924 resultados para Aboriginal traditional medicine
Background: A number of factors are known to influence food preferences and acceptability of new products. These include their sensory characteristics and strong, innate neural influences. In designing foods for any target group, it is important to consider intrinsic and extrinsic characteristics which may contribute to palatability, and acceptability of foods. Objective: To assess age and gender influences on sensory perceptions of novel low cost nutrient-rich food products developed using traditional Ghanaian food ingredients. Materials and Methods: In this study, a range of food products were developed from Ghanaian traditional food sources using the Food Multimix (FMM) concept. These products were subjected to sensory evaluation to assess the role of sensory perception on their acceptability among different target age groups across the life cycle (aged 11-68 years olds) and to ascertain any possible influences of gender on preference and choice. Variables including taste, odour, texture, flavour and appearance were tested and the results captured on a Likert scale and scores of likeness and acceptability analysed. Multivariate analyses were used to develop prediction models for targeted recipe development for different target groups. Multiple factor analysis of variance (ANOVA) and logistic linear regression were employed to test the strength of acceptability and to ascertain age and gender influences on product preference. Results: The results showed a positive trend in acceptability (r = 0.602) which tended towards statistical significance (p = 0.065) with very high product favourability rating (91% acceptability; P=0.005). However, age [odds ratios=1.44 (11-15 years old) odds ratios=2.01 (18-68 years old) and gender (P=0.000)] were major influences on product preference with children and females (irrespective of age) showing clear preferences or dislike of products containing certain particular ingredients. Conclusion: These findings are potentially useful in planning recipes for feeding interventions involving different vulnerable and target groups.
Background: Comparative effectiveness research (CER) is intended to inform decision making in clinical practice, and is central to patientcentered outcomes research (PCOR). Purpose: To summarize key aspects of CER definitions and provide examples highlighting the complementary nature of efficacy and CER studies in pulmonary, critical care, and sleep medicine. Methods: An ad hoc working group of the American Thoracic Society with experience in clinical trials, health services research, quality improvement, and behavioral sciences in pulmonary, critical care, and sleepmedicinewas convened. The group used an iterative consensus process, including a reviewbyAmerican Thoracic Society committees and assemblies. Results: The traditional efficacy paradigm relies on clinical trials with high internal validity to evaluate interventions in narrowly defined populations and in research settings. Efficacy studies address the question, "Can it work in optimal conditions?" The CER paradigm employs a wide range of study designs to understand the effects of interventions in clinical settings. CER studies address the question, "Does it work in practice?" The results of efficacy and CER studies may or may not agree. CER incorporates many attributes of outcomes research and health services research, while placing greater emphasis on meeting the expressed needs of nonresearcher stakeholders (e.g., patients, clinicians, and others). Conclusions: CER complements traditional efficacy research by placing greater emphasis on the effects of interventions in practice, and developing evidence to address the needs of the many stakeholders involved in health care decisions. Stakeholder engagement is an important component of CER. Copyright © 2013 by the American Thoracic Society.
Historians of Chinese medicine acknowledge the plurality of Chinese medicine along both synchronic and diachronic dimensions. Yet, there remains a tendency to think of tradition as being defined by some unchanging features. The Chinese medical body is a case in point. This is assumed to have been formalised by the late Han dynasty around a system of internal organs, conduits, collaterals, and associated body structures. Although criticism was voiced from time to time, this body and the micro/ macrocosmic cosmological resonances that underpin it are seen to persist until the present day. I challenge this view by attending to attempts by physicians in China and Japan in the period from the mid 16th to the late 18th century to reimagine this body. Working within the domain of cold damage therapeutics and combining philological scholarship, empirical observations, and new hermeneutic strategies these physicians worked their way towards a new territorial understanding of the body and of medicine as warfare that required an intimate familiarity with the body’s topography. In late imperial China this new view of the body and medicine was gradually re-absorbed into the mainstream. In Japan, however, it led to a break with this orthodoxy that in the Republican era became influential in China once more. I argue that attending further to the innovations of this period—commonly portrayed as one of decline—from a transnational perspective may help to go beyond the modern insistence to frame East Asian medicines as traditional.
