986 resultados para Anderson, Jon
Zabala, Jon. "Los impresos antiguos. Génesis material y repercusión en la transmisión de los textos"
Este artículo hace parte de la revista Papel de colgadura de la Facultad de Derecho y Ciencias Sociales de la Universidad Icesi de Cali, es una publicación de difusión y agitación cultural. La revista nace de la pasión por la música, los libros, las ilustraciones, el graffiti, los cómics, la web, la fiesta, el cine, la cafeína y de las tardes de tertulia con empanadas y cerveza, que circula en versión impresa dos veces al año, pero su versión digital se actualiza con mayor frecuencia.
ABSTRACT Background Cardiac magnetic resonance (CMR) has been shown as promising diagnostic tool in Anderson-Fabry disease (AFD) cardiomyopathy due to its ability to detect fat deposits through lower native T1 values. However no histological validation has been provided to date. Objectives To correlate CMR and histologic findings in different cardiac stages of AFD focusing on T1 mapping. Methods Fifteen AFD patients (49 years [IQR 39-63], 60% females) undergoing CMR (cines, native T1 and T2 mapping, LGE and post-contrast T1 imaging) and endomyocardial biopsy (EMB, n=11) or septal myectomy (n=4), were retrospectively evaluated. Tissue specimens were analyzed with light/electron microscopy and vacuolization amount calculated as percentages of vacuolated myocytes and vacuolated myocyte area (%VMA) through a quantitative histomorphometric color-based analysis. Results In patients without increased indexed left ventricular mass (LVMi) at CMR (67%), T1 fell as %VMA increased (r= -0.883; p<0.001), whereas no clear relationship was evident once increased LVMi occurred (r= -0.501; p=0.389). At least 45% of vacuolized myocytes and 10% of VMA were needed for low T1 to occur. %VMA positively correlate with maximal wall thickness (MWT, r=0.860, p<0.0001) and LVMi (r= 0.762; p<0.001). Increased MWT and LVMi were present with at least 45% and 80% of vacuolated myocytes, respectively, and 18% and 22% of VMA. Conclusions This study demonstrated an inverse correlation between native T1 and the vacuolization amount in patients without increased LVMi at CMR, providing a histological validation of low native T1 in AFD. Importantly, a significant vacuolization burden was needed before low T1 and left ventricle hypertrophy occurred.
Un problema frequente nell'analisi dei dati del mondo reale è quello di lavorare con dati "non coerenti", poiché raccolti a tempi asincroni o a causa di una successiva modifica "manuale" per ragioni che esulano da quelle matematiche. In particolare l'indagine dell'elaborato nasce da motivazioni di tipo finanziario, dove strumenti semplici come le matrici di correlazione, che sono utilizzate per capire le relazioni tra vari titoli o strategie, non rispettano delle caratteristiche cruciali a causa dell'incoerenza dei dati. A partire da queste matrici "invalide" si cerca la matrice di correlazione più vicina in norma, in modo da mantenere più informazioni originali possibili. Caratterizzando la soluzione del problema tramite analisi convessa, si utilizza il metodo delle proiezioni alternate, largamente utilizzato per la sua flessibilità anche se penalizzato dalla velocità di convergenza lineare. Viene quindi proposto l'utilizzo dell'accelerazione di Anderson, una tecnica per accelerare la convergenza dei metodi di punto fisso che, applicata al metodo di proiezione alternata, porta significativi miglioramenti in termini di tempo computazionale e numero di iterazioni. Si mostra inoltre come, nel caso di varianti del problema, l'applicazione dell'accelerazione di Anderson abbia un effetto maggiore rispetto al caso del problema "classico".
