992 resultados para Ameghino, Florentino, 1853-1911.


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En este estudio se ha revisado las principales características de la criminalidad en la Araucanía desde la segunda mitad del siglo XIX, examinando las virtudes y defectos (lamentablemente superiores a los primeros) de sus instituciones de control social (policía y prisiones). Como se podrá apreciar, el panorama no fue positivo, pese a los esfuerzos para tratar de revertir un fenómeno que lentamente comenzó a modificarse en pleno siglo XX. Sin embargo, más allá de los inconvenientes de todo tipo hasta aquí señalados (mala administración de justicia, falta de presupuesto, de organización carcelaria y de fiscalización de funcionarios y recintos), no es menos cierto que los problemas antes indicados no fueron exclusivos de la Araucanía.


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Changes in the cultures and spaces of death during the Victorian era reveal the shifting conceptualisations and mobilisations of class in this period. Using the example of Brookwood Necropolis, established 1852 in response to the contemporary burial reform debate, the paper explores tensions within the sanitary reform movement, 1853–1903. Whilst reformist ideology grounded the cemetery's practices in a discourse of inclusion, one of the consequences of reform was to reinforce class distinctions. Combined with commercial imperatives and the modern impulse towards separation of living and dead, this aspect of reform enacted a counter-discourse of alienation. The presence of these conflicting strands in the spaces and practices of the Necropolis and their changes during the time period reflect wider urban trends.


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Syftet med uppsatsen är att undersöka vilka åtgärder som Falu stad, genom sundhetsnämnden, vidtog när farsoten kolera spreds i Sverige år 1834 respektive år 1853 samt om dessa åtgärder skiljer sig över tid. Frågeställningarna som används är: Vilka förebyggande åtgärder mot kolera vidtog staden genom sundhetsnämnden år 1834 och år 1853? Hur agerade läkarna i Falun mot kolerahotet? Skiljer sig Falu sundhetsnämnds åtgärder i jämförelse med andra städers sundhetsnämnder? Skiljer sig sundhetsnämndens åtgärder mellan åren 1834 och 1853? Materialet som används består av sundhetsnämndens mötesprotokoll från åren 1834 och år 1853, kolerakungörelser från de båda tidpunkterna, stadsläkare- och gruvläkarapporter samt utdrag från Tidning för Falu län och stad. Resultatet visar, att Falun vid båda tillfällena spärrades av genom att vaktstationer upprättades vid vägarna och vid stadens gräns. En karantänsstation upprättades vid stadens hälsobrunn för att ta om hand personer som inte vistats på kolerafri ort de 10 senaste dagarna. Staden delades in i tio distrikt som bemannades med en distriktschef samt några uppsyningsmän, som kontrollerade att staden hölls ren och att invånarna var rena. Stadens läkare var väldigt aktiva under sundhetsnämndens möten år 1834 och gav flera förslag på vad som behövdes göras medan de år 1853 intog en mer passiv roll. Åtgärderna i Stockholm år 1834 är snarlika de åtgärder som genomfördes i Falun samma år, huvudstaden delades också in i distrikt och det tillsattes även distriktschefer och uppsyningsmän. En annan likhet är att både Falun och Stockholm beställde färdiga likkistor för att ha i beredskap. Såväl sundhetsnämnderna i Karlskrona, Ystad och Arboga liksom Falun år 1853 vidtog i stort sett samma åtgärder som gjordes redan år 1834 t ex spärrningsåtgärder, karantänsskydd, införandet av kolerasjukhus och extra insatser för de mest utsatta i samhället.


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The Winthrop yearbook was published from 1898 to 2002. It has been known as the Tatler since its inception except for 1904 (Lang Syne) and 1918 (Tatler a la Guerre). No yearbook was published in 1900, 1902, 1903, 1905,1906.


