991 resultados para 1865-1935
Pós-graduação em Agronomia (Proteção de Plantas) - FCA
O intuito do presente texto é destacar na trajetória de Anísio Teixeira ciclos que permitem observar momentos, idéias e fases de sua biografia. Para tanto, vale observar que a idéia de ciclos não se refere apenas a uma forma de delimitação biográfica da vida de Anísio, pois visa colocar em perspectiva o modo de constituição do pensamento e das posições desse educador. Desse modo, a sua correspondência com Fernando de Azevedo e Monteiro Lobato é tomada como produção que atravessa diferentes fases de sua trajetória, permitindo observar o quanto suas posturas e convicções se preservam ou são alteradas ao longo do tempo, em especial durante o período em que esteve afastado da vida publica entre 1936 e 1946.
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Pós-graduação em História - FCLAS
The article analyses three school exams of Elementary School, two belonging to a mother and one of her son, which were kept and provided to the researcher by the mother. The first two exams were dated March 30 and November 13, 1935 of the 3rd grade of Grupo Escolar Fernando Lobo in Juiz de Fora, Minas Gerais. The third one was produced at Grupo Escolar Coronel Amâncio Bueno in Jaguariúna, São Paulo in March 28, 1963 in a 4th grade class. The analysed data all together point out school products which are the result of the relationship between teacher, student and school culture. School exams are as important documents as the notebooks in order to understand the school culture, and as this paper tries to indicate, they are the means for the insertion into the world of written culture. The methodology based on the microanalysis of these documents reveals records about the structure of the exams and the Brazilian school curriculum in the teaching of Portuguese as a mother tongue in 1935 e 1963.
Este trabalho tem por finalidade fazer uma análise do jornal Correio da Noroeste. Os cinco primeiros anos desse jornal (1930-35) de grande circulação na cidade de Bauru, localizada no oeste paulista, serão abordados através das questões urbanas, da sociedade local e da relação com as tendências jornalísticas do início do século XX. Sua importância consiste na explicitação da relação existente entre jornalismo e sociedade local, permitindo delinear os diversos posicionamentos políticos do jornal, bem como diante das transformações que ocorreram na cidade em que o diário circulava
Não disponível
This paper examines the conceptions of democracy in the Brazilian left among 1930-1935, in particular those expressed in the manifestos of the National Liberative Alliance (ANL) and the texts written by Luis Carlos Prestes, Virgínio Santa Rosa and Caio Prado Jr. I argue that the Brazilian left started from a common troubled field, according to which land concentration represented the biggest obstacle to genuine political expression of the Brazilian people. Despite the convergence towards land reform, designed as a sine qua non condition to democracy in Brazil, the left has developed two different answers to the practical implementation of the principle of the people's government: the first, which I call altruist vanguard, which is more emphasized on texts of Virgínio Santa Rosa and Luís Carlos Prestes, and the second, the Republican participacionismo, which is explored on the writings of Caio Prado Jr. and ambiguously in the manifests of the National Liberative Alliance.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Pós-graduação em História - FCHS
Pós-graduação em História - FCHS
This report differs from previous reports in two respects: it covers experimental work up to January 1, 1935, and it includes brief abstracts of publications since the last report. Previously most of the report dealt with work done before the end of the fiscal year; that is, work done between June 30 and January 1 was not reported until over a year later, for the most part. The present report corrects that defect, and in addition the abstracts of publications will make the report useful as a reference guide to published matter. The projects are discussed under subject headings and in addition to the abstracts, brief reports of progress in projects under way are included. Complete data for these projects are not included; rather an attempt has been made to show how far the work has gone and to indicate some of the directions or trends of the work. The drouth of the past summer reduced yields severely. As a result the collection of significant data on yields was almost impossible. A few of the Experiment Station workers have ben loaned to federal projects. Despite these handicaps many projects have been advanced and many have been completed.
