876 resultados para ALCOHOL-DRINKING


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OBJECTIVE: To investigate drinking patterns and gender differences in alcohol-related problems in a Brazilian population, with an emphasis on the frequency of heavy drinking. METHODS: A cross-sectional study was conducted with a probability adult household sample (n = 1,464) in the city of São Paulo, Brazil. Alcohol intake and ICD-10 psychopathology diagnoses were assessed with the Composite International Diagnostic Interview 1.1. The analyses focused on the prevalence and determinants of 12-month nonheavy drinking, heavy episodic drinking (4-5 drinks per occasion), and heavy and frequent drinking (heavy drinking at least 3 times/week), as well as associated alcohol-related problems according to drinking patterns and gender. RESULTS: Nearly 22% (32.4% women, 8.7% men) of the subjects were lifetime abstainers, 60.3% were non-heavy drinkers, and 17.5% reported heavy drinking in a 12-month period (26.3% men, 10.9% women). Subjects with the highest frequency of heavy drinking reported the most problems. Among subjects who did not engage in heavy drinking, men reported more problems than did women. A gender convergence in the amount of problems was observed when considering heavy drinking patterns. Heavy and frequent drinkers were twice as likely as abstainers to present lifetime depressive disorders. Lifetime nicotine dependence was associated with all drinking patterns. Heavy and frequent drinking was not restricted to young ages. CONCLUSIONS: Heavy and frequent episodic drinking was strongly associated with problems in a community sample from the largest city in Latin America. Prevention policies should target this drinking pattern, independent of age or gender. These findings warrant continued research on risky drinking behavior, particularly among persistent heavy drinkers at the non-dependent level.


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Il presente studio è stato effettuato per comprendere le abitudini degli studenti universitari britannici in termini di consumo di alcol e i rischi legati a due fenomeni frequenti nel Regno Unito: il binge drinking (consumo eccessivo di alcol in un breve lasso di tempo, spesso per raggiungere velocemente lo stato di ebbrezza) e, in misura minore, il drink spiking (contaminazione di bevande con droghe o alcol). Attraverso un’analisi di studi accademici, sondaggi e articoli della stampa britannica, verrà presentato nella prima parte il ruolo dell’alcol nel Regno Unito, verranno fornite varie definizioni di binge drinking ed evidenziate le variazioni di significato del termine nel tempo. Saranno, poi, presentati i livelli di assunzione di riferimento di alcol emessi dall’NHS, il sistema sanitario nazionale del Regno Unito, seguiti da un’analisi sull’uso dell’alcol nel Regno Unito. Per quanto riguarda gli studenti universitari, verranno analizzati i motivi che li spingono al consumo di alcol, il binge drinking e le NekNomination (giochi alcolici online), l’uso dei pre-drinks (ritrovi serali tra amici per bere alcol prima di uscire) e le modalità in cui college e università aiutano gli studenti per evitare loro di incorrere in rischi legati all’alcol. In particolare, verranno analizzati drink spiking, violenze sessuali e fisiche, rischi per la salute e morte accidentale, e verranno presentate alcune strategie applicate per evitarli. La seconda parte verterà sull’analisi e discussione dei risultati di un sondaggio realizzato a Durham (Regno Unito) nel febbraio 2015 attraverso interviste a studenti universitari britannici e portieri di college e proprietari e membri dello staff di pub e bar locali con domande basate sulle loro esperienze, opinioni ed eventuali testimonianze riguardo il consumo di alcol, i fenomeni e i rischi sopra menzionati. Lo studio ha portato a vari risultati che hanno permessi di confermare e ampliare conoscenze pregresse sui temi trattati.


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Background This study compared frequency of alcohol consumption and binge drinking between young adult childhood cancer survivors and the general population in Switzerland, and assessed its socio-demographic and clinical determinants. Procedure Childhood cancer survivors aged <16 years when diagnosed 1976–2003, who had survived >5 years and were currently aged 20–40 years received a postal questionnaire. Reported frequency of alcohol use and of binge drinking were compared to the Swiss Health Survey, a representative general population survey. Determinants of frequent alcohol consumption and binge drinking were assessed in a multivariable logistic regression. Results Of 1,697 eligible survivors, 1,447 could be contacted and 1,049 (73%) responded. Survivors reported more often than controls to consume alcohol frequently (OR = 1.7; 95%CI = 1.3–2.1) and to engage in binge drinking (OR = 2.9; 95%CI = 2.3–3.8). Peak frequency of binge drinking in males occurred at age 24–26 years in survivors, compared to age 18–20 in the general population. Socio-demographic factors (male gender, high educational attainment, French and Italian speaking, and migration background from Northern European countries) were most strongly associated with alcohol consumption patterns among both survivors and controls. Conclusions The high frequency of alcohol consumption found in this study is a matter of concern. Our data suggest that survivors should be better informed on the health effects of alcohol consumption during routine follow-up, and that such counseling should be included in clinical guidelines. Future research should study motives of alcohol consumption among survivors to allow development of targeted health interventions for this vulnerable group.


