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IL-33 is a novel member of the IL-1 family and ligand for the IL-1 receptor-related protein, ST2. Recent evidence suggests that the IL-33/ST2 axis plays a critical role in several autoimmune and inflammatory disorders; however, its role in inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) has not been clearly defined. We characterized IL-33 and ST2 expression and modulation following conventional anti-TNF therapy in Crohn’s disease and ulcerative colitis (UC) patients, and investigated the role of IL-33 in SAMP1/YitFc (SAMP) mice, a mixed Th1/Th2 model of IBD. Our results showed a specific increase of mucosal IL-33 in active UC, localized primarily to intestinal epithelial cells (IEC) and colonic inflammatory infiltrates. Importantly, increased expression of full-length IL-33, representing the most bioactive form, was detected in UC epithelium, while elevated levels of cleaved IL-33 were present in IBD serum. ST2 isoforms were differentially modulated in UC epithelium and sST2, a soluble decoy receptor with anti-inflammatory properties, was also elevated in IBD serum. Infliximab (anti-TNF) treatment of UC decreased circulating IL-33 and increased sST2, while stimulation of HT-29 IEC confirmed IL-33 and sST2 regulation by TNF. Similarly, IL-33 significantly increased and correlated with disease severity, and potently induced IL-5, IL-6 and IL-17 from mucosal immune cells in SAMP mice. Taken together, the IL-33/ST2 system plays an important role in IBD and experimental colitis, is modulated by anti-TNF therapy, and may represent a specific biomarker for active UC.
Background: Intestinal fibrosis is a serious complication of IBD, with more than a third of Crohn’s disease (CD) patients developing a fibrostenosing phenotype with formation of strictures that will require surgical intervention. Remarkably, SAMP1/YitFc (SAMP) mice, a spontaneous model of CD, develop gut fibrosis; similar to IBD patients, the pathophysiology of SAMP fibrosis is unknown. IL-33 is a member of the IL-1 cytokine family and increased expression is associated with IBD. Emerging evidence suggests its potential role in liver and cutaneous fibrosis, as well as myofibroblast-associated colonic ulcerations . Aim: The aim of this study was to evaluate the role of IL-33 as a potential mediator of profibrotic events leading to intestinal fibrosis and possible stricture formation. Methods: A detailed histologic time course study, with collagen-specific Masson trichrome staining and IHC for ST2 (IL-33 receptor), was performed on SAMP and control AKR (parental strain) mice. qRT-PCR was done on full-thickness ilea for the profibrogenic genes, collagen (coll)-1, coll-3, connective tissue growth factor (CTGF) and insulin-like growth factor 1 (IGF-1). Exogenous IL-33 (33 μg/kg, i.p.) or vehicle was administered daily for 7d to SAMP and AKR mice (N=6/exp group), and ileal tissues evaluated as above. Finally, microarray analysis was performed on full-thickness ilea from SAMP and AKR mice, and IL-33 stimulated subepithelial myofibroblasts (SEMFs). Results: SAMP mice displayed ileal skip lesions with randomly distributed strictures, preceded by typical pre-stricture dilations of the ileum. Ileal wall was visibly thickened with hypertrophy of the serosa, muscularis mucosa, muscularis propria, within which intense collagen deposition was observed, and inflammatory infiltrates in segments showing strictures. Interestingly, intense ST2 staining was present within the inflamed lamina propria of SAMP, notably localized to SEMFs. Fibrosis was first observed at 20 wks, and reached its peak by 50 wks of age. mRNA expression of coll-1 (4.74±0.69-fold; P=0.001), coll-3 (4.92±1.05-fold; P=0.01), IGF1 (12.9±3.45; P=0.006), and CTGF (3.29±0.69; P=0.004) was dramatically elevated in SAMP vs. AKR ilea. IL-33 treatment of AKR mice induced a marked increase in muscle fiber/myofibroblast cellularity and hypertrophy of the muscularis propria (4.13±0.74-fold; P<0.0001), and mRNA expression of coll-1 (5.16±0.89-fold; P=0.0009), coll-3 (1.97±0.14-fold; P=0.01), IGF-1 (9.32±2.27-fold; P=0.004), and CTGF (1.43±0.31-fold; P=0.006) vs. vehicle controls. Microarray data from SAMP ilea and IL-33-treated SEMFs confirmed these trends, displaying a global increase in profibrogenic gene expression. Conclusion: These data suggest an important role for IL-33 in intestinal fibrosis, and may represent a potential target for the treatment of IBD-associated fibrosis and stricture formation.
