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"ADVERTIMENT. La versió definitiva d'aquesta tesi doctoral està en premsa a l'editorial Barcino, Col·lecció Els Nostres Clàssics, Barcelona. En la nova versió s'hi han introduit nombroses millores, nous capítols i correccions importants. Es prega que, per a qualsevol citació, s'utilitzi la versió definitiva" Pere de Torroella ingresó en la corte de Juan de Navarra (luego Juan II de Aragón) en 1436, a quien sirvió como escudero y copero tanto en las escaramuzas de Castilla como en la corte de Navarra, donde fue sirviente de Carlos de Aragón, Príncipe de Viana e hijo del rey Juan. A finales de 1450 se trasladó a Nápoles junto don Juan de Aragón, hijo bastardo de Juan de Navarra. Permaneció allí hasta la muerte del rey Alfonso el Magnánimo en 1458. Durante esos años entabló amistad con humanistas como Giovanni Pontano, y ejerció de mayordomo del príncipe bastardo Juan II de Aragón, a quien Pere Torroella sirvió durante toda su vida. A finales de 1450 se trasladó a Nápoles junto don Juan de Aragón, hijo bastardo de Juan de Navarra. Permaneció allí hasta la muerte del rey Alfonso el Magnánimo en 1458. Durante esos años entabló amistad con humanistas como Giovanni Pontano, y ejerció de mayordomo del príncipe bastardo. En 1458, tras la muerte del rey Alfonso y el ascenso al trono de su hermano Juan, Pere Torroella se trasladó a Zaragoza y Barcelona como emisario de Carlos de Viana, a quien sirvió hasta su muerte, en 1461. Un año después, en 1462, estalló la guerra civil catalana (que enfrentó a la Generalitat de Catalunya y a la monarquía aragonesa), y Torroella luchó en los primeros años junto a los rebeldes. En 1464 se pasó al bando real, al que permaneció fiel hasta el final de la guerra, en 1472. Desde 1472 hasta su muerte (acaecida seguramente en 1492), Pere Torroella ejerció de consejero del rey Juan II en Barcelona, pero tras la muerte del rey en 1479 se retiró a sus dominios en el Ampurdán, donde murió. Pere Torroella es autor de obra en catalán y en castellano. En la primera lengua compuso lais, canciones al estilo de Ausiàs March, un soneto (el primero documentado en lengua catalana) y un ambicioso poema colectivo que empieza con el verso Tant mon voler. En castellano, es autor de decires amorosos, canciones y esparzas. También mantuvo un intenso intercambio epistolar con influyentes personalidades de las cortes aragonesas, como Francesc Ferrer, Hugo de Urríes, Bernat Hug de Rocabertí y Pedro de Urrea. Compuso, finalmente, varias composiciones en prosa de alto interés histórico y literario, como la Complanta por la muerte de Inés de Clèves (1448), la Consolatoria por la muerte de mosén Martín de Ansa (1451) y el Razonamiento en defensión de las donas, donde el autor se excusa por haber compuesto las famosas coplas de Maldezir de mugeres. Torroella fue una figura central en las cortes aragonesas de la época, y su obra literaria alcanzó gran difusión y estima entre los hombres de su siglo, como muestran sus epistolarios y los autores que decidieron imitar sus versos. Fue, por otro lado, un poeta sensible a las novedades líricas del momento. Asimiló los aspectos más superficiales de la poesía de Ausiàs March, conoció y admiró los versos de Petrarca, leyó con fruición la lírica francesa (y especialmente Oton de Grandson y Guillaume de Machaut), e imitó con destreza las poesía musical de Jordi de Sant Jordi y Martí Garcia. No siempre su gran cultura se vio reflejada en la calidad de sus obras, que presentan, sin embargo, un indudable interés para la historia de la literatura.


