999 resultados para 95-603


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Fil: Romero, Daniel Omar. Universidad Nacional de La Plata. Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias de la Educación; Argentina.


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Abundant Fe-Mn carbonate concretions (mainly siderite, manganosiderite, and rhodochrosite) were found in the hemipelagic claystones of Site 603 on the eastern North American continental rise. They occur as nodules, micronodules, or carbonate-replaced burrow fills and layers at a subbottom depth of between ~ 120 (Pliocene) and 1160 m (Albian-Cenomanian). In general, the Fe-Mn carbonate concretions form from CO3- produced by the microbiological degradation of organic matter in the presence of abundant Fe + or Mn + and very low S- concentrations. However, there is also some evidence for diagenetic replacement of preexisting calcite by siderite. The carbon isotope composition of diagenetic Fe-Mn carbonate nodules is determined by CO2 reduction during methanogenesis. Carbonate nodules in Cretaceous sediments at sub-bottom depths of 1085 and 1160 m have distinctly lower d13C values (- 12.2 and - 12.9 per mil) than Neogene siderites, associated with abundant biogenic methane in the pore space (-8.9 to 1.7 per mil between 330 and 780 m depth). Since no isotopic zonation could be detected within individual nodules, we assume that the isotopic composition reflects more or less geochemical conditions at the present burial depth of the carbonate nodules. Carbonates did not precipitate within the zone of sulfate reduction (approximately 0.01 to 10 m), where all of the pyrite was formed. The oxygen isotope composition indicates precipitation from seawater-derived interstitial waters. The d18O values decrease with increasing burial depth from + 5.1 to - 1.2 per mil, suggesting successively higher temperatures during carbonate formation.


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Fil: Romero, Daniel Omar. Universidad Nacional de La Plata. Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias de la Educación; Argentina.


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Fil: Romero, Daniel Omar. Universidad Nacional de La Plata. Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias de la Educación; Argentina.


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Eocene siliceous and calcareous phytoplankton, with emphasis on silicoflagellates, were studied in 62 samples from DSDP Sites 612 and 613 on the continental slope and rise off New Jersey. The mid-latitude assemblages correlate well with assemblages from California, Peru, and offshore of southern Brazil, but are distinctly different from high-latitude cold-water assemblages of the Falkland Plateau off southern Argentina. Coccoliths and silicoflagellates provide evidence for the presence of a fairly complete middle and upper Eocene sequence, represented by a composite of Sites 612 and 613. A major unconformity occurs at the middle Eocene to upper Eocene contact at Site 612. The genus Bachmannocena Locker is emended and proposed as a replacement for genus Mesocena Ehrenberg for ring silicoflagellates. Six new silicoflagellates and one new diatom are described: Bachmannocena apiculata monolineata Bukry, n. subsp., Corbisema amicula Bukry, n. sp., C. bimucronata elegans Bukry, n. subsp., C. hastata incohata Bukry, n. subsp., C. jerseyensis Bukry, n. sp., Dictyocha acuta Bukry, n. sp., and Coscinodiscus eomonoculus Bukry, n. sp. Also, one new replacement name, B. paulschulzn Bukry, nom. nov., and 24 new combinations are proposed for genus Bachmannocena.


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Using methods of analysis from organic geochemistry and organic petrography, we investigated six Pliocene to Maestrichtian samples from DSDP Site 612 and five Pliocene to Eocene samples from DSDP Site 613 for the quantity, type, and thermal maturity of organic matter. At both sites, organic carbon content is low in the Eocene samples (0.10 to 0.20%) and relatively high in the Pliocene/Miocene samples (0.87 to 1.15%). The Maestrichtian samples from Site 612 contain about 0.6% organic carbon. The organic matter is predominantly terrigenous, as indicated by low hydrogen index values from Rock-Eval pyrolysis and the dominance of long-chain wax alkanes in the extractable hydrocarbons. The organic matter is at a low level of thermal maturity; measured vitrinite reflectance values were between 0.27 and 0.44%.


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Lower Eocene calcareous nannofossil limestone cored at DSDP Site 612 on the middle slope off New Jersey represents an almost complete biostratigraphic sequence; only the lowest biozone (CP9a; NP10*) was not recovered. The thickness of the strata (198 m), the good preservation of the nannofossils, and the lack of long hiatuses justify the acceptance of this section as a lower Eocene reference for the western North Atlantic margin. The widely recognized and very similar nannofossil zonations of Martini (NP zones) and Bukry-Okada (CP zones) are emended slightly to make their lower Eocene biozones coeval; in addition, five new subzones are erected that subdivide zones CP10 and CPU (NP12 and NP13). Established biozone names are retained as they are altered little in concept, but alphanumeric code systems are changed somewhat by appending an asterisk (*) to identify zones that are emended. Zone CP10* (NP12*) is divided into two parts, the Lophodolithus nascens Subzone (CP10*a; NP12*a) and the Helicosphaera seminulum Subzone (CP10*b; NP12*b). Zone CPU* (NP13*) is divided into three parts, the Helicosphaera lophota Subzone (CP11*a; NP13*a), the Cyclicargolithuspseudogammation Subzone (CP11*b; NP13*b), and the Rhabdosphaera tenuis Subzone (CP11*c; NP13*c). At Site 612, a time-depth curve based on nannofossil datums dated in previous studies reveals a smoothly declining sediment accumulation rate, from 4.9 cm/10**3yr in CP10* (NP12*) to 2.8 cm/103 yr. in CP12* (NP14*). The ages of first-occurrence datums not previously dated are approximated by projection onto this timedepth curve and are as follows: Helicosphaera seminulum, 55.0 Ma; Helicosphaera lophota, 54.5 Ma; Cyclicargolithus pseudogammation, 53.7 Ma; Rhabdosphaera tenuis, 52.6 Ma; and Rhabdosphaera inflata, 50.2 Ma. At nearby Site 613 on the upper rise, strata of similar age, 139 m thick, contain an unconformity representing Subzone CPll*b (NP13*b) and a hiatus of approximately 1.1 m.y. duration. The sediment accumulation rate in the lower part of this section (9.7 cm/10**3yr.) is twice that observed for equivalent strata at Site 612. The hiatus and the heightened sediment accumulation rate at Site 613 probably represent the effects of episodic mass wasting on the early Eocene continental slope and rise.