This thesis explores Aboriginal women's access to and success within universities through an examination of Aboriginal women's educational narratives, along with input from key service providers from both the Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal community. Implemented through the Wildfire Research Method, participants engaged in a consensusbased vision of accessible education that honours the spiritual, emotional, intellectual, and physical elements necessary for the success of Aboriginal women in university. This study positions Aboriginal women as agents of social change by allowing them to define their own needs and offer viable solutions to those needs. Further, it connects service providers from the many disconnected sectors that implicate Aboriginal women's education access. The realities of Aboriginal women are contextualized through historical, sociocultural, and political analyses, revealing the need for a decolonizing educational approach. This fosters a shift away from a deficit model toward a cultural and linguistic assets based approach that emphasizes the need for strong cultural identity formation. Participants revealed academic, cultural, and linguistic barriers and offered clear educational specifications for responsive and culturally relevant programming that will assist Aboriginal women in developing and maintaining strong cultural identities. Findings reveal the need for curriculum that focuses on decolonizing and reclaiming Aboriginal women's identities, and program outcomes that encourage balance between two worldviews-traditional and academic-through the application of cultural traditions to modern contexts, along with programming that responds to the immediate needs of Aboriginal women such as childcare, housing, and funding, and provide an opportunity for universities and educators to engage in responsive and culturally grounded educational approaches.
This study examined the cultural health beliefs in diabetes education amongst the Aboriginal population within a city in Southern Ontario. The purpose was to contribute to the development of a culturally relevant diabetes handbook as well as to delivery styles within current diabetes education programs. To this end, a focus group was conducted with Aboriginal men and women between the ages of 18-70 years with type 2 diabetes. Participants were recruited from 2 Aboriginal community centres and an Aboriginal health centre in a city in Southern Ontario. Themes were drawn from the analysis of the focus group transcripts and combined with the findings from the research literature. The major themes that merged were drawn from Eurocentric and Aboriginal theories. The results were a set of recommendations on the type of format for diabetes educational programs such as traditional group activities, variety of electronic format, and culture specific educational resources. The emergent results appear to provide some important insights into program planning for diabetes education centres within Aboriginal communities.
An increasing body of knowledge links parental involvement with student success but few studies address Aboriginal parental involvement in urban settings. While some critics argue traditional Aboriginal knowledge is best delivered at home, Aboriginal children who share parents’ stories in the classroom benefit other children who draw connections to these stories. Moreover, Aboriginal learners need to function in mainstream Western society and in public school settings in which educators often have a difficult time engaging Aboriginal parents. Consequently, this research sought to explore the perceptions and sense of engagement of parents/caregivers in the Aboriginal Student Program (ASP) in a publicly funded secondary school in Ontario. The study was an extension of the researcher’s existing work and focused specifically on a sample of parents/caregivers taking part in an Aboriginal feast at an Ontario secondary school. Nine individuals accepted an invitation to participate in a Talking Circle and shared perceptions of their children’s educational experiences. Data were collected and coded, and findings indicated that parental involvement in children’s educational journeys contributed significantly to a sense of parental engagement in the school and in Aboriginal programs. Results also suggest that Eurocentric pedagogy can be modified in mainstream secondary schools to directly involve Aboriginal parents/caregivers. Although many participants’ stories revealed they experienced racism during their own schooling, study findings demonstrate that the parents/caregivers want to be involved in their children’s education nonetheless. This thesis discusses the data that were grounded in the participants’ voices that in turn led to several key recommendations.
