942 resultados para 0-2000 KG-CM2


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Com o objetivo de se estudar a aplicação do Sistema Integrado de Diagnose e Recomendação (DRIS) em cana-de-açucar, confrontou-se esta metodologia com a técnica da diagnose foliar baseada no nível crítico. Desse modo, observou-se o efeito de diferentes épocas de amostragem foliar de soqueiras cultivadas em 4 Grandes Grupos de Solos e, num deles, dois regimes hídricos: irrigado e não irrigado. Os ensaios se basearam no esquema fatorial N x P x K x L, onde L = localização dos fertilizantes em superfície e em profundidade, com as dosagens 0 - 60 - 120 -180 kg N/ha, 0-45 kg P(2)0(5)/ha e 0-90-180 kg K2O/ha. Os solos utilizados foram Latossol Roxo (LR) , Podzolico Vermelho Amarelo variação Laras (PVls), Latossol Vermelho Amarelo - fase arenosa (LVa) e o Latossol Vermelho Escuro-orto (LE) não controlado e sob irrigação por aspersão. A variedade empregada foi a CB 41-76 e coletou-se a folha +3 aos 3, 4, 5 e 6 meses de idade da cana-soca. As parcelas eram constituídas por 3 linhas úteis, 2 linhas de bordadura interna e 2 de bordadura externa, num total de 7 linhas com 10 m de comprimento e 1,5 m de espaçamento, ocupando uma área de 105 m². Os dados mostraram que a localização dos fertilizantes em profundidade não proporcionou efeito positivo nas produtividades agrícolas e de açúcar por área,com exceção ao solo PVls. De modo geral, o nitrogênio e o potássio aumentaram de forma linear os rendimentos da cana-de-açúcar, salvo para o potássio no solo LR. O fósforo elevou a produção agrícola para os solos LE, LR e PVls e provocou aumento da produção de açúcar por área para os dois primeiros solos. A irrigação não indicou benefício para a soqueira em solo LE. Foi possível o estabelecimento dos níveis críticos de N e K apenas para algumas épocas de amostragem foliar, enquanto para o fósforo os mesmos não foram viáveis para nenhuma época de coleta da folha +3. A época de coleta do tecido vegetal e o tipo de solo afetaram os níveis críticos de N e K. Por outro lado, o DRIS mostrou ser metodologia adequada para o diagnostico de N, P e K em soquei ras de cana-de-açucar e a interpretação dos índices transformados e praticamente inalterada com a época de amostragem foliar. Possuindo também, a propriedade de ter sua aplicação para diferentes tipos de solos.


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As exigências nutricionais de dois cultivares de sorgo sacarino (Brandes e Rio) foram estudadas em condição de campo e em casa de vegetação com cultivo em solução nutritiva. O ensaio em casa de vegetação foi conduzido em bandejões de 40 1 de capacidade contendo solução nutritiva de Hoagland e Arnon, e no campo, foram amostradas plantas que receberam adubação com 150-200-100 kg/ha de N, P2O5 e K2O, respectivamente. A ordem decrescente de exigências em casa de vegetação foi: K, N, Ca, Mg, P, S e Fe, Mn, Cu, Zn. Considerando a colheita dos colmos e dos grãos, o cultivar Brandes exportou 55% do N, 41% do P, 68% do K, 16% do Ca, 38% do Mg, 47% do S, 6% do Fe, 55% do Cu, 10% do Mn e 14% do Zn absorvidos, e o cultivar Rio exportou 59% do N, 43% do P, 72% do K, 10% do Ca, 44% do Mg, 60% do S, 1% do Fe, 66% do Cu, 8% do Mn e 10% do Zn absorvidos, em casa de vegetação. Em condição de campo, as exigências para produzir 1 tonelada de colmo foram de 3,22 a 3,93 kg de N, de 0,40 a 0,45 kg de P, de 3,91 a 4,3i kg de K, de o,02 a 0,77 kg de Ca, de 0,86 a 0,54 kg de Mg; de 0,32 a 0,41 kg de S, de 68,82 a 36,71 g de Fe, de 3,48 a 2,94 kg de Cu, de 16,43 a 18,05 g de Mn, de 7,72 a 8,77 g de Zn e de 17,99 a 20,47g de B.


