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We present measurements of the stress as a function of vertical position in a column of granular material sheared in a cylindrical Couette device. All three components of the stress tensor on the outer cylinder were measured as a function of distance from the free surface at shear rates low enough that the material was in the dense, slow flow regime. We find that the stress profile differs fundamentally from that of fluids, from the predictions of plasticity theories, and from intuitive expectation. We argue that the anomalous stress profile is due to an anisotropic fabric caused by the combined action of gravity and shear.


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One of the most striking aspects of the 11-year sunspot cycle is that there have been times in the past when some cycles went missing, a most well-known example of this being the Maunder minimum during 1645-1715. Analyses of cosmogenic isotopes (C-14 and Be-10) indicated that there were about 27 grand minima in the last 11 000 yrs, implying that about 2.7% of the solar cycles had conditions appropriate for forcing the Sun into grand minima. We address the question of how grand minima are produced and specifically calculate the frequency of occurrence of grand minima from a theoretical dynamo model. We assume that fluctuations in the poloidal field generation mechanism and in the meridional circulation produce irregularities of sunspot cycles. Taking these fluctuations to be Gaussian and estimating the values of important parameters from the data of the last 28 solar cycles, we show from our flux transport dynamo model that about 1-4% of the sunspot cycles may have conditions suitable for inducing grand minima.


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We have investigated the structural evolution of La0.2Sr0.8MnO3 using temperature dependent high resolution synchrotron x-ray diffraction technique. In a wide temperature range, La0.2Sr0.8MnO3 reveals nanoscale structural inhomogeneity consisting of cubic and tetragonal phases. The present results suggest that domains of nanometer size of the tetragonal (low temperature) phase start nucleating in the cubic (high temperature) phase even above the Neel temperature (T-N). The tetragonal phase fraction increases substantially below T-N. Detailed analysis suggests that the twinned phase is tetragonal, orbital ordered, and insulating. At temperatures below 170 K, a small amount of the cubic phase is retained. The present results reveal the significance of the connectivity between the nanoscale structural phase separation with the physical properties.


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Nonextremal solution with warped resolved-deformed conifold background is important to study the infrared limit of large N thermal QCD. Earlier works in this direction have not taken into account all the backreactions on the geometry, namely from the branes, fluxes, and black-hole carefully. In the present work we make some progress in this direction by solving explicitly the supergravity equations of motions in the presence of the backreaction from the black hole. The backreactions from the branes and the fluxes on the other hand and to the order that we study, are comparatively suppressed. Our analysis reveal, among other things, how the resolution parameter would depend on the horizon radius and how the renormalization group flows of the coupling constants should be understood in these scenarios, including their effects on the background three-form fluxes. We also study the effect of switching on a chemical potential in the background and, in a particularly simplified scenario, compute the actual value of the chemical potential for our case.


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The lead free ferroelectric Na1/2Bi1/2TiO3 (NBT) is shown to exhibit electric-field-induced monoclinic (Cc) to rhombohedral (R3c) phase transformation at room temperature. This phenomenon has been analyzed both from the viewpoint of the intrinsic polarization rotation and adaptive phase models. In analogy with the morphotropic phase boundary systems, NBT seems to possess intrinsic competing ferroelectric instabilities near room temperature.


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Quantum coherence can affect the thermodynamics of small quantum systems. Coherences have been shown to affect the power generated by a quantum heat engine (QHE) which is coupled to two thermal photon reservoirs and to an additional cavity mode. We show that the fluctuations of the heat exchanged between the QHE and the reservoirs strongly depend on quantum coherence, especially when the engine operates as a refrigerator, i.e., heat current flows from the cold bath to the hot bath. Intriguingly, we find that the ratio of positive and negative (with respect to the thermodynamic force) fluctuations in the heat current satisfies a universal coherence-independent fluctuation theorem.


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The dilaton action in 3 + 1 dimensions plays a crucial role in the proof of the a-theorem. This action arises using Wess-Zumino consistency conditions and crucially relies on the existence of the trace anomaly. Since there are no anomalies in odd dimensions, it is interesting to ask how such an action could arise otherwise. Motivated by this we use the AdS/CFT correspondence to examine both even and odd dimensional conformal field theories. We find that in even dimensions, by promoting the cutoff to a field, one can get an action for this field which coincides with the Wess-Zumino action in flat space. In three dimensions, we observe that by finding an exact Hamilton-Jacobi counterterm, one can find a non-polynomial action which is invariant under global Weyl rescalings. We comment on how this finding is tied up with the F-theorem conjectures.


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We investigate the possibility of projecting low-dimensional chaos from spatiotemporal dynamics of a model for a kind of plastic instability observed under constant strain rate deformation conditions. We first discuss the relationship between the spatiotemporal patterns of the model reflected in the nature of dislocation bands and the nature of stress serrations. We show that at low applied strain rates, there is a one-to-one correspondence with the randomly nucleated isolated bursts of mobile dislocation density and the stress drops. We then show that the model equations are spatiotemporally chaotic by demonstrating the number of positive Lyapunov exponents and Lyapunov dimension scale with the system size at low and high strain rates. Using a modified algorithm for calculating correlation dimension density, we show that the stress-strain signals at low applied strain rates corresponding to spatially uncorrelated dislocation bands exhibit features of low-dimensional chaos. This is made quantitative by demonstrating that the model equations can be approximately reduced to space-independent model equations for the average dislocation densities, which is known to be low-dimensionally chaotic. However, the scaling regime for the correlation dimension shrinks with increasing applied strain rate due to increasing propensity for propagation of the dislocation bands.


