1000 resultados para Alves Redol


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INTRODUÇÃO E OBJETIVO: Sabe-se que o tabagismo pode provocar alterações cardiovasculares e redução na sensibilidade à insulina, e que o exercício físico melhora este quadro. O objetivo do estudo foi avaliar o efeito do tabagismo e da prática de atividade física sobre a sensibilidade à insulina em músculo cardíaco de ratos, através da avaliação de expressão do transportador de glicose GLUT4. MÉTODOS: Ratos machos Wistar foram divididos em quatro grupos: (CS) controle, (CE) controle exercitado, (FS) fumante sedentário e (FE) fumante submetido ao exercício físico. Os grupos FS e FE foram submetidos à combustão de quatro cigarros/30 min/60 dias, 2x/dia. Os grupos CE e FE executaram corrida em esteira rolante durante 60 min/60 dias. Foi realizado teste de tolerância à insulina, e a expressão de GLUT4 no coração foi feita através de Western Blotting - ECL e RT-PCR. Foi utilizado método estatístico descritivo e o teste ANOVA, e as diferenças entre os grupos foram consideradas significantes quando P < 0,05. RESULTADOS: Nem o tabagismo nem a atividade física alteraram o peso corpóreo (CS: 364,7 ± 9,7; CE: 372,4 ± 7,2, FS: 368,9 ± 6,7; FE: 376,4 ± 7,8g) e o peso do coração (CS: 1,12 ± 0,05; CE: 1,16 ± 0,04; FS: 1,14 ± 0,05; FE: 1,19 ± 0,05g). A sensibilidade à insulina foi reduzida no grupo fumante, porém, a prática de exercício físico melhorou este quadro (CS: 3,7 ± 0,3; CE: 5,28 ± 0,5*; FS: 2,1 ± 0,7*; FE: 4,8 ± 0,09** %/min; *P < 0,05 vs. CS, **P < 0,05 vs. FS). Os conteúdos de RNAm e de proteína não se alteraram entre os grupos. Porém, quando se calculou o conteúdo total de proteína GLUT4 por grama de tecido, observou-se que o tabagismo causou redução e que o exercício induziu aumento neste parâmetro (CS: 119,72 ± 9,98; CE: 143,09 ± 9,09; FS: 84,36 ± 10,99*; FE: 132,18 ± 11,40# UA/g tecido, *P < 0,05 vs. CS, #P < 0,01 vs. FS). CONCLUSÃO: Conclui-se que o tabagismo reduz a sensibilidade à insulina e a capacidade do coração captar glicose. Já a prática de exercício físico moderado reverte este quadro por completo.


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Isolation of Leishmania parasite and species identification are important for confirmation and to help define the epidemiology of the leishmaniasis. Mice are often used to isolate pathogens, but the most common mouse strains are resistant to infection with parasites from the Leishmania (Viannia) subgenus. In this study we tested the inoculation of interferon gamma knockout (IFNγ KO) mice with biopsy macerates from Leishmania-infected patients to increase the possibility of isolating parasites. Biopsies from twenty five patients with clinical signs of leishmaniasis were taken and tested for the presence of parasites. Immunohistochemical assay (IHC) and conventional histopathology detected the parasite in 88% and 83% of the patients, respectively. Leishmania sp. were isolated in biopsy macerates from 52% of the patients by culture in Grace's insect medium, but 13% of isolates were lost due to contamination. Inoculation of macerates in IFNγ KO mice provides isolation of parasites in 31.8% of the biopsies. Most isolates belong to L. (Viannia) subgenus, as confirmed by PCR, except one that belongs to L. (Leishmania) subgenus. Our preliminary results support the use of IFNγ KO mice to improve the possibility to isolate New World Leishmania species.


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We examined the distribution, abundance and density of the Kelp Gull, Larus dominicanus (Lichtenstein, 1823), at Keller Peninsula on two occasions during the breeding season of 2007-2008 (once for incubation and once for chick stages) and compared our results with previously published data. We present information on the number of eggs, incubation success, and initial development of L. dominicanus chicks in the studied sites. The abundance and density of the species has remained statistically similar in Keller Peninsula over the last 30 years (since 1978-1979). Although the abundance and density were almost unchanged, we recorded alterations in the occupation of the breeding areas by L. dominicanus, mainly the abandonment of breeding sites in the eastern portion of Keller Peninsula. The results of the present study compared with similar previous investigations on the abundance of L. dominicanus indicate that the populations have been in equilibrium over the years.