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Com o objetivo de averiguar a viabilidade de utilização de colostro fermentado naturalmente e colostro preservado com formaldeído em aleitamento de bezerros, através de consumo de alimento, desenvolvimento ponderal , conversão alimentar e estado sanitário, trinta bezerros de ambos os sexos, da raça Holandesa malhada de preto, foram submetidos a três sistemas de aleitamento na fase de 1 a 35 dias de idade: 1º) sucedâneo de leite; 2º) colostro fermentado e 3º) colostro preservado com formal deído. As dietas líquidas foram suplementadas à vontade com ração inicial de 18% de proteína bruta e feno de Kikuiu (Pennisetum clandestinum Hochst), de 19,8% de proteína bruta. Os animais foram distribuídos nos referidos tratamentos conforme delineamento de "experimentos inteiramente casual izados". Os consumos médios diários, ganhos médios diários de peso e conversão alimentar até os animais completarem 35 dias de idade foram, para os respectivos tratamentos, de 0,820 kg, 0,281 kg e 3,27; 0,796 kg, 0,396 kg e 2,23; 0,750 kg, 0,284 kg e 3,13. Da desmama até a 26ª semana, os ganhos diários médios foram de 0,655, 0,605 e 0,533 kg. Em relação a problemas sanitários, observou-se que quatro bezerros dos dez alimentados com sucedâneo apresentaram diarréia, contra dois em cada grupo de animais sob,regime de colostro. Os resultados indicaram que colostro fermentado e o preservado por formaldeído são excelentes alimentos substitutivos do leite integral ou de sucedâneo de leite. Apesar de não ter havido diferença significativa entre ambos os sistemas de aproveitamento, o colostro fermentado parece levar vantagem sobre o preservado por formal deído pela sua mais fácil preparação e melhor utilização pelo animal.


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A presente pesquisa foi conduzida na Escola Superior de Agricultura "Luiz de Queiroz", em Piracicaba, SP, no ano de 1981, com o objetivo de se estudar o comportamento dos herbicidas bentazon e paraquat, aplicados isoladamente ou em misturas, em alguns cultivares de feijão e algumas espécies de plantas daninhas. Para tanto, foram instalados dois experimentos a campo, sendo um "das secas" e outro "das águas" de 1981. Os cultivares de feijão estudados foram Carioca e Moruna. Os tratamentos utilizados foram os seguintes: bentazon a 0,48 e 0,96 kg/ha; paraquat a 0,05 e 0,10 kg/ha e as misturas de tanque com 0,48 + 0,05; 0,96 + 0,10; 0,48 + +0,10 e 0,96 + 0,05 kg/ha de bentazon + paraquat, respectivamente. Foram realizadas avaliações visuais da porcentagem de injúria nos cultivares de feijão e nas espécies de plantas daninhas, sendo utilizada a fórmula de Colby para verificação dos efeitos das misturas. Os resultados mostraram que as misturas exerceram evidente efeito antagonístico nos cultivares ensaiados. Os tratamentos não influíram na produção dos cultivares Carioca e Moruna. Em solos arenosos e com baixa precipitação, o sinergismo das misturas ficou evidenciado na guanxuma (Sida glaziovii K. Sch.) e na beldroega (Portulacca oleracea L.). Em solos argilosos, com precipitação normal, os efeitos sinergísticos foram evidentes no capim-marmelada (Brachiaria plantaginea (Link.) Hitch.), capim-pé-de-galinha (Eleusine indica (L.) Gaertn.) e no apaga-fogo (Alternanthera ficoidea (L.) R. Br.).