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We study a junction of a topological insulator with a thin two-dimensional nonmagnetic or partially polarized ferromagnetic metallic film deposited on a three-dimensional insulator. We show, by deriving generic boundary conditions applicable to electrons traversing the junction, that there is a finite spin-current injection into the film whose magnitude can be controlled by tuning a voltage V applied across the junction. For ferromagnetic films, the direction of the component of the spin current along the film magnetization can also be tuned by tuning the barrier potential V-0 at the junction. We point out the role of the chiral spin-momentum locking of the Dirac electrons behind this phenomenon and suggest experiments to test our theory.


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We present compelling theoretical results showing that fused azulene molecules are strong candidates for exhibiting room temperature multiferroic behavior, i.e., having both ferroelectric and ferromagnetic properties. If this is experimentally proved, these systems will be organic multiferroic materials with important potential applications.


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In graphene, the valleys represent spinlike quantities and can act as a physical resource in valley-based electronics to produce novel quantum computation schemes. Here we demonstrate a direct route to tune and read the valley quantum states of disordered graphene by measuring the mesoscopic conductance fluctuations. We show that the conductance fluctuations in graphene at low temperatures are reduced by a factor of 4 when valley triplet states are gapped in the presence of short-range potential scatterers at high carrier densities. We also show that this implies a gate tunable universal symmetry class that outlines a fundamental feature arising from graphene's unique crystal structure.


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Levy flights can be described using a Fokker-Planck equation, which involves a fractional derivative operator in the position coordinate. Such an operator has its natural expression in the Fourier domain. Starting with this, we show that the solution of the equation can be written as a Hamiltonian path integral. Though this has been realized in the literature, the method has not found applications as the path integral appears difficult to evaluate. We show that a method in which one integrates over the position coordinates first, after which integration is performed over the momentum coordinates, can be used to evaluate several path integrals that are of interest. Using this, we evaluate the propagators for (a) free particle, (b) particle subjected to a linear potential, and (c) harmonic potential. In all the three cases, we have obtained results for both overdamped and underdamped cases. DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevE.86.061105


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We interpret the recent discovery of a 125 GeV Higgs-like state in the context of a two-Higgs-doublet model with a heavy fourth sequential generation of fermions, in which one Higgs doublet couples only to the fourth-generation fermions, while the second doublet couples to the lighter fermions of the first three families. This model is designed to accommodate the apparent heaviness of the fourth-generation fermions and to effectively address the low-energy phenomenology of a dynamical electroweak-symmetry-breaking scenario. The physical Higgs states of the model are, therefore, viewed as composites primarily of the fourth-generation fermions. We find that the lightest Higgs, h, is a good candidate for the recently discovered 125 GeV spin-zero particle, when tan beta similar to O(1), for typical fourth-generation fermion masses of M-4G = 400-600 GeV, and with a large t-t' mixing in the right-handed quark sector. This, in turn, leads to BR(t' -> th) similar to O(1), which drastically changes the t' decay pattern. We also find that, based on the current Higgs data, this two-Higgs-doublet model generically predicts an enhanced production rate (compared to the Standard Model) in the pp -> h -> tau tau channel, and reduced rates in the VV -> h -> gamma gamma and p (p) over bar /pp -> V -> hV -> Vbb channels. Finally, the heavier CP-even Higgs is excluded by the current data up to m(H) similar to 500 GeV, while the pseudoscalar state, A, can be as light as 130 GeV. These heavier Higgs states and the expected deviations from the Standard Model din some of the Higgs production channels can be further excluded or discovered with more data.


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Spin valves have revolutionized the field of magnetic recording and memory devices. Spin valves are generally realized in thin film heterostructures, where two ferromagnetic (FM) layers are separated by a nonmagnetic conducting layer. Here, we demonstrate spin-valve-like magnetoresistance at room temperature in a bulk ferrimagnetic material that exhibits a magnetic shape memory effect. The origin of this unexpected behavior in Mn2NiGa has been investigated by neutron diffraction, magnetization, and ab initio theoretical calculations. The refinement of the neutron diffraction pattern shows the presence of antisite disorder where about 13% of the Ga sites are occupied by Mn atoms. On the basis of the magnetic structure obtained from neutron diffraction and theoretical calculations, we establish that these antisite defects cause the formation of FM nanoclusters with parallel alignment of Mn spin moments in a Mn2NiGa bulk lattice that has antiparallel Mn spin moments. The direction of the Mn moments in the soft FM cluster reverses with the external magnetic field. This causes a rotation or tilt in the antiparallel Mn moments at the cluster-lattice interface resulting in the observed asymmetry in magnetoresistance.


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A generalized top-spin analysis proposed some time ago in the context of the standard model and subsequently studied in varying contexts is now applied primarily to the case of e(+)e(-) -> t (tww) over bar with transversely polarized beams. This extends our recent work with new physics couplings of scalar (S) and tensor (T) types. We carry out a comprehensive analysis assuming only the electron beam to be transversely polarized, which is sufficient to probe these interactions, and also eliminates any azimuthal angular dependence due to the standard model or new physics of the vector (V) and axial-vector (A) type interactions. We then consider new physics of the general four-Fermi type of V and A type with both beams transversely polarized and discuss implications with longitudinal polarization as well. The generalized spin bases are all investigated in the presence of either longitudinal or transverse beam polarization to look for appreciable deviation from the SM prediction in case of the new physics. 90% confidence level limits are obtained on the interactions for the generalized spin bases with realistic integrated luminosity. In order to achieve this we present a general discussion based on helicity amplitudes and derive a general transformation matrix that enables us to treat the spin basis. We find that beamline basis combined with transverse polarization provides an excellent window of opportunity both for S, T and V, A new physics, followed by the off-diagonal basis. The helicity basis is shown to be the best in case of longitudinal polarization to look for new physics effects due to V and A. DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevD.86.114019