993 resultados para 559.09
The report gives an overview of the horticultural industry in the United Kingdom, including a snapshot of the different sectors of production, together with other information of interest about the business of horticulture. The data includes the economic performance of horticultural businesses in Ebgland during 2008/09.
The report provides a commentary on the UK poultry industry focusing on its structure, development and contribution to the UK agricultural economy. It also includes data on the economic performance of poultry businesses in England during 2008/09.
An evaluation of the 'Barefoot in the Head' performance event, I co-curated with Alun Rowlands and Mark Beasley, at Bruce High Quality Foundation University, New York, as part of Performa 09 New York, 12 November 2009 - an examination of my own performance and the other performances occurring simultaneously at the event.
On December 9, 2007, a 4.9 m(b) earthquake occurred in the middle of the Sao Francisco Craton, in a region with no known previous activity larger than 4 m(b). This event reached intensity VII MM (Modified Mercalli) causing the first fatal victim in Brazil. The activity had started in May 25, 2007 with a 3.5 magnitude event and continued for several months, motivating the deployment of a local 6-station network. A three week seismic quiescence was observed before the mainshock. Initial absolute hypocenters were calculated with best fitting velocity models and then relative locations were determined with hypoDD. The aftershock distribution indicates a 3 km long rupture for the mainshock. The fault plane solution, based on P-wave polarities and hypocentral trend, indicates a reverse faulting mechanism on a N30 degrees E striking plane dipping about 40 degrees to the SE. The rupture depth extends from about 0.3 to 1.2 km only. Despite the shallow depth of the mainshock, no surface feature could be correlated with the fault plane. Aeromagnetic data in the epicentral area show short-wavelength lineaments trending NNE-SSW to NE-SW which we interpret as faults and fractures in the craton basement beneath the surface limestone layer. We propose that the Caraibas-Itacarambi seismicity is probably associated with reactivation of these basement fractures and faults under the present E-W compressional stress field in this region of the South American Plate. (c) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
vol. II, no. IV; "A newsletter published periodically to keep the faculty, students, staff, and community informed about the activities taking place on the campus of LaGuardia Community College."
Por meio de um survey, ouvimos 56 gestores financeiros e de relações com investidores de empresas listadas na BM&F Bovespa sobre o grau das restrições financeiras observadas durante a crise de 2008/09, contrapondo diferenças entre firmas que declararam ter sofrido restrições àquelas que disseram não terem sido afetadas. Nossa evidência aponta que as restritas rebaixaram os preços praticados e demitiram colaboradores em dose maior do que as irrestritas. As restritas também acusaram salto pronunciado no endividamento, enquanto as irrestritas conservaram suas fontes de financiamento, buscando preservar reputação no mercado. Cerca de 65% das firmas restritas indicam que as restrições financeiras afetaram a capacidade de aceitar projetos atrativos, e 25% dessas firmas se viram forçadas a postergar/cancelar investimentos vantajosos. Comparando a medida direta de nosso survey frente a proxies usualmente adotadas, cremos que este trabalho agrega ao espectro de ferramentas empregadas para avaliar o impacto de restrições financeiras sobre as decisões corporativas.
Este estudo investiga se há alguma relação entre o plano de carreira e remuneração adotado pelas empresas e o turnover voluntário. Neste estudo, o plano de carreira e remuneração foi subdividido em três partes: progressão de carreira, avaliação de desempenho e progressão salarial. A pesquisa de campo foi realizada em uma única empresa pública do setor elétrico brasileiro, a Eletrobras, por meio de um survey eletrônico, totalizando a participação de 260 (46,5%) de 559 novos concursados, universo desta pesquisa, ingressantes nesta instituição entre 2002 e 2011, via concurso público. Como contribuição acadêmica, pode-se citar o aprofundamento da compreensão da demissão voluntária segundo a ótica do plano de carreira e remuneração. Nesse sentido, evidenciou-se que o comprometimento do funcionário com a empresa, a credibilidade do plano e a recompensa dada pelo seu desempenho são fatores que impactam significativamente na rotatividade, possuindo uma correlação negativa com a demissão voluntária de -0,51, -0,40 e -0,42 respectivamente. Esses três fatores juntos explicam 31,5% da variabilidade do turnover dentro da Eletrobras.
