994 resultados para 09241315 CTD-000
A chronology called EDML1 has been developed for the EPICA ice core from Dronning Maud Land (EDML). EDML1 is closely interlinked with EDC3, the new chronology for the EPICA ice core from Dome-C (EDC) through a stratigraphic match between EDML and EDC that consists of 322 volcanic match points over the last 128 ka. The EDC3 chronology comprises a glaciological model at EDC, which is constrained and later selectively tuned using primary dating information from EDC as well as from EDML, the latter being transferred using the tight stratigraphic link between the two cores. Finally, EDML1 was built by exporting EDC3 to EDML. For ages younger than 41 ka BP the new synchronized time scale EDML1/EDC3 is based on dated volcanic events and on a match to the Greenlandic ice core chronology GICC05 via 10Be and methane. The internal consistency between EDML1 and EDC3 is estimated to be typically ~6 years and always less than 450 years over the last 128 ka (always less than 130 years over the last 60 ka), which reflects an unprecedented synchrony of time scales. EDML1 ends at 150 ka BP (2417 m depth) because the match between EDML and EDC becomes ambiguous further down. This hints at a complex ice flow history for the deepest 350 m of the EDML ice core.
The endomyocardial biopsy (EMB) in heart transplant recipients has been considered the "gold standard" for diagnosis of graft rejection (REJ). The purpose of this retrospective study is to develop long-term strategies (frequency and postoperative duration of EMB) for REJ monitoring. Between 1985 and 1992, 346 patients (mean age 44.5 years, female patients = 14%) received 382 heart grafts. For graft surveillance EMBs were performed according to a fixed schedule depending on postoperative day and the results of previous biopsies. In the first year the average number (no.) of EMBs/patient was 20 with 19% positive for REJ in the first quarter, dropping to 7% REJ/EMB by the end of the first year. The percentage of REJ/EMB declined annually from 4.7% to 4.5%, 2.2% and less than 1% after the fifth year. Individual biopsy results in the first 3 postoperative months had little predictive value. Patients with fewer than two REJ (group 1), vs patients with two or more REJ in the first 6 postoperative months (group 2), were significantly less likely to reject in the second half of the first year (group 1: 0.29 +/- 0.6 REJ/patient; group 2:0.83 +/- 1.3 REJ/patient; P < 0.001) and third postoperative year (group 1:0.12 +/- 0.33 REJ/patients; group 2:0.46 +/- 0.93 REJ/patient; P < 0.05). In conclusion, routine EMBs in the first 3 postoperative months have only limited predictive value, however the number of routine EMBs can be drastically reduced later depending on the intermediate postoperative REJ pattern.
Australien bietet geographisch beste Voraussetzungen für die internetbasierte (Fern-)Lehre – die Entfernung zwischen westlicher und östlicher Metropole entspricht derjenigen von Madrid nach Moskau und selbst zwischen Melbourne und Sydney liegen knapp zwei Flugstunden
Under the brand name “sciebo – the Campuscloud” (derived from “science box”) a consortium of more than 20 research and applied science universities started a large scale cloud service for about 500,000 students and researchers in North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany’s most populous state. Starting with the much anticipated data privacy compliant sync & share functionality, sciebo offers the potential to become a more general cloud platform for collaboration and research data management which will be actively pursued in upcoming scientific and infrastructural projects. This project report describes the formation of the venture, its targets and the technical and the legal solution as well as the current status and the next steps.
Lake sediments from Lauenensee (1381 m a.s.l.), a small lake in the Bernese Alps, were analysed to reconstruct the vegetation and fire history. The chronology is based on 11 calibrated radiocarbon dates on terrestrial plant macrofossils suggesting a basal age of 14,200 cal. BP. Pollen and macrofossil data imply that treeline never reached the lake catchment during the Bølling–Allerød interstadial. Treeline north of the Alps was depressed by c. 300 altitudinal meters, if compared with southern locations. We attribute this difference to colder temperatures and to unbuffered cold air excursions from the ice masses in northern Europe. Afforestation started after the Younger Dryas at 11,600 cal. BP. Early-Holocene tree-Betula and Pinus sylvestris forests were replaced by Abies alba forests around 7500 cal. BP. Continuous high-resolution pollen and macrofossil series allow quantitative assessments of vegetation dynamics at 5900–5200 cal. BP (first expansion of Picea abies, decline of Abies alba) and 4100–2900 cal. BP (first collapse of Abies alba). The first signs of human activity became noticeable during the late Neolithic c. 5700–5200 cal. BP. Cross-correlation analysis shows that the expansion of Alnus viridis and the replacement of Abies alba by Picea abies after c. 5500 cal. BP was most likely a consequence of human disturbance. Abies alba responded very sensitively to a combination of fire and grazing disturbance. Our results imply that the current dominance of Picea abies in the upper montane and subalpine belts is a consequence of anthropogenic activities through the millennia.
Anhand fossiler Überreste von Chironomiden (Zuckmücken) in den Sedimenten des Lauenensees wurden Temperaturveränderungen im westlichen Berner Oberland über die letzten 14 000 Jahre rekonstruiert. Mittlere Juli-Lufttemperaturen wurden mithilfe eines Kalibrationsdatensatzes und eines Temperaturrekonstruktionsmodells rekonstruiert, welches bereits in einer früheren Studie entwickelt worden ist. Während dem Allerød (~14,000-12,700 kal. Jahre vor heute) wurden Temperaturen zwischen 8,7-12,0 °C berechnet, während der Jüngeren Dryaszeit (-12 700- 11 700 kal. Jahre vor heute) Werte um 10,2-10,7 °C und während dem Früh- bis Mittelholozän (-11 700-3000 kal. Jahre vor heute) Temperaturen um 12,0-14,5 °C. Für das Spätholozän (ab -3000 kal. Jahre vor heute) wurden tiefere Temperaturen (10-12 °C) geschätzt. Der menschliche Einfluss wird ab 4300 kal. Jahre vor heute deutlich in den Chironomidenvergesellschaftungen sichtbar und beeinträchtigt möglicherweise die Verlässlichkeit der Temperaturrekonstruktion für dieses Zeitintervall. Die Temperaturrekonstruktion stimmt gut mit anderen paläoklimatischen Rekonstruktionen der Alpen sowie dem Anstieg der Baumgrenze in dieser Region überein.