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Os efeitos de NPK na produção do feijoeiro foram estudados através de um experimento fatorial 3³, disposto em blocos incompletos segundo o modelo de confundimento W de Yates. Este experimento foi conduzido dois anos no mesmo local, sendo as seguintes as doses dos nutrientes: nitrogênio (0, 20 e 40 kg/ha de N),fósforo (0, 50 e 100 kg/ha de P(2)0(5)) e potássio (0, 20 e 40 kg/ha de k(2)0) os quais tiveram como fontes uréia, superfosfato triplo e cloreto de potássio, respectivamente. Todas as parcelas receberam uma adubação uniforme com enxofre e micronutrientes, nas seguintes doses e fontes: 60 kg/ha de S como sulfato de cálcio, 4 kg/ha de Zn como sulfato de zinco, 4 kg/ha de cobre como sulfato de cobre, 1 kg/ha de B como borax como borax e 0,2 kg/ha de Mo como molibdato de sódio. Os resultados obtidos permitiram concluir que: a) o fósforo causou aumentos altamente significativos na produção do feijoeiro, nos dois anos de condução do ensaio; b) não foram observados efeitos significativos do nitrogênio, potássio, enxofre e da mistura de micronutrientes na produção do feijoeiro.


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Com o objetivo de determinar: - a curva de crescimento do melão (Cucumis melo L.), através da acumulação de matéria seca; - os teores e consequentes acúmulos de nutrientes nos órgãos aéreos da planta, em diferentes estádios de crescimento; - a exportação de nutrientes na colheita de frutos, no ponto de consumo. Foi conduzido um ensaio em condições de campo o qual consistiu da amostragem em cinco estádios de crescimento - 15, 30, 45, 60 e 75 dias após a emergência - de plantas competitivas, as quais eram cortadas rente ao solo, divididas em caule e ramos, folhas, flores e frutos, para determinação de quantidade de matéria seca e análise química para macronutrientes minerais. Os tratamentos, então representados por épocas de amostragem, constaram de um delineamento em blocos casualizados com quatro repetições. Concluiu-se que: - o crescimento das plantas é inicialmente lento, intensificando-se posteriormente, com maiores incrementos entre 30 e 45 dias; - no final do ciclo, a planta acumulou 905,88 g de matéria seca, assim distribuída; caule e ramos 19,38%, folhas 30,32% e flores e frutos 50,30%; - a concentração dos nutrientes na parte aérea variou com a idade e o órgão considerado; - verifica-se nos frutos uma tendência de redução nos teores dos macronutrientes (com exceção do enxofre); - a parte aérea acumulou, aos 75 dias, em miligramas por planta: 23,08 de N; 3,46 de P; 28,90 de K; 12,74 de Ca; 5,55 de Mg; 1,59 de S. - são exportados numa colheita de uma tonelada de frutos, cerca de 1,78 kg de N; 0,33 kg de P; 2,65 kg de K; 0,14 kg de Ca; 0,21 kg de Mg; 0,09 kg de S.


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In the present study, we evaluated stimulation of the angiotensin type 2 receptor (AT2R) by the selective non-peptide agonist Compound 21 (C21) as a novel therapeutic concept for the treatment of multiple sclerosis using the model of experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis (EAE) in mice. C57BL-6 mice were immunized with myelin-oligodendrocyte peptide and treated for 4 weeks with C21 (0.3 mg/kg/day i.p.). Potential effects on myelination, microglia and T-cell composition were estimated by immunostaining and FACS analyses of lumbar spinal cords. The in vivo study was complemented by experiments in aggregating brain cell cultures and microglia in vitro. In the EAE model, treatment with C21 ameliorated microglia activation and decreased the number of total T-cells and CD4+ T-cells in the spinal cord. Fluorescent myelin staining of spinal cords further revealed a significant reduction in EAE-induced demyelinated areas in lumbar spinal cord tissue after AT2R stimulation. C21-treated mice had a significantly better neurological score than vehicle-treated controls. In aggregating brain cell cultures challenged with lipopolysaccharide (LPS) plus interferon-γ (IFNγ), AT2R stimulation prevented demyelination, accelerated re-myelination and reduced the number of microglia. Cytokine synthesis and nitric oxide production by microglia in vitro were significantly reduced after C21 treatment. These results suggest that AT2R stimulation protects the myelin sheaths in autoimmune central nervous system inflammation by inhibiting the T-cell response and microglia activation. Our findings identify the AT2R as a potential new pharmacological target for demyelinating diseases such as multiple sclerosis.


