706 resultados para 924


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Presentar los Métodos de Aprendizaje Cooperativo (MAC), sus características y sus dimensiones. Analizar las investigaciones recientemente realizadas sobre los MAC y las aplicaciones de éstos en la enseñanza de las matemáticas.. Se analiza la bibliografía existente sobre la interacción educativa, tanto en la relación profesor/alumno como en la interacción alumno/alumno. Se procede a la definición del aprendizaje cooperativo, sus características y dimensiones: 1. Filosofía de la educación, 2. Naturaleza del aprendizaje, 3. Naturaleza de la cooperación, 4. Rol del alumno y cooperación, 5. Rol del profesor, 6. Evaluación, 7. Identificación, 8. Recursos. Se presentan los MAC más utilizados y las diferencias y similitudes existentes entre ellos. Se procede al análisis del aprendizaje cooperativo en matemáticas y a la presentación de los métodos más empleados: 1. Small Group Learning and Teaching in Mathematics, 2. Team Assisted Individualization (TAI), 3. Aprender matemáticas cooperando (MACIN). Finalmente, se analiza la presencia de los MAC en la estructura del sistema curricular español.. La introducción de los MAC en el proceso de aprendizaje supone la introducción previa de un clima de cooperación. Una de las facetas en la que los MAC se muestran más eficientes es la de la integración de minorias étnicas y de los sujetos con déficits físicos, psíquicos y/o sensoriales. La estructura de las tareas en matemáticas permite una modificabilidad menor en las dimensiones de los MAC aplicados a estos contenidos que en cualquier otra disciplina. Fecha finalización tomada del Código del Documento.


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Explicar de qué modo la Universidad de Salamanca, logró construir un campo de contrapoder. El marco teórico y conceptual contiene y apoya todas las reflexiones que se realizan desde el análisis de los datos obtenidos. Este trabajo, se auxilia con las posibilidades que ofrece la historia cultural de lo social, teniendo en cuenta los aportes de la micro y macrohistoria, relacionada con tres macrorealidades: la monarquía de Carlos V, la Universidad de Salamanca, y las Comunidades de Castilla. A su vez, en el desarrollo del trabajo, se incluyen modelos inductivos de inferencia y deductivos. Las técnicas empleadas se resumen en: análisis y procesamiento de fuentes documentales y bibliográficas, reducción analítica, cruce de variables, sumario tentativo, exposición de conclusiones parciales, ajustes y correcciones. El estudio realizado, lleva a la conclusión, de que la nobleza ocupa un lugar clave en la Universidad y en la Corte Real, no solo en la ciudad de Salamanca, sino en todas las Comunidades de Castilla. En Salamanca, esta relación Universidad-nobleza, Rey-nobleza, va a suponer un control por parte de la nobleza del saber. En definitiva, la pedagogía del poder supone que el saber promueve grandes cambios y actitudes, por lo cual, dominar el saber significaba poder conducir a la sociedad al cambio que se buscaba desde la nobleza salmantina y a lo que Carlos V contribuyo .


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1. Analizar la instrucci??n p??blica-primaria de forma estricta y puntual en ??lava. 2. Enmarcar este estudio en el ??mbito de Espa??a. 3. Observar que las analog??as entre la ense??anza en ??lava, el Pa??s Vasco y Espa??a son m??ltiples y de importancia. Objetivos espec??ficos: 1. Analizar la incidencia de la instrucci??n primaria en el mundo provincial y su aportaci??n al mismo. 2. Demostrar la vinculaci??n de la cultura alavesa y de la instrucci??n primaria en particular, a la Real Sociedad Vascongada de Amigos del Pa??s. 3. Establecer un modesto modelo de estudio local en el campo de la ense??anza. El sistema educativo en ??lava desde finales del siglo XVIII y por extensi??n en el Pa??s Vasco y Espa??a. Descripci??n hist??rica con estudio de las primeras leyes de instrucci??n p??blica y sus consecuencias, de la Revoluci??n de 1868, la instrucci??n p??blica hasta la dictadura del general Miguel Primo de Rivera. Estudio del sistema educativo: caracter??sticas, organizaci??n administrativa, inspecci??n, formaci??n del alumnado, formaci??n del profesorado. El sistema educativo espa??ol se fragu?? en y despu??s de la Guerra de la Independencia debido al vac??o institucional que se produjo con la misma. Aunque te??rica, fue la primera vez que se plante?? una reforma educativa bajo la ideolog??a liberal que se frustr?? con la vuelta al absolutismo encarnado por Fernando VII. El nacimiento real y la consolidaci??n del Sistema Educativo Espa??ol culmin?? en 1857 de manera inherente a la propia consolidaci??n del sistema pol??tico liberal, evidente de manera especial en el caso de ??lava. La evoluci??n de la instrucci??n primaria alavesa durante los siglos XIX y XX sigui?? una l??nea ascendente aunque el balance, en comparaci??n con otros pa??ses europeos, fue pobre, no ocurriendo lo mismo al compararla con la de Espa??a en donde destac?? y ocup?? siempre uno de los primeros lugares respecto a la alfabetizaci??n y restantes aspectos relacionados con este tema. Hubo importantes iniciativas que en ??ltima instancia no se llevaron a cabo.