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Enhanced understanding of the transmission dynamics and population genetics for Plasmodium vivax is crucial in predicting the emergence and spread of novel parasite phenotypes with major public health implications, such as new relapsing patterns, drug resistance and increased virulence. Suitable molecular markers are required for these population genetic studies. Here, we focus on two groups of molecular markers that are commonly used to analyse natural populations of P. vivax. We use markers under selective pressure, for instance, antigen-coding polymorphic genes, and markers that are not under strong natural selection, such as most minisatellite and microsatellite loci. First, we review data obtained using genes encoding for P. vivax antigens: circumsporozoite protein, merozoite surface proteins 1 and 3α, apical membrane antigen 1 and Duffy binding antigen. We next address neutral or nearly neutral molecular markers, especially microsatellite loci, providing a complete list of markers that have already been used in P. vivax populations studies. We also analyse the microsatellite loci identified in the P. vivax genome project. Finally, we discuss some practical uses for P. vivax genotyping, for example, detecting multiple-clone infections and tracking the geographic origin of isolates.


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The activity of the antineoplastic drug tamoxifen was evaluated against Trypanosoma cruzi. In vitro activity was determined against epimastigote, trypomastigote and amastigote forms of CL14, Y and Y benznidazole resistant T. cruzi strains. Regardless of the strain used, the drug was active against all life-cycle stages of the parasite with a half maximal effective concentration ranging from 0.7-17.9 µM. Two experimental models of acute Chagas disease were used to evaluate the in vivo efficacy of treatment with tamoxifen. No differences in parasitemia and mortality were observed between control mock-treated and tamoxifen-treated mice.


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INTRODUÇÃO: Excesso de alimentação no início da vida pode modificar persistentemente consumo e peso corporal. Adoção de exercício físico é uma estratégia útil para evitar excessivo ganho de peso. OBJETIVO: Avaliar o crescimento corporal e a eficiência alimentar em ratos provenientes de ninhada reduzida no aleitamento. MÉTODOS: Ao terceiro dia de vida, ninhadas foram formadas com quatro (GN4) ou 10 animais (GN10), (n = 25). Ao desmame, ratos machos Wistar permaneceram em gaiolas individuais, e, aos 60 (± 2) dias foram subdivididos em sedentários (SED) e exercitados (NAT), formando quatro grupos: GN4SED, GN10SED, GN4-NAT e GN10NAT. Avaliou-se o peso, ganho de peso e taxa específica de ganho de peso, gordura epididimal, índices de massa corporal e Lee, consumo e eficiência alimentar, glicemia e lactemia. RESULTADOS: Aos 21 dias, o GN4 apresentava peso corporal 52% acima do GN10 (P = 0,001). Contudo, aos 30 e 60 dias os pesos não diferiram. Ao final do período, GN10NAT demonstrou menor peso (356,82 ± 23,04) que GN10SED (409,28 ± 17,30). Mas GN4NAT possuía maior peso (417,85 ± 37,91) que GN4SED (413,69 ± 57,45) e GN10NAT. O GN4 exibiu elevada taxa de ganho de peso na lactação, mas, redução da mesma pós-desmame. Independente do tamanho da ninhada, a taxa de ganho de peso reduz com o aumento da idade. Ao final do período, glicemia, gordura epididimal total e relativa, e os índices de Lee e IMC não diferiram entre os grupos. Os valores de lactato antes e após o exercício condizem com esforço de intensidade moderada. Na periadolescência, GN4 apresentou menor ingestão de alimentos, mas sem diferenças na vida adulta. CONCLUSÃO: A redução da ninhada no aleitamento não alterou o peso corporal ou ingestão alimentar persistentemente. Entretanto, o protocolo de natação foi eficaz em reduzir o ganho de peso em animais controles, mas não naqueles de ninhada reduzida.