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OBJECTIVES: Patients' motivation to change their substance use is usually viewed as a crucial component of successful treatment. The objective of this study was to examine whether motivation contributes to drinking outcomes after residential treatment for alcohol dependence. METHODS: Our sample included 415 Swiss patients from 12 residential alcohol treatment programs. We statistically controlled for important predictors, such as sex, employment, alcohol consumption before admission, severity of alcohol dependence, severity of psychiatric symptoms at admission, and alcohol-related self-efficacy at discharge. Abstinence, alcohol consumption, and time to first drink were used as primary outcome measures and were assessed 1 year after discharge from treatment. RESULTS: Action-oriented motivation to change substance use had a modest impact on drinking outcomes. At the 1-year follow-up, only the Taking Steps subscale of the Stages of Change Readiness and Treatment Eagerness Scale and alcohol-related self-efficacy were found to be significant predictors of abstinence and the number of standard drinks. CONCLUSIONS: The impact of action-oriented motivation at admission to residential treatment is modest but still relevant, compared with other outcome predictors. It may be useful to focus treatment on improving action-oriented motivation to reduce substance use


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This study examined whether patients’ drinking goals at admission to and discharge from 12 residential alcohol use disorder treatment programs were associated with alcohol-related outcomes at 1-year follow-up. Detoxified patients (N D 289) completed assessments at admission, after treatment, and at 1-year follow-up. Drinking goals of abstinence, conditional abstinence (in principle abstinence but potential occurrence of lapses or drinking, when urges are strong), and controlled drinking changed during treatment and predicted the 1-year follow-up outcomes (abstinence, number of standard drinks, and number of days to the first alcohol use). Goals at discharge had a better predictive value. The goal of abstinence at discharge had better outcomes than conditional abstinence; the poorest had controlled drinking.


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OBJECTIVE Intense alcohol consumption is a risk factor for a number of health problems. Dual-process models assume that self-regulatory behavior such as drinking alcohol is guided by both reflective and impulsive processes. Evidence suggests that (a) impulsive processes such as implicit attitudes are more strongly associated with behavior when executive functioning abilities are low, and (b) higher neural baseline activation in the lateral prefrontal cortex (PFC) is associated with better inhibitory control. The present study integrates these 2 strands of research to investigate how individual differences in neural baseline activation in the lateral PFC moderate the association between implicit alcohol attitudes and drinking behavior. METHOD Baseline cortical activation was measured with resting electroencephalography (EEG) in 89 moderate drinkers. In a subsequent behavioral testing session they completed measures of implicit alcohol attitudes and self-reported drinking behavior. RESULTS Implicit alcohol attitudes were related to self-reported alcohol consumption. Most centrally, implicit alcohol attitudes were more strongly associated with drinking behavior in individuals with low as compared with high baseline activation in the right lateral PFC. CONCLUSIONS These findings are in line with predictions made on the basis of dual-process models. They provide further evidence that individual differences in neural baseline activation in the right lateral PFC may contribute to executive functioning abilities such as inhibitory control. Moreover, individuals with strongly positive implicit alcohol attitudes coupled with a low baseline activation in the right lateral PFC may be at greater risk of developing unhealthy drinking patterns than others.


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There has been very little research that has studied the effects of alcohol on biochemical markers in ethnic populations. This particular study is designed to identify the association, if any, between drinking patterns and high density lipoprotein cholesterol (HDL-C) levels in a Hispanic population. Most of what we know about the association between alcohol and HDL-C deals specifically with volume of alcohol consumed on a daily basis. Frequency, or how often alcohol consumption occurs within a given time period, is a variable that has rarely been studied. The results of this study showed how both volume and frequency of alcohol consumption affect HDL-C levels in a predominantly middle-aged Hispanic population. Ultimately, we will be able to apply these findings to future studies concerning risk of CHD in Hispanics. ^


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National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, Office of Driver and Pedestrian Programs, Washington, D.C.