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OBJECTIVE: Lipids stored in adipose tissue can originate from dietary lipids or from de novo lipogenesis (DNL) from carbohydrates. Whether DNL is abnormal in adipose tissue of overweight individuals remains unknown. The present study was undertaken to assess the effect of carbohydrate overfeeding on glucose-induced whole body DNL and adipose tissue lipogenic gene expression in lean and overweight humans. DESIGN: Prospective, cross-over study. SUBJECTS AND METHODS: A total of 11 lean (five male, six female, mean BMI 21.0+/-0.5 kg/m(2)) and eight overweight (four males, four females, mean BMI 30.1+/-0.6 kg/m(2)) volunteers were studied on two occasions. On one occasion, they received an isoenergetic diet containing 50% carbohydrate for 4 days prior to testing; on the other, they received a hyperenergetic diet (175% energy requirements) containing 71% carbohydrates. After each period of 4 days of controlled diet, they were studied over 6 h after having received 3.25 g glucose/kg fat free mass. Whole body glucose oxidation and net DNL were monitored by means of indirect calorimetry. An adipose tissue biopsy was obtained at the end of this 6-h period and the levels of SREBP-1c, acetyl CoA carboxylase, and fatty acid synthase mRNA were measured by real-time PCR. RESULTS: After isocaloric feeding, whole body net DNL amounted to 35+/-9 mg/kg fat free mass/5 h in lean subjects and to 49+/-3 mg/kg fat free mass/5 h in overweight subjects over the 5 h following glucose ingestion. These figures increased (P<0.001) to 156+/-21 mg/kg fat free mass/5 h in lean and 64+/-11 mg/kg fat free mass/5 h (P<0.05 vs lean) in overweight subjects after carbohydrate overfeeding. Whole body DNL after overfeeding was lower (P<0.001) and glycogen synthesis was higher (P<0.001) in overweight than in normal subjects. Adipose tissue SREBP-1c mRNA increased by 25% in overweight and by 43% in lean subjects (P<0.05) after carbohydrate overfeeding, whereas fatty acid synthase mRNA increased by 66 and 84% (P<0.05). CONCLUSION: Whole body net DNL is not increased during carbohydrate overfeeding in overweight individuals. Stimulation of adipose lipogenic enzymes is also not higher in overweight subjects. Carbohydrate overfeeding does not stimulate whole body net DNL nor expression of lipogenic enzymes in adipose tissue to a larger extent in overweight than lean subjects.


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BACKGROUND: EMD 521873 (Selectikine), an immunocytokine comprising a DNA-targeting antibody, aimed at tumour necrosis, fused with a genetically modified interleukin-2 (IL-2) moiety, was investigated in this first-in-human phase I study. METHODS: Patients had metastatic or locally advanced solid tumours failing previous standard therapy. Selectikine was administered as a 1-hour intravenous infusion on 3 consecutive days, every 3weeks. A subgroup of patients also received 300mg/m(2) cyclophosphamide on day 1 of each cycle. Escalating doses of Selectikine were investigated with the primary objective of determining the maximum tolerated dose (MTD). RESULTS: Thirty-nine patients were treated with Selectikine alone at dose levels from 0.075 to 0.9mg/kg, and nine were treated at doses of 0.45 and 0.6mg/kg in combination with cyclophosphamide. A dose-dependent linear increase of peak serum concentrations and area under curve was found. The dose-limiting toxicity was grade 3 skin rash at the 0.9mg/kg dose-level; the MTD was 0.6mg/kg. Rash and flu-like symptoms were the most frequent side-effects. No severe cardiovascular side-effects (hypotension or vascular leak) were observed. At all dose-levels, transient increases in total lymphocyte, eosinophil and monocyte counts were recorded. No objective tumour responses, but long periods of disease stabilisation were observed. Transient and non-neutralising Selectikine antibodies were detected in 69% of patients. CONCLUSIONS: The MTD of Selectikine with or without cyclophosphamide administered under this schedule was 0.6mg/kg. The recommended phase II dose was 0.45-0.6mg/kg. Selectikine had a favourable safety profile and induced biological effects typical for IL-2.


