663 resultados para Arachis repens
En semillas de maní, la relación entre el nivel de infección fúngica natural y la calidad, no ha sido establecida claramente. El objetivo de este trabajo fue evaluar la relación entre el nivel de infección fúngica natural y la calidad de semillas de maní, en términos de viabilidad y vigor. Los ensayos se realizaron con 10 lotes de semillas de maní cv Florman seleccionados por su nivel de calidad sanitaria, provenientes del área núcleo manisera argentina. Entre los ensayos realizados, aquellos que se identificaron como sensibles y que permiten establecer los diferentes niveles de calidad fueron germinación, vigor por tetrazolio y conductividad. El porcentaje de aceite sólo detectó variaciones en los lotes de alto nivel de infección y no hubo modificaciones en la relación oleico/linoleico en ninguno de los casos. De los resultados obtenidos se concluye que los niveles de calidad de los lotes evaluados, están estrechamente correlacionados con la calidad fisiosanitaria.
O tratamento de sementes com fungicida é um seguro de baixo custo para os produtores de sementes e plantadores de amendoim. O uso de fungicidas adequados pode contribuir para o melhor desempenho do material de propagação, proporcionando maiores rendimentos na colheita. Esta pesquisa teve por objetivo avaliar a eficiência do fungicida carboxin + thiram e a viabilidade do uso de óleo vegetal e de surfactante à base de organosilicone como agentes veiculadores do fungicida, no controle de fungos associados às sementes de amendoim. Foram comparadas duas doses de carboxin + thiram (50 + 50 e 70 + 70 g.i.a./100 kg de sementes) em mistura com água e a dose de 50 + 50 g.i.a./100 kg de sementes em mistura com os agentes veiculadores, avaliando-se os efeitos na germinação e vigor das sementes e estabelecimento da cultura no campo. Verificou-se que o principal efeito benéfico dos tratamentos é a redução significativa de sementes mortas e/ou da ocorrência de "damping-off" de pré-emergência. Independentemente da dose, o fungicida associado à água, proporciona controle eficiente dos patógenos presentes nas sementes, exceto no caso de Rhizopus sp. O óleo vegetal e o surfactante proporcionam melhor cobertura e aderência do fungicida às sementes, aumentando a eficiência do mesmo no controle de Aspergillus spp. e de Penicillium sp. Não se constata efeito fitotóxico do fungicida e dos agentes veiculadores sobre as sementes de amendoim.
Estabelecimento de condições de luz e temperatura para germinação de sementes de amendoim forrageiro
O objetivo do presente trabalho foi comparar diferentes condições de luz e temperatura para o estabelecimento do teste de germinação de sementes de amendoim forrageiro (Arachis pintoi Krapov. & W.C. Gregory), visando uma primeira aproximação à padronização do teste. Os testes de germinação foram conduzidos com 200 sementes (quatro repetições de 50 sementes), utilizando-se como substrato rolo de papel toalha. O experimento foi conduzido em duas etapas. Na primeira, as temperaturas utilizadas foram 25ºC, 30ºC, 35ºC, 25-30ºC, 25-35ºC e 30-35ºC, com e sem luz. Na segunda, as temperaturas alternadas de 25-30ºC e 25-35ºC foram comparadas com a recomendada para o amendoim comum (Arachis hypogaea L.), 20-30ºC com luz. Foram utilizadas três repetições, em delineamento completamente casualizado. Verificou-se que a utilização de temperaturas alternadas promove uma diminuição significativa no número de sementes duras devido à remoção da dormência das sementes. Entre os tratamentos com temperatura constante, a de 30ºC com luz promove o maior número de plântulas normais. As temperaturas alternadas de 20-30ºC e 25-30ºC, com luz, são as mais recomendadas para a condução do teste de germinação. Através da contagem diária do número de plântulas normais, recomenda-se a realização da primeira contagem aos 8 dias e o encerramento do teste de germinação aos 14 dias.