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El informe está pensado como una herramienta que contribuya al trabajo de promoción, garantía y exigibilidad de los derechos humanos, desde varias dimensiones: • Como un instrumento político que permita contar con información y generar conocimiento a través del análisis y ubicación de tendencias sobre la vigencia y protección de derechos humanos en el Ecuador. • Como mecanismo de seguimiento para observar la evolución y desarrollo de los derechos, fomentando un ejercicio permanente de reflexión que contribuya a fortalecer la memoria y promover la acción de la sociedad. • Como instrumento pedagógico que apoye la generación de conocimiento y la adquisición de destrezas en la sociedad civil, en la elaboración y utilización de los informes; para lo cual incorpora las experiencias previas de elaboración de informes alternativos, temáticos y sombras, a nivel nacional y regional. Bajo estas dimensiones, el informe se caracteriza por tener un carácter participativo y de construcción colectiva, fomentando los lazos de relación entre organizaciones de la sociedad civil, academia y cooperación internacional. Asume el desafío que plantea elaborar un informe sobre derechos humanos teniendo en consideración su amplio catálogo, por lo que promueve la ubicación y reflexión sobre situaciones, contextos, medidas e implicaciones de éstas para los derechos humanos, considerando el carácter integral de los mismos. El proceso de elaboración del informe se inscribe en una práctica alternativa, por tanto no estatal, independiente, que permite ampliar y complementar la reflexión sobre el desarrollo de los derechos; por ello, su principal referente son las organizaciones de la sociedad civil. El presente informe ubica el análisis central de los derechos de justicia, seguridad y ambiente, los cuales gravitaron en el debate jurídico, político y social del año 2009. Como temas conexos y en muchos aspectos interrelacionados con los primeros, los derechos de: información, participación, salud, trabajo, movilidad humana y territorio. En el ámbito internacional, da cuenta de los avances del país en la protección internacional de derechos humanos, a través de la ubicación del accionar de los órganos de protección de derechos humanos a nivel universal y regional. Finalmente, recoge las reseñas de los informes alternativos elaborados por organizaciones de la sociedad civil, durante el año 2009, con la finalidad de promover su difusión y conocimiento, así como el esfuerzo realizado.


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In this paper we consider the problem of time-harmonic acoustic scattering in two dimensions by convex polygons. Standard boundary or finite element methods for acoustic scattering problems have a computational cost that grows at least linearly as a function of the frequency of the incident wave. Here we present a novel Galerkin boundary element method, which uses an approximation space consisting of the products of plane waves with piecewise polynomials supported on a graded mesh, with smaller elements closer to the corners of the polygon. We prove that the best approximation from the approximation space requires a number of degrees of freedom to achieve a prescribed level of accuracy that grows only logarithmically as a function of the frequency. Numerical results demonstrate the same logarithmic dependence on the frequency for the Galerkin method solution. Our boundary element method is a discretization of a well-known second kind combined-layer-potential integral equation. We provide a proof that this equation and its adjoint are well-posed and equivalent to the boundary value problem in a Sobolev space setting for general Lipschitz domains.


