974 resultados para 324.2861


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Humans appear to have an inherent prosocial tendency toward one another in that we often take pleasure in seeing others succeed. This fact is almost certainly exploited by game shows, yet why watching others win elicits a pleasurable vicarious rewarding feeling in the absence of personal economic gain is unclear. One explanation is that game shows use contestants who have similarities to the viewing population, thereby kindling kin-motivated responses (for example, prosocial behavior). Using a game show-inspired paradigm, we show that the interactions between the ventral striatum and anterior cingulate cortex subserve the modulation of vicarious reward by similarity, respectively. Our results support studies showing that similarity acts as a proximate neurobiological mechanism where prosocial behavior extends to unrelated strangers.


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Thinning of heat-exchanger tubes by erosion-corrosion has been a problem in fluidized bed combustors (FBCs), particularly at lower metal temperatures where thicker, mechanically protective oxide scales are unable to form. Many laboratory-scale tests have shown a decrease in material loss at higher temperatures, in a similar manner to FBC boilers, but also show a decrease in wastage at low temperatures (e.g. 200°C) which has not been detected in boilers. It has been suggested that this difference is due to laboratory tests being carried out isothermally whereas in a FBC boiler the fluidized bed is considerably hotter than the metal heat exchanger tubing. In this laboratory study the simulation was therefore improved by internally cooling one of the two low carbon steel specimens. These were rotated in a horizontal plane within a lightly fluidized bed with relative particle velocities of 1.3-2.5 m s-1. Tests were carried out over a range of bed temperatures (200-500°C) and cooled specimen surface temperatures (115-500°C), with a maximum temperature difference between the two of 320°C. Although specimens exposed isothermally still showed maximum wastage at intermediate temperatures (about 350°C), those which were cooled showed high levels of wastage at temperatures as low as 200°C in a similar manner to FBC boilers. Cooling may modify the isothermal erosion-corrosion curve, causing it to broaden and the maximum wastage rate to shift to lower temperatures. © 1995.


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Reliable estimates for the maximum available uplift resistance from the backfill soil are essential to prevent upheaval buckling of buried pipelines. The current design code DNV RP F110 does not offer guidance on how to predict the uplift resistance when the cover:pipe diameter (H/D) ratio is less than 2. Hence the current industry practice is to discount the shear contribution from uplift resitance for design scenarios with H/D ratios less than 1. The necessity of this extra conservatism is assessed through a series of full-scale and centrifuge tests, 21 in total, at the Schofield Centre, University of Cambridge. Backfill types include saturated loose sand, saturated dense sand and dry gravel. Data revealed that the Vertical Slip Surface Model remains applicable for design scenarios in loose sand, dense sand and gravel with H/D ratios less than 1, and that there is no evidence that the contribution from shear should be ignored at these low H/D ratios. For uplift events in gravel, the shear component seems reliable if the cover is more than 1-2 times the average particle size (D50), and more research effort is currenty being carried out to verify this conclusion. Strain analysis from the Particle Image Velocimetry (PIV) technique proves that the Vertical Slip Surface Model is a good representation of the true uplift deformation mechanism in loose sand at H/D ratios between 0.5 and 3.5. At very low H/D ratios (H/D < 0.5), the deformation mechanism is more wedge-like, but the increased contribution from soil weight is likely to be compensated by the reduced shear contributions. Hence the design equation based on the Vertical Slip Surface Model still produces good estimates for the maximum available uplift resistance. The evolution of shear strain field from PIV analysis provides useful insight into how uplift resistance is mobilized as the uplift event progresses. Copyright 2010, Offshore Technology Conference.


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A series of experiments were conducted to characterize the self-ignition and combustion of thermally cracked kerosene in both a Mach 2.5 model combustor with a combustor entrance height of 51 mm and a Mach 3.0 model combustor with an entrance height of 70 mm. A unique kerosene heating and delivery system was developed, which can prepare heated kerosene up to 950 K at a pressure of 5.5 MPa with negligible fuel coking. The extent of China no. 3 kerosene conversion under supercritical conditions was measured using a specially designed system. The compositions of gaseous products as a result of thermal cracking were analyzed using gas chromatography. The mass flow rates of cracked kerosene were also calibrated and measured using sonic nozzles. With the injection of thermally cracked kerosene, the ability to achieve enhanced combustion performance was demonstrated under a variety of airflow and fuel conditions. Furthermore, self-ignition tests of cracked kerosene in a Mach 2.5 model combustor over a range of fuel injection conditions and with the help of different amounts of pilot hydrogen were conducted and discussed.