The aim of this thesis is to explore the relationship between imagery, technology, and remote adult Aboriginal teacher candidates through the computer software Elluminate Live. It focuses on the implications that the role imagery plays in third generation distance education with these learners and the new media associated therein. The thesis honours the Medicine Wheel teachings and is presented within this cyclical framework that reflects Indigenous philosophies and belief systems. In accordance, Sharing Circle as methodology is used to keep the research culturally grounded, and tenets of narrative inquiry further support the study. Results indicate there are strong connections to curricula enhanced with imagery—most notably a spiritual connection. Findings also reveal that identity associated to geographical location is significant, as are supportive networks. Third generation distance education, such as Elluminate Live, needs to be addressed before Aboriginal communities open the doors to all it encompasses, and although previous literature peers into various elements, this study delves into why the graphical interface resonates with members of these communities. Of utmost importance is the insight this thesis lends to the pedagogy that may possibly evoke a transformative learning process contributing to the success rate of Aboriginal learners and benefit Aboriginal communities as a whole.
This research focuses on exploring the Anishinaabek/Ojibwe worldview founded upon the spiritual relationship with Mother Earth as the Anishinaabek view of peace to teach our well-being with earth. This research explores the experiences of four 21st century traditional Anishinaabek elders through describing their ways of knowing and of being as it relates to the Anishinaabek worldview of respect and peace with nature. This respect for Mother Earth and respecting earth’s way−akii-bimaadizi is articulated and shared regarding elders’ experiences of teaching our well-being with earth−Akinomaage mino akii-ayaa and is based upon Anishinaabek spirituality. This research details the Anishinaabek worldview from the elders’ shared experiences of earth as teacher and elder. Ten themes emerged from the data. These themes included (a) going back to our original gifts and instructions/building your sacred bundle/sharing your sacred bundle, (b) wisdom−nbwaakaawin: connecting the dots/original instructions/medicine−mshkiki/environmental consciousness, (c) sacred teachings/learning from the elders, (d) relationships/honoring elders/eldership, (e) political experiences and awareness, (f) a way of being in Anishinaabek research, (g) survival, (h) peace is our worldview demonstrated, (i) be aware of colonialistic thinking, (j) Akinomaage: earth as context. The researcher also shares her reflections as a researcher and as an Anishinaabekwe: Ojibwe woman.
Cette recherche consiste en une étude de cas sur un groupe d’artisans qui a réussi à transformer sa production artisanale en importante source de revenus. Ces artisans, de culture caiçara, ont formé une coopérative dans la municipalité de Guaraqueçaba, dans l’État du Paraná au Brésil. Caiçara est le nom de la population traditionnelle métisse qui habite dans les zones côtières du Sud et Sud-est du Brésil. La région de Guaraqueçaba abrite des écosystèmes de biodiversité extrêmement riche et précieuse, dont la conservation est une priorité à l’échelle mondiale. Afin de réguler l’utilisation des ressources naturelles de ces écosystèmes, une aire protégée a été créée en 1985. Par la suite, de sévères restrictions entourant les moyens de subsistance ont été imposées aux communautés caiçaras, ayant comme conséquences leur appauvrissement, la discontinuation de leur mode de vie et des dommages à leur culture. Cette étude de cas s’est penchée sur une population traditionnelle luttant pour améliorer ses conditions de vie par le biais du design, activité par laquelle nous créons de la culture matérielle. L’objectif de cette recherche est de comprendre comment la création d’artisanat destiné à la vente peut être un vecteur d’autonomisation et de valorisation de la culture locale. L’approche de la collecte des données sur le terrain, inspiré de l’ethnographie, a utilisé les méthodes suivant : des entrevues (non structurées et semi-dirigées), des observations (participantes et non participantes) et des photos. Ayant un caractère exploratoire, l’étude a exploré des questions liées à l’autonomisation et la culture avec le but d’encourager et de préparer le terrain pour des recherches futures.