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To determine the mechanisms that prevent an increase in gluconeogenesis from increasing hepatic glucose output, six healthy women were infused with [1-13C]fructose (22 mumol.kg-1.min-1), somatostatin, insulin, and glucagon. In control experiment, non-13C-enriched fructose was infused at the same rate without somatostatin, and [U-13C]glucose was infused to measure specifically plasma glucose oxidation. Endogenous glucose production (EGP, [6,6-2H]glucose), net carbohydrate oxidation (CHOox, indirect calorimetry), and fructose oxidation (13CO2) were measured. EGP rate did not increase after fructose infusion with (13.1 +/- 1.2 vs. 12.9 +/- 0.3 mumol.kg-1.min-1) and without (10.3 +/- 0.5 vs. 9.7 +/- 0.5 mumol.kg-1.min-1) somatostatin, despite the fact that gluconeogenesis increased. Nonoxidative fructose disposal, corresponding mainly to glycogen synthesis, was threefold net glycogen deposition, the latter calculated as fructose infusion minus CHOox (14.8 +/- 1.1 and 4.3 +/- 2.0 mumol.kg-1.min-1). It is concluded that 1) the mechanism by which EGP remains constant when gluconeogenesis from fructose increases is independent of changes in insulin and 2) simultaneous breakdown and synthesis of glycogen occurred during fructose infusion.


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BACKGROUND: Among patients with steroid-refractory ulcerative colitis (UC) in whom a first rescue therapy has failed, a second line salvage treatment can be considered to avoid colectomy. AIM: To evaluate the efficacy and safety of second or third line rescue therapy over a one-year period. METHODS: Response to single or sequential rescue treatments with infliximab (5mg/kg intravenously (iv) at week 0, 2, 6 and then every 8weeks), ciclosporin (iv 2mg/kg/daily and then oral 5mg/kg/daily) or tacrolimus (0.05mg/kg divided in 2 doses) in steroid-refractory moderate to severe UC patients from 7 Swiss and 1 Serbian tertiary IBD centers was retrospectively studied. The primary endpoint was the one year colectomy rate. RESULTS: 60% of patients responded to the first rescue therapy, 10% went to colectomy and 30% non-responders were switched to a 2(nd) line rescue treatment. 66% of patients responded to the 2(nd) line treatment whereas 34% failed, of which 15% went to colectomy and 19% received a 3(rd) line rescue treatment. Among those, 50% patients went to colectomy. Overall colectomy rate of the whole cohort was 18%. Steroid-free remission rate was 39%. The adverse event rates were 33%, 37.5% and 30% for the first, second and third line treatment respectively. CONCLUSION: Our data show that medical intervention even with 2(nd) and 3(rd) rescue treatments decreased colectomy frequency within one year of follow up. A longer follow-up will be necessary to investigate whether sequential therapy will only postpone colectomy and what percentage of patients will remain in long-term remission.


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The endothelin receptor antagonist avosentan may cause fluid overload at doses of 25 and 50 mg, but the actual mechanisms of this effect are unclear. We conducted a placebo-controlled study in 23 healthy subjects to assess the renal effects of avosentan and the dose dependency of these effects. Oral avosentan was administered once daily for 8 days at doses of 0.5, 1.5, 5, and 50 mg. The drug induced a dose-dependent median increase in body weight, most pronounced at 50 mg (0.8 kg on day 8). Avosentan did not affect renal hemodynamics or plasma electrolytes. A dose-dependent median reduction in the fractional renal excretion of sodium was found (up to 8.7% at avosentan 50 mg); this reduction was paralleled by a dose-related increase in proximal sodium reabsorption. It is suggested that avosentan dose-dependently induces sodium retention by the kidney, mainly through proximal tubular effects. The potential clinical benefits of avosentan should therefore be investigated at doses of <or= 5 mg.


