942 resultados para 1922-24
We employ a practice-based methodology based on a ‘live’ film project to explore the different ways that film-makers and historians narrate the past. Through a case-study of the production and exhibition of a drama-documentary feature-film, The Enigma of Frank Ryan, on which both authors (film-maker Bell and historian McGarry) worked respectively as director and historical consultant, we explore a range of critical issues arising from our collaboration. Through a dialogue between a director and a historian, a model of good practice between historians and film-makers emerges.
Configuration-average distorted-wave calculations are carried out for the electron-impact single ionization of Xe 24 + . Contributions are included from direct ionization of the 3s, 3p, 3d and 4s subshells and from indirect ionization via 3s → nl , 3p → nl and 3d → nl excitations followed by autoionization. Branching ratios are found for single versus double ionization of the 3s and 3p subshells and for autoionization versus radiative decay of all 3 l → nl excitations. Additional distorted-wave and R -matrix calculations find resonant-capture double-autoionization contributions to be quite small. The total ionization cross section for Xe 24 + is found to be dominated by indirect excitation–autoionization contributions, especially near the single-ionization threshold. An approximate 15% reduction in the total ionization cross section is found due to the radiative decays included in the branching ratios.
Ce mémoire étudie l'institution collégiale comme espace de vie au tournant du XXe siècle par le biais d'une étude de cas, le Collège de Sainte-Anne-de-la-Pocatière. Plus concrètement, nous tentons de répondre aux questions suivantes. Comment pense-t-on et aménage-t-on l'espace dans ce collège pour garçons entre 1860-1922? Comment façonne-t-il les identités sociales et que nous révèle-t-il sur celles-ci? Autrement dit, nous nous intéressons aux valeurs qui sont transmises et aux normes sociales qui influencent l'aménagement. Nous cherchons à connaître leur évolution au cours de la période étudiée. Nous soutenons que l'architecture, l'ordonnance spatial, de même que le décor des lieux concourent à inculquer à la jeunesse un système de valeurs qui s'accordent avec l'idéal catholique : le retrait du monde, la piété, le classicisme et le patriotisme sont celles les plus évidemment exhibées au sein du Collège. L'aménagement de l'espace collégial revêt également des fonctions de régulation sociale : il sert à différencier et à hiérarchiser la population collégiale, autant les écoliers, le corps professoral que les employés d'entretien et d'approvisionnement. À un troisième niveau, il apparaît que le Collège de Sainte-Anne se modernise au cours des soixante années examinées. En portant une attention à la sécurité de l'établissement, à l'hygiène corporelle et à l'assainissement des espaces, les nouvelles théories de la pédagogie scolaire à la fin du XIXe siècle, notamment en ce qui concerne les études dites "utilitaires", les sciences, l'exercice physique et les loisirs, affectent et transforment l'institution collégiale de Sainte-Anne. Faire ressortir les effets de l'espace sur la formation identitaire et remettre en cause l'imperméabilité et l'intemporalité de cet espace dit traditionnel constituent donc les premières préoccupations de cette recherche. Le mémoire vise ultimement à mieux comprendre les objectifs d'éducation de l'Église catholique au moment où elle connaît son âge d'or dans la Belle province.
This speech was addressed to the people of the Senate and House of Representatives. It was delivered to inform them of the progress over the past year made to place the finances of the state on a firm and healthy basis. He gives a report on all departments and projects funded by the government in the past year.
The bulletin presents an outline for an educational talk for speakers promoting education in South Carolina.
Background A large epidemic of asthma occurred following a thunderstorm in southern and central England on 24/25 June 1994. A collaborative study group was formed. Objectives To describe the epidemic and the meteorological, aerobiological and other environmental characteristics associated with it. Methods Collation of data from the Meteorological Office, the Pollen Research Unit, the Department of the Environment's Automatic Urban Network, from health surveillance by the Department of Health and the National Poisons Unit, from clinical experience in general practice and hospitals, and from an immunological study of some of the affected cases from north east London. Results The thunderstorm was a Mesoscale Convective System, an unusual and large form of storm with several centres and severe wind gusts. It occurred shortly after the peak grass pollen concentration in the London area. A sudden and extensive epidemic occurred within about an hour affecting possibly several thousand patients. Emergency services were stretched but the epidemic did not last long. Cases had high serum levels of IgE antibody to mixed grass pollen. Conclusion This study supports the view that patients with specific IgE to grass pollen are at risk of thunderstorm-related asthma. The details of the causal pathway from storm to asthma attack are not clear. Case-control and time series studies are being carried out.
Concert program for The Children's Crusade, May 24, 1940