The subject of the presented thesis is the accurate measurement of time dilation, aiming at a quantitative test of special relativity. By means of laser spectroscopy, the relativistic Doppler shifts of a clock transition in the metastable triplet spectrum of ^7Li^+ are simultaneously measured with and against the direction of motion of the ions. By employing saturation or optical double resonance spectroscopy, the Doppler broadening as caused by the ions' velocity distribution is eliminated. From these shifts both time dilation as well as the ion velocity can be extracted with high accuracy allowing for a test of the predictions of special relativity. A diode laser and a frequency-doubled titanium sapphire laser were set up for antiparallel and parallel excitation of the ions, respectively. To achieve a robust control of the laser frequencies required for the beam times, a redundant system of frequency standards consisting of a rubidium spectrometer, an iodine spectrometer, and a frequency comb was developed. At the experimental section of the ESR, an automated laser beam guiding system for exact control of polarisation, beam profile, and overlap with the ion beam, as well as a fluorescence detection system were built up. During the first experiments, the production, acceleration and lifetime of the metastable ions at the GSI heavy ion facility were investigated for the first time. The characterisation of the ion beam allowed for the first time to measure its velocity directly via the Doppler effect, which resulted in a new improved calibration of the electron cooler. In the following step the first sub-Doppler spectroscopy signals from an ion beam at 33.8 %c could be recorded. The unprecedented accuracy in such experiments allowed to derive a new upper bound for possible higher-order deviations from special relativity. Moreover future measurements with the experimental setup developed in this thesis have the potential to improve the sensitivity to low-order deviations by at least one order of magnitude compared to previous experiments; and will thus lead to a further contribution to the test of the standard model.
IL-33/ST2 axis is known to promote Th2 immune responses and has been linked to several autoimmune and inflammatory disorders, including inflammatory bowel disease (IBD), and recent evidences show that it can regulate eosinophils (EOS) infiltration and function. Based also on the well documented relationship between EOS and IBD, we assessed the role of IL-33-mediated eosinophilia and ileal inflammation in SAMP1/YitFc (SAMP) murine model of Th1/Th2 chronic enteritis, and we found that IL-33 is related to inflammation progression and EOS infiltration as well as IL-5 and eotaxins increase. Administering IL-33 to SAMP and AKR mice augmented eosinophilia, eotaxins mRNA expression and Th2 molecules production, whereas blockade of ST2 and/or typical EOS molecules, such as IL-5 and CCR3, resulted in a marked decrease of inflammation, EOS infiltration, IL-5 and eotaxins mRNA expression and Th2 cytokines production. Human data supported mice’s showing an increased colocalization of IL-33 and EOS in the colon mucosa of UC patients, as well as an augmented IL-5 and eotaxins mRNA expression, when compared to non-UC. Lastly we analyzed SAMP raised in germ free (GF) condition to see the microbiota effect on IL-33 expression and Th2 responses leading to chronic intestinal inflammation. We found a remarkable decrease in ileal IL-33 and Th2 cytokines mRNA expression as well as EOS infiltration in GF versus normal SAMP with comparable inflammatory scores. Moreover, EOS depletion in normal SAMP didn’t affect IL-33 mRNA expression. These data demonstrate a pathogenic role of IL-33-mediated eosinophilia in chronic intestinal inflammation, and that blockade of IL-33 and/or downstream EOS activation may represent a novel therapeutic modality to treat patients with IBD. Also they highlight the gut microbiota role in IL-33 production, and the following EOS infiltration in the intestinal mucosa, confirming that the microbiota is essential in mounting potent Th2 response leading to chronic ileitis in SAMP.
