L−1 Cu(II). Rh123 revealed a decrease in the mitochondrial membrane potential of algal cells exposed to 0.32 and 1.3 μmol L−1 Cu(II), indicating that mitochondrial activity was compromised. Chl a autofluorescence was also affected by the presence of Cr(VI) and Cu(II), suggesting perturbation of photosynthesis. In conclusion, the fluorescence-based approach was useful for detecting the disturbance of specific cellular characteristics. Fluorescent probes are a useful diagnostic tool for the assessment of the impact of toxicants on specific targets of P. subcapitata algal cells.
O presente relatório de estágio foi elaborado no âmbito da unidade curricular de DIPRE (Dissertação/Projeto/Estágio), que se encontra no plano de estudos do 2º semestre do 2º ano do Mestrado em Engenharia Civil, no ramo de Construções do Instituto Superior de Engenharia do Porto. Este documento faz referência ao estágio que se desenvolveu em ambiente empresarial na Telhabel Construções S.A. durante um período de seis meses. Nesse período foi me dada a oportunidade de acompanhar a obra de Reabilitação e Beneficiação do Edifício das Piscinas Municipais de Vila Nova de Cerveira. Numa primeira fase, o estágio foi desenvolvido no departamento de Subempreitadas da empresa, onde foi possível obter um primeiro contacto com os projetos da obra. Este período teve uma duração de cerca de 1 mês. Na segunda fase do estágio foi-me confiada a função de Diretor de Obra Adjunto, o que permitiu um acompanhamento mais direto da obra e uma participação mais ativa em todos os componentes da obra. Neste relatório procurou-se descrever algumas técnicas e soluções construtivas utilizadas na intervenção realizada. O relatório inicia-se com a fundamentação teórica que pretende dar a conhecer alguns conceitos teóricos, de forma a proporcionar uma melhor compressão do caso de estudo. A segunda parte deste relatório faz referência à aplicação dessas técnicas e soluções. Como no desenvolvimento do estágio tive oportunidade de ter uma intervenção bastante direta e ativa, será feita também uma referência a algumas situações onde esta participação foi mais notada. Este edifício, cuja arquitetura data a década de 90 do século passado, é tido como uma referência em Vila Nova de Cerveira, uma vez que se trata de um edifício com grande presença e singularidade a nível arquitetónico. Na intervenção que se realizou foram poucas as especialidades e zonas do edifício que não sofreram qualquer tipo de intervenção. Contudo, este relatório teve como grande foco a intervenção e o tratamento a que a estrutura metálica foi alvo. Este enfoque justifica-se com base na complexidade e importância que esta intervenção teve na globalidade da obra.
This work contains the results of a series of reduction studies on polyhalogenated aromatic compounds and related ethers using alkali metals in liquid ammonia. In general, polychlorobenzenes were reduced to t he parent aromatic hydrocarbon or to 1 ,4-cyc1ohexadiene, and dipheny1ethers were cleaved to the aroma tic hydrocarbon and a phenol. Chlorinated dipheny1ethers were r eductive1y dechlorinated in the process. For example, 4-chlorodipheny1- ether gave benzene and phenol. Pentach1orobenzene and certain tetrachlorobenzenes disproportionated to a fair degree during the reduction process if no added proton source was present. The disproportionation was attributed to a build-up of amide ion. Addition of ethanol completely suppressed the formation of any disproportionation products. In the reductions of certain dipheny1ethers , the reduction of one or both of the dipheny1ether rings occurred, along with the normal cleavage. This was more prevalent when lithium was the metal used . As a Sidelight, certain chloropheno1s were readily dechlorinated. In light of these results, the reductive detoxification of the chlorinated dibenzo-1,4-dioxins seems possible with alkali metals in l iquid ammonia.
Our work on single molecule magnets and multifunctional magnetic materials is presented in four projects. In the first project we show for first time that heteroatomic-type pseudohalides, such as OCN-, can be employed as structure-directing ligands and ferromagnetic couplers in higher oxidation state metal cluster chemistry. The initial use of cyanato groups in Mn cluster chemistry has afforded structurally interesting MnII/III14 (1) and MnII/III/IV16 (2) clusters in which the end-on bridging cyanates show a preference in binding through their O-atom. The Mn14 compound shows entirely visible out-of-phase alternating currect signals below 5 K and large hysteresis loops below 2 K. Furthermore, the amalgamation of azido groups with the triethanolamine tripodal ligand in manganese carboxylate cluster chemistry has led to the isolation of a new ferromagnetic, high-nuclearity and mixed-valence MnII/III15Na2 (3) cluster with a large ground-state spin value of S = 14. In the second project we demonstrate a new synthetic route to purely inorganic-bridged, transition metal-azido clusters [CoII7 (4) and NiII7 (5)] and coordination polymers [{FeII/III2}n (6)] which exhibit strong ferromagnetic, SMM and long-range magnetic ordering behaviors. We also show that access to such a unique ferromagnetic class of inorganic, N-rich and O-free materials is feasible through the use of Me3SiN3 as the azido-ligand precursor without requiring the addition of any organic chelating/bridging ligand. In the last projects we have tried to bring together molecular magnetism and optics via the synthesis of multifunctional magnetic materials based on 3d- or 4f-metal ions. We decided to approach such challenge from two different directions: firstly, in our third project, by the deliberate replacement of non-emissive carboxylato ligands in known 3d-SMMs with their fluorescent analogues, without perturbing the metal-core structure and SMM properties (complexes 7, 8, and 9). The second route (last project) involves the use of naphthalene or pyridine-based polyalcohol bridging ligands for the synthesis of new polynuclear LnIII metal clusters (Ln = lanthanide) with novel topologies, SMM behaviors and luminescent properties arising from the increased efficiency of the “antenna” organic group. This approach has led us to the isolation of two new families of LnIII8 (complexes 10-13) and LnIII4 (complexes 14-20) clusters.
