953 resultados para AL-ALLOY
A framework is presented for modeling the nucleation in the constitutionally supercooled liquid ahead of the advancing solid/liquid interface. The effects of temperature gradient, imposed velocity, slope of liquidus, and initial concentration have been taken into account in this model by considering the effect of interface retardation, which is caused by solute buildup at the interface. Furthermore, the effect of solute concentration on the chemical driving force for nucleation has been considered in this model. The model is used for describing the nucleation of Al-Si and Al-Cu alloys. It was found that the solute of Si has a significant impact on the chemical driving force for nucleation in AI-Si alloys whereas Cu has almost no effect in Al-Cu alloys.
A number of commercial Al-Sr master alloys of differing Sr content and product form have been added to Al-7Si-0.5Mg casting alloy melts and held at constant temperature for periods up to 7 hours following the addition. The master alloys were added to achieve a specific Sr target level of 200 ppm, and the melts were held at various temperatures (most at 710ºC, but also 670, 690, 740 and 770ºC). A total of thirty six melt trials were conducted and during each trial chill-cast disc samples were taken throughout for subsequent chemical analysis. The Sr concentration versus time data of each trial has been considered in terms of Sr dissolution/recovery behaviour, as well as Sr loss/fade. Trends in the data are identified and discussed, and implications for industrial practices are suggested.
The formation of the Al-Si eutectic is generally the final stage of the solidification process of Al-Si foundry alloys. This means that it can be expected to have a significant impact on the feeding of a casting, and consequently the formation of casting defects, in particular porosity. Understanding and controlling the eutectic solidification process are therefore very important. This paper reviews the recent advances and unique techniques used in improving our understanding of both eutectic nucleation and growth. The role of different modifiers in controlling the eutectic solidification mechanisms is presented and the relationship between eutectic solidification mechanisms and porosity formation is outlined. This new approach to aluminium foundry alloy metallurgy is likely to form the basis for further optimisation of alloy performance and master alloys for the future.
The effects of a thermal residual stress field on fatigue crack growth in a silicon carbide particle-reinforced aluminum alloy have been measured. Stress fields were introduced into plates of material by means of a quench from a solution heat-treatment temperature. Measurements using neutron diffraction have shown that this introduces an approximately parabolic stress field into the plates, varying from compressive at the surfaces to tensile in the center. Long fatigue cracks were grown in specimens cut from as-quenched plates and in specimens which were given a stress-relieving overaging heat treatment prior to testing. Crack closure levels for these cracks were determined as a function of the position of the crack tip in the residual stress field, and these are shown to differ between as-quenched and stress-relieved samples. By monitoring the compliance of the specimens during fatigue cycling, the degree to which the residual stresses close the crack has been evaluated. © 1995 The Minerals, Metals & Material Society.
The aging responses of 2124 Al-SiC p metal matrix composite (MMC) and unreinforced matrix alloy are studied and related to variations in tensile properties. The MMC is aged from Wo starting conditions: (i) stretched and naturally aged and (ii) re-solution treated. Accelerated aging occurs in both MMC conditions compared with unreinforced alloy. Tensile strengths and elastic moduli are improved in the MMC compared with the alloy, but ductility is reduced. Stretched MMC exhibits higher strength but lower ductility and modulus than re-solutioned MMC. The re-solutioned MMC fails by microvoid coalescence in low aging conditions, and by void nucleation and shear in high aging conditions. Failure of the stretched MMC initiates at the surface at specimen shoulders, illustrating the increased notch sensitivity of this condition, and propagates via a zigzag shear fracture mode. Zigzag facet size increases on gross aging. Particle fracture occurs during tensile failure, but also before testing as a result of the manufacturing process. © 1995 The Institute of Materials.