O teste de lixiviação de potássio é baseado na integridade das membranas celulares das sementes, sendo considerado um procedimento rápido para a avaliação do vigor. O presente trabalho foi realizado no Instituto Agronômico (IAC) e na Escola Superior de Agricultura "Luiz de Queiroz"/Universidade de São Paulo (USP/ESALQ), com o objetivo de estabelecer procedimentos para o teste de lixiviação de potássio visando a avaliação do vigor de sementes de amendoim. Para a caracterização do potencial fisiológico dos lotes foram realizados os testes de germinação (velocidade, primeira contagem e total), de envelhecimento acelerado com uso de solução saturada de NaCl, de emergência de plântulas em campo (velocidade e percentagem). Também foi determinado o grau de umidade das sementes. O teste de lixiviação de potássio foi realizado com amostras de 25 e 50 sementes, de 6 lotes do cultivar Runner IAC 886, colocadas em copos plásticos contendo 75, 100 e 150mL de água destilada, à 25ºC. As leituras foram efetuadas em intervalos de 30 até 180 minutos Concluiu-se que o teste de lixiviação de potássio é eficiente em distinguir o vigor de lotes sementes de amendoim, a partir de 60 minutos de embebição. A combinação 25 sementes, 75 ou 100mL de água e 60 minutos de embebição foi considerada a melhor opção para a diferenciação do vigor, possibilitando maior agilidade na tomada de decisões durante programas de controle de qualidade conduzidos por empresas produtoras de sementes.
O objetivo do trabalho foi avaliar o efeito da interação palha de cana-de-açúcar e aplicação de vinhaça na emergência de plântulas e no crescimento inicial de cultivares de amendoim. O experimento foi realizado em vasos dispostos em blocos ao acaso, com quatro repetições, sendo os tratamentos arranjados fatorialmente (5 x 2 x 3) e consistindo da combinação de cinco quantidades de palha (0, 5, 10, 15 e 20 t ha-1) e a aplicação ou não de 150 m³ ha-1 de vinhaça nas cultivares de amendoim IAC-Caiapó, Runner 886 e Tatu. Determinou-se a velocidade e a porcentagem final de emergência de plântulas, além de altura e biomassa seca da parte aérea de plantas. Conclui-se que, nas condições de casa-de-vegetação, a presença da palha de cana-de-açúcar e da vinhaça, em quantidade equivalente a 150 m³ ha-1, em ação conjunta ou isolada, prejudicam a emergência e o crescimento de plântulas de amendoim, sendo que a cultivar Tatu é a mais tolerante em relação as cultivares Runner 886 e IAC-Caiapó.
A técnica para a determinação da viabilidade de sementes de amendoim por meio do tetrazólio (TZ) é, atualmente, aquela pela qual as sementes, após embebição em água, têm o tegumento removido. A seguir as sementes são, em grupo, imersas na solução de TZ. Essa técnica dificulta o contato entre os tecidos das faces internas dos cotilédones e a solução de TZ em virtude de que o período prévio de embebição em água não é suficiente para que os cotilédones das sementes de amendoim se separem. Assim, o acesso da solução de TZ aos tecidos das faces internas dos cotilédones e ao próprio eixo embrionário, que fica entre as duas faces cotiledonares internas, é consideravelmente dificultado. Na suposição de que este procedimento levaria a resultados de testes de TZ que se correlacionam mal com o desempenho germinativo das sementes no campo, tentou-se uma nova técnica pela qual as sementes, após a embebição em água, além de terem o tegumento removido, são manualmente separadas em seus cotilédones, com o eixo embrionário ligado a um deles, e os cotilédones de uma determinada semente, agora separados, imersos na solução de TZ contida em uma célula individual de uma bandeja de PVC. A hipótese aqui formulada mostrou-se correta : a técnica alternativa de submissão das sementes de amendoim à solução de tetrazólio permitiu a obtenção de resultados que, comparados com os da técnica convencional, refletiram de modo mais preciso o desempenho germinativo das sementes no campo.
