965 resultados para ASSOCIATIVE IONIZATION
Research indicates associative and strategic deficits mediate age related deficits in memory, whereas simple associative processes are independent of strategic processing and strategic processes mediate resistance to interference. The present study showed age-related deficits in a contingency learning task, although older participants' resistance to interference was not disproportionately affected. Recognition memory predicted discrimination, whereas general cognitive ability predicted resistance to interference, suggesting differentiation between associative and strategic processes in learning and memory, and age declines in associative processes. Older participants' generalisation of associative strength from existing to novel stimulus-response associations was consistent with elemental learning theories, whereas configural models predicted younger participants' responses. This is consistent with associative deficits and reliance on item-level representations in memory during later life. © 2011 Psychology Press Ltd.
A comprehensive forensic investigation of sensitive ecosystems in the Everglades Area is presented. Assessing the background levels of contamination in these ecosystems represents a vital resource to build up forensic evidence required to enforce future environmental crimes within the studied areas. This investigation presents the development and validation of a fractionation and isolation method for two families of herbicides commonly applied in the vicinity of the study area, including phenoxy acids like 2,4-D, MCPA, and silvex; as well as the most common triazine-based herbicides like atrazine, prometyne, simazine and related metabolites like DIA and DEA. Accelerated solvent extraction (ASE) and solid phase extraction (SPE) were used to isolate the analytes from abiotic matrices containing large amounts of organic material. Atmospheric-pressure ionization (API) with electrospray ionization in negative mode (ESP-), and Chemical Ionization in the positive mode (APCI+) were used to perform the characterization of the herbicides of interest.
In this work, desorption/ionization mass spectrometry was employed for the analysis of sugars and small platform chemicals that are common intermediates in biomass transformation reactions. Specifically, matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization (MALDI) and desorption electrospray ionization (DESI) mass spectrometric techniques were employed as alternatives to traditional chromatographic methods. Ionic liquid matrices (ILMs) were designed based on traditional solid MALDI matrices (2,5-dihydroxybenzoic acid (DHB) and α-cyano-4-hydroxycinnamic acid (CHCA)) and 1,3-dialkylimidazolium ionic liquids ([BMIM]Cl, [EMIM]Cl, and [EMIM]OAc) that have been employed as reaction media for biomass transformation reactions such as the conversion of carbohydrates to valuable platform chemicals. Although two new ILMs were synthesized ([EMIM][DHB] and [EMIM][CHCA] from [EMIM]OAc), chloride-containing ILs did not react with matrices and resulted in mixtures of IL and matrix in solution. Compared to the parent solid matrices, much less matrix interference was observed in the low mass region of the mass spectrum (< 500 Da) using each of the IL-matrices. Furthermore, the formation of a true ILM (i.e. a new ion pair) does not appear to be necessary for analyte ionization. MALDI sample preparation techniques were optimized based on the compatibility with analyte, IL and matrix. ILMs and IL-matrix mixtures of DHB allowed for qualitative analysis of glucose, fructose, sucrose and N-acetyl-D-glucosamine. Analogous CHCA-containing ILMs did not result in appreciable analyte signals under similar conditions. Small platform compounds such as 5-hydroxymethylfurfural (HMF) and levulinic acid were not detected by direct analysis using MALDI-MS. Furthermore, sugar analyte signals were only detected at relatively high matrix:IL:analyte ratios (1:1:1) due to significant matrix and analyte suppression by the IL ions. Therefore, chemical modification of analytes with glycidyltrimethylammonium chloride (GTMA) was employed to extend this method to quantitative applications. Derivatization was accomplished in aqueous IL solutions with fair reaction efficiencies (36.9 – 48.4 % glucose conversion). Calibration curves of derivatized glucose-GTMA yielded good linearity in all solvent systems tested, with decreased % RSDs of analyte ion signals in IL solutions as compared to purely aqueous systems (1.2 – 7.2 % and 4.2 – 8.7 %, respectively). Derivatization resulted in a substantial increase in sensitivity for MALDI-MS analyses: glucose was reliably detected at IL:analyte ratios of 100:1 (as compared to 1:1 prior to derivatization). Screening of all test analytes resulted in appreciable analyte signals in MALDI-MS spectra, including both HMF and levulinic acid. Using appropriate internal standards, calibration curves were constructed and this method was employed for monitoring a model dehydration reaction of fructose to HMF in [BMIM]Cl. Calibration curves showed wide dynamic ranges (LOD – 100 ng fructose/μg [BMIM]Cl, LOD – 75 ng HMF/μg [BMIM]Cl) with correlation coefficients of 0.9973 (fructose) and 0.9931 (HMF). LODs were estimated from the calibration data to be 7.2 ng fructose/μg [BMIM]Cl and 7.5 ng HMF/μg [BMIM]Cl, however relatively high S/N ratios at these concentrations indicate that these values are likely overestimated. Application of this method allowed for the rapid acquisition of quantitative data without the need for prior separation of analyte and IL. Finally, small molecule platform chemicals HMF and levulinic acid were qualitatively analyzed by DESI-MS. Both HMF and levulinic acid were easily ionized and the corresponding molecular ions were easily detected in the presence of 10 – 100 times IL, without the need for chemical modification prior to analysis. DESI-MS analysis of ILs in positive and negative ion modes resulted in few ions in the low mass region, showing great potential for the analysis of small molecules in IL media.