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A linha de pesquisa em multimodos e múltiplas representações vem atualmente sendo inspiradora de ações instrucionais na educação científica. Partindo dos fundamentos que justificam um encaminhamento didático à luz dessas referências, este trabalho procura mostrar que há compatibilidade dos seus fundamentos com a teoria da aprendizagem significativa de Ausubel e com as questões levantadas pelas pesquisas que indicam a necessidade de se considerar a subjetividade dos alunos presentes numa sala de aula. Essencialmente, procuramos argumentar que a promoção de um ensino por meio de multimodos e múltiplas representações é consistente com o ambiente plural das subjetividades existentes numa sala de aula e com uma aprendizagem significativa.


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The Steady-State Free Precession (SSFP) sequence has been widely used in low-field and low-resolution imaging NMR experiments to increase the signal-to-noise ratio (s/n) of the signals. Here, we analyzed the Scrambled Steady State - SSS and Unscrambled Steady State - USS sequences to suppress phase anomalies and sidebands of the 13C NMR spectrum acquired in the SSFP regime. The results showed that the application of the USS sequence allowed a uniform distribution of the time interval between pulses (Tp), in the established time range, allowing a greater suppression of phase anomalies and sidebands, when compared with the SSS sequence.


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A proposta deste estudo foi analisar o efeito do envelhecimento nos aspectos perceptivos e motores envolvidos com as ações de sentar e levantar de uma cadeira. Indivíduos jovens e idosos foram filmados enquanto sentavam/levantavam de uma cadeira em sete alturas diferentes do assento. Eles julgaram a dificuldade/facilidade encontrada para sentar e levantar em cada altura do assento. Os idosos exibiram mudanças na estratégia de controle usada para sentar na altura mais baixa do assento e superestimaram o nível de dificuldade/facilidade para realizar as tarefas de sentar e levantar. Em síntese, a percepção de execução fácil da tarefa de sentar pelos idosos não concorda com o grau de dificuldade exibido no desempenho motor na altura mais baixa do assento.


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As experiências traumáticas precoces são um fator de risco preditivo de problemas psicopatológicos futuros. O Early Trauma Inventory (ETI) é um instrumento que avalia em indivíduos adultos experiências traumáticas ocorridas antes dos 18 anos de idade. Tal instrumento foi traduzido, transculturalmente adaptado e sua consistência interna foi avaliada. Vítimas de violência que preencheram os critérios de inclusão e exclusão foram submetidas a uma entrevista diagnóstica (SCID-I) e ao ETI. Foram incluídos 91 pacientes com o transtorno do estresse pós-traumático (TEPT). O alfa de Cronbach nos diferentes domínios variou de 0,595-0,793, e o escore total foi de 0,878. A maior parte dos itens nos vários domínios, com exceção do abuso emocional, apresentou índices de correlação interitem entre 0,51-0,99. A versão adaptada foi útil tanto na clínica quanto na pesquisa. Apresentou boa consistência interna e na correlação interitem. O ETI é um instrumento válido, com boa consistência para se avaliar a presença de história de traumas precoces em indivíduos adultos.


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Xylella fastidiosa genome sequencing has generated valuable data by identifying genes acting either on metabolic pathways or in associated pathogenicity and virulence. Based on available information on these genes, new strategies for studying their expression patterns, such as microarray technology, were employed. A total of 2,600 primer pairs were synthesized and then used to generate fragments using the PCR technique. The arrays were hybridized against cDNAs labeled during reverse transcription reactions and which were obtained from bacteria grown under two different conditions (liquid XDM2 and liquid BCYE). All data were statistically analyzed to verify which genes were differentially expressed. In addition to exploring conditions for X. fastidiosa genome-wide transcriptome analysis, the present work observed the differential expression of several classes of genes (energy, protein, amino acid and nucleotide metabolism, transport, degradation of substances, toxins and hypothetical proteins, among others). The understanding of expressed genes in these two different media will be useful in comprehending the metabolic characteristics of X. fastidiosa, and in evaluating how important certain genes are for the functioning and survival of these bacteria in plants.


