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O trabalho é resultado de pesquisa realizada sobre a gestão da Comunicação em processos de crise organizacional. Busca-se compreender como se processa, na atualidade, o fluxo informacional nesses momentos, seja pela mídia tradicional,seja pelas redes sociais online, e, dessa forma, trazer contribuições para a atuação das organizações sob uma perspectiva ética. Em termos metodológicos, a pesquisa apoia-se no estudo de caso da gestão da Comunicação da crise do Playcenter, ocorrida em abril de 2011. Utiliza-se de revisão bibliográfica, análises de matérias jornalísticas, posts do Twitter, além de entrevistas semiestruturadas. Os resultados revelam que a imagem não é uma questão de emissão, mas de recepção, resultado de percepções diversas e que esses fenômenos, na atualidade, têm sido potencializados pela rápida propagação dos fatos facilitada pela internet. Entretanto, ainda há um forte papel das mídias tradicionais nesses episódios, forte convergência entre as mídias tradicionais e as novas mídias, bem como convergência entre os cidadãos na propagação dos fatos.
Historicamente, ao serem criadas, novas mídias se apropriam de recursos de linguagens de outras mídias pré-existentes. Na medida em que as tecnologias da mídia se desenvolvem o mesmo ocorre com as linguagens, de forma a adaptarem-se, simultaneamente, ao meio e mensagens; modos de produção; e condições ideais de interação com os usuários. As mídias digitais, por sua natureza, dispõem de interfaces performáticas imagens-pensantes que permitem mais que a simples representação estética de conteúdos. Neste contexto, se insere a problemática desta pesquisa: Quais teorias transdisciplinares podem contribuir para a compreensão dos complexos processos comunicacionais que envolvem o relacionamento entre seres humanos e mídias digitais com propósito de aprendizagem? O objetivo desta pesquisa foi o de estender o modelo desenvolvido por Stephen Littlejohn e incluir novos conceitos e generalizações, provenientes de outros ramos da ciência com diferentes 'visões de mundo', visando ampliar a proposta de Littlejohn para um Modelo Transdisciplinar para Comunicação com Mídias Digitais, que, em nossa perspectiva, contribui para explicar os fenômenos pertinentes à relação de humanos com mídias digitais, principalmente em processos de aprendizagem de ciências. A pesquisa foi feita com métodos de pesquisa Bibliográfica e Descritiva.(AU)
O objetivo principal dessa pesquisa é analisar os processos de comunicação mercadológica que utilizam os celulares como plataforma de divulgação. É intenção da pesquisa conhecer as práticas de mobile marketing realizadas no Brasil e a forma como os conteúdos desenvolvidos para celulares são utilizados na divulgação empresarial. As características dos jovens consumidores conectados, com destaque para a desenvoltura com que transitam nas novas mídias, e as formas como as empresas se comunicam com esses consumidores também fazem parte dos temas abordados neste estudo. Entrevistas em profundidade com profissionais da área foram utilizadas como metodologia para essa pesquisa qualitativa, de cunho exploratório, e os levantamentos bibliográfico e documental serviram como base para a análise das entrevistas. A pesquisa observou que no universo da comunicação móvel é fundamental desenvolver campanhas que proporcionem experiência com as marcas e ofereçam conteúdos relevantes aos consumidores. Contudo, alguns entraves tecnológicos não permitem que, até o presente momento, essas ações sejam expandidas para todos os consumidores brasileiros que possuem um celular.
Esta tese resgata a história das agências de notícias que atuam em escala internacional (Reuters Television e Associated Press Television News), delimitando suas características operacionais dentro do fluxo informacional do telejornalismo mundial. Por meio dos estudos de caso da Reuters TV e da APTN, a tese mostra o funcionamento do ecossistema noticioso global, voltado para as emissoras de televisão, explorando o entendimento de como ele se comporta a partir da irrupção das novas mídias advindas com a internet. Aponta como o desenvolvimento das tecnologias digitais em rede provocou mudanças editoriais e logísticas na rotina produtiva das agências, vistas neste trabalho como importantes atores sociais da globalização. Ao mapear a dinâmica comercial e estrutural das agências, é sustentada a hipótese de que as reportagens transmitidas por essas empresas são, em sua maioria, determinadas pelos interesses políticos e econômicos de seus maiores clientes. Isso nos leva a ratificar que, ainda hoje, após 30 anos da publicação do Relatório McBride, da UNESCO, há uma assimetria no noticiário internacional, no qual alguns países, regiões e assuntos são negligenciados e excluídos. A tese revela, entre outros pontos, que as agências agora difundem um número expressivo de vídeos relacionados à Ásia e que a maior parte de suas reportagens tem imbricações com os Estados Unidos e/ou a Europa. Durante a cobertura midiática de eventos de grande impacto, as agências renovam seu capital simbólico vendendo a ideia de isenção, credibilidade e multiplicidade de vozes. Reforçam também papéis específicos: a organização do noticiário, a viabilização das imagens e a alimentação contínua, segura e veloz do fluxo informativo.