As sementes de amendoim são consideradas de difícil produção, pois apresentam frequentemente índices insatisfatórios de germinação e de vigor devido a muitos fatores, dentre eles, problemas associados à ocorrência de fungos e à alta sensibilidade às injúrias mecânicas. Assim, o tratamento das sementes com fungicida, juntamente com inseticidas, visando o controle de pragas iniciais na cultura, é recomendável. Na avaliação do potencial fisiológico de sementes de amendoim, além dos métodos rotineiramente utilizados, a análise computadorizada de plântulas tem grande potencial, pois é método rápido, preciso e sem erros de interpretação humana. O presente trabalho teve como objetivo avaliar a qualidade fisiológica de sementes de amendoim tratadas com fungicida ou inseticida, bem como a associação de ambos, utilizando-se a técnica de análise computadorizada de plântulas. Sementes do cultivar IAC 886 não tratadas e tratadas com o fungicida Maxim XL (Fludioxonil + Metalaxyl), com o inseticida Cruiser 350 FS (Tiametoxam) e com a mistura de ambos os produtos foram submetidas aos períodos de armazenamento de 0, 15, 30, 45, 60, 90 e 180 dias (20 °C, 50% UR do ar). Após cada período de armazenamento, as sementes foram submetidas à avaliação do grau de umidade, germinação, envelhecimento acelerado, emergência de plântulas em campo, condutividade elétrica e sanidade, além da análise computadorizada de plântulas. Concluiu-se que a análise computadorizada de plântulas apresenta eficiência equivalente aos testes de envelhecimento acelerado e de emergência de plântulas em campo na identificação de diferenças entre tratamentos com ausência ou presença de fungicida e de fungicida associado a inseticida nas sementes de amendoim.
Après avoir établi les bases méthodologiques de cette recherche, nous avons débuté notre réflexion en inscrivant la problématique du port des signes religieux dans l’espace public dans le débat qui perdure entre les perspectives différentialiste et universaliste au niveau de l’application des droits à l’égalité. Par la suite, nous effectuons un survol des cadres conceptuels appropriés à l’analyse du sujet: le libéralisme classique et le républicanisme qui se rapportent à la vision universaliste. Les divers types de féminisme juridique, la théorie de l’intersectionnalité, l’approche communautarienne, le libéralisme repensé de Kymlicka et les valeurs relatives au droit à l’égalité de Sandra Fredman qui se rangent sous la houlette de la philosophie différentialiste. Par la suite, le libéralisme repensé de Kymlicka et les valeurs relatives au droit à l’égalité de Fredman sont identifiés comme étant les cadres les plus appropriés à l’analyse du sujet à l’étude. Dans cette même optique, notre examen du droit international nous a permis de démontrer que pendant que le droit européen se range davantage dans la perspective universaliste au niveau de l’examen du droit à la liberté de religion, tel n’est pas le cas pour le droit onusien qui se joint timidement à la vision différentialiste et donc, du libéralisme repensé de Kymlicka et de la perspective des droits à l’égalité de Fredman. Au niveau des systèmes juridiques des États-Unis, du Canada, de la France et de la Suisse, nous avons vu une application intermittente des deux perspectives dépendant du domaine d’activité en cause. Cependant, le Canada est ressorti de notre analyse comme étant celle ayant une approche plus axée sur la vision différentialiste en raison de sa neutralité inclusive ou bienveillante qui accorde une grande place à l’inclusion et à l’égalité réelle de ces nationaux.
Low phosphorus (P) in acid sandy soils of the West African Sudano-Sahelian zone is a major limitation to crop growth. To compare treatment effects on total dry matter (TDM) of crops and plant available P (P-Bray and isotopically exchangeable P), field experiments were carried out for 2 years at four sites where annual rainfall ranged from 560 to 850 mm and topsoil pH varied between 4.2 and 5.6. Main treatments were: (i) crop residue (CR) mulch at 500 and 2000 kg ha^-1, (ii) eight different rates and sources of P and (iii) cereal/legume rotations including millet (Pennisetum glaucum L.), sorhum [Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench], cowpea (Vigna unguiculata Walp.) and groundnut (Arachis hypogaea L.). For the two Sahelian sites with large CR-induced differences in TDM, mulching did not modify significantly the soils' buffering capacity for phosphate ions but led to large increases in the intensity factor (C_p) and quantity of directly available soil P (E_1min). In the wetter Sudanian zone lacking effects of CR mulching on TDM mirrored a decline of E_1min with CR. Broadcast application of soluble single superphosphate (SSP) at 13 kg P ha^-1 led to large increases in C_p and quantity of E_1min at all sites which translated in respective TDM increases. The high agronomic efficiency of SSP placement (4 kg P ha^-1) across sites could be explained by consistent increases in the quantity factor which confirms the power of the isotopic exchange method in explaining management effects on crop growth across the region.