Neuroimaging studies of episodic memory, or memory of events from our personal past, have predominantly focused their attention on medial temporal lobe (MTL). There is growing acknowledgement however, from the cognitive neuroscience of memory literature, that regions outside the MTL can support episodic memory processes. The medial prefrontal cortex is one such region garnering increasing interest from researchers. Using behavioral and functional magnetic resonance imaging measures, over two studies, this thesis provides evidence of a mnemonic role of the medial PFC. In the first study, participants were scanned while judging the extent to which they agreed or disagreed with the sociopolitical views of unfamiliar individuals. Behavioral tests of associative recognition revealed that participants remembered with high confidence viewpoints previously linked with judgments of strong agreement/disagreement. Neurally, the medial PFC mediated the interaction between high-confidence associative recognition memory and beliefs associated with strong agree/disagree judgments. In an effort to generalize this finding to well-established associative information, in the second study, we investigated associative recognition memory for real-world concepts. Object-scene pairs congruent or incongruent with a preexisting schema were presented to participants in a cued-recall paradigm. Behavioral tests of conceptual and perceptual recognition revealed memory enhancements arising from strong resonance between presented pairs and preexisting schemas. Neurally, the medial PFC tracked increases in visual recall of schema-congruent pairs whereas the MTL tracked increases in visual recall of schema-incongruent pairs. Additionally, ventral areas of the medial PFC tracked conceptual components of visual recall specifically for schema-congruent pairs. These findings are consistent with a recent theoretical proposal of medial PFC contributions to memory for schema-related content. Collectively, these studies provide evidence of a role for the medial PFC in associative recognition memory persisting for associative information deployed in our daily social interactions and for those associations formed over multiple learning episodes. Additionally, this set of findings advance our understanding of the cognitive contributions of the medial PFC beyond its canonical role in processes underlying social cognition.
Traditionally, importance has been measured using subjective measures. The present thesis explores the possibility of a second type of importance, designated as “associative importance”. A new measure, the IIAT, was designed to capture the strength of association between an object and the attribute of importance. This thesis then evaluated the validity of the IIAT via an intervention paradigm in 2 studies, and by using the measure to predict a memory outcome in 2 other studies. Subjective measures of importance were also included in these studies and correlations between subjective measures and IIAT results were examined. Across all 4 studies, subjective-objective correlations were weak to modest and non-significant. The intervention studies provided promising evidence that interventions do affect associative importance as measured by the IIAT. The prediction studies provided somewhat mixed, but encouraging evidence that the IIAT may be able to predict memory performance. Notably, subjective measures were not able to predict memory performance at all, whereas the IIAT was able to predict some memory indices. Overall, there is some evidence supporting the existence of an associative importance construct, and that the IIAT provides valid results that are nonetheless different from that of subjective measures of attitude importance.
Plantaginis Semen is commonly used in traditional medicine to treat edema, hypertension, and diabetes. The commercially available Plantaginis Semen in China mainly comes from three species. To clarify the chemical composition and distinct different species of Plantaginis Semen, we established a metabolite profiling method based on ultra high performance liquid chromatography with electrospray ionization quadrupole time-of-flight tandem mass spectrometry coupled with elevated energy technique. A total of 108 compounds, including phenylethanoid glycosides, flavonoids, guanidine derivatives, terpenoids, organic acids, and fatty acids, were identified from Plantago asiatica L., P. depressa Willd., and P. major L. Results showed significant differences in chemical components among the three species, particularly flavonoids. This study is the first to provide a comprehensive chemical profile of Plantaginis Semen, which could be involved into the quality control, medication guide, and developing new drug of Plantago seeds.