Rangelands store about 30% of the world’s carbon and support over 120 million pastoralists globally. Adjusting the management of remote alpine pastures bears a substantial climate change mitigation potential that can provide livelihood support for marginalized pastoralists through carbon payment. Landless pastoralists in Northern Pakistan seek higher income by cropping potatoes and peas over alpine pastures. However, tilling steep slopes without terracing exposes soil to erosion. Moreover, yields decline rapidly requiring increasing fertilizer inputs. Under these conditions, carbon payment could be a feasible option to compensate pastoralists for renouncing hazardous cropping while favoring pastoral activities. The study quantifies and compares C on cropped and grazed land. The hypothesis was that cropping on alpine pastures reduces former carbon storage. The study area located in the Naran valley of the Pakistani Himalayas receives an annual average of 819 mm of rain and 764 mm of snow. Average temperatures remain below 0°C from November to March while frost may occur all year round. A total of 72 soil core samples were collected discriminating land use (cropping, pasture), aspect (North, South), elevation (low 3000, middle 3100, and high 3200 m a.s.l.), and soil depth (shallow 0-10, deep 10-30 cm). Thirty six biomass samples were collected over the same independent variables (except for soil depth) using a 10x10x20 cm steal box inserted in the ground for each sample. Aboveground biomass and coarse roots were separated from the soil aggregate and oven-dried. Soil organic carbon (SOC) and biomass carbon (BC) were estimated through a potassium dichromate oxidation treatment. The samples were collected during the second week of October 2010 at the end of the grazing and cropping season and before the first snowfall. The data was statistically analyzed by means of a one-way analysis of variance. Results show that all variables taken separately have a significant effect on mean SOC [%]: crop/pasture 1.33/1.6, North/South 1.61/1.32, low/middle/high 1.09/1.62/1.68, shallow/deep 1.4/1.53. However, for BC, only land use has a significant effect with more than twice the amount of carbon in pastures [g m-2]: crop/pasture 127/318. These preliminary findings suggest that preventing the conversion of pastures into cropping fields in the Naran valley avoids an average loss of 12.2 t C ha-1 or 44.8 t CO2eq ha-1 representing a foreseeable compensation of 672 € ha-1 for the Naran landless pastoralists who would renounce cropping. The ongoing study shall provide a complete picture for carbon payment integrating key aspects such as the rate of cropping encroachment over pastures per year, the methane leakage from the system due to livestock enteric fermentation, the expected cropping income vs. livestock income and the transaction costs of implementing the mitigation project, certifying it, and verifying carbon credits. A net present value over an infinite time horizon for the mitigation scenario shall be estimated on an iterative simulation to consider weather and price uncertainties. The study will also provide an estimate of the minimum price of carbon at which pastoralists would consider engaging in the mitigation activity.
We report on a de novo submicroscopic deletion of 20q13.33 identified by subtelomeric fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) in a 4-year-old girl with learning difficulties, hyperlaxity and strabismus, but without obvious dysmorphic features. Further investigations by array-based comparative genomic hybridization (array-CGH) and FISH analysis allowed us to delineate the smallest reported subterminal deletion of chromosome 20q, spanning a 1.1-1.6 Mb with a breakpoint localized between BAC RP5-887L7 and RP11-261N11. The genes CHRNA4 and KCNQ2 implicated in autosomal dominant epilepsy are included in the deletion interval. Subterminal 20q deletions as found in the present patient have, to our knowledge, only been reported in three patients. We review the clinical and behavioral phenotype of such "pure" subterminal 20q deletions.