Efficient phosphorus application strategies for increased crop production in sub-Saharan West Africa
Comparable data are lacking from the range of environments found in sub-Saharan West Africa to draw more general conclusions about the relative merits of locally available rockphosphate (RockP) in alleviating phosphorus (P) constraints to crop growth. To fill this gap, a multi-factorial field experiment was conducted over 4 years at eight locations in Niger, Burkina Faso and Togo. These ranged in annual rainfall from 510 to 1300 mm. Crops grown were pearl millet (Pennisetum glaucum L.), sorghum (Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench) and maize (Zea mays L.) either continuously or in rotation with cowpea (Vigna unguiculata Walp.) and groundnut (Arachis hypogaea L.). Crops were subjected to six P fertiliser treatments comprising RockP and soluble P at different rates and combined with 0 and 60 kg N ha^-1. For legumes, time trend analyses showed P-induced total dry matter (TDM) increases between 28 and 72% only with groundnut. Similarly, rotation-induced raises in cereal TDM compared to cereal monoculture were only observed with groundnut. For cereals, at the same rate of application, RockP was comparable to single superphosphate (SSP) only at two millet sites with topsoil pH-KCl <4.2 and annual average rainfall >600 mm. Across the eight sites NPK placement at 0.4 g P per hill raised average cereal yields between 26 and 220%. This was confirmed in 119 on-farm trials revealing P placement as a promising strategy to overcome P deficiency as the regionally most growth limiting nutrient constraint to cereals.
On-farm experiments and pot trials were conducted on eight West African soils to explore the mechanisms governing the often reported legume rotation-induced cereal growth increases in this region. Crops comprised pearl millet (Pennisetum glaucum L.), sorghum (Sorghum bicolor Moench), maize (Zea mays L.), cowpea (Vigna unguiculata Walp.) and groundnut (Arachis hypogaea L.). In groundnut trials the observed 26 to 85% increases in total dry matter (TDM) of rotation cereals (RC) compared with continuous cereals (CC) in the 4th year appeared to be triggered by site- and crop-specific early season differences in nematode infestation (up to 6-fold lower in RC than in CC), enhanced Nmin and a 7% increase in mycorrhizal (AM) infection. In cowpea trials yield effects on millet and differences in nematode numbers, Nmin and AM were much smaller. Rhizosphere studies indicated effects on pH and acid phosphatase activity as secondary causes for the observed growth differences between RC and CC. In the study region legume-rotation effects on cereals seemed to depend on the capability of the legume to suppress nematodes and to enhance early N and P availability for the subsequent cereal.
The increased use of cereal/legume crop rotation has been advocated as a strategy to increase cereal yields of subsistence farmers in West Africa, and is believed to promote changes in the rhizosphere that enhance early plant growth. In this study we investigated the microbial diversity of the rhizoplane from seedlings grown in two soils previously planted to cereal or legume from experimental plots in Gaya, Niger, and Kaboli, Togo. Soils from these legume rotation and continuous cereal plots were placed into containers and sown in a growth chamber with maize (Zea mays L.), millet (Pennisetum glaucum L.), sorghum (Sorghum bicolor L. Moench.), cowpea (Vigna unguiculata L.) or groundnut (Arachis hypogaea L.). At 7 and 14 days after sowing, 16S rDNA profiles of the eubacterial and ammoniaoxidizing communities from the rhizoplane and bulk soil were generated using denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (DGGE). Community profiles were subjected to peak fitting analyses to quantify the DNA band position and intensities, after which these data were compared using correspondence and principal components analysis. The data showed that cropping system had a highly significant effect on community structure (p <0.005), irrespective of plant species or sampling time. Continuous cereal-soil grown plants had highly similar rhizoplane communities across crop species and sites, whereas communities from the rotation soil showed greater variability and clustered with respect to plant species. Analyses of the ammonia-oxidizing communities provided no evidence of any effects of plant species or management history on ammonia oxidizers in soil from Kaboli, but there were large shifts with respect to this group of bacteria in soils from Gaya. The results of these analyses show that crop rotation can cause significant shifts in rhizosphere bacterial communities.