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Este artigo trata da construção do conhecimento sob uma perspectiva feminina a partir de uma formulação pedagógica inspirada nas idéias de Paulo Freire. A teoria freiriana relida sob o prisma da Teoria da Civilização do Oprimido considera as mulheres oprimidas como enunciadoras da ciência e da epistemologia e não apenas alvo de suas enunciações.


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This paper discusses a project to compile a set of reading materials for parents of young children who are enrolled in speech or language therapy.


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Presenta las reseñas de: Ramiro Ávila Santamaría (coord.), LOS DERECHOS SOCIALES. DEL ACCESO A LA INFORMACIÓN A LA JUSTICIABILIDAD, Quito, Centro de Derechos Humanos de la PUCE, 2007, 168 pp. -- VV.AA., TESTIMONIO COMUNITARIO, DOCTRINA, LEGISLACIÓN, JURISPRUDENCIA, Quito, Tribunal de Justicia de la Comunidad Andina, 2004, 570 pp. -- Juan Carlos Benalcázar Guerrón, DERECHO PROCESAL ADMINISTRATIVO ECUATORIANO. JURISPRUDENCIA, DOGMÁTICA Y DOCTRINA, Quito, Fundación Andrade & Asociados, 2007, 400 pp. -- Susan George, PONGAMOS A LA OMC EN SU SITIO, Barcelona, Editorial Icaria, 2002, 118 pp.


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This paper uses a simplified model of the aid 'chain' to explore some causes and consequences of breakdown in communication. Although the rhetoric of Northern-based donors is awash with words such as 'partnership' and 'inclusion' when dealing with their Southern-based partners, the situation in practice is different. Unequal power relationships sometimes result in donor imposition of Perspectives and values. It is our contention, based on a collective experience of fifty-four years in a Nigerian-based non-governmental development organization (NGDO), the Diocesan Development Services (DDS), that much of the driving force behind the successes and problems faced by the institution was founded on relationships that evolved between individuals. In order to understand why things happened the way they did it is necessary to begin with the human element that cannot be condensed into objects or categories. While injudicious donor interference bad damaging repercussions, our experience suggests that care and consideration flow throughout the aid chain and actions are not malevolent. Breakdowns can be attributed to a number of factors, with the over-riding one being pressures operating at the personal level that emanate from within the institution itself and the larger community. The paper analyses three experiences using institutional ethnography theory and methodologies as a basis. Examples taken address the influence key donor personnel had in the function of DDS, and how these changed with time. The mission, policies and even procedures of the donor did not change markedly over thirty-two years, but each changing desk officer had their own philosophy and approach and a different interpretation of their own institutional policies. Hence while the 'macro' has an influence it is mediated via individual interpretation. In our view, the importance of people-people relationships is particularly understated in development literature where emphasis gravitates towards the aggregate and global.


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This paper takes as its starting point recent work on caring for distant others which is one expression of renewed interest in moral geographies. It examines relationships in aid chains connecting donors/carers in the First World or North and recipients/cared for in the Third World or South. Assuming predominance of relationships between strangers and of universalism as a basis for moral motivation I draw upon Gift Theory in order to characterize two basic forms of gift relationship. The first is purely altruistic, the other fully reciprocal and obligatory within the framework of institutions, values and social forces within specific relationships of politics and power. This conception problematizes donor-recipient relationships in the context of two modernist models of aid chains-the Resource Transfer and the Beyond Aid Paradigms. In the first, donor domination means low levels of reciprocity despite rhetoric about partnership and participation. The second identifies potential for greater reciprocity on the basis of combination between social movements and non-governmental organizations at both national and trans-national levels, although at the risk of marginalizing competencies of states. Finally, I evaluate post-structural critiques which also problematize aid chain relationships. They do so both in terms of bases-such as universals and difference-upon which it might be constructed and the means-such as forms of positionality and mutuality-by which it might be achieved.


