990 resultados para 587


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巴颜喀拉山地区位于青海省南部,北纬32°20′~35°15′,东经94°50′~101°45′,面积约84 000km2,海拔高程介于3 600m至5 369m之间.本地区拥有种子植物1 116种,分属于64科,295属.区系特征概述如下:1)对属的分布区类型的分析表明,本地区植物区系以北温带成分为主,仅有9个分布区从热带延伸到温带的热带属,且在本区所含种类极少或仅有1种.2)对种的分布区类型的分析表明,大多数种(不包括中国特有种)属于中亚成分和东亚成分,且多呈中亚-喜马拉雅-中国西南或中国-喜马拉雅分布式样.以此为据所得结论是,本地区的种以温带成分为优势,具高原、高山分布的特点.3)本区东南部的生态环境和区系成分的来源均不同于其余地区.东亚分布型及其变型中国-喜马拉雅的种聚集在东南部.这里被认为是那些来源于横断山和西秦岭的区系成分的一个通道.4)对中国特有种的分析表明,本区系与横断山区系和甘肃南部区系联系最为密切.5)在高山特化作用和高山生态因子的选择之下,本区植物获得了适应寒冷和干旱的特性.6)本区植物的耐寒性常常伴随着耐旱和耐湿的双重特性,植物的这些特性也反映在它们的地理分布上.7)本区的区系性质和特点与唐古特地区基本一致,因此本植物区系应视为唐古特区系的一部分.


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测定了青海三角城牧场牛羊主要采食的18种牧草中与动物健康密切相关的14种微量元素含量,并对牧草质量进行了评价.结果表明,Zn、 Mg、Se、Mn等微量元素含量较低,当地羊群地方病与此有关;其它营养元素含量相对正常;有害元素Pb、Cd、As、Hg含量较低.比较去离子水洗涤和非洗涤的牧草,两者微量元素含量无明显差异,说明在青藏高原洁净的自然环境下,牧草所粘附泥土及其它杂质很少.


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番红花(Crocus sativus),又称藏红花、西红红、藏药中称为苟日苟木。


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A novel sol-gel process has been developed for the synthesis of amorphous silica-aluminas with controlled mesopore distribution without the use of organic templating agents, e.g., surfactant molecules. Ultrasonic treatment during the synthesis enables production of precursor sols with narrow particle size distribution. Atomic force microscopy analysis shows that these sol particles are spherical in shape with a narrow size distribution (i.e., 13-25 nm) and their aggregation during the gelation creates clusters containing similar sized interparticle mesopores. A nitrogen physiadsorption study indicates that the mesoporous materials containing different Si/Al ratios prepared by the new synthesis method has a large specific surface area (i.e., 587-692 m(2)/g) and similar pore sizes of 2-11 nm. Solid-state Al-27 magic angle spinning (MAS) NMR shows that most of the aluminum is located in the tetrahedral position. A transmission electron microscopy (TEM) image shows that the mesoporous silica-alumina consists of 12-25 nm spheres. Additionally, high-resolution TEM and electron diffraction indicate that some nanoparticles are characteristic of a crystal, although X-ray diffraction and Si-29 MAS NMR analysis show an amorphous material.


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As culturas da soja [Glycine max (L.) Merril] e do feijoeiro (Phaseolus vulgaris) sao de grande importancia economica e social para o Brasil e ambas podem ser capazes de suprir suas necessidades do nutriente nitrogenio pela simbiose com bacterias da familia Rhizobiaceae. Para garantir a maximizacao do processo biologico, porem, deve-se proceder a inoculacao das sementes com estirpes de rizobio eficientes e competitivas, recomendadas pela pesquisa. No Brasil, sao comercializadas, anualmente, cerca de 13 milhoes de doses de inoculantes, sendo 99% destinadas a cultura da soja. Neste trabalho, determinou-se a posicao taxonomica das estirpes de rizobio recomendadas comercialmente para as duas culturas por duas tecnicas, o RFLP-PCR da regiao correspondente ao 16S rRNA (regiao conservada entre bacterias mas suficientemente variavel e carregando informacoes que permitem a determinacao das relacoes filogeneticas entre bacterias) e o sequenciamento parcial dos genes desta regiao. O sequenciamento parcial permitiu definir que duas das estirpes recomendadas para a cultura da soja, SEMIA 587 e SEMIA 5019, pertencem a especie Bradyrhizobium elkanii e as duas outras, SEMIA 5079 e SEMIA 5080, a especie B. japonicum. As duas estirpes recomendadas para a cultura do feijoeiro, SEMIA 4077 e SEMIA 4080, pertencem a especie Rhizobium tropici. As sequencias obtidas para essas estirpes foram depositadas no banco mundial de genes.