Summary: Productivity and forage quality of legume-grass swards are important factors for successful arable farming in both organic and conventional farming systems. For these objectives the botanical composition of the swards is of particular importance, especially, the content of legumes due to their ability to fix airborne nitrogen. As it can vary considerably within a field, a non-destructive detection method while doing other tasks would facilitate a more targeted sward management and could predict the nitrogen supply of the soil for the subsequent crop. This study was undertaken to explore the potential of digital image analysis (DIA) for a non destructive prediction of legume dry matter (DM) contribution of legume-grass mixtures. For this purpose an experiment was conducted in a greenhouse, comprising a sample size of 64 experimental swards such as pure swards of red clover (Trifolium pratense L.), white clover (Trifolium repens L.) and lucerne (Medicago sativa L.) as well as binary mixtures of each legume with perennial ryegrass (Lolium perenne L.). Growth stages ranged from tillering to heading and the proportion of legumes from 0 to 80 %. Based on digital sward images three steps were considered in order to estimate the legume contribution (% of DM): i) The development of a digital image analysis (DIA) procedure in order to estimate legume coverage (% of area). ii) The description of the relationship between legume coverage (% area) and legume contribution (% of DM) derived from digital analysis of legume coverage related to the green area in a digital image. iii) The estimation of the legume DM contribution with the findings of i) and ii). i) In order to evaluate the most suitable approach for the estimation of legume coverage by means of DIA different tools were tested. Morphological operators such as erode and dilate support the differentiation of objects of different shape by shrinking and dilating objects (Soille, 1999). When applied to digital images of legume-grass mixtures thin grass leaves were removed whereas rounder clover leaves were left. After this process legume leaves were identified by threshold segmentation. The segmentation of greyscale images turned out to be not applicable since the segmentation between legumes and bare soil failed. The advanced procedure comprising morphological operators and HSL colour information could determine bare soil areas in young and open swards very accurately. Also legume specific HSL thresholds allowed for precise estimations of legume coverage across a wide range from 11.8 - 72.4 %. Based on this legume specific DIA procedure estimated legume coverage showed good correlations with the measured values across the whole range of sward ages (R2 0.96, SE 4.7 %). A wide range of form parameters (i.e. size, breadth, rectangularity, and circularity of areas) was tested across all sward types, but none did improve prediction accuracy of legume coverage significantly. ii) Using measured reference data of legume coverage and contribution, in a first approach a common relationship based on all three legumes and sward ages of 35, 49 and 63 days was found with R2 0.90. This relationship was improved by a legume-specific approach of only 49- and 63-d old swards (R2 0.94, 0.96 and 0.97 for red clover, white clover, and lucerne, respectively) since differing structural attributes of the legume species influence the relationship between these two parameters. In a second approach biomass was included in the model in order to allow for different structures of swards of different ages. Hence, a model was developed, providing a close look on the relationship between legume coverage in binary legume-ryegrass communities and the legume contribution: At the same level of legume coverage, legume contribution decreased with increased total biomass. This phenomenon may be caused by more non-leguminous biomass covered by legume leaves at high levels of total biomass. Additionally, values of legume contribution and coverage were transformed to the logit-scale in order to avoid problems with heteroscedasticity and negative predictions. The resulting relationships between the measured legume contribution and the calculated legume contribution indicated a high model accuracy for all legume species (R2 0.93, 0.97, 0.98 with SE 4.81, 3.22, 3.07 % of DM for red clover, white clover, and lucerne swards, respectively). The validation of the model by using digital images collected over field grown swards with biomass ranges considering the scope of the model shows, that the model is able to predict legume contribution for most common legume-grass swards (Frame, 1992; Ledgard and Steele, 1992; Loges, 1998). iii) An advanced procedure for the determination of legume DM contribution by DIA is suggested, which comprises the inclusion of morphological operators and HSL colour information in the analysis of images and which applies an advanced function to predict legume DM contribution from legume coverage by considering total sward biomass. Low residuals between measured and calculated values of legume dry matter contribution were found for the separate legume species (R2 0.90, 0.94, 0.93 with SE 5.89, 4.31, 5.52 % of DM for red clover, white clover, and lucerne swards, respectively). The introduced DIA procedure provides a rapid and precise estimation of legume DM contribution for different legume species across a wide range of sward ages. Further research is needed in order to adapt the procedure to field scale, dealing with differing light effects and potentially higher swards. The integration of total biomass into the model for determining legume contribution does not necessarily reduce its applicability in practice as a combined estimation of total biomass and legume coverage by field spectroscopy (Biewer et al. 2009) and DIA, respectively, may allow for an accurate prediction of the legume contribution in legume-grass mixtures.
