A reconstrução do processo alveolar em pacientes portadores de fissuras labiopalatais (FLP) é fundamental para erupção de dentes permanentes e para o restabelecimento estético através de implantes osteointegrados. Assim, considerado o alto grau de reabsorção do enxerto de osso autógeno puro e triturado, optou-se no Centro de Atendimento Integral ao Fissurado Labiopalatino, Curitiba, Paraná (1997 a 1999), pelo estabelecimento de dois grupos de 15 pacientes. No primeiro, foi utilizada crista ilíaca triturada e no outro combinada com hidroxiapatita biorreabsorvível. Ao fim de seis meses, os resultados cirúrgicos foram avaliados através de radiografia periapical digital, determinando quatro linhas limites para a reconstrução óssea. A primeira linha foi traçada na região cervical do dente adjacente à fissura que apresentava menor distorção. As outras linhas foram traçadas paralelamente à linha 1, distando 3mm entre cada uma delas. O espaço entre as linhas 1 e 2 foi denominado de A, entre 2 e 3 de B e 3 e 4 de C. Para critérios de avaliação, quando o enxerto permaneceu no espaço A, foi considerado de sucesso, em contraposição aos espaços B e C, quando foram denominados de procedimentos malsucedidos. Como resultados finais, o espaço A foi constatado em 46,7% dos pacientes submetidos ao procedimento controle com crista ilíaca e 80% para o grupo experimental, quando o enxerto ósseo foi empregado conjuntamente com o material aloplástico (hidroxiapatita).
In order to study possible alterations of the skeleton which might play a role in the pathogenesis of the periodontitis of "cara inchada" in young cattle, ribs from 20 affected calves, 2 to 10 months old, were examined. Electrolytically decalcified longitudinal sections of the costochondral junction and cross sections through the corpus costae, stained with Haematoxylin-Eosin, were studied. In five calves, longitudinal sections of the proximal humerus were examined as well. The status of mineralization was checked by microradiograms. Systemic alteration of the skeleton due to disturbances of mineral metabolism could not be shown in any of the animals. In seven 2 to 4 months old calves, no bone changes were found. The reduced osteogenesis in six 3 to 5 months old calves and the reduced osteogenesis and diminished chondral growth in seven 5 to 10 months old calves are therefore a consequence of the disease. The results show that the development of the alveolar bone was not defective, so this cannot be a determinant factor for the development of the periodontitis of "cara inchada" in cattle.
A surgical technique for the treatment of ununited anconeal process in dogs treated by osteotomy and dynamic distraction of the proximal part of the ulna using a linear external skeletal fixator was evaluated. In all cases the osteotomy was distracted 1mm each day after the surgery until desired distraction had been achieved. Eight dogs and 9 joints diagnosed with ununited anconeal process were treated. The success of the procedure was determined by comparing clinical signs of lameness and degree of arthrosis at the time of diagnosis to 6 months after the surgical intervention. Radiographic union occurred in 88.9% of the affected joints between 21 and 42 days after the surgical procedure. Clinically, six elbows were classified as good, two as satisfactory and one as unsatisfactory. Six months after surgery two elbows had no arthrosis, one had Grade 1, two Grade 2 and one Grade 3. It is concluded the combination of ulnar osteotomy and dynamic distraction of the olecranon by a linear external skeletal fixator is a feasible procedure for the treatment of ununited anconeal process in dogs.
Um caso de carcinoma bronquíolo-alveolar difuso do tipo misto foi diagnosticado em um leão-africano (Panthera leo), hospitalizado com sinais de dispnéia e emagrecimento progressivo. Em todos os lobos pulmonares havia múltiplos nódulos esbranquiçados, macios e homogêneos, de 0,2-0,5cm em diâmetro. Histologicamente, os nódulos eram constituídos por células neoplásicas arranjadas em alvéolos e papilas sustentados por moderado estroma fibrovascular, um padrão que lembrava a estrutura pulmonar pré-existente. Na reação pelo ácido periódico de Schiff (PAS) foi observada marcação positiva no citoplasma de numerosas células neoplásicas. Todas as células neoplásicas demonstraram forte e uniforme imunorreatividade citoplasmática para pancitoceratina. A marcação para o fator 1 de transcrição da tireóide (TTF-1) foi observada em focos nos núcleos das células neoplásicas das margens dos nódulos. Nas secções avaliadas para surfactante A, a marcação foi observada em múltiplas áreas focais, tanto no citoplasma como na membrana citoplasmática das células neoplásicas. O diagnóstico de carcinoma bronquíolo-alveolar difuso do tipo misto foi feito com base nos achados histológicos, histoquímicos e imuno-histoquímicos. Essa parece ser a primeira descrição de um neoplasma pulmonar primário maligno em leão-africano.
