956 resultados para Anatomy taxonomy


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Title Evaluation of Video Presentation to Deliver Surgical Anatomy Teaching

Authors Walsh I.K., Boohan M., Dorman A.

Objectives To evaluate the efficacy of newly introduced video presentation to deliver Surgical Anatomy teaching to undergraduate medical students.

Design and Setting Qualitative and quantitative study using questionnaires and focus groups, employing students undertaking the perioperative medicine module of the phase 4 undergraduate medical curriculum at Queen’s University Belfast.

Outcome Measures To determine:
(1) if video presentation is effective in delivering surgical anatomy teaching,
(2) student’s learning preferences regarding this teaching method.
Results The questionnaire response rate was 89% (216 of 244 students; female: male ratio 1.25) and 42 students participated in 6 focus groups. Mean questionnaire responses indicated a favourable opinion on quality assurance items, with a mixed response to video presentation as a learning method. 71% of students preferred to receive a lecture in person, rather than via video presentation. There were no statistically significant differences between genders regarding learning preferences in general and regarding video versus live presentation in particular. Exploratory factor analysis demonstrated that favourable responses to video presentation were strongly associated with perceived audiovisual quality and learning preferences (Cronbach’s alpha coefficient 0.77), with 72% of students considering video presentation worthwhile. Positive perception of overall quality was strongly associated with learning preferences as well as more generic quality assurance issues (80% students; alpha coefficient 0.83).
The results were supported by triangulation of the above quantitative data with qualitative data generated by the focus groups. Students further articulated the view that video presentation may be more appropriate and effective in a mixed method setting.

Reference Basu Roy R, McMahon GT. Video-based cases disrupt deep critical thinking in problem-based learning. Med Educ 2012 Apr;46(4):426-435.


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Title Evaluation of Multidisciplinary Delivery of Surgical Anatomy Teaching

Authors Walsh I.K., Taylor S.J., Dorman A, Boohan M.

Objectives To evaluate the efficacy of newly introduced multidisciplinary methods to deliver Surgical Anatomy teaching to undergraduate medical students.

Design and Setting Qualitative and quantitative study using questionnaires and focus groups, employing students of the perioperative and emergency medicine (POEM) module of the phase 4 undergraduate medical curriculum at Queen’s University Belfast.

Outcome Measures To determine:
(1) if multidisciplinary teaching is effective in delivering surgical anatomy teaching,
(2) student’s learning preferences regarding this teaching method.
Results The questionnaire response rate was 89% (216 of 244 students; female: male ratio 1.25) and 42 students participated in 6 focus groups. Mean questionnaire responses indicated a favourable opinion on quality assurance items and multidisciplinary teaching. 81% of students agreed that multidisciplinary teaching enhanced learning and 86% felt that this did not adversely affect interaction. A positive contribution towards POEM learning was reported for Radiology (95% of students), Anatomy (93%) and Surgery (78%). The benefits of multidisciplinary teaching were congruent for Anatomy, Radiology and Surgery with 78% of students indicating a perceived favourable association with learning. Multidisciplinary teaching was not associated with diluted interaction, with 62% of students describing interaction as sufficient. 88% of students positively ranked tutor characteristics of enthusiasm and encouragement as being strongly associated with teacher quality. Positive perception of overall quality was strongly associated with learning preferences as well as more generic quality assurance issues (80% students; alpha coefficient 0.83).
The results were supported by triangulation of the above quantitative data with qualitative data generated by the focus groups. Whilst students frequently misunderstood the meaning of “multidisciplinary teaching”, there was an appreciation of the method’s worth; students recognised and valued the relevance of Anatomy, Radiology and Surgery teaching to POEM learning. The importance of vertically integrating Anatomy into all stages of the undergraduate curriculum was especially recognised.

Reference Aarnio M, Nieminen J, Pyorala E, Lindbolm-Ylanne S. Motivating medical students to learn. 2010 Med Teach;32(4):199-204.


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Perfect information is seldom available to man or machines due to uncertainties inherent in real world problems. Uncertainties in geographic information systems (GIS) stem from either vague/ambiguous or imprecise/inaccurate/incomplete information and it is necessary for GIS to develop tools and techniques to manage these uncertainties. There is a widespread agreement in the GIS community that although GIS has the potential to support a wide range of spatial data analysis problems, this potential is often hindered by the lack of consistency and uniformity. Uncertainties come in many shapes and forms, and processing uncertain spatial data requires a practical taxonomy to aid decision makers in choosing the most suitable data modeling and analysis method. In this paper, we: (1) review important developments in handling uncertainties when working with spatial data and GIS applications; (2) propose a taxonomy of models for dealing with uncertainties in GIS; and (3) identify current challenges and future research directions in spatial data analysis and GIS for managing uncertainties.