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There is no specific self-efficacy measure that has been developed primarily for problem drinkers seeking a moderation drinking goal. In this article, we report the factor structure of a 20-item Controlled Drinking Self-Efficacy Scale (CDSES Sitharthan et al., 1996; Sitharthan et al., 1997). The results indicate that the CDSES is highly reliable, and the factor analysis using the full sample identified four factors: negative affect, positive mood/social context, frequency of drinking, and consumption quantity. A similar factor structure was obtained for the subsample of men. In contrast, only three factors emerged in the analysis of data on female participants. Compared to women, men had low self-efficacy to control their drinking in situations relating to positive mood/social context, and subjects with high alcohol dependence had low self-efficacy for situations relating to negative affect, social situations, and drinking less frequently. The CDSES can be a useful measure in treatment programs providing a moderation drinking goal. (C) 2003 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.


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Objective: The Temptation and Restraint Inventory (TRI) is commonly used to measure drinking restraint in relation to problem drinking behavior. However, as yet the TRI has not been validated in a clinical group with alcohol dependence. Method: Male (n = 111) and female (n = 57) inpatients with DSM-IV diagnosed alcohol dependence completed the TRI and measures of problem drinking severity, including the Alcohol Dependence Scale and the quantity, frequency and week total of alcohol consumed. Results: The factor structure of the TRI was replicated in the alcohol dependent sample. Cognitive Emotional Preoccupation (CEP), one of the two higher order factors of the TRI, demonstrated sound predictive power toward all dependence severity indices. The other higher order factor, Cognitive Behavioral Control (CBC), was related to frequency of drinking. There was limited support for the CEP/CBC interactional model of drinking restraint. Conclusions: Although the construct validity of the TRI was sound, the measure appears more useful in understanding the development, maintenance and severity of alcohol-related problems in nondependent drinkers. The TRI may show promise in detecting either continuous drinking or heavy episodic type dependent drinkers.


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While binge drinking-episodic or irregular consumption of excessive amounts of alcohol-is recognised as a serious problem affecting our youth, to date there has been a lack of psychological theory and thus theoretically driven research into this problem. The current paper develops a cognitive model using the key constructs of alcohol expectancies (AEs) and drinking refusal self-efficacy (DRSE) to explain the acquisition and maintenance of binge drinking. It is suggested that the four combinations of the AE and DRSE can explain the four drinking styles. These are normal/social drinkers, binge drinkers, regular heavy drinkers, and problem drinkers or alcoholics. Since AE and DRSE are cognitive constructs and therefore modifiable, the cognitive model can thus facilitate the design of intervention and-prevention strategies for binge drinking. (C) 2003 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Consistent relationships have been demonstrated between problem drinking and certain personality characteristics. A contemporary cognitive model of alcohol misuse, drinking restraint, has recently shown promise in furthering our understanding of problematic drinking. This study examined the potential association between drinking restraint and personality characteristics in 168 alcohol dependent inpatients. Subjects completed the short-scale Revised Eysenck Personality Scales (EPS-R; Eysenck, Eysenck, & Barrett, 1985), Temptation and Restraint Inventory (TRI; Collins & Lapp, 1992), Alcohol Dependence Scale (ADS; Skinner & Allen, 1982) and drinking measures including quantity, frequency and weekly drinking total. Results indicated that although there was some conceptual overlap between drinking restraint and personality factors, the TRI had a unique relationship with indices of problem drinking once personality factors were taken into account. This indicates that restrained drinking and personality, although related, are discrete constructs. While restrained drinking may aid in the understanding of current drinking behavior, personality characteristics appear to contribute to the etiology and maintenance of drinking problems. (c) 2005 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The first part of this research assessed the longitudinal relationships between alcohol- related associative strength and alcohol use measured at two time- points, 6 months apart. Cross-lagged results support the utility of alcohol- related associative strength to predict drinking behaviours prospectively and vice versa. These results remained after competing explanations of previous use, autocorrelations between memory measures, sensation seeking and background variables of age and gender were accounted for. Findings offer further evidence for an implicit cognitions approach to drinking processes. In the second part of our study, cross-sectional analysis investigated potential mediating mechanisms in the relation of associative strength to quantity and frequency dimensions of drinking. Mediational models provide preliminary evidence that implicit memory processes may have differential effects on quantity and frequency dimensions of drinking behaviours. The results point to the possibility that increasing awareness of implicit alcohol-related associations may have utility in interventions for young adults.