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Given the non-monotonic form of the radiocarbon calibration curve, the precision of single C-14 dates on the calendar timescale will always be limited. One way around this limitation is through comparison of time-series, which should exhibit the same irregular patterning as the calibration curve. This approach can be employed most directly in the case of wood samples with many years growth present (but not able to be dated by dendrochronology), where the tree-ring series of unknown date can be compared against the similarly constructed C-14 calibration curve built from known-age wood. This process of curve-fitting has come to be called "wiggle-matching." In this paper, we look at the requirements for getting good precision by this method: sequence length, sampling frequency, and measurement precision. We also look at 3 case studies: one a piece of wood which has been independently dendrochronologically dated, and two others of unknown age relating to archaeological activity at Silchester, UK (Roman) and Miletos, Anatolia (relating to the volcanic eruption at Thera).


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The a/b hybrid-type ν1 fundamental and 2ν2 overtone bands of HOF were investigated by FTIR spectroscopy with a resolution close to 0.008 cm−1. Improved ground state parameters of HOF were determined from a merge of more than 3000 ground state combination differences formed from ν1 and previously measured ν2 transitions with the reported pure rotational lines. Excited state parameters of the v2 = 2 state, ν0 = 2686.924 6(1) and χ22 = −9.942 4(1) cm−1, were determined employing Watson's A-reduced Hamiltonian up to sixth order in I′ representation. The 2ν2 state was found to be unperturbed, the excited state parameters being closely related to those of ν2.


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Movements and activity patterns of an adult radio-tagged female brown bear accompanied by her cubs were documented for the first time in Rodopi area (NE Greece) from August 2000 to July 2002. Average daily movements were 2.45 +/- 2.26 SD km, (range 0.15-8.5 km). The longest daily range could be related to human disturbance (hunting activity). The longest seasonal distance (211 km), during Summer 2001 coincided with the dissolution of the family. With cubs, the female was more active during daytime (73 % of all radio-readings) than when solitary (28 %). The female switched to a more crepuscular behaviour, after separation from the yearling (July 2001). According to pooled data from 924 activity - recording sessions, during the whole monitoring period, the female was almost twice as active during day time while rearing cubs (51 % active) than when solitary (23 %). The autumn and early winter home range size of the family was larger (280 km(2)) than after the separation from the cubs (59 km(2)). During the family group phase, home range size varied from 258 km(2) in autumn to 40 km(2) in winter (average denning period lasted 107 days : December 2000-March 2001). The bear hibernated in the Bulgarian part of the Rodopi Range during winters of 2001 and 2002.


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Formal and analytical models that contractors can use to assess and price project risk at the tender stage have proliferated in recent years. However, they are rarely used in practice. Introducing more models would, therefore, not necessarily help. A better understanding is needed of how contractors arrive at a bid price in practice, and how, and in what circumstances, risk apportionment actually influences pricing levels. More than 60 proposed risk models for contractors that are published in journals were examined and classified. Then exploratory interviews with five UK contractors and documentary analyses on how contractors price work generally and risk specifically were carried out to help in comparing the propositions from the literature to what contractors actually do. No comprehensive literature on the real bidding processes used in practice was found, and there is no evidence that pricing is systematic. Hence, systematic risk and pricing models for contractors may have no justifiable basis. Contractors process their bids through certain tendering gateways. They acknowledge the risk that they should price. However, the final settlement depends on a set of complex, micro-economic factors. Hence, risk accountability may be smaller than its true cost to the contractor. Risk apportionment occurs at three stages of the whole bid-pricing process. However, analytical approaches tend not to incorporate this, although they could.


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Truly continuous solid-state fermentations with operating times of 2-3 weeks were conducted in a prototype bioreactor for the production of fungal (Penicillium glabrum) tannase from a tannin-containing model substrate. Substantial quantities of the enzyme were synthesized throughout the operating periods and (imperfect) steady-state conditions seemed to be achieved soon after start-up of the fermentations. This demonstrated for the first time the possibility of conducting solid-state fermentations in the continuous mode and with a constant noninoculated feed. The operating variables and fermentation conditions in the bioreactor were sufficiently well predicted for the basic reinoculation concept to succeed. However, an incomplete understanding of the microbial mechanisms, the experimental system, and their interaction indicated the need for more research in this novel area of solid-state fermentation. (C) 2004 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.


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An atomic force microscopy investigation was carried out on various thick (30–120 nm) polymethyl methacrylate-bpolystyrene and poly(2-(dimethyl amino)ethyl methacrylate)-b-polystyrene films prepared via a grafting-from method. The structure of the films was examined with both topographic and phase imaging. Several different morphologies were observed including a perforated lamellar phase with irregular perforations. In addition, complementary small-angle X-ray scattering and reflectometry results measurements on a non-grafted polymer are presented.