Diabetic Retinopathy (DR) is a complication of diabetes that can lead to blindness if not readily discovered. Automated screening algorithms have the potential to improve identification of patients who need further medical attention. However, the identification of lesions must be accurate to be useful for clinical application. The bag-of-visual-words (BoVW) algorithm employs a maximum-margin classifier in a flexible framework that is able to detect the most common DR-related lesions such as microaneurysms, cotton-wool spots and hard exudates. BoVW allows to bypass the need for pre- and post-processing of the retinographic images, as well as the need of specific ad hoc techniques for identification of each type of lesion. An extensive evaluation of the BoVW model, using three large retinograph datasets (DR1, DR2 and Messidor) with different resolution and collected by different healthcare personnel, was performed. The results demonstrate that the BoVW classification approach can identify different lesions within an image without having to utilize different algorithms for each lesion reducing processing time and providing a more flexible diagnostic system. Our BoVW scheme is based on sparse low-level feature detection with a Speeded-Up Robust Features (SURF) local descriptor, and mid-level features based on semi-soft coding with max pooling. The best BoVW representation for retinal image classification was an area under the receiver operating characteristic curve (AUC-ROC) of 97.8% (exudates) and 93.5% (red lesions), applying a cross-dataset validation protocol. To assess the accuracy for detecting cases that require referral within one year, the sparse extraction technique associated with semi-soft coding and max pooling obtained an AUC of 94.2 ± 2.0%, outperforming current methods. Those results indicate that, for retinal image classification tasks in clinical practice, BoVW is equal and, in some instances, surpasses results obtained using dense detection (widely believed to be the best choice in many vision problems) for the low-level descriptors.
Differential gene expression analysis by suppression subtractive hybridization with correlation to the metabolic pathways involved in chronic myeloid leukemia (CML) may provide a new insight into the pathogenesis of CML. Among the overexpressed genes found in CML at diagnosis are SEPT5, RUNX1, MIER1, KPNA6 and FLT3, while PAN3, TOB1 and ITCH were decreased when compared to healthy volunteers. Some genes were identified and involved in CML for the first time, including TOB1, which showed a low expression in patients with CML during tyrosine kinase inhibitor treatment with no complete cytogenetic response. In agreement, reduced expression of TOB1 was also observed in resistant patients with CML compared to responsive patients. This might be related to the deregulation of apoptosis and the signaling pathway leading to resistance. Most of the identified genes were related to the regulation of nuclear factor κB (NF-κB), AKT, interferon and interleukin-4 (IL-4) in healthy cells. The results of this study combined with literature data show specific gene pathways that might be explored as markers to assess the evolution and prognosis of CML as well as identify new therapeutic targets.
Paraquat is a fast acting nonselective contact herbicide that is extensively used worldwide. However, the aqueous solubility and soil sorption of this compound can cause problems of toxicity in nontarget organisms. This work investigates the preparation and characterization of nanoparticles composed of chitosan and sodium tripolyphosphate (TPP) to produce an efficient herbicidal formulation that was less toxic and could be used for safer control of weeds in agriculture. The toxicities of the formulations were evaluated using cell culture viability assays and the Allium cepa chromosome aberration test. The herbicidal activity was investigated in cultivations of maize (Zea mays) and mustard (Brassica sp.), and soil sorption of the nanoencapsulated herbicide was measured. The efficiency association of paraquat with the nanoparticles was 62.6 ± 0.7%. Encapsulation of the herbicide resulted in changes in its diffusion and release as well as its sorption by soil. Cytotoxicity and genotoxicity assays showed that the nanoencapsulated herbicide was less toxic than the pure compound, indicating its potential to control weeds while at the same time reducing environmental impacts. Measurements of herbicidal activity showed that the effectiveness of paraquat was preserved after encapsulation. It was concluded that the encapsulation of paraquat in nanoparticles can provide a useful means of reducing adverse impacts on human health and the environment, and that the formulation therefore has potential for use in agriculture.