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PURPOSE: The aim of this study was to compare the mechanical external work (per kg) and pendular energy transduction at preferred walking speed (PWS) in obese versus normal body mass subjects to investigate whether obese adults adopt energy conserving gait mechanics. METHODS: The mechanical external work (Wext) and the fraction of mechanical energy recovered by the pendular mechanism (Rstep) were computed using kinematic data acquired by an optoelectronic system and were compared in 30 obese (OG; body mass index [BMI] = 39.6 +/- 0.6 kg m(-2); 29.5 +/- 1.3 yr) and 19 normal body mass adults (NG; BMI = 21.4 +/- 0.5 kg m(-2); 31.2 +/- 1.2 yr) walking at PWS. RESULTS: PWS was significantly lower in OG (1.18 +/- 0.02 m s(-1)) than in NG (1.33 +/- 0.02 m s(-1); P <or= 0.001). There was no significant difference in Wext per unit mass between groups (OG: 0.36 +/- 0.03 J kg(-1) m(-1); NG: 0.31 +/- 0.02 J kg(-1) m(-1); P = 0.12). Rstep was significantly lower in OG (68.4% +/- 2.0%) compared with NG (74.4% +/- 1.0%; P = 0.01). In OG only, Wext per unit mass was positively correlated with PWS (r = 0.57; P < 0.001). CONCLUSION: Obese adults do not appear to alter their gait to improve pendular energy transduction and may select slower PWS to reduce mechanical and metabolic work.


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OBJECTIVES: Tissue engineering methods can be applied to regenerate diseased, or congenitally missing, urinary tract tissues. Urinary tract tissue cell cultures must be established in vitro and adequate matrices, acting as cell carriers, must be developed. Although degradable and nondegradable polymer matrices offer adequate mechanical stability, they are not optimal for cell adherence and growth. To overcome this problem, extracellular matrix proteins, permitting cell adhesion and regulation of cell proliferation and differentiation, can be adsorbed to the surface-modified polymer. METHODS: In this study, nondegradable polymer films, poly(ethylene terephthalate), were used as an experimental model. Films were modified by graft polymerization of acrylic acid to subsequently allow collagen type I and III immobilization. The following adhesion, proliferation of human urothelial cells, and induction of their stratification were analyzed. RESULTS: Collagen adsorption on 0.2 microg/cm2 poly(acrylic acid)-grafted polymer films rendered the matrix apt for human urothelial cell adhesion and proliferation. Furthermore, stratification of urothelial cells was demonstrated on these surface-modified matrices. CONCLUSIONS: These results have shown that surface-modified polymer matrices can be used to act as cell carriers for cultured human urothelial cells. Such a cell-matrix construct could be applied in reparative surgery of the urinary tract.


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OBJECTIVES: The thermogenic effect of amrinone is unknown and its utilization in patients with severe cardiac failure could potentially increase oxygen requirements and therefore aggravate oxygen debt. Consequently, the present study was undertaken to assess the thermogenic response to amrinone at three different plasma concentrations under controlled conditions and to analyze amrinone's effects on various biochemical variables. DESIGN: A prospective, unblinded, controlled study. The initial control period was followed by three sequential, experimental treatments. SUBJECTS: Ten young, healthy, male volunteers with normal body weight. INTERVENTIONS: Three experimental periods. Amrinone was administered intravenously in progressive doses: a) 0.5 mg/kg followed by 5 micrograms/kg/min; b) 0.5 mg/kg followed by 10 micrograms/kg/min; and c) 1.0 mg/kg followed by 10 micrograms/kg/min. MEASUREMENTS AND MAIN RESULTS: Oxygen consumption (VO2) and CO2 production were continuously measured by means of a computerized indirect calorimeter. At the highest dose, amrinone produced a slight and significant (p < .01) increase in VO2 and in resting metabolic rate (+4.5% and +3.7%, respectively), while no change in CO2 production or in respiratory quotient occurred throughout the study. At the medium and high doses, amrinone increased plasma free fatty acid concentrations by 38% and 53%, respectively (p < .05). No variation in plasma glucose, lactate, insulin, norepinephrine, or epinephrine concentrations was observed during the study. CONCLUSIONS: Amrinone administered intravenously at therapeutic doses has minimal thermogenic and metabolic effects in humans without cardiac failure.