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A presente dissertação tem por objetivo desenvolver uma reflexão sobre a relação entre método e escrita da história a partir da análise dos escritos de João Capistrano de Abreu. A hipótese que orienta a leitura de sua obra é a de que os dispositivos da crítica documental, praticada pelos historiadores do século XIX, ao mesmo tempo em que conferem as marcas de credibilidade ao texto histórico, também impõem coerções e limites incontornáveis à sua construção. O estudo do caso Capistrano oferece a possibilidade de investigar alguns desdobramentos epistemológicos desta questão, sobretudo em um momento em que a história nacional investiu-se de pretensões científicas, com diretrizes teóricas e temáticas próprias. A história em capítulos do historiador corresponderia à instauração de um novo regime de escrita cujos dispositivos de validação não se encontrariam exclusivamente na explicitação do aparato crítico utilizado, mas na coerência explicativa própria do texto que ele elaborou.


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Leaf-cutting ant workers care for larvae with an elaborate behavioural repertoire to satisfy the needs of the offspring. In order to investigate worker discrimination ability in the leaf-cutting ant Acromyrmex subterraneus brunneus, we compared the behavioural responses of workers towards worker-produced male larvae and queen-produced worker larvae, including the following behavioural acts: licking the larval body, transporting larvae, feeding larvae with hyphae, scraping larval mouth parts, ingesting faecal fluid excreted by the larva, and inserting hyphae of the symbiontic fungus on the larval body. We verified that workers behaved differently depending on larval origin, i.e. licking the larval body, transporting larvae and inserting hyphae of the symbiontic fungus on the larval body. Observed differences denote the ability of workers in discriminating among larvae, probably because of their different individual needs.


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Leaf-cutting ants forage on a wide variety of plant species using the physical and chemical characteristics of the plants as a selection criterion. In order to determine the influence of the physical factor on the selection of foraging material, inert materials such as floral sponge, polystyrene, plastic and clay, which possess different degrees of physical resistance to cutting, were offered simultaneously to five Acromyrmex subterraneus brunneus colonies, and assessed 12 and 24 h after foraging. No substrate selectivity was observed during foraging. Physical resistance was used as a decision criterion for the incorporation or return of the foraged material. This fact suggests the existence of a second time of selection of the foraged material inside the colony during cultivation of the symbiontic fungus.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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The fauna of Brazilian reef fishes comprises approximately 320 species distributed along the coast of the mainland and islands ocean. Little is known about the levels of connectivity between their populations, but has been given the interest in the relations between the offshore and the islands of the Brazil, in a biogeographical perspective. The oceanic islands Brazilian hosting a considerable number of endemic species, which are locally abundant, and divide a substantial portion of its reef fish fauna with the Western Atlantic. Among the richest families of reef fish in species are Pomacentridae. This study analyzed through analysis of sequences of the mitochondrial DNA control region (D-loop), the standards-breeding population of C. Multilineata in different areas of the NE coast of Brazil, involving both oceanic islands (Fernando de Noronha Archipelago and of St. Peter and St. Paul) and continental shelf (RN and BA). To this aim, partial sequences were used in the region HVR1 of mtDNA (312pb). The population structure and parameters for the estimates of genetic variability, molecular variance (AMOVA), estimation of the index for fixing (FST) and number of migrants were determined. The phylogenetic relationships between the populations were estimated using neighbor-joining (NJ) method. A group of Bayesian analysis was used to verify population structure, according to haplotype frequency of each individual. The genetic variability of populations was extremely high. The populations sampled show moderate genetic structure, with a higher degree of genetic divergence being observed for the sample of the Archipelago of St. Peter and St. Paul. At smaller geographical scale, the sample of Rio Grande do Norte and the Archipelago of Fernando de Noronha do not have genetic differentiation. Three moderately differentiated population groups were identified: a population group (I), formed by the Rio Grande do Norte (I') and the archipelago of Fernando de Noronha (I''), and two other different groups formed by the island population of the archipelago of Saint Peter and St. Paul (II) and Bahia (III). The genetic patterns found suggest that the species has suffered a relatively recent radiation favoring the absence of shared haplotypes. C. multilineata seems to constitute a relatively homogenous population along the West Atlantic coast, with evidence of a moderate population genetic structure in relation to the Archipelago of St. Peter and St. Paul. These data supports the importance of the dispersal larvae by marine current and the interpopulation similarity this species.


