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野大豆和锦鸡儿,同属豆科植物。前者是一年生自交植物,后者是多年生异交植物;一个是大豆的种质资源,另一个是固沙植物;一个具有耐盐适应,另一个能够抗旱。本文首先结合同工酶分析结果,通过随机扩增多态性DNA(RAPD]标记研究了锦鸡儿和野大豆群体的分子生态学特征。然后用限制性内切酶消化了单态的野大豆群体扩增产物以提高RAPD标记检测野大豆DNA多态性的能力。并且根据锦鸡儿群体的RAPD谱估算了每位点上的等位基因频率,分别用Shannon信息指数和Nei指数估测了各群体的遗传变异。最后,在以上研究的基础上结合我们实验室有关锦鸡儿和野大豆的形态,种子蛋白或同工酶方面的分析得到以下结论: 1]在本文的实验条件下,RAPD标记的重复性很好,使有关锦鸡儿和野大豆群体分子生态学的研究结果有了可靠的基础。 2]RAPD标记的显性特征使实验中确定显、隐性等位基因频率困难较大。用估测的显、隐性等位基因频率通过Shannon信息指数估算群体遗传多样性可能更适合于异交植物。 3)用限制性内切酶消化随机扩增产物后,能够提高RAPD标记检测野大豆群体DNA多态性的能力。4]按RAPD多态位点比率排列毛乌素沙地锦鸡儿各群体为:硬粱群体<沙丘群体<硬粱覆沙群体<毛条群体<滩地覆沙群体<软梁覆沙群体。按遗传多样性排列各群体为:硬粱群体<硬梁覆沙群体<沙丘群体<软梁覆沙群体<毛条群体<滩地覆沙群体。反映了RAPD多态位点比率与遗传多样性在检测群体DNA多态性能力上的异同。 5]毛乌素沙地锦鸡儿群体间 存在着强大的基因流,其高度异交性与生态过渡带可能是一致的。 6]根据同工酶、种子蛋白的分析结果,硬粱覆沙群体的基因多样性在毛鸟素沙地锦鸡儿各群体中是最高的。然而,根据DNA多态性的研究结果,硬粱覆沙群体的基因多样性在各个群体中仅大于硬梁群体。反映了锦鸡尔表型分化与基因型分化的差异。7]就本文的研究结果来看,野大豆群体以其高水平的遗传多样性和发育变通性适应着多变的盐环境。8]无论从DNA多态位点比率还是群体的基因多样性来看,异交植物锦鸡儿群体都具有比自交植物野大豆群体较高的水平。除了盐适应的野大豆群体外,一般来讲,锦鸡儿群体间的基因流要明显地大干野大豆的群体间的基因流。
Incidental capture in fishing gear is one of the main sources of injury and mortality of juvenile and adult sea turtles (NRC, 1990; Lutcavage et al., 1997; Oravetz, 1999). Six out of the seven extant species of sea turtles — the leatherback (Dermochelys coriacea), the green turtle (Chelonia mydas), the loggerhead (Caretta caretta), the hawksbill (Eretmochelys imbricata), the olive ridley (Lepidochelys olivacea), and the Kemp’s ridley (Lepidochelys kempii) — are currently classified as endangered or critically endangered by the World Conservation Union (IUCN, formerly the International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources), which makes the assessment and reduction of incidental capture and mortality of these species in fisheries priority conservation issues (IUCN/Species Survival Commission, 1995).
Reproductive organs from 393 male and 382 female porbeagles (Lamna nasus), caught in the western North Atlantic Ocean, were examined to determine size at maturity and reproductive cycle. Males ranged in size from 86 to 246 cm fork length (FL) and females ranged from 94 to 288 cm FL. Maturity in males was best described by an inflection in the relationship of clasper length to fork length when combined with clasper calcification. Males matured between 162 and 185 cm FL and 50% were mature at 174 cm FL. In females, all reproductive organ measurements related to body length showed a strong inflection around the size of maturity. Females matured between 210 and 230 cm FL and 50% were mature at 218 cm FL. After a protracted fall mating period (September–November), females give birth to an average of 4.0 young in spring (April−June). As in other lamnids, young are nourished through oophagy. Evidence from this study indicated a one-year reproductive cycle and gestation period lasting 8–9 months.