A full checklist of the species of Telebasis Selys, 1865, housed in the Brazilian collections Colecao Entomologica Prof. Jose Alfredo Pinheiro Dutra, Departamento de Zoologia, Instituto de Biologia, Universidade Federal do Rio do Janeiro (DZRJ), and Museu de Zoologia, Universidade de Sao Paulo (MZSP) is presented. A total of 325 specimens representing 19 species were studied. Ten new records for Brazilian States were found for T. carmesina Calvert, 1909 (Rio de Janeiro and Rio Grande do Sul), T. corallina (Selys, 1876) (Pernambuco), T. demarara (Williamson, 1917) (Maranhao), T. filiola (Perty, 1834) (Paraiba and Santa Catarina), T. gigantea Daigle, 2002 (Sao Paulo), T. inalata (Calvert, 1961) (Mato Grosso do Sul), T. pallida Machado, 2010 (Goias) and T. obsoleta (Selys, 1876) (Mato Grosso do Sul), as well as a new record of T. carminita Calvert, 1909 for Suriname. Telebasis pallida Machado, 2010 is redescribed and diagnosed based on 14 males collected near the type locality, and its genital ligula is described and illustrated for the first time. Furthermore, the status of the three species of the Telebasis racenisi Bick & Bick, 1995 complex is evaluated. Of these, Telebasis pareci Machado, 2010 syn. n. is proposed as junior subjective synonym of Telebasis lenkoi Machado, 2010, and a possible synonymy among the three species is discussed under T. racenisi. ((c) 2012 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)
[ES] En los años 1840-1865, el abordaje gubernamental del consumo de bebidas embriagantes transitó desde una perspectiva en que predominaba la visión de la moral pública, escandalizada por los excesos en la embriaguez, hacia otra en la que se impuso la necesidad de maximizar los ingresos fiscales derivados de la fabricación y venta de aguardiente y chicha. Este giro tiene como telón de fondo el tránsito del monopolio estatal de ambas bebidas al ámbito privado y la defensa que los pueblos de indios hicieron de su consumo, en un momento de transición social y económica hacia el Estado agroexportador cafetalero.
Die Winden-Glasflügelzikade Hyalesthes obsoletus (Cixiidae, Glasflügelzikaden) nutzte in Deutschland ursprünglich die Ackerwinde Convolvulus arvensis als Wirtspflanze, allerdings nahm in den letzten zwei Dekaden die Abundanz auf der Großen Brennnessel Urtica dioica stark zu, zusammen mit der Inzidenz der Schwarzholzkrankheit Bois noir auf Weinreben. Bois noir wird durch ein Phytoplasma verursacht, das durch H. obsoletus von C. arvensis und U. dioica auf Weinreben übertragen wird. Es stellte sich daher die Frage, ob H. obsoletus Wirtsrassen entwickelt hat, die möglicherweise die Bois noir-Epidemiologie beeinflussen. In der vorliegenden Studie wurden folgende Fragestellungen bearbeitet: rn(1) Gibt es in Deutschland und Europa genetisch unterscheidbare Wirtsrassen von H. obsoletus auf den beiden Wirtspflanzen C. arvensis und U. dioica? Es wurden sieben Mikrosatellitenmarker entwickelt und etabliert, um H. obsoletus Populationen aus Deutschland und Europa genetisch zu analysieren. Es zeigte sich eine deutliche Differenzierung zwischen Populationen von beiden Wirtspflanzen in Deutschland, jedoch nicht in den historischen Ursprungsgebieten der deutschen Populationen, in der Schweiz, Italien oder Slovenien.rn(2) Wo sind die deutschen Wirtsrassen von H. obsoletus entstanden? Eine Einwanderung von südlichen, bereits an U. dioica angepassten Individuen stand einer lokalen Wirtsrassenevolution gegenüber. Die engere genetische Verwandtschaft der deutschen Population auf U. dioica zu denen auf C. arvensis, im Vergleich zu den übrigen Populationen auf U. dioica, impliziert einen lokalen Prozess im nördlichen Verbreitungsgebiet. Eine Immigration südlicher Tiere scheint nicht zur Diversifizierung beigetragen zu haben, führte aber möglicherweise einen U. dioica-spezifischen Phytoplasma-Stamm ein. Durch Wirtsrassenevolution entwickelten sich spezifische, vektorbasierte epidemiologische Kreisläufe der Schwarzholzkrankheit Bois noir. rn(3) Welche Präferenzen zeigen die beiden Wirtsrassen von H. obsoletus für die Wirtspflanzen C. arvensis und U. dioica und unterscheiden sich diese? Die Präferenz von H. obsoletus aus beiden deutschen Wirtsrassen in Bezug auf den Geruch der Wirtspflanzen wurde in einem Y-Olfaktometer untersucht, zusätzlich wurden beide Pflanzen direkt zur Wahl gestellt. Bei beiden Untersuchungen zeigte die Population von C. arvensis eine signifikante Präferenz für ihre native Wirtspflanze. Die Population von U. dioica wies dagegen keine Präferenz für den Geruch einer Wirtspflanze auf, bevorzugte im direkten Test jedoch signifikant ihre native Wirtspflanze. Dies weist darauf hin, dass die Anpassung an den „neuen“ Wirt noch nicht vollständig ist.rn