A field experiment was conducted under rainfed conditions in western Sudan at El-Obeid Research Farm and Eldemokeya Forest Reserve, North Kordofan State, during the growing seasons 2004/05 and 2005/06. The main objective was to investigate the soil physical and chemical properties and yield of groundnut (Arachis hypogea), sesame (Sesamum indicum) and roselle (Hibiscus sabdariffa) of an Acacia senegal agroforestry system in comparison with the sole cropping system. Data were recorded for soil physical and chemical properties, soil moisture content, number of pods per plant, fresh weight (kg ha^−1) and crop yield (kg ha^−1). The treatments were arranged in Randomized Complete Block Design (RCBD) and replicated four times. Significant differences (P < 0.05) were obtained for sand and silt content on both sites, while clay content was not significantly different on both sites. The nitrogen (N) and organic carbon were significantly (P < 0.05) higher in the intercropping system in Eldemokeya Forest Reserve compared with sole cropping. Soil organic carbon, N and pH were not significant on El-Obeid site. Yet the level of organic carbon, N, P and pH was higher in the intercropping system. Fresh weight was significantly different on both sites. The highest fresh weight was found in the intercropping system. Dry weights were significantly different for sesame and roselle on both sites, while groundnut was not significantly different. On both sites intercropping systems reduced groundnut, sesame and roselle yields by 26.3, 12 and 20.2%, respectively. The reduction in yield in intercropping plots could be attributed to high tree density, which resulted in water and light competition between trees and the associated crops.
Maize production in smallholder farming systems in Kenya is largely limited by low soil fertility. As mineral fertilizer is expensive, green manuring using leguminous cover crops could be an alternative strategy for farmers to enhance farm productivity. However due to variability in soil type and crop management, the effects of green manure are likely to differ with farms. The objectives of this study were to evaluate Mucuna pruriens and Arachis pintoi on (i) biomass and nitrogen fixation (^15N natural abundance), (ii) soil carbon and nitrogen stocks and (iii) their effects on maize yields over two cropping seasons in Kakamega, Western Kenya. Mucuna at 6 weeks accumulated 1–1.3 Mg ha^{-1} of dry matter and 33–56 kg ha^{-1} nitrogen of which 70% was nitrogen derived from the atmosphere (Ndfa). Arachis after 12 months accumulated 2–2.7 Mg ha^{-1} of dry matter and 51–74 kg N ha^{-1} of which 52-63 % was from Ndfa. Soil carbon and nitrogen stocks at 0–15 cm depth were enhanced by 2-4 Mg C ha^{-1} and 0.3–1.0 Mg N ha^{-1} under Mucuna and Arachis fallow, irrespective of soil type. Maize yield increased by 0.5-2 Mg ha^{-1} in Mucuna and 0.5–3 Mg ha^{-1} in Arachis and the response was stronger on Nitisol than on Acrisol or Ferralsol. We concluded that leguminous cover crops seem promising in enhancing soil fertility and maize yields in Kenya, provided soil conditions and rainfall are suitable.