The diagnosis of Mycoplasma hyopneumoniae infection is often performed through histopathology, immunohistochemistry (IHC) and polymerase chain reaction (PCR) or a combination of these techniques. PCR can be performed on samples using several conservation methods, including swabs, frozen tissue or formalin-fixed and paraffin-embedded (FFPE) tissue. However, the formalin fixation process often inhibits DNA amplification. To evaluate whether M. hyopneumoniae DNA could be recovered from FFPE tissues, 15 lungs with cranioventral consolidation lesions were collected in a slaughterhouse from swine bred in herds with respiratory disease. Bronchial swabs and fresh lung tissue were collected, and a fragment of the corresponding lung section was placed in neutral buffered formalin for 48 hours. A PCR assay was performed to compare FFPE tissue samples with samples that were only refrigerated (bronchial swabs) or frozen (tissue pieces). M. hyopneumoniae was detected by PCR in all 15 samples of the swab and frozen tissue, while it was detected in only 11 of the 15 FFPE samples. Histological features of M. hyopneumoniae infection were presented in 11 cases and 7 of these samples stained positive in IHC. Concordance between the histological features and detection results was observed in 13 of the FFPE tissue samples. PCR was the most sensitive technique. Comparison of different sample conservation methods indicated that it is possible to detect M. hyopneumoniae from FFPE tissue. It is important to conduct further research using archived material because the efficiency of PCR could be compromised under these conditions.
A anestesia inalatória vem sendo amplamente difundida na medicina veterinária, no entanto seu uso em animais selvagens ainda é restrito, não sendo observado nenhum estudo referente à sua utilização na espécie Tayassu tajacu. O objetivo da pesquisa foi determinar a concentração alveolar mínima (CAM) do isofluorano em catetos e apresentar os efeitos desta administração sobre as variáveis hemodinâmicas e respiratórias, como também a qualidade da recuperação anestésica. Utilizou-se 10 animais, machos, com idade variando de 1 a 3 anos oriundos do Centro de Multiplicação de Animais Silvestres da Universidade Federal Rural do Semi-Árido, Brasil. Todos os animais tiveram anestesia induzida com 7mg.kg-1 de propofol e posteriormente foram conectados a circuito anestésico com isofluorano e oxigênio 100%. O estímulo noceptivo supramáximo adotado foi pinçamento interdigital, o qual era realizado após 15 minutos de espera para cada concentração de isofluorano fornecida. Ao ser observada resposta negativa frente ao estímulo a concentração era reduzida em 20%, quando verificada resposta positiva o estímulo era cessado, calculando-se a partir daí o valor da CAM. Observou-se dados quantitativos e qualitativos referentes à recuperação. Utilizou-se o teste de normalidade de Shapiro Wilk e de homogeneidade de variânica de Levene, as variáveis avaliadas foram submetidas à One Way ANOVA-RM para medidas repetidas, seguidas por Teste Tukey, sendo os dados expressos em média e desvio padrão. A CAM do isofluorano foi de 2,4%, sendo a CAM cirúrgica igual a 3,5%. Observou-se ação depressiva do isofluorano sobre a pressão arterial, frequência cardíaca e respiratória quando comparada a média dessas variáveis para animais acordados, entretanto durante a manutenção anestésica mantiveram-se estáveis. Observou-se acidose metabólica no período pré-anestésico o qual foi compensado após a realização da anestesia inalatória. A recuperação anestésica foi tranquila e rápida. Concluiu-se que a CAM do isofluorano para catetos foi maior que a observada em espécies afins. O isofluorano pode ser utilizado nesta espécie, sendo considerado seguro e eficaz. A recuperação dos animais após anestesia com isofluorano foi livre de excitação.
Abstract: This study aimed to investigate a possible relationship between alveolar type II cells and the inflammatory response to infection with Leptospira spp., and thus comprise a further element that can be involved in the pathogenesis of lung injury in naturally infected pigs. The study group consisted of 73 adult pigs that were extensively reared and slaughtered in Teresina, Piauí state, and Timon, Maranhão state, Brazil. The diagnosis of leptospirosis was made using the microscopic agglutination test (MAT) aided by immunohistochemistry and polymerase chain reaction. The MAT registered the occurrence of anti-Leptospira antibodies in 10.96% (8/73) of the pigs. Immunohistochemistry allowed for the visualization of the Leptospira spp. antigen in the lungs of 87.67% (64/73) of the pigs. There was hyperplasia of bronchus-associated lymphoid tissue and circulatory changes, such as congestion of alveolar septa, parenchymal hemorrhage and edema within the alveoli. Lung inflammation was more intense (p = 0.0312) in infected animals, which also showed increased thickening of the alveolar septa (p = 0.0006). Evaluation of alveolar type II (ATII) cells using an anti-TTF-1 (Thyroid Transcription Factor-1) antibody showed that there were more immunostained cells in the non-infected pigs (53.8%) than in the infected animals (46.2%) and that there was an inverse correlation between TTF-1 positive cells and the inflammatory infiltrate. There was no amplification of Leptospira DNA in the lung samples, but leptospiral DNA amplification was observed in the kidneys. The results of this study showed that a relationship exists between a decrease in alveolar type II cells and a leptospire infection. Thus, this work points to the importance of studying the ATII cells as a potential marker of the level of lung innate immune response during leptospirosis in pigs.