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El presente estudio se llevó a cabo en los municipios de San Ramón, Tuma / La Dalia y Pancasán en el departamento de Matagalpa comprendidos en altitudes de entre 600–800 m.s.n.m. con precipitaciones anuales que oscilan entre 1300–1500mm anuales, temperaturas promedios de 23–26 ºC con una humedad relativa aproximada de 80 %, donde se caracterizaron siete sistemas agroforestales con café, bajo diferentes niveles tecnológicos,cafetal a pleno sol y moderado uso de fertilizantes químicos; cafetal con sombra de árboles leguminosos y no leguminosos (moderado uso de fertilizantes químicos); cafetal con sombra de árboles leguminosos y no leguminosos (moderado uso de insumos orgánicos y bajo uso de insumos orgánicos). Tres áreas fueron seleccionadas en cada finca comprendidos unos 20 árboles de cafetos cubiertas por la influencia homogénea de los árboles de sombra. En éstas áreas se realizó la caracterización física y química del suelo y la cuantificación del matillo,todo ello realizado en un marco de 0.25 m2 dispuestos en la hilera y calle de los cafetos.Además se midieron variables correspondientes a los árboles de cafetos y de sombra. Toda la información obtenida fue en dos fincas por sistema agroforestal y nivel tecnológico. Entre los resultados más relevantes están: la variedad Catimor es tradicionalmente la más cultivada por los productores. Se encontró una mayor diversidad de especies de sombra en el moderado orgánico en los sistemas Leguminoso y No leguminoso con valores de 3–8 especies de árboles diferentes con predominancia de guaba y el laurel. La densidad de cafetos en todos los sistemas tu vieron un promedio de 5,404 plantas ha-1 (3797 plantas mz). Mientras que la mayor población de árboles y porcentaje de sombra se obtuvo en los sistemas con especies leguminosas con 522 árboles ha-1 y 73.63 % de sombra respectivamente. Sin embargo el cafetal a pleno sol obtuvo el mejor rendimiento productivo con 2,053.55kg ha-1. Las mayores concentraciones de N y P en la biomasa vegetal se encontraron en los residuos provenientes de los sistemas leguminosos con 2.5% (324.26 kg ha-1) y 0.06 % (8.01 kg ha-1) respectivamente;mientras las mayores concentraciones de K en los sistemas leguminosos y no leguminosos fue de 1.36% (80.92kg ha-1) y 1.35 % (68.43kg ha-1) respectivamente.La profundidad de los suelos varía de 0-42cm con una textura que va de franco- arcillosa a franco-arcillolimosa,con xii colores que van de café oscuros a amarillentos y hasta rojizos, una capacidad de intercambio catiónico alta (23.6-49.95 meq/100g suelo) y una acidez bien marcada.Las mayores concentraciones de materia orgánica se encontraron en los sistemas no leguminosos en la profundidad de 0-5 cm.con un promedio de 11.72 %. Mientras en el caso de N y P en los suelos cafetaleros las mayores cantidades se obtuvieron en la parte superficial del suelo disminuyendo considerablemente a medida que se profundizaba el muestreo.


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Abstract: Research on the Telepinu Myth (CTH 324) has shown that it is an inexhaustibly rich document and that therefore the different, and sometimes conflicting, lines of analysis need to be pursued further. In the light of the symbolic evidence presented by this mythological tradition, we propose to focus on the privileged position granted to spatial symbols and to hypothesize the function this Myth served in specific contexts of the Hittite history, characterized by the increase and reduction of lands under Hittite jurisdiction. In this regard, we propose to evaluate the symbolic function that the Telepinu Myth displayed in order to rebuild the sacred space of the territories governed by the Hittites, when they were undergoing changes brought about by increased political and military contact with neighboring societies.


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<正> 一、力学发展的趋势 1.20世纪力学的巨大成就 本世纪初边界层理论的提出,对力学的发展起了划时代的作用。从此,流体力学能够成功地解释流动对物体的阻力与升力,为航空、航天的发展奠定了科学基础。这个典型也影响与推动了其他力学分支的发展,使力学研究的内涵有了空前的充实、扩大与深化。早在20年代初便形成了活跃于整个20世纪内容广泛的应用力学,成为工程与应用科学的支柱。人们把空气动力学的研究看作是本世纪以科学为基础将航


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A Constituinte pode decidir amanhã se muda o Regimento Interno, para permitir a apresentação de emendas ao projeto de Constituição aprovado pela Comissão de Sistematização. O Senador Mauro Benevides (PMDB-CE), vice-presidente da Assembleia Nacional Constituinte (ANC), comenta sobre a proposta que altera o regimento para permitir que cada Constituinte tenha direito a três emendas e seis destaques. O grupo "Centrão" já recolheu 324 assinaturas para exigir a mudança do regimento. O Deputado Daso Coimbra (PMDB-RJ) explica que não se pretende modificar trechos inteiros do Projeto da Constituição. Em reunião com o presidente da ANC, o Deputado Ulysses Guimarães (PMDB-SP), integrantes do "Centrão" levaram a proposta do grupo. O Deputado Ricardo Fiuza (PFL-PE) comenta os resultados da reunião. O Senador Mário Covas (SP) admite que se abra espaço para mudanças com a alteração do regimento, mas não aceita a apresentação de um substitutivo em bloco. Uma pesquisa de opinião realizada pelo IBOPE em 23 Estados mostra o que pensa o brasileiro sobre o sistema de governo. Os Deputados Oswaldo Bender (PDS-RS), Paulo Delgado (PT-MG), Antônio Câmara (PMDB-RN) comentam o resultado da pesquisa.


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This paper describes the experimental and theoretical studies of gas-liquid bubbly flow in vertical upward pipeline carried out at Institute of Mechanics, Chinese Academy of Sciences. Bubbly flow in a vertical pipe with a 3 m long and 5 cm inner diameter plexiglass pipe was experimentally investigated, and studies carried out on the relationship between superficial velocities of the liquid and gas phases and pressure gradient is described. The developed drift-flux model applied to gas-liquid bubbly flow is presented, and the results are compared against the experimental data measured by ours in air/water vertical pipes.


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Fuzzy reliability methods are used to study the corrosion of pipelines. Three methods are used. They consist of using fracture failure modes, failure assessment diagram (FAD) and residual strength for establishing fuzzy reliability. Calculations are made by application of JC, improved GA-JC and Mente-carlo methods. Examples for oilfield injecting water pipeline show the residual strength well agree with field data. Mente-carlo methods appear to yield results that have better agreement with field data.