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Neste trabalho sao apresentados os resultados de um estudo para avaliar o estabelecimento de estirpes de Bradyrhizobium japonicum / B. elkanii, na resposta da soja a reinoculacao em solos de Cerrado. O experimento, que teve duracao de seis anos, foi iniciado em 1994 num Latossolo Vermelho de primeiro cultivo, isento de populacoes de rizobio capazes de nodular a soja. O delineamento experimental foi o de blocos ao acaso com tres repeticoes e a cultivar de soja utilizada foi a Doko RC. A ocupacao dos nodulos foi avaliada por tecnicas de imuno-aglutinacao. No primeiro ano do experimento (safra 1993/1994), as estirpes CPAC 7, CPAC 15, 29W e SEMIA 587 (sorogrupos CB1809, SEMIA 566, 29W e SEMIA 587, respectivamente) foram introduzidas no solo por meio da inoculacao das sementes da soja Doko RC. Tambem foi incluido um tratamento sem inoculacao, com as parcelas cultivadas com arroz. No ano seguinte (safra 1994/1995), as parcelas foram subdivididas em tres subparcelas, e a soja foi cultivada sob tres tratamentos: a) CPAC 7, b) CPAC 15 e c) sem inoculacao. No terceiro ano (safra 1995/1996), todo o experimento recebeu a soja inoculada com a estirpe CPAC 7. No quarto e no quinto anos de conducao do experimento (safras 1997/1998 e 1998/1999), a soja foi cultivada sem inoculacao. No ano agricola 1996/1997 a area foi deixada em repouso. Para os tratamentos com inoculacao foram utilizados inoculantes turfosos (8,0 x 108 celulas/g) na proporcao de 1 kg de inoculante por 50 kg de sementes. As estirpes introduzidas no solo no primeiro ano influenciaram a ocorrencia da estirpe CPAC 7 nos nodulos obtidos no terceiro ano de conducao do experimento. Nos tratamentos onde a CPAC 7 foi introduzida no primeiro ano, sua ocorrencia nos nodulos foi, em media, de 70%, enquanto nos outros tratamentos variou entre 25% e 44%. No quarto e quinto anos, quando a soja foi cultivada sem inoculacao, estirpes do sorogrupo SEMIA 566 predominaram na nodulacao (mais de 44% dos nodulos). No quinto ano do experimento, mesmo nos tratamentos onde essa estirpe jamais foi inoculada, a ocorrencia do sorogrupo SEMIA 566 foi de 74% dos nodulos, evidenciando sua elevada capacidade competitiva. Futuras estrategias para reinoculacao da soja em solos de Cerrado com as estirpes CPAC 7 e CPAC 15 deverao levar as observacoes desse estudo em consideracao.


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B.M. Brown, M. Marletta, S. Naboko, I. Wood: Boundary triplets and M-functions for non-selfadjoint operators, with applications to elliptic PDEs and block operator matrices, J. London Math. Soc., June 2008; 77: 700-718. The full text of this article will be made available in this repository in June 2009 Sponsorship: EPSRC,INTAS


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Prescott, S. (2005). The Cambrian Muse: Welsh Identity and Hanoverian Loyalty in the Poems of Jane Brereton (1685-1740). Eighteenth -Century Studies. 38(4), pp.587-603. RAE2008


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In recent years, the storage and use of residual newborn screening (NBS) samples has gained attention. To inform ongoing policy discussions, this article provides an update of previous work on new policies, educational materials, and parental options regarding the storage and use of residual NBS samples. A review of state NBS Web sites was conducted for information related to the storage and use of residual NBS samples in January 2010. In addition, a review of current statutes and bills introduced between 2005 and 2009 regarding storage and/or use of residual NBS samples was conducted. Fourteen states currently provide information about the storage and/or use of residual NBS samples. Nine states provide parents the option to request destruction of the residual NBS sample after the required storage period or the option to exclude the sample for research uses. In the coming years, it is anticipated that more states will consider policies to address parental concerns about the storage and use of residual NBS samples. Development of new policies regarding storage and use of residual NBS samples will require careful consideration of impact on NBS programs, parent and provider educational materials, and respect for parents among other issues.


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OBJECTIVE: The research studied the status of hospital librarians and library services to better inform the Medical Library Association's advocacy activities. METHODS: The Vital Pathways Survey Subcommittee of the Task Force on Vital Pathways for Hospital Librarians distributed a web-based survey to hospital librarians and academic health sciences library directors. The survey results were compared to data collected in a 1989 survey of hospital libraries by the American Hospital Association in order to identify any trends in hospital libraries, roles of librarians, and library services. A web-based hospital library report form based on the survey questions was also developed to more quickly identify changes in the status of hospital libraries on an ongoing basis. RESULTS: The greatest change in library services between 1989 and 2005/06 was in the area of access to information, with 40% more of the respondents providing access to commercial online services, 100% more providing access to Internet resources, and 28% more providing training in database searching and use of information resources. Twenty-nine percent (n = 587) of the 2005/06 respondents reported a decrease in staff over the last 5 years. CONCLUSIONS: Survey data support reported trends of consolidation of hospitals and hospital libraries and additions of new services. These services have likely required librarians to acquire new skills. It is hoped that future surveys will be undertaken to continue to study these trends.