Thalidomide is a selective inhibitor of tumor necrosis factor-alpha (TNF-alpha), a cytokine involved in mycobacterial death mechanisms. We investigated the role of this drug in the functional activity of alveolar macrophages in the presence of infection induced by intranasal inoculation of Mycobacterium avium in thalidomide-treated and untreated adult Swiss mice. Sixty animals were inoculated with 5 x 10(6) M. avium by the respiratory route. Thirty animals received daily thalidomide (30 mg/kg mouse) and 30 received water by gavage up to sacrifice. Ten non-inoculated mice were used as a control group. Lots of animals from each group were evaluated until 6 weeks after inoculation. Infection resulted in an increased total number of inflammatory cells as well as increased activity of pulmonary macrophages. Histologically, intranasal inoculation of bacilli resulted in small mononuclear infiltrates located at the periphery of the organ. Culture of lung fragments revealed the presence of bacilli only at the beginning and at the end of the experimental period. Thalidomide administration did not affect the microbiological or histological features of the infection. Thalidomide-treated and untreated animals showed the same amount of M. avium colonies 3 weeks after infection. Although it did not affect bacillary clearance, thalidomide administration resulted in a decreased percent of spread cells and release of hydrogen peroxide, suggesting that factors other than TNF-alpha play a role in the killing of mycobacteria by alveolar macrophages. Thalidomide administration also reduced the number of spread cells among resident macrophages, suggesting a direct effect of the drug on this phenomenon.
In order to understand the mechanisms of poor osseointegration following dental implants in type 2 diabetics, it is important to study the biological properties of alveolar bone osteoblasts isolated from these patients. We collected alveolar bone chips under aseptic conditions and cultured them in vitro using the tissue explants adherent method. The biological properties of these cells were characterized using the following methods: alkaline phosphatase (ALP) chemical staining for cell viability, Alizarin red staining for osteogenic characteristics, MTT test for cell proliferation, enzyme dynamics for ALP contents, radio-immunoassay for bone gla protein (BGP) concentration, and ELISA for the concentration of type I collagen (COL-I) in the supernatant. Furthermore, we detected the adhesion ability of two types of cells from titanium slices using non-specific immunofluorescence staining and cell count. The two cell forms showed no significant difference in morphology under the same culture conditions. However, the alveolar bone osteoblasts received from type 2 diabetic patients had slower growth, lower cell activity and calcium nodule formation than the normal ones. The concentration of ALP, BGP and COL-I was lower in the supernatant of alveolar bone osteoblasts received from type 2 diabetic patients than in that received from normal subjects (P < 0.05). The alveolar bone osteoblasts obtained from type 2 diabetic patients can be successfully cultured in vitro with the same morphology and biological characteristics as those from normal patients, but with slower growth and lower concentration of specific secretion and lower combining ability with titanium than normal ones.
[Acte. 1711-10-20. Versailles]
The ovariectomized (OVX) rat, a preclinical model for studying postmenopausal bone loss, may also be used to study differences in alveolar bone (AB). The objectives of this study were to quantify the differences in AB following estrogen replacement therapy (ERT), and to investigate the relationship between AB structure and density, and trabecular bone at the femoral neck (FN) and third lumbar vertebral body (LB3). Estrogen treated rats had a higher bone volume fraction (BV/TV) at the AB region (9.8% P < 0.0001), FN (12% P < 0.0001), and LB3 (11.5% P < 0.0001) compared to the OVX group. BV/TV of the AB was positively correlated with the BV/TV at the FN (r = 0.69 P < 0.0001) and the LB3 (r = 0.75 P < 0.0001). The trabecular number (Tb.N), trabecular separation (Tb.Sp), and structure model index (SMI) were also positively correlated (P < 0.05) between the AB and FN (r = 0.42, 0.49, and 0.73, respectfully) and between the AB and LB3 (r = 0.44, 0.63, and 0.69, respectfully). Given the capacity of AB to respond to ERT, future preclinical drug/nutritional intervention studies aimed at improving skeletal health should include the AB as a region of interest (ROI).
Map measuring 50 cm. x 80 cm. of Glen Ridge, City of St. Catharines by St. Catharines Improvement Company Ltd., n.d.
Tesis (Maestría en Ciencias Odontológicas con Especialidad en Periodoncia) UANL
Tesis (Doctorado en Medicina) UANL