Le diabète de type 2 est une maladie chronique dont l’incidence est en augmentation continuelle. Le risque de développer le diabète de type 2 chez les populations autochtones du Canada est de trois à cinq fois plus élevé que le reste de la population canadienne. La forêt boréale comporte plusieurs plantes médicinales ayant un potentiel pour le traitement ou la prévention du diabète. Certaines de ces plantes font partie de la médecine traditionnelle et alternative Crie. Des enquêtes ethnobotaniques ont amené notre équipe de recherche à identifier 17 extraits de plantes médicinales utilisées par les Cris d’Eeyou Istchee (Baie James, Québec) pour traiter les symptômes du diabète. Parmi ces extraits, certains ont montré des activités anti-diabétiques au niveau des cellules musculaires, des adipocytes et dans des études in vivo réalisées chez des animaux. Le but de cette thèse est d’élucider l’effet de ces 17 plantes sur l’homéostasie hépatique de glucose, d’identifier l’espèce la plus prometteuse et isoler ces constituants actifs. De même, le bleuet nain du genre Vaccinium angustifolium fait partie de la forêt boréale canadienne et est connu pour ses activités anti-diabétiques. Une biotransformation du jus de bleuet lui confère une activité antioxydante accrue et un profil biologique différent. Le deuxième but de cette thèse est d’élucider les mécanismes d’action par lesquels le jus de bleuet biotransformé (BJ) exerce son effet anti-diabétique et d’identifier ses principes actifs. Les résultats ont montré que trois extraits de plantes Cris se sont démarqués par leur effet sur l’homéostasie hépatique de glucose. Picea glauca exerce son effet en diminuant la production de glucose alors que Larix laricina agit en augmentant le stockage de glucose. Abies balsamea a montré le profil le plus prometteur, elle agit simultanément en diminuant l’activité de la Glucose-6-phosphatase (G6Pase) via la stimulation des voies insulino-dépendante et - indépendante et en augmentant l’activité de la Glycogène synthétase (GS) suite à la phosphorylation de la Glycogène synthase kinase-3. Le fractionnement de l’extrait d’Abies balsamea guidé par les deux bioessais a mené à l’isolation de trois composés actifs; l’acide abiétique (AA), l’acide déhydroabiétique (DAA) et le squalène (SQ). Les principes actifs ont montré le même mécanisme d’action que l’extrait brut en diminuant l’activité de la G6Pase et augmentant celle de la GS ainsi qu’en activant les voies de signalisation impliquées. Le DAA ii s’est démarqué par son effet le plus puissant et très comparable à celui de l’extrait d’Abies balsamea dans toutes les expériences. De son côté le BJ a montré un effet sur la diminution de la production hépatique de glucose, l’augmentation de son stockage ainsi que l’augmentation de son transport dans le muscle. Son fractionnement guidé par les bioessais a permis d’isoler sept fractions dont trois étaient les plus actives. L’identification des constituants de ces fractions actives a mené à isoler quatres composés phénoliques; l’acide chlorogénique, l’acide gallique, l’acide protocatéchique et le catéchol. Le catéchol s’est démarqué avec ses effets les plus puissants en diminuant l’activité de la G6Pase, augmentant celle de la GS et en stimulant le transport de glucose dans le muscle. Les résultats de cette thèse indiquent que la diminution de la production hépatique de glucose peut s’ajouter au profil anti-diabétique de certaines plantes médicinales Cries et surtout à celui d’A.balsamea dont les composés actifs peuvent aider dans le développement de nouvelles molécules anti-diabétiques. De plus, les résultats de cette thèse ont montré que l’activité antidiabétique du BJ implique le contrôle de l’homéostasie de glucose au niveau du foie et du muscle. L’identification du catéchol comme principe actif avec potentiel anti-diabétique prometteur pourra servir pour des fins thérapeutiques ultérieures.
