1000 resultados para 75-532A


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Parkia platycephala lectin 2 was purified from Parkia platycephala (Leguminosae, Mimosoideae) seeds by affinity chromatography and RP-HPLC. Equilibrium sedimentation and MS showed that Parkia platycephala lectin 2 is a nonglycosylated monomeric protein of molecular mass 29 407 ± 15 Da, which contains six cysteine residues engaged in the formation of three intramolecular disulfide bonds. Parkia platycephala lectin 2 agglutinated rabbit erythrocytes, and this activity was specifically inhibited by N-acetylglucosamine. In addition, Parkia platycephala lectin 2 hydrolyzed β(1-4) glycosidic bonds linking 2-acetoamido-2-deoxy-β-d-glucopyranose units in chitin. The full-length amino acid sequence of Parkia platycephala lectin 2, determined by N-terminal sequencing and cDNA cloning, and its three-dimensional structure, established by X-ray crystallography at 1.75 Å resolution, showed that Parkia platycephala lectin 2 is homologous to endochitinases of the glycosyl hydrolase family 18, which share the (βα) 8 barrel topology harboring the catalytic residues Asp125, Glu127, and Tyr182. © 2006 The Authors.


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The clinical and histopathological effects of two alcoholic neurolytics were studied in horses. Normal horses were shod with a designed shoe adaptted with 5 screws to produce solar pain. After gait and lameness score analysis, the palmar nerve of 5 horses was injected with 5 ml of 0,75% benzyl alcohol (Group A) and 5 horses were injected with 5 ml of absolute ethyl alcohol (Group B). The animals were submitted to regular lameness evaluation and solar sensibility tests during next six months. The solar sensitivity returned 5 months latter in the group injected with benzyl alcohol 0,75%, while in the group injected with absolute ethyl alcohol, the sole was still desensitized 6 months latter. The histopathological findings showed that the nerve injected with benzyl alcohol 0,75%, resulted in axonotmesis, characterized by axonal nerve degeneration, with possibilities for the nerve conduction recovery. The perineural injection of ethyl alcohol absolute, resulted in neurotmesis with difficult nerve regeneration. It was concluded that chemical neurolysis with alcohol is an option for temporary or permanent nerve blocks in horses.


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BACKGROUND. This study aimed to evaluate clinical characteristics of epidural anesthesia performed with 0.75% ropivacaine associated with dexmedetomidine. METHODS. Forty patients scheduled for hernia repair or varicose vein surgeries under epidural anesthesia participated in this study. They were assigned to: Control Group (n = 20), 0.75% ropivacaine, 20 ml (150 mg); and Dexmedetomidine Group (n = 20), 0.75% ropivacaine, 20 ml (150 mg), plus dexmedetomidine, 1 μg.kg -1. The following variables were studied: total analgesic block onset time, upper level of analgesia, analgesic and motor block duration time, intensity of motor block, state of consciousness, hemodynamics, postoperative analgesia and incidence of side-effects. RESULTS. Epidural dexmedetomidine did not affect onset time or upper level of anesthesia (p > 0.05) however it prolonged sensory and motor block duration time (p < 0.05) and postoperative analgesia (p < 0.05), and also resulted in a more intense motor block, 1 (p < 0.05). Values of bispectral index were lower in Dexmedetomidine Group (p < 0.05). There was no difference in incidence of hypotension and bradycardia (p > 0.05). Occurrence of side-effects (shivering, vomiting and SpO 2 < 90%) was low and similar between groups (p > 0.05). CONCLUSION. There is clear synergism between epidural dexmedetomidine and ropivacaine, further this drug association does not bring about additional morbidity.


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Lead-free solid solutions (1-x)Bi0.5Na0.5TiO 3 (BNT)-xBaZr0.25Ti0.75O3 (BZT) (x=0, 0.01, 0.03, 0.05, and 0.07) were prepared by the solid state reaction method. X-ray diffraction (XRD) and Rietveld refinement analyses of 1-x(BNT)-x(BZT) solid solution ceramic were employed to study the structure of these systems. A morphotropic phase boundary (MPB) between rhombohedral and cubic structures occured at the composition x=0.05. Raman spectroscopy exhibited a splitting of the (TO3) mode at x=0.05 and confirmed the presence of MPB region. Scanning electron microcopy (SEM) images showed a change in the grain shape with the increase of BZT into the BNT matrix lattice. The temperature dependent dielectric study showed a gradual increase in dielectric constant up to x=0.05 and then decrease with further increase in BZT content. Maximum coercive field, remanent polarization and high piezoelectric constant were observed at x=0.05. Both the structural and electrical properties show that the solid solution has an MPB around x=0.05. © 2012 Elsevier Ltd and Techna Group S.r.l.


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Incluye Bibliografía


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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El proyecto para el desarrollo de las capacidades de los paises en el area de documentacion en poblacion constituye la segunda fase de las actividades del DOCPAL (1978-1980) y tiene como objetivos centrales: a).ayudar a las instituciones comprometidas en actividades de poblacion, en alrededor de 4 paises anualmente, a mejorar sus capacidades e infraestructura; b).posibilitar a aquellos paises mejor dotados para que se constituyan en centros miembros de DOCPAL; c).mejorar, extender y continuar la entrega de servicios de nivel regional a los paises; d).mejorar y mantener los sistemas computarizados de procesamiento de la informacion. La descripcion detallada de estas actividades constituye el fundamento para la solicitud de fondos al IDRC durante el periodo senalado


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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En el número 75 de la serie Notas de población se da a conocer los últimos avances en relación con los censos de población y vivienda, en el momento en que en aproximadamente la mitad de los países de la región se han levantado los censos de la ronda del 2000. Es por ello que en la selección de estudios e informes contenidos en esta publicación se abordan materias referidas a la experiencia aportada por la ronda anterior y a los nuevos desafíos que se encaran. Entre estos últimos destacan los temas emergentes en la agenda de las políticas y programas de desarrollo y las nuevas tecnologías, cuyos propósitos fundamentales son reducir costos y mejorar la calidad y la oportunidad de los resultados censales. Los artículos incluidos se sustentan en actividades llevadas a cabo en años recientes, en el marco de la preparación de los censos de esta década. En ellos se tratan, por una parte, temas conceptuales, vinculados a la finalidad y el contenido de los censos y, por otra, las experiencias en cuanto a la aplicación de tecnologías modernas y el análisis de sus potencialidades.


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Este número de la Revista de la CEPAL incluye un homenaje a Raúl Prebisch en el centenario de su nacimiento, con un conjunto de artículos de distinguidas personalidades de las ciencias sociales vinculadas al pensamiento sobre América Latina.


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This issue of CEPAL Review includes a special section to commemorate Raúl Prebisch in the centennial of his birthday, containing a selection of articles prepared by renowned social scientists involved with Latin American development thinking.