Brazil was frequently criticized for its interventionist and heavy financial regulation up until the 2008‐09 world financial crisis. According to the neo‐liberal or pro‐market view that predominated in academic and financial circles during the early 2000s, economic development came together with financial deepening, which in its turn could only be achieved through financial liberalization and deregulation. The currency crises of the 1990s notwithstanding, by the mid‐2000s Brazil’s segmented financial market and its restrictive reserve and capital requirements were seen as a symbol of inefficiency and backwardness by most financial specialists. To the luck of the Brazilian population, most of the advices of such specialists were ignored by the Brazilian authorities, so that, when the 2008 financial crisis hit the world economy, Brazil still had powerful and efficient instruments to deal with the problem. The objective of this note is to present the mains aspects of the Brazilian financial regulation and how they helped the economy to deal with the consequences of 2008‐09 financial meltdown.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Objective: In this paper we evaluated the effect of two fluoridated agents and Nd:YAG irradiation separately and in combination on dentine resistance to erosion. Background Data: The morphological changes in dentin induced by laser treatment may reduce the progression of erosive lesions. Due to the possibility of a synergistic effect of laser with fluoride, this study was conducted. Materials and Methods: Eighty bovine dentine samples (4 x 4 mm) were randomly divided into eight groups, according to the following treatments: G1: untreated (control); G2: acidic phosphate fluoride gel (APF 1.23%) for 4 min; G3: fluoride varnish (NaF 2.26%) for 6 h; G4: 0.5 W Nd: YAG laser (250 mu sec pulse, 10 Hz, 35 J/cm(2), 30 sec); G5: 0.75 W Nd: YAG laser (52.5 J/cm(2)); G6: 1.0 W Nd: YAG laser (70 J/cm(2)); G7: APF + 0.75 W Nd: YAG laser; and G8: NaF + 0.75 W Nd: YAG laser. After the treatments, half of each dentine surface was protected with nail varnish. The samples were stored in artificial saliva (30 mL/sample) for 24 h and submitted to four erosive 1-min cycles. Between the erosive attacks, the blocks were maintained in artificial saliva for 59 min. The erosive wear was evaluated by profilometry. Results: The mean wear (+/- SD, mu m) was: G1: 1.20 +/- 0.20; G2: 0.47 +/- 0.06; G3: 0.81 +/- 0.11; G4: 1.47 +/- 0.32; G5: 1.52 +/- 0.24; G6: 1.49 +/- 0.30; G7: 0.49 +/- 0.11; and G8: 1.06 +/- 0.31 (Tukey's test, p < 0.05). Conclusions: Laser irradiation was not able to reduce dentine erosion. However, fluoride application was able to increase the dentine's resistance to erosion, and APF showed better results than fluoride varnish.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Objective: The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effect of low-level laser therapy (LLLT) on wound healing process and pain levels after premolar extraction in adolescents. Background data: The advantage of using LLLT in oral surgeries is the reduction of inflammation and postoperative discomfort; however, the optimal dosing parameters and treatment effects in surgical procedures are inconclusive. Methods: A double-blind, randomized, controlled clinical trial was conducted with 14 patients who were to undergo surgical removal of premolars. Patients were randomly allocated to the LLLT (test) group and placebo (control) group. Patients in the test group received 5.1 J (60 J/cm(2)) of energy density of a gallium-aluminum-arsenide (GaAlAs) diode laser (wavelength, 830 nm; output power, 0.1 W) at three different points intraorally, 1 cm from the target tissue immediately and at 48 and 72 h after the surgical procedure. For patients in the placebo group, the laser device was applied to the same points without activating the hand piece. The wound healing process was evaluated by an independent examiner by visual inspection with the support of digital photographs at baseline and 2, 7, and 15 days postoperatively. Patients recorded the degree of pain using the visual analogue scale (VAS). Results: Compared with the placebo group, the test group showed a lower intensity of pain, but this difference was not statistically significant at any time point. The wound healing process was similar in both groups. Conclusions: Within the limitations of this study, the LLLT parameters used neither increased the wound healing process nor significantly decreased pain intensity after premolar extraction in adolescents.