En utilisant des approches qualitative and quantitative cette thèse démontre que les aspects intangibles des espaces architecturaux influencent le bien-être humain. Le but est de faire savoir que les espaces intérieurs ont un impact sur le bien-être et que l’architecture peut être considérée comme une solution pour satisfaire les besoins des usagers. Dans la première étude, l’approche qualitative est explorée en utilisant la narration pour identifier les aspects intangibles des espaces intérieurs qui affectent le bien-être. Une discussion s’articule autour du Modèle de Réponses Expérientielles des Humains (Model of Human Experiential Responses to Space) et de son importance comme outil pour déterrer les caractéristiques environnementales qui influencent le bien-être et qui peut être utile pour les professionnels du design. Les résultats démontrent que 43 catégories sont interprétées comme étant des aspects intangibles et servent de canevas pour trois autres études. Les résultats démontrent que certaines caractéristiques environnementales similaires dans les résidences et les bureaux augmentent le sentiment de satisfaction et de bien-être. Dans la deuxième étude, une approche quantitative est explorée en utilisant les neurosciences et l’architecture afin de mesurer comment les espaces architecturaux affectent le bien-être. Le concept de neuroscience / environnement / comportement est utilisé où huit corrélats neuroscientifiques (Zeisel 2006) sont investigués afin de mesurer les effets du cerveau sur les espaces architecturaux. Les résultats démontrent que l’environnement peut affecter l’humeur, le niveau d’attention et le niveau de stress chez les humains et peut également augmenter leur performance. Les deux études contribuent aux connaissances que les caractéristiques environnementales affectent l’humeur et le niveau de satisfaction de la même façon dans les espaces résidentiels et dans les espaces de bureaux. Un bon environnement qui énergise les employés peut affecter leur performance au travail de façon positive (Vischer 2005).
Cette thèse de doctorat porte sur la catalyse à partir de métaux de transition et sur la substitution homolytique aromatique favorisée par une base visant à former de nouvelles liaisons C–C, et à ainsi concevoir de nouvelles structures chimiques. Au cours des vingt dernières années, des nombreux efforts ont été réalisés afin de développer des méthodologies pour la fonctionnalisation de liens C–H, qui soient efficaces et sélectives, et ce à faible coût et en produisant le minimum de déchets. Le chapitre d'introduction donnera un aperçu de la fonctionnalisation directe de liens C–H sur des centres sp2 et sp3. Il sera également discuté dans cette partie de certains aspects de la chimie radicalaire reliés a ce sujet. Les travaux sur la fonctionnalisation d’imidazo[1,5-a]pyridines catalysée par des compleces de ruthénium seront présentés dans le chapitre 2. Malgré l'intérêt des imidazo[1,5-a]azines en chimie médicinale, ces composés n’ont reçu que peu d'attention dans le domaine de la fonctionnalisation de liens C–H. L'étendue de la réaction et l'influence des effets stériques et électroniques seront détaillés. Les cyclopropanes représentent les 10ème cycles carbonés les plus rencontrés dans les petites molécules d’intérêt pharmacologique. Ce sont aussi des intermédiaires de synthèse de choix pour la création de complexité chimique. Malgré de grands progrès dans le domaine de la fonctionnalisation de liens C(sp3)–H, l'étude des cyclopropanes comme substrats dans les transformations directes est relativement nouvelle. Le chapitre trois présentera l'arylation intramoléculaire directe de cyclopropanes. Cette réaction est réalisée en présence de palladium, en quantité catalytique, en combinaison avec des sels d’argent. Des études mécanistiques ont réfuté la formation d'un énolate de palladium et suggéreraient plutôt une étape de métallation - déprotonation concertée. En outre, les cycles de type benzoazepinone à sept chaînons ont été synthétisés par l'intermédiaire d'une séquence d'activation de cyclopropane/ouverture/cyclisation. Une arylation directe intermoléculaire des cyclopropanes a été réalisée en présence d'un auxiliaire de type picolinamide (Chapitre 4). Les deux derniers chapitres de ce mémoire de thèse décriront nos études sur la substitution homolytique aromatique favorisée par une base. Le mécanisme de la réaction de cyclisation intramoléculaire d'halogénures d'aryle, réalisée en présence de tert-butylate de potassium, a été élucidé et se produit via une voie radicalaire (Chapitre 5). La transformation, exempte de métaux de transition, ne nécessite que la présence d’une base et de pyridine comme solvant. Cette réaction radicalaire a été étendue à la cyclisation d'iodures d'alkyle non activés en présence d'un catalyseur à base de nickel et de bis(trimethylsilyl)amidure de sodium comme base (Chapitre 6). Des études de RMN DOSY ont démontré une association entre le catalyseur, la base et le matériel de départ.