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The agricultural sector which contributes between 20-50% of gross domestic product in Africa and employs about 60% of the population is greatly affected by climate change impacts. Agricultural productivity and food prices are expected to rise due to this impact thereby worsening the food insecurity and poor nutritional health conditions in the continent. Incidentally, the capacity in the continent to adapt is very low. Addressing these challenges will therefore require a holistic and integrated adaptation framework hence this study. A total of 360 respondents selected through a multi-stage random sampling technique participated in the study that took place in Southern Nigeria from 2008-2011. Results showed that majority of respondents (84%) were aware that some climate change characteristics such as uncertainties at the onset of farming season, extreme weather events including flooding and droughts, pests, diseases, weed infestation, and land degradation have all been on the increase. The most significant effects of climate change that manifested in the area were declining soil fertility and weed infestation. Some of the adaptation strategies adopted by farmers include increased weeding, changing the timing of farm operations, and processing of crops to reduce post-harvest losses. Although majority of respondents were aware of government policies aimed at protecting the environment, most of them agreed that these policies were not being effectively implemented. A mutually inclusive framework comprising of both indigenous and modern techniques, processes, practices and technologies was then developed from the study in order to guide farmers in adapting to climate change effects/impacts.


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A panel of 388 salmonellas of animal and human origin, comprising 35 serotypes, was tested for resistance to cyclohexane and to a range of antibiotics, disinfectants and dyes. Cyclohexane resistance was detected in 41 isolates (10.6%): these comprised members of the serovars Binza (1 of 15), Dublin (1 of 24), Enteritidis (1 of 61), Fischerkietz (4 of 5), Livingstone (9 of 11), Montevideo (1 of 32), Newport (4 of 23), Saint-paul (1 of 3), Senftenberg (10 of 24) and Typhimurium (9 of 93). Most (39 of 41) of the cyclohexane-resistant isolates were from poultry. Statistical analysis showed that the cyclohexane-resistant strains were significantly more resistant than the cyclohexane-susceptible strains to ampicillin, chloramphenicol, ciprofloxacin, erythromycin, nalidixic acid, tetracycline, trimethoprim, cetrimide and triclosan. The multiresistance patterns seen,were typical of those caused by efflux pumps, such as AcrAB. The emergence of such resistance may play an important role in the overall antibiotic resistance picture of Salmonella, with particular effect on ciprofloxacin.


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The value of using social development knowledge as a tool for building development policy was promoted by the British Department for International Development in the late 1990s. This article takes the case of a capacity building initiative that sought to build social development knowledge as a resource for policy formulation in 'southern' countries. Situating knowledge as a development resource presents difficulties for intervention processes that have historically developed to provide access to economic and social assets. This article highlights some of the issues involved in trying to build social development capacity and questions the suitability of this style of intervention. Inappropriate and short-term support for knowledge capacity building carries the danger that the traditional separation between the academic and practice spheres will be reinforced, making the process of democratising knowledge more difficult.


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Wild pollinators have been shown to enhance the pollination of Brassica napus(oilseed rape) and thus increase its market value. Several studies have previously shown that pollination services are greater in crops adjoining forest patches or other seminatural habitats than in crops completely surrounded by other crops. In this study, we investigated the specific importance of forest edges in providing potential pollinators in B. napus fields in two areas in France. Bees were caught with yellow pan traps at increasing distances from both warm and cold forest edges into B. napus fields during the blooming period. A total of 4594 individual bees, representing six families and 83 taxa, were collected. We found that both bee abundance and taxa richness were negatively affected by the distance from forest edge. However, responses varied between bee groups and edge orientations. The ITD (Inter-Tegular distance) of the species, a good proxy for bee foraging range, seems to limit how far the bees can travel from the forest edge. We found a greater abundance of cuckoo bees (Nomada spp.) of Andrena spp. and Andrena spp. males at forest edges, which we assume indicate suitable nesting sites, or at least mating sites, for some abundant Andrena species and their parasites (Fig. 1). Synthesis and Applications. This study provides one of the first examples in temperate ecosystems of how forest edges may actually act as a reservoir of potential pollinators and directly benefit agricultural crops by providing nesting or mating sites for important early spring pollinators. Policymakers and land managers should take forest edges into account and encourage their protection in the agricultural matrix to promote wild bees and their pollination services.