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DNA Microarray was developed to monitor the expression of many genes from Xylella fastidiosa, allowing the side by-side comparison of two situations in a single experiment. The experiments were performed using X. fastidiosa cells grown in two culture media: BCYE and XDM2. The primers were synthesized, spotted onto glass slides and the array was hybridized against fluorescently labeled cDNAs. The emitted signals were quantified, normalized and the data were statistically analyzed to verify the differentially expressed genes. According to the data, 104 genes were differentially expressed in XDM2 and 30 genes in BCYE media. The present study showed that DNA microarray technique efficiently differentiate the expressed genes under different conditions.


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Since the discovery of Trypanosoma cruzi and the brilliant description of the then-referred to "new tripanosomiasis" by Carlos Chagas 100 years ago, a great deal of scientific effort and curiosity has been devoted to understanding how this parasite invades and colonises mammalian host cells. This is a key step in the survival of the parasite within the vertebrate host, and although much has been learned over this century, differences in strains or isolates used by different laboratories may have led to conclusions that are not as universal as originally interpreted. Molecular genotyping of the CL-Brener clone confirmed a genetic heterogeneity in the parasite that had been detected previously by other techniques, including zymodeme or schizodeme (kDNA) analysis. T. cruzi can be grouped into at least two major phylogenetic lineages: T. cruzi I, mostly associated with the sylvatic cycle and T. cruzi II, linked to human disease; however, a third lineage, T. cruziIII, has also been proposed. Hybrid isolates, such as the CL-Brener clone, which was chosen for sequencing the genome of the parasite (Elias et al. 2005, El Sayed et al. 2005a), have also been identified. The parasite must be able to invade cells in the mammalian host, and many studies have implicated the flagellated trypomastigotes as the main actor in this process. Several surface components of parasites and some of the host cell receptors with which they interact have been described. Herein, we have attempted to identify milestones in the history of understanding T. cruzi- host cell interactions. Different infective forms of T. cruzi have displayed unexpected requirements for the parasite to attach to the host cell, enter it, and translocate between the parasitophorous vacuole to its final cytoplasmic destination. It is noteworthy that some of the mechanisms originally proposed to be broad in function turned out not to be universal, and multiple interactions involving different repertoires of molecules seem to act in concert to give rise to a rather complex interplay of signalling cascades involving both parasite and cellular components.


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Malignant brain tumor experimental models tend to employ cells that are immunologically compatible with the receptor animal. In this study, we have proposed an experimental model of encephalic tumor development by injecting C6 cells into athymic Rowett rats, aiming at reaching a model which more closely resembles to the human glioma tumor. In our model, we observed micro-infiltration of tumor cell clusters in the vicinity of the main tumor mass, and of more distal isolated tumor cells immersed in normal encephalic parenchyma. This degree of infiltration is superior to that usually observed in other C6 models.


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OBJECTIVE: To analyze household risk factors associated with high lead levels in surface dental enamel. METHODS: A cross-sectional study was conducted with 160 Brazilian adolescents aged 14-18 years living in poor neighborhoods in the city of Bauru, southeastern Brazil, from August to December 2008. Body lead concentrations were assessed in surface dental enamel acid-etch microbiopsies. Dental enamel lead levels were measured by graphite furnace atomic absorption spectrometry and phosphorus levels were measured by inductively coupled plasma optical emission spectrometry. The parents answered a questionnaire about their children's potential early (05 years old) exposure to well-known lead sources. Logistic regression was used to identify associations between dental enamel lead levels and each environmental risk factor studied. Social and familial covariables were included in the models. RESULTS: The results suggest that the adolescents studied were exposed to lead sources during their first years of life. Risk factors associated with high dental enamel lead levels were living in or close to a contaminated area (OR = 4.49; 95% CI: 1.69;11.97); and member of the household worked in the manufacturing of paints, paint pigments, ceramics or batteries (OR = 3.43; 95% CI: 1.31;9.00). Home-based use of lead-glazed ceramics, low-quality pirated toys, anticorrosive paint on gates and/or sale of used car batteries (OR = 1.31; 95% CI: 0.56;3.03) and smoking (OR = 1.66; 95% CI: 0.52;5.28) were not found to be associated with high dental enamel lead levels. CONCLUSIONS: Surface dental enamel can be used as a marker of past environmental exposure to lead and lead concentrations detected are associated to well-known sources of lead contamination.