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Three experiments investigated irrelevant sound interference of lip-read lists. In Experiment 1, an acoustically changing sequence of nine irrelevant utterances was more disruptive to spoken immediate identification of lists of nine lip-read digits than nine repetitions of the same utterances (the changing-state effect; Jones, Madden, & Miles, 1992). Experiment 2 replicated this finding when lip-read items were sampled with replacement from the nine digits to form the lip-read lists. In Experiment 3, when the irrelevant sound was confined to the retention interval of a delayed recall task, a changing-state pattern of disruption also occurred. Results confirm a changing-state effect in memory for lip-read items but also point to the possibility that, for lip-reading, changing-state effects may occur at an earlier, perceptual stage.


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Two experiments examined the learning of a set of Greek pronunciation rules through explicit and implicit modes of rule presentation. Experiment 1 compared the effectiveness of implicit and explicit modes of presentation in two modalities, visual and auditory. Subjects in the explicit or rule group were presented with the rule set, and those in the implicit or natural group were shown a set of Greek words, composed of letters from the rule set, linked to their pronunciations. Subjects learned the Greek words to criterion and were then given a series of tests which aimed to tap different types of knowledge. The results showed an advantage of explicit study of the rules. In addition, an interaction was found between mode of presentation and modality. Explicit instruction was more effective in the visual than in the auditory modality, whereas there was no modality effect for implicit instruction. Experiment 2 examined a possible reason for the advantage of the rule groups by comparing different combinations of explicit and implicit presentation in the study and learning phases. The results suggested that explicit presentation of the rules is only beneficial when it is followed by practice at applying them.


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Background: Although the efficacy of treatments for spoken verb and sentence production deficits in aphasia has been documented widely, less is known about interventions for written verb and written sentence production deficits. Aims: This study documents a treatment aiming to improve production of (a) written subject-verb sentences (involving intransitive verbs) and (b) written subject-verb-object sentences (involving transitive verbs). Methods & Procedures: The participant, a 63-year-old female aphasic speaker, had a marked language comprehension deficit, apraxia of speech, relatively good spelling abilities, and no hemiplegia. The treatment involved intransitive verbs producing subject-verb active sentences and transitive verbs producing subject-verb-object active non-reversible sentences. The treatment was undertaken in the context of current UK clinical practice. Outcomes & Results: Statistical improvements were noted for the trained sets of verbs and sentences. Other improvements were also noted in LW's ability to retrieve some non-treated verbs and construct written sentences. Treatment did not generalise to sentence comprehension and letter spelling to dictation. Conclusions: Our participant's ability to write verbs and sentences improved as a result of the treatment.


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At present, there is much anxiety regarding the security of energy supplies; for example, the UK and other European States are set to become increasingly dependant upon imports of natural gas from states with which political relations are often strained. These uncertainties are felt acutely by the electricity generating sector, which is facing major challenges regarding the choice of fuel mix in the years ahead. Nuclear energy may provide an alternative; however, in the UK, progress in replacing the first generation reactors is exceedingly slow. A number of operators are looking to coal as a means of plugging the energy gap. However, in the light of ever more stringent legal controls on emissions, this step cannot be taken without the adoption of sophisticated pollution abatement technology. This article examines the role which legal concepts such as Best Available Techniques (BAT) must play in bringing about these changes.


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This paper is concerned with solving numerically the Dirichlet boundary value problem for Laplace’s equation in a nonlocally perturbed half-plane. This problem arises in the simulation of classical unsteady water wave problems. The starting point for the numerical scheme is the boundary integral equation reformulation of this problem as an integral equation of the second kind on the real line in Preston et al. (2008, J. Int. Equ. Appl., 20, 121–152). We present a Nystr¨om method for numerical solution of this integral equation and show stability and convergence, and we present and analyse a numerical scheme for computing the Dirichlet-to-Neumann map, i.e., for deducing the instantaneous fluid surface velocity from the velocity potential on the surface, a key computational step in unsteady water wave simulations. In particular, we show that our numerical schemes are superalgebraically convergent if the fluid surface is infinitely smooth. The theoretical results are illustrated by numerical experiments.