Super elastic nitinol (NiTi) wires were exploited as highly robust supports for three distinct crosslinked polymeric ionic liquid (PIL)-based coatings in solid-phase microextraction (SPME). The oxidation of NiTi wires in a boiling (30%w/w) H2O2 solution and subsequent derivatization in vinyltrimethoxysilane (VTMS) allowed for vinyl moieties to be appended to the surface of the support. UV-initiated on-fiber copolymerization of the vinyl-substituted NiTi support with monocationic ionic liquid (IL) monomers and dicationic IL crosslinkers produced a crosslinked PIL-based network that was covalently attached to the NiTi wire. This alteration alleviated receding of the coating from the support, which was observed for an analogous crosslinked PIL applied on unmodified NiTi wires. A series of demanding extraction conditions, including extreme pH, pre-exposure to pure organic solvents, and high temperatures, were applied to investigate the versatility and robustness of the fibers. Acceptable precision of the model analytes was obtained for all fibers under these conditions. Method validation by examining the relative recovery of a homologous group of phthalate esters (PAEs) was performed in drip-brewed coffee (maintained at 60 °C) by direct immersion SPME. Acceptable recoveries were obtained for most PAEs in the part-per-billion level, even in this exceedingly harsh and complex matrix.
Syngonanthus macrolepis, popularly known in Brazil as 'sempre-vivas', is a plant from the family Eriocaulaceae, it is found in the states of Minas Gerais and Bahia. The species contains a variety of constituents, including flavonoids with gastroprotective effect. In this work, a flavonoid-rich fraction (Sm-FRF) obtained from scapes of S. macrolepis was investigated for preventing gastric ulceration in mice and rats. The activity was evaluated in models of induced gastric ulcer (absolute ethanol, stress, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs and pylorus ligation). The cytoprotective mechanisms of the Sm-FRF in relation to sulfhydryl (SH) groups, nitric oxide (NO) and antioxidant enzymes were also evaluated. The Sm-FRF (100 mg/kg, p.o.) significantly reduced gastric injury in all models, and did not alter gastric juice parameters after pylorus ligation. The results indicate significant gastroprotective activity for the Sm-FRF, which probably involves the participation of both SH groups and the antioxidant system. Both are integral parts of the gastrointestinal mucosa's cytoprotective mechanisms against aggressive factors.
Isatin, an indole alkaloid has been shown to have anti-microbial, anti-tumor and anti-inflammatory effects. Due to its findings, we evaluated whether this alkaloid would have any effect on TNBS-induced colitis. Animals (male Unib:WH rats, aged 8 weeks old) were induced colitis through a rectal administration of 2,4,6-trinitrobenzene sulphonic acid using a catheter inserted 8 cm into the rectum of the animals. The rats were divided into two major groups: non-colitic and colitic. The colitic group was sub-divided into 6 groups (10 animals per group): colitic non-treated, Isatin 3; 6; 12.5; 18.75 and 25 mg/kg. Our main results showed that the oral treatment with Isatin 6 and 25 mg/kg were capable of avoiding the increase in TNF-α, COX-2 and PGE₂ levels when compared to the colitic non-treated group. Interestingly, the same doses (6 and 25 mg/kg) were also capable of preventing the decrease in IL-10 levels comparing with the colitic non-treated group. The levels of MPO, (an indirect indicator of neutrophil presence), were also maintained lower than those of the colitic non-treated group. Isatin also prevented the decrease of SOD activity and increase of GSH-Px and GSH-Rd activity as well as the depletion of GSH levels. In conclusion, both pre-treatments (6 and 25 mg/kg) were capable of protecting the gut mucosa against the injury caused by TNBS, through the combination of antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties, which, together, showed a protective activity of the indole alkaloid Isatin.
With a huge amount of printed documents nowadays, identifying their source is useful for criminal investigations and also to authenticate digital copies of a document. In this paper, we propose novel techniques for laser printer attribution. Our solutions do not need very high resolution scanning of the investigated document and explore the multidirectional, multiscale and low-level gradient texture patterns yielded by printing devices. The main contributions of this work are: (1) the description of printed areas using multidirectional and multiscale co-occurring texture patterns; (2) description of texture on low-level gradient areas by a convolution texture gradient filter that emphasizes textures in specific transition areas and (3) the analysis of printer patterns in segments of interest, which we call frames, instead of whole documents or only printed letters. We show by experiments in a well documented dataset that the proposed methods outperform techniques described in the literature and present near-perfect classification accuracy being very promising for deployment in real-world forensic investigations.