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The variety of electron diffraction patterns arising from the decagonal phase has been explored using a stereographic analysis for generating the important zone axes as intersection points corresponding to important relvectors. An indexing scheme employing a set of five vectors and an orthogonal vector has been followed. A systematic tilting from the decagonal axis to one of the twofold axes has been adopted to generate a set of experimental diffraction patterns corresponding to the expected patterns from the stereographic analysis with excellent agreement.


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A systematic investigation has been carried out into the optimization of diffraction efficiency (η) of methylene blue sensitized dichromated gelatin (MBDCG) holograms. The influence of the following parameters on η have been studied: prehardener concentration (CH), concentrations of ammonium dichromate (CA) and methylene blue (CM) as photosensitizers, and exposure (E). This study revealed that with CH similar, equals 0.5, CA similar, equals 30, CM similar, equals 0.3, and E similar, equals 400–600, optimum diffraction efficiency of over 80%, can be easily achieved in MBDCG holograms.


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A simplified perturbational analysis is employed, together with the application of Green's theorem, to determine the first-order corrections to the reflection and transmission coefficients in the problem of diffraction of surface water waves by a nearly vertical barrier in two basically important cases: (i) when the barrier is partially immersed and (ii) when the barrier is completely submerged. The present analysis produces the desired results fairly easily and relatively quickly as compared with the known integral equation approach to this class of diffraction problems.


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Strain and temperature sensitivities of a type I Bragg grating inscribed in a germania doped silica fiber, fabricated under normal conditions and zero strain, are compared with that of a Bragg grating inscribed under pre-strained condition. The results obtained reveal that the strain and temperature sensitivities of the two gratings are different. Based on these results, we demonstrate a technique which enables discrimination of strain and temperature in a Fiber Bragg Grating (FBG) with a linear response. The present technique allows for an easy implementation of the sensor by providing a direct access to the grating region in the fiber and demands only a simple interrogation system.


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An anomalous gauge theory can be reformulated in a gauge invariant way without any change in its physical content. This is demonstrated here for the exactly soluble chiral Schwinger model. Our gauge invariant version is very different from the Faddeev-Shatashvili proposal [L.D. Faddeev and S.L. Shatashvili, Theor. Math. Phys. 60 (1984) 206] and involves no additional gauge-group-valued fields. The status of the "gauge" A0=0 sometimes used in anomalous theories is also discussed and justified in our reformulation.


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A comparative neutron diffraction study of Bi2CaSr2Cu2O8+δ, Bi2Ca2SrCu2O8+δ and Bi2Ca1.5Y0.5SrCu2O8+δ has not only shown the presence of considerable oxygen excess in the Bi layers, but also evidence for oxygen pairing giving rise to O1−2 or O2−2 type species, probably the latter. The proportion of the paired species increases when Y partly replaces Ca. Furthermore, the Tc decreases with an increase in paired species.


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The existence of icosahedral twins has been established in Al-10at.% Mn alloy. By a stereographic approach a close resemblance to the decagonal phase is pointed out. The simulation of twin diffraction patterns has been done based on the projection formalism. The physical significance of twinning in terms of hyperdimensional projection is discussed.


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The dielectric behavior of some powdered polycrystalline samples has been studied in the frequency range of 200 Hz–100 kHz. It is shown that the dielectric behavior in these systems below the Curie temperature is not purely relaxational in its character and cannot be described by any of the models of the dielectric relaxation hitherto put forward. It is also shown that ‘‘isolation’’ of the particles in the powder samples plays a very important role. The origin of this abnormality is thought to be due to the mechanical resonance arising out of the magnetostrictive property of the material.


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The correlation between structure and oxygen content in the LaBa2Cu3O7+δ was investigated by neutron powder diffraction. It is shown that the structure is orthorhombic (Pmmm) when δ = −0.04 and tetragonal (P4/mmm) when δ = −0.06. Such a change in structure accompanying a very small variation in oxygen stoichiometry is remarkable. In the orthorhombic structure of the δ = −0.04 sample, there is 70% oxygen occupancy for the linear chain site Image and 34% for the Image site. The La sites have 13.6% Ba when δ = −0.04 and 11.2% Ba when δ = −0.06; the Ba sites have 10% La in both cases.


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We establish the Poincaré invariance of anomalous gauge theories in two dimensions, for both the Abelian and non-Abelian cases, in the canonical Hamiltonian formalism. It is shown that, despite the noncovariant appearance of the constraints of these theories, Poincaré generators can be constructed which obey the correct algebra and yield the correct transformations in the constrained space.


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An experimental study to ascertain the role of external electron donor in methylene blue sensitized dichromated gelatin (MBDCG) holograms has been carried out. The required volume holographic transmission gratings in MBDCG have been recorded using 633-nm light from a He-Ne laser. Three well-known electron donors, namely, N, N-dimethylformamide (DMF); ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid (EDTA); triethanolamine (TEA), were used in this study. The variation of diffraction efficiency (η) as a function of light exposure (E) and concentration (C) of the electron donor under consideration was chosen as the figure of merit for judging the role of external electron donor in MBDCG holograms. A self-consistent analysis of the experimental results was carried out by recalling the various known facts about the photochemistry and the hologram formation in DSDCG and also DCG. The important findings and conclusions are as follows: (i) Each η vs E graph is a bell-shaped curve and its peak height is influenced in a characteristic manner by the external electron donor used. (ii) High diffraction efficiency/recording speed can be achieved in pure MBDCG holograms. (iii) The diffraction efficiency/recording speed achieved in electron donor sensitized MBDCG holograms did not show any significant improvement at all over that observed in pure MBDCG holograms. (iv) In electron donor sensitized MBDCG holograms, the electron donor used, depending on its type and concentration, appears to promote the process of cross-linking of gelatin molecules in a manner to either retain or deteriorate the refractive-index modulation achieved using pure MBDCG.


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We present here the detailed results of X-ray diffraction from single quasicrystals of Al6CuLi3. X-ray precession photographs taken down the two-, three- and five-fold axes along with rotation and zero-level Weissenberg photographs are shown. Preliminary analysis of the diffraction data rules out the twin hypothesis.


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The results of an experimental investigation on the storage life and reprocessibility of methylene blue sensitized dichromated gelatin (MBDCG) holograms are reported. The major conclusions of the investigation are: (i) Storage of MBDCG holograms in normal laboratory conditions for long periods is possible and it diminishes somewhat their diffraction efficiency. (ii) The results on short time storage and long time storage are almost similar, thus indicating that the diffraction efficiency can be stabilized through storage in a relatively short period of time. (iii) The deterioration in the diffraction efficiency on storage is less [D(eta) < 20%] for gratings of low/medium initial efficiency (eta < 70%) and it is more for gratings of high initial efficiency. (iv) About 65-95% restoration of the diffraction efficiency can be accomplished through reprocessing. (v) The restoration of diffraction efficiency is almost perfect [R(eta) > 80%] for gratings of low/medium initial efficiency (eta <75%) whereas it is rather imperfect for gratings having high initial efficiency.