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Dans les premières décennies du XXème siècle, un groupe d intellectuels brésiliens a pris pour soi la mission de conduire la nation aux chemins du progrès, en réfléchissant sur les transformations des villes et, souvent, en proposant et en mettant en avant des actions et mesures qui dirigeraient la modernisation du pays. Dans ce contexte, la ville apparaissait comme un synonyme de progrès en opposition à la campagne, en donnant emphase à la construction du Brésil urbain. À Natal, celui-ci a été une période de sensible modification dans l espace urbain, en suivant les préceptes de l hygiénisme et de l esthétique racionaliste, qui ont orienté les réformes entreprises dans beaucoup de villes brésiliennes. Les élites politiques et socioéconomiques de la capitale du Rio Grande do Norte ont developpé le discours en faveur de la modernisation qui avait pour objectif de justifier les interventions dans la ville et l introduction de l infra-structure de services urbains, par exemple, les services d illumination et de transport, qui à partir de 1911, ont commencé à être stimulés par l électricité. Cette modernisation est matérialisée par de nouveaux équipements et services, par des espaces remodelés en accord avec la rationalité technique de l urbaniste, pour l utilisation de nouvelles sources d énergie (gaz, électricité), en plus de la croissance de la population résidente en ville. Cependant, nous ne pouvons pas oublier que la construction de la ville moderne est passée tant par des transformations physiques, matérielles, comme par l absorption de valeurs, symboles, gestes, vocabulaires, objets, adoptions de nouvelles normes de comportement et par la formation de nouvelles sensibilités sur l espace urbain et la vie en ville. De cette manière, les nouvelles normes technologiques, comme l électricité, ont rendu possible des transformations dans la structure matérielle de la ville et en vie urbaine dans ses plus divers aspects. Ce travail propose d analyser la relation entre énergie électrique et la vie urbaine à Natal entre 1911 et 1940, en prenant en compte, pour cela, les actions d intervention de l État sur l espace urbain et les perceptions d intellectuels face aux transformations urbaines dont ils étaient les témoins. À partir de cette analyse, nous cherchons à préciser les efforts gouvernementaux pour la manutention des services d électricité et conservation des équipements urbains; comprendre comment l utilisation d énergie électrique a aidé à produire de nouvelles situations quotidiennes et comment elle a été perçue, traduite en sentiments et perceptions fondées dans la cohabitation avec cette innovation technique. Les élites locales désiraient diffuser des habitudes considerées modernes, en construisant une identification avec la manière de vie urbaine, fortement inspirée dans la vie dans les villes Européennes et Américaines. L électricité a rendu possible des expériences et sensations qui allaient caractériser l habitant de la ville


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Segundo a literatura, Tersina viridis (Illiger, 1911) possui hábito gregário sazonal em deslocamentos locais. Os reais motivos desses deslocamentos ainda são poucos conhecidos. em reflorestamento de mata ciliar do rio Mogi-Guaçu, SP, foi possível quantificar a variação sazonal mensal na densidade populacional durante um ano. O número de indivíduos aumentou substancialmente durante a estação seca e ausência durante a estação chuvosa, assim, caracterizando um comportamento fortemente sazonal de ocorrência nesse local. Provavelmente T. viridis possui algumas rotas de deslocamentos quando aparecem em grandes agregados no período mais seco na região do interior do estado de São Paulo e vizinhanças. A grande abundância de algumas espécies de plantas ornitocóricas pode ser alguns dos motivos que determinam a rota desses deslocamentos na região estudada, e não o padrão geral da fenologia da frutificação das espécies ornitocóricas.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)