792 resultados para 1504
Se incluye una relación de instituciones y material aportado a la exposición. En cubierta: Sala de Exposiciones Centro Cultural Caja de Zamora, del 3 al 25 de Abril de 1989
Fecha aproximada, no constan datos de publicación. Ejemplar fotocopiado. En cubierta parte posterior: Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia. Subdirección General de Formación del Profesorado. Dirección Provincial de Educación, Segovia
Ejemplar fotocopiado
Ejemplar fotocopiado, fecha aproximada
Ejemplar fotocopiado, fecha aproximada
Cuaderno de trabajo destinado al alumnado de Educación Primaria. Se propone, en primer lugar, la construcción y estudio de estructuras de canutillos. A partir de estas actividades se analiza el proceso de construcción, las diversas figuras geométricas que forman, los materiales utilizados, etc. En segundo lugar, las actividades giran en torno al estudio del molino de viento (construcción, estructura y funcionamiento del mismo) y del movimiento.
Cuaderno de trabajo perteneciente a una unidad didáctica destinada al tercer ciclo de Educación Primaria. Se realizan actividades en torno al estudio de la luz y los colores: la luz y la visión; efectos que produce la luz sobre los objetos; formación de sombras; reflexión y refracción de la luz; descomposición de la luz blanca y teoría del color.
Se adjuntan imágenes del interior y fachadas de varios Colegios compostelanos
Auditory brainstem response with alternative transducers: implications for newborn hearing screening
This paper studies the efficacy of a bone-conducted transducer compared to a traditional air conduction transducer for auditory brainstem response screening of newborns.
Este artículo busca generar debate académico sobre la naturaleza jurídica de los pronunciamientos del Procurador General del Estado en el Ecuador, y determinar si se trata de un acto normativo, de un acto administrativo, de un acto de simple administración, de un acto complejo o de un acto de naturaleza sui géneris, asunto que nos permitirá establecer a su vez la o las vías de impugnación de estos pronunciamientos, sean estas acciones constitucionales como de inconstitucionalidad de acto normativo, de acto administrativo o de amparo, o las acciones contencioso administrativas objetiva o de anulación, o subjetiva o de plena jurisdicción.
The possibility of future rapid climatic changes is a pressing concern amongst climate scientists. For example, an abrupt collapse of the ocean's Thermohaline Circulation (THC) would rapidly cool the northern hemisphere and reduce the net global primary productivity of vegetation, according to computer models. It is unclear how to incorporate such low-probability, high-impact events into the development of economics policies. This paper reviews the salient aspects of rapid climate change relevant to economists and policy makers. The main scientific certainties and uncertainties are clearly delineated, with the aim of guiding economics goals and ensuring that they retain fidelity to their scientific underpinnings.
This paper critically reviews the application of a post-development analysis to sustainable development by employing a defined target for post-development analysis – the Environmental Kuznets Curve (EKC). Data from the 2005 Environmental Sustainability Index (ESI) for 146 countries are used to generate statistically significant EKC models, and the approach is deconstructed by employing post-development theory. While an ESI derived EKC is an easy target for post-development critique, there are foundations upon which both rest, and are not easily dismissed. Neither is the typical post-development 'alternative' of encouraging 'endogenous discourse' and grassroots movements at odds with sustainable development. As a result, this paper argues that sustainable development theory already incorporates much of the critique and alternatives raised by post-developmentalists. Indeed, what is more disconcerting is that sustainable development readily encompasses such apparently divergent ideas represented by the ESI, EKC and post-developmental critique and solutions.
The economic benefits of Genetically Modified (GM) crops in developing countries have been well documented, but little research has been undertaken to date on the impacts of GM adoption on household livelihoods. The research reported here aimed to assess the livelihood impacts of the adoption of Bt cotton in South Africa., and involved 100 interviews of resource-poor farmers growing Bt cotton in Makhathini Flats, South Africa. Some 88% of respondents reported a higher income from Bt compared to non-Bt varieties previously grown by them, and this higher income was used primarily for greater education of their children (76%), more investment in growing cotton (46%), repaying debt (28%), investment in other crops (20%) and spending money on themselves. Some 89% had increased their asset base due to Bt cotton, primarily by increasing their cultivable land. These benefits of Bt adoption appeared widespread regardless of gender or farm size.