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The scanning electron microscope (SEM) has been a major tool in detailed morphological observations of plant parasitic nematodes during the last 30 years, efficiently complementing light microscopical (LM) studies. Nematodes are extremely difficult to observe and characterize due to their small size (aprox. 1 mm long) and paucity of morphological characters, so detailed surface observations of several organs and nematode regions are of the highest value. Among plant parasitic nematodes, one of the most devastating species is the “pinewood nematode” (PWN), Bursaphelenchus xylophilus, which has been a major problem for forest species, and in particular pines, in Asia (Japan, China, Korea) and has been recently detected in the European Union (Portugal). B. xylophilus belongs to a closely related, morphologically similar group of species, within the genus Bursaphelenchus, and designated by the “xylophilus group”. SEM has become a crucial tool in observing several genital characters of males and females, such as male genital papillae, male copulatory spicules, female vulval flap and female genital papillae.s In this presentation, we will show how SEM has been utilized to observe and characterize the shape of the vulval flap, the presence/ absence of papillae near the flap, and confirm the presence and the arrangement of the male genital papillae. LM is also used in this work to show its value as a complementary tool to SEM, in both genital characteristics and other, general, characters of the genus Bursaphelenchus, such as the male bursa and cephalic region.


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The morphology of a sample of four bulls and 43 cows, presumed to be descendants of the extinct cattle breed ‘Algarvia’ (AG), was used to assign their relationship with animals from other Portuguese autochthonous breeds – Arouquesa (AR), Barrosa˜ (BA), Cachena (CA), Marinhoa (MA), Maronesa (MO), Minhota (MN), Mirandesa (MI), (only bulls), Alentejana (AL), Garvonesa (GA), Mertolenga (ME) and Preta (PR). Standard numerical taxonomic methods were applied to a set of 183 (cows) and 170 (bulls) traits, to derive average pairwise taxonomic distances among the sample of 257 cows and 76 bulls. Distance coefficients (morphological index of distance) ranged from 0.22 to 2.62 (cows) and from 0.49 to 2.13 (bulls). Unweighted pair group method using arithmetic averages (UPGMA)-based phenograms and a principal coordinate analysis showed that bulls were highly clustered and cows showed a tendency to cluster according to their geographical and breed origin. The AG population grouped together with GA, AL, ME and MN breeds in the Red Convex group. The average taxonomic distance among breeds was 1.02, the highest being 1.39 (ME versus BA) and the lowest being 0.64 (MA versus AR). The approach allowed for the identification of a phenotypically differentiated set of animals, comprising 19 cows and four bulls representative of the AG breed, and which can be targeted in further studies aiming at the recovery of this extinct breed.


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Microalgae are a diverse group of organisms that form the basic component of many eco­- systems. The systemic classification of algae is primarily based on their pigment composition and is divided into nine classes. The largest groups are Chlorophyceae (green algae), Phaeophyceae (brown algae), Pyrrophyceae (dinoflagellates), Chrysophyceae (golden brown algae), Bacillariophyceae (diatoms) and Rhodo­ phyceae (red algae). It has been estimated that between 22,000 and 26,000 species exist (Norton et al., 1996), of which only a few species have been identified to be useful for commercial application, such as Spirulina, Chlorella, Haematococcus, Dunaliella, Botryococcus, Phaeodactylum and Porphyridium. Several other species that are also cultivated commercially for the hatcheries in the aquaculture field include Chaetoceros, Crypthecodinium, Isochrysis, Nannochloris, Nitzschia, Schizo­chytrium, Tetraselmis and Skeletonema (Raja et al., 2008).


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This paper proposes a taxonomy to develop culturally competent practitioners. Arguments about what this might mean and how this could be achieved are discussed first, identifying problems with multicultural and antiracist approaches. The model follows the cognitive, emotional and behavioural levels of Steinaker and Bell's experiential taxonomy. Five elements are proposed: cultural awareness, cultural knowledge, cultural understanding, cultural sensitivity and cultural competence. These could address, in increasingly sophisticated and increasingly praxis-oriented ways, issues of power and the construction of meanings and identities which go beyond essentialist notions of ethnicity.


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Localization is a fundamental task in Cyber-Physical Systems (CPS), where data is tightly coupled with the environment and the location where it is generated. The research literature on localization has reached a critical mass, and several surveys have also emerged. This review paper contributes on the state-of-the-art with the proposal of a new and holistic taxonomy of the fundamental concepts of localization in CPS, based on a comprehensive analysis of previous research works and surveys. The main objective is to pave the way towards a deep understanding of the main localization techniques, and unify their descriptions. Furthermore, this review paper provides a complete overview on the most relevant localization and geolocation techniques. Also, we present the most important metrics for measuring the accuracy of localization approaches, which is meant to be the gap between the real location and its estimate. Finally, we present open issues and research challenges pertaining to localization. We believe that this review paper will represent an important and complete reference of localization techniques in CPS for researchers and practitioners and will provide them with an added value as compared to previous surveys.