Atoms and molecules can become ionized during the scattering of a slow, heavy particle off a bound electron. Such an interaction involving leptophilic weakly interacting massive particles (WIMPs) is a promising possible explanation for the anomalous 9σ annual modulation in the DAMA dark matter direct detection experiment [R. Bernabei et al., Eur. Phys. J. C 73, 2648 (2013)]. We demonstrate the applicability of the Born approximation for such an interaction by showing its equivalence to the semiclassical adiabatic treatment of atomic ionization by slow-moving WIMPs. Conventional wisdom has it that the ionization probability for such a process should be exponentially small. We show, however, that due to nonanalytic, cusplike behavior of Coulomb functions close to the nucleus this suppression is removed, leading to an effective atomic structure enhancement. We also show that electron relativistic effects actually give the dominant contribution to such a process, enhancing the differential cross section by up to 1000 times.
Thesis (Ph.D.)--University of Washington, 2016-08
Observations of continuous radio and sporadic X-ray emission from low-mass objects suggest they harbor localized plasmas in their atmospheric environments. For low-mass objects, the degree of thermal ionization is insufficient to qualify the ionized component as a plasma, posing the question: what ionization processes can efficiently produce the required plasma that is the source of the radiation? We propose Alfv´en ionization as a mechanism for producing localized pockets of ionized gas in the atmosphere, having sufficient degrees of ionization ( 10−7) that they constitute plasmas. We outline the criteria required for Alfv´en ionization and demonstrate its applicability in the atmospheres of low-mass objects such as giant gas planets, brown dwarfs, and M dwarfs with both solar and sub-solar metallicities. We find that Alfv´en ionization is most efficient at mid to low atmospheric pressures where a seed plasma is easier to magnetize and the pressure gradients needed to drive the required neutral flows are the smallest. For the model atmospheres considered, our results show that degrees of ionization of 10−6–1 can be obtained as a result of Alfv´en ionization. Observable consequences include continuum bremsstrahlung emission, superimposed with spectral lines from the plasma ion species (e.g., He, Mg, H2, or CO lines). Forbidden lines are also expected from the metastable population. The presence of an atmospheric plasma opens the door to a multitude of plasma and chemical processes not yet considered in current atmospheric models. The occurrence of Alfv´en ionization may also be applicable to other astrophysical environments such as protoplanetary disks.
On the presumption that a sharp edge may be represented by a hyperbola, a conformal transformation method is used to derive electric field equations for a sharp edge suspended above a flat plate. A further transformation is then introduced to give electric field components for a sharp edge suspended above a thin slit. Expressions are deduced for the field strength at the vertex of the edge in both arrangements. The calculated electric field components are used to compute ion trajectories in the simple edge/flat-plate case. The results are considered in relation to future study of ion focusing and unimolecular decomposition of ions in field ionization mass spectrometers.
The equivalent orbital (EO) method is investigated and used for predicting outer and inner ionization potentials of the linear alkanes. The calculated ionization potentials are in good agreement with those observed in photoelectron spectra provided that a set of 12 parameters is used in the theory. An optimization technique is used to find the best values for thle parameters and a single transferable parameter set can be found which is applicable to all the n-alkanes. A good fit to the experimental results can only be obtained if the uppermost molecular orbital of the n-alkanes is an antisymmetrical orbital built up from CH equivalent orbitals.
A model of far infrared (FIR) dielectric response of shallow impurity states in a semiconductor has been developed and is presented for the specific case of the shallow donor transitions in high purity epitaxial GaAs. The model is quite general, however, and should be applicable with slight modification, not only to shallow donors in other materials such as InP, but also to shallow acceptors and excitons. The effects of the enormous dielectric response of shallow donors on the FIR optical properties of reflectance, transmittance, and absorptance, and photoconductive response of high purity epitaxial GaAs films are predicted and compared with experimental photothermal ionization spectra. The model accounts for many of the peculiar features that are frequently observed in these spectra, one of which was the cause of erroneous donor identifications in the early doping experiments. The model also corrects some commonly held misconceptions concerning photo-thermal ionization peak widths and amplitudes and their relationships to donor and acceptor concentrations. These corrections are of particular relevance to the proper interpretation of photothermal ionization spectra in the study of impurity incorporation in high purity epitaxial material. The model also suggests that the technique of FIR reflectance, although it has not been widely employed, should be useful in the study of shallow impurities in semiconductors.