Sediment samples (28) collected during the ORV Sagar Kanya cruise-29, were analysed for humic acid (HA) concentration from the North-Central Arabian Sea. Generally oceanic samples had more HA concentration than the continental shelf (< 200 m depth) samples. The photo-acoustic infrared spectra of shelf sediment HA indicated the presence of more C-H saturated aliphatic chains, while oceanic HA had few peaks for the above groups. Both the IR spectra indicated the absence of aromatic C = C, carbonyl, ketonic groups. Clayey-silt sediment generally had higher concentration of HA compared to sandy-silt type of sediment.
This paper uses finite element (FE) analysis to examine the residual stresses generated during the TIG welding of aluminium aerospace alloys. It also looks at whether such an approach could be useful for evaluating the effectiveness of various residual stress control techniques. However, such simulations cannot be founded in a vacuum. They require accurate measurements to refine and validate them. The unique aspect of this work is that two powerful engineering techniques are combined: FE modelling and neutron diffraction. Weld trials were performed and the direct measurement of residual strain made using the ENGIN neutron diffraction strain scanning facility. The predicted results show an excellent agreement with experimental values. Finally this model is used to simulate a weld made using a "Low Stress No Distortion" (LSND) technique. Although the stress reduction predicted is only moderate, the study suggests the approach to be a quick and efficient means of optimising such techniques.
Domestic cats and dogs are important companion animals and model animals in biomedical research. The cat has a highly conserved karyotype, closely resembling the ancestral karyotype of mammals, while the dog has one of the most extensively rearranged mammalian karyotypes investigated so far. We have constructed the first detailed comparative chromosome map of the domestic dog and cat by reciprocal chromosome painting. Dog paints specific for the 38 autosomes and the X chromosomes delineated 68 conserved chromosomal segments in the cat, while reverse painting of cat probes onto red fox and dog chromosomes revealed 65 conserved segments. Most conserved segments on cat chromosomes also show a high degree of conservation in G-banding patterns compared with their canine counterparts. At least 47 chromosomal fissions (breaks), 25 fusions and one inversion are needed to convert the cat karyotype to that of the dog, confirming that extensive chromosome rearrangements differentiate the karyotypes of the cat and dog. Comparative analysis of the distribution patterns of conserved segments defined by dog paints on cat and human chromosomes has refined the human/cat comparative genome map and, most importantly, has revealed 15 cryptic inversions in seven large chromosomal regions of conserved synteny between humans and cats.
The seasonal mean size distribution of A. chinensis were estimated as 29.229mm ±4.77, 25.125mm ±2.55, 25.165mm ±2.29 and 32.44mm ±3.63 for annual, monsoon, postmonsoon and pre-monsoon period, respectively. Seasonal mean carapace length distribution were estimated as 9.37mm ±1.457, 8.063mm ±0.63,8.258mm ±0.59 and 10.37mm ±l.ll3 for annual, monsoon, post-monsoon and the pre-monsoon season. The carapace length and total length relationships was found to be TL= - 1.39±3.23 CL. Linear relation was found in arithmetic and as well as logarithmic scale.
Modification of proteins by ubiquitination plays important roles in various cellular processes. During this process, the target specificity is determined by ubiquitin ligases. Here we identify RNF220 (RING finger protein 220) as a novel ubiquitin ligase for Sin3B. As a conserved RING protein, RNF220 can bind E2 and mediate auto-ubiquitination of itself. Through a yeast two-hybrid screen, we isolated Sin3B as one of its targets, which is a scaffold protein of the Sin3/HDAC (histone deacetylase) corepressor complex. RNF220 specifically interacts with Sin3B both in vitro and in vivo. Sin3B can be regulated by the ubiquitin-proteasome system. Co-expression of RNF220 promotes the ubiquitination and proteasomal degradation of Sin3B. Taken together, these results reveal a new mechanism for regulating the Sin3/HDAC complex. (C) 2010 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.