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ABSTRACT – Background: According to the Report on Carcinogens, formaldehyde ranks 25th in the overall U.S. chemical production, with more than 5 million tons produced each year. Given its economic importance and widespread use, many people are exposed to formaldehyde environmentally and/or occupationally. Presently, the International Agency for Research on Cancer classifies formaldehyde as carcinogenic to humans (Group 1), based on sufficient evidence in humans and in experimental animals. Manyfold in vitro studies clearly indicated that formaldehyde can induce genotoxic effects in proliferating cultured mammalian cells. Furthermore, some in vivo studies have found changes in epithelial cells and in peripheral blood lymphocytes related to formaldehyde exposure. Methods: A study was carried out in Portugal, using 80 workers occupationally exposed to formaldehyde vapours: 30 workers from formaldehyde and formaldehyde-based resins production factory and 50 from 10 pathology and anatomy laboratories. A control group of 85 non-exposed subjects was considered. Exposure assessment was performed by applying simultaneously two techniques of air monitoring: NIOSH Method 2541 and Photo Ionization Detection equipment with simultaneously video recording. Evaluation of genotoxic effects was performed by application of micronucleus test in exfoliated epithelial cells from buccal mucosa and peripheral blood lymphocytes. Results: Time-weighted average concentrations not exceeded the reference value (0.75 ppm) in the two occupational settings studied. Ceiling concentrations, on the other hand, were higher than reference value (0.3 ppm) in both. The frequency of micronucleus in peripheral blood lymphocytes and in epithelial cells was significantly higher in both exposed groups than in the control group (p < 0.001). Moreover, the frequency of micronucleus in peripheral blood lymphocytes was significantly higher in the laboratories group than in the factory workers (p < 0.05). A moderate positive correlation was found between duration of occupational exposure to formaldehyde (years of exposure) and micronucleus frequency in peripheral blood lymphocytes (r = 0.401; p < 0.001) and in epithelial cells (r = 0.209; p < 0.01). Conclusions: The population studied is exposed to high peak concentrations of formaldehyde with a long-term exposure. These two aspects, cumulatively, can be the cause of the observed genotoxic endpoint effects. The association of these cytogenetic effects with formaldehyde exposure gives important information to risk assessment process and may also be used to assess health risks for exposed worker


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This paper analyses the Portuguese stock market since it reopened in 1977, with a special focus on the evolution of the statistic and stochastic characteristics of the market return throughout this 36 year period. The market return for the period of time between 1977 and 2012 (September 28th) is estimated and then compared with the return that would have been achieved with Government bonds and treasury bills, which allows us to confirm that the hierarchy of return / risk across the different financial instruments is verified. The market risk premium for this 36 year period is also estimated and a comparison with other markets is performed, suggesting that the Portuguese market’s risk has not been compensated by an adequate return. The study also examines the evolution of the Portuguese market’s volatility in the 1977-2012 period and compares it with other markets, showing the existence of extremely high peaks during the first 11 years, but indicating a downwards trend throughout the whole period under analysis. Finally, the correlation between market returns for Portugal and for other countries and the degree of integration are estimated and their evolution throughout time is assessed, leading to the conclusion that the performance of the Portuguese stock market has become increasingly correlated with major European markets – correlation with some markets close to 0.70 from 2000 onwards-, but that country-specific risk factors are still relevant.


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Pelvic floor anatomy is complex and its three-dimensional organization is often difficult to understand for both undergrad- uate and postgraduate students. Here, we focused on several critical points that need to be considered when teaching the perineum. We have to deal with a mixed population of students and with a variety of interest. Yet, a perfect knowledge of the pelvic floor is the basis for any gynecologist and for any surgical intervention. Our objectives are several-fold; i) to estab- lish the objectives and the best way of teaching, ii) to identify and localize areas in the female pelvic floor that are suscepti- ble to generate problems in understanding the three-dimensional organization, iii) to create novel approaches by respecting the anatomical surroundings, and iv) prospectively, to identify elements that may create problems during surgery i.e. to have a closer look at nerve trajectories and on compression sites that may cause neuralgia or postoperative pain. A feedback from students concludes that they have difficulties to assimilate this much information, especially the different imaging tech- niques. Eventually, this will lead to a severe selection of what has to be taught and included in lectures or practicals. Another consequence is that more time to study prosected pelves needs to be given.


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Two book launch party invitations for Donald Ziraldo's Anatomy of a Winery. The first party to take place at Inniskillin Winery on April 26, 1995, the second party at Indigo Books Music & More in Toronto on June 21st. Both invitations also mention the 25th anniversary of Inniskillin Winery.


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