The aim of this study was to investigate the students' preferred teaching techniques, such as traditional blackboard, power-point, or slide-projection, for biochemistry discipline in biomedicine and medicine courses from São Paulo State University, UNESP, Botucatu, São Paulo, Brazil. Preferences for specific topic and teaching techniques were determined from questionnaires on a Liquert scale from 1 to 5 (strongly disagree; disagree; neither agree, nor disagree; agree; strongly agree) distributed at the end of biochemistry discipline to 180 biomedical students (30 students/year) and 540 medical students (90 students/year), during the years 2000-2005. Despite of the different number of hours applied to the course topics for the two groups of students, the majority of undergraduates from biomedicine and medicine preferred metabolic topics. Although the perception of a medical student is expected to be different than that of a biomedical student, as the aims of the two programs are different, 92.4% of students from each course agreed or strongly agreed with the biochemistry topics, and 92.1% thought highly on this subject. The majority of students, a number of 139 undergraduates from biomedicine and 419 from medicine course, preferred traditional blackboard teaching than slide-projection, or power-point class. In conclusion, it is imperative that the health courses reflect on sophisticated technology and data presentation with high density of information in biochemistry discipline. The traditional classes with blackboard presentation were most favored by students from biomedicine and medicine courses. The use of students' preferred teaching techniques might turn biochemistry more easily understood for biomedical and medical students. © 2007 by The International Union of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology.
The aim of this study was to classify some markers of common herbs used in Western medicine according to the Biopharmaceutical Classification System (BCS). The BCS is a scientific approach to classify drug substances based upon their intestinal permeability and their solubility, at the highest single dose used, within the physiologically relevant pH ranges. Known marker components of twelve herbs were chosen from the USP Dietary Supplement Compendium Monographs. Different BCS parameters such as intestinal permeability (P-eff) and solubility (C-s) were predicted using the ADMET Predictor, which is a software program to estimate biopharmaceutical relevant molecular descriptors. The dose number (D-0) was calculated when information from the literature was available to identify an upper dose for individual markers. In these cases the herbs were classified according to the traditional BCS parameters using Peff and Do. When no upper dose could be determined, then the amount of a marker that is just soluble in 250 mL of water was calculated. This value, M-x, defines when a marker is changing from highly soluble to poorly soluble according to BCS criteria. This biopharmaceutically relevant value can be a useful tool for marker selection. The present study showed that a provisional BCS classification of herbs is possible but some special considerations need to be included into the classification strategy. The BCS classification can be used to choose appropriate quality control tests for products containing these markers. A provisional BCS classification of twelve common herbs and their 35 marker compounds is presented.
Bioethics applied to medicine extrapolates the traditional medical concepts of non-maleficence (primum non nocere) and beneficence (bonum facere) and regards to justice, autonomy, equity, protection, compassion and humanization, not considering people just like patients, but understanding the complex existence of each single person. Worldwide, the morbidity and mortality indices regarding to diseases of heart and blood vessels became progressively grater. For countries in development, like Brazil, these numbers are even more expressive and this increase trend seems to be caused by wider exposition of population to some risk factors. This article broaches an intersection between bioethics and medicine, focusing the reality of cardiovascular diseases in Brazil and the necessity of doctors to base their behavior in bioethical paradigms.
Oral medicine is a dental specialty that bridges the traditional areas of health between dentistry and medicine. International descriptions reflect this and oral medicine is defined as "the dental speciality placed at the interface between medicine and dentistry and is concerned with the diagnosis and management of (non-dental) pathology affecting the oral and maxillofacial region." Oral medicine specialists provide clinical care to patients with a wide variety of orofacial conditions, including oral mucosal diseases, orofacial pain syndromes, salivary gland disorders, and oral manifestations of systemic diseases. There is a growing need to implement this specialty globally: due to the rapid progress in both medicine and dentistry, and to the growing percentage of senior citizens in many countries, the adequate diagnosis and treatment of oral diseases will become even more complex in the future. In this article, the authors' intention is to point out that oral medicine is neither a recognized specialty nor a distinct field of study in Germany, Austria, or Switzerland; thus, the need for postgraduate training in this field in countries where oral medicine is not a specialization is emphasized.