973 resultados para 440


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紫堇属(Corydalis DC.),广义罂粟科Papaveraceae的最大属,隶属于荷包牡丹亚科Fumarioideae的紫堇族Corydaleae,属内440余种,广布于北温带地区。我国产300余种,大部分种类为特有且狭域分布。本属形态多变,且网状进化明显,分类上十分困难。首先,鉴于对本属的系统划分及组间关系上所存较多争论,我们期望通过本研究获取一更自然的分类系统并追述真实的属下辐射进程。 研究内容包括两部分:分子系统学及孢粉学。 选取紫堇属100余种,几乎包括各组代表,通过测取叶绿体rps 16及matK序列信息,重建本属系统发育,实验获得98种rps16和78种的matK序列数据。分析显示,两个序列信息分别构建的系统树拓扑结构一致,支持5个分支结构。一些组的系统位置得以确定,一些类群的分类等级被界定,组间发育关系与传统观点差异显著。 根据对130余种,几含全部组代表的孢粉学研究观察,其结果支持分子系统学所得的多数结论,其它部分结论如下:1. 大叶紫堇组及高紫堇组所具的孢粉形态为次生性状,是由更原始的近光滑型及穿孔型演化而来;2. 糙果紫堇组,曲花紫堇组,鳞茎紫堇组做为近缘组,孢粉形态复杂而特化,组内个别系的孢粉形态与其它系的差异大于属下组间,如:Sect. Rupiferae Ser. Feddeana 该系种类外壁纹饰更近于穿孔型。3.刻叶紫堇组是一不自然的类群,支持其中个别种类与毛茎紫堇组这一单型组近缘。此外,也探讨了本属植物孢粉形态的演化趋势。 综合考虑两项研究的结果,结合形态信息,主要结论有: 其一:直茎黄堇组所代表的形态特征,如:植株具主根;叶羽状;花具短距,黄色;花柱柱头简单,乳突不为双生等, 具稀穿孔的近光滑孢粉外壁纹饰等为本属的原始形态特征。 其二:个别形态上一致的种类,实源于趋同进化,系统发育上即非一自然类群,化归为一类也无法真正体现属下真实的网状进化及形态趋同过程,如糙果组及鳞茎组两者的部分种类应并入曲花紫堇组,并且,后者应至少分立出大海黄堇组,并属于不同的亚属;同时,多叶紫堇组与钩距黄堇组近缘;大叶紫堇组与高紫堇组近缘;空根紫堇组与叠生延胡索组等块茎类关系极为密切。 其三:与传统处理不同,主张划分本属为5亚属,即:直茎亚属Subg. Cremnocapnos;黄堇亚属Subg. Sophorocapnos;延胡索亚属Subg. Corydalis;曲花亚属Subg. Rapiferae (C.Y.Wu et H. Chuang) Y. W. Wang stat. nov.;簇根亚属Subg. Fasciculatae (Maxim.) Y. W. Wang stat. nov.。 其四:推测本属植物在其演化历史上发生过至少两次较大规模的分化,第一次发生在晚白垩纪,期间适应各种气候类型的多年生原始种类出现;至第三纪早期开放的白令海峡允许不具长距离扩散能力的陆地植物类群扩散到北美;第二次发生在喜马拉雅隆升过程中,区域的气候变化使须根类群迅速发展,并形成该属位于青藏高原及横断山区的现代分布中心。


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A systematic study of the kinetics of axial Ni silicidation of as-grown and oxidized Si nanowires (SiNWs) with different crystallographic orientations and core diameters ranging from ∼ 10 to 100 nm is presented. For temperatures between 300 and 440 °C the length of the total axial silicide intrusion varies with the square root of time, which provides clear evidence that the rate limiting step is diffusion of Ni through the growing silicide phase(s). A retardation of Ni-silicide formation for oxidized SiNWs is found, indicative of a stress induced lowering of the diffusion coefficients. Extrapolated growth constants indicate that the Ni flux through the silicided NW is dominated by surface diffusion, which is consistent with an inverse square root dependence of the silicide length on the NW diameter as observed for (111) orientated SiNWs. In situ TEM silicidation experiments show that NiSi(2) is the first forming phase for as-grown and oxidized SiNWs. The silicide-SiNW interface is thereby atomically abrupt and typically planar. Ni-rich silicide phases subsequently nucleate close to the Ni reservoir, which for as-grown SiNWs can lead to a complete channel break-off for prolonged silicidation due to significant volume expansion and morphological changes.


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Octopuses are commonly taken as bycatch in many trap fisheries for spiny lobsters (Decapoda: Palinuridae) and can cause significant levels of within-trap lobster mortality. This article describes spatiotemporal patterns for Maori octopus (Octopus maorum) catch rates and rock lobster (Jasus edwardsii) mortality rates and examines factors that are associated with within-trap lobster mortality in the South Australian rock lobster fishery (SARLF). Since 1983, between 38,000 and 119,000 octopuses per annum have been taken in SARLF traps. Catch rates have fluctuated between 2.2 and 6.2 octopus/100 trap-lifts each day. There is no evidence to suggest that catch rates have declined or that this level of bycatch is unsustainable. Over the last five years, approximately 240,000 lobsters per annum have been killed in traps, representing ~4% of the total catch. Field studies show that over 98% of within-trap lobster mortality is attributable to octopus predation. Lobster mortality rates are positively correlated with the catch rates of octopus. The highest octopus catch rates and lobster mortality rates are recorded during summer and in the more productive southern zone of the fishery. In the southern zone, within-trap lobster mortality rates have increased in recent years, apparently in response to the increase in the number of lobsters in traps and the resultant increase in the probability of octopus encountering traps containing one or more lobsters. Lobster mortality rates are also positively correlated with soak-times in the southern zone fishery and with lobster size. Minimizing trap soak-times is one method currently available for reducing lobster mortality rates. More significant reductions in the rates of within-trap lobster mortality may require a change in the design of lobster traps.