New media technologies, the digitisation of information, learning archives and heritage resources are changing the nature of the public library and museums services across the globe, and, in so doing, changing the way present and future users of these services interact with these institutions in real and virtual spaces. New digital technologies are rewriting the nature of participation, learning and engagement with the public library, and fashioning a new paradigm where virtual and physical spaces and educative and temporal environments operate symbiotically. It is with such a creatively disruptive paradigm that the £193 million Library of Birmingham project in the United Kingdom is being developed. New and old media forms and platforms are helping to fashion new public places and spaces that reaffirm the importance of public libraries as conceived in the nineteenth century. As people’s universities, the public library service offers a web of connective learning opportunities and affordances. This article considers the importance of community libraries as sites of intercultural understanding and practical social democracy. Their significance is reaffirmed through the initial findings in the first of a series of community interventions forming part of a long-term project, ‘Connecting Spaces and Places’, funded by the Royal Society of Arts.
WHEN MEDIA ARE NEW: UNDERSTANDING THE DYNAMICS OF NEW MEDIA ADOPTION AND USE, JOHN CAREY AND MARTIN C. J. ELTON (2010) Ann Arbor, MI: University of Michigan Press (374 pp.), ISBN 978-0-472-05085-7, $47.50 (paperback). YOU ARE NOT A GADGET: A MANIFESTO, JARON LANIER (2011) New York: Vintage (240 pp.), ISBN 978-0307389978, $15 (paperback) EXTRAORDINARY CANADIANS: MARSHALL McLUHAN, DOUGLAS COUPLAND (2010) Toronto, Canada: Penguin Canada (208 pp.), ISBN 9780670069224, $26 (hardback)
Purpose: The paper aims to explore the nature and purpose of higher education (HE) in the twenty-first century, focussing on how it can help fashion a green knowledge-based economy by developing approaches to learning and teaching that are social, networked and ecologically sensitive. Design/methodology/approach: The paper presents a discursive analysis of the skills and knowledge requirements of an emerging green knowledge-based economy using a range of policy focussed and academic research literature. Findings: The business opportunities that are emerging as a more sustainable world is developed requires the knowledge and skills that can capture and move then forward but in a complex and uncertain worlds learning needs to non-linear, creative and emergent. Practical implications: Sustainable learning and the attributes graduates will need to exhibit are prefigured in the activities and learning characterising the work and play facilitated by new media technologies. Social implications: Greater emphasis is required in higher learning understood as the capability to learn, adapt and direct sustainable change requires interprofessional co-operation that must utlise the potential of new media technologies to enhance social learning and collective intelligence. Originality/value: The practical relationship between low-carbon economic development, social sustainability and HE learning is based on both normative criteria and actual and emerging projections in economic, technological and skills needs.
This paper analyses the role of education for sustainability as enabling future sustainability practitioners to become key change agents and leaders. It is important that generic skills and understandings are married to a capability to lead beyond one's disciplinary or professional authority. 'Academic' education for future (and current) sustainability professionals should focus on transdisciplinary learning and research, new media affordances and distributed learning. This raises important questions about the nature of experiential learning and the meaning of 'living sustainability'. With reference to various developments in e-learning, including the European Union's aim to establish a virtual campus for a sustainable Europe, this paper argues that the digital environment is an integral part of our lifeworld connecting people to place, with each other and to possibilities for creative transdisciplinary inquiry. The role of new media in education for sustainability is rarely discussed, is under theorised and its potential largely ignored. © 2010 Inderscience Enterprises Ltd.
The Library of Birmingham (LoB) is a £193million project designed to provide a new space for lifelong learning and knowledge growth, a physical and virtual portal for Birmingham's citizens to the wider world. In cooperation with a range of private, public, and third-sector bodies, as well as individual citizens, the library, due to open in June 2013, will articulate a continuing process of organic growth and emergence. Key delivery themes focus on: arts and creativity, citizenship and community, enterprise and innovation, learning and skills and the new media ecology. A landmark design in the heart of the cultural district of the city, the LoB aims to stimulate sustainable economic growth, urban regeneration and social inclusion by offering a wide range of new digital learning services, real and virtual community spaces, and new opportunities for interpreting and exploiting internationally significant collections of documentary archives, photography, moving image, and rare printed books. Additionally, the LoB will offer physical space for creative, cultural, enterprise, and knowledge development. This paper outlines the cultural and educational thinking that informs the project and the challenges experienced in developing innovative service redesign.
Our paper presents the work of the Cuneiform Digital Forensic Project (CDFP), an interdisciplinary project at The University of Birmingham, concerned with the development of a multimedia database to support scholarly research into cuneiform, wedge-shaped writing imprinted onto clay tablets and indeed the earliest real form of writing. We describe the evolutionary design process and dynamic research and developmental cycles associated with the database. Unlike traditional publications, the electronic publication of resources offers the possibility of almost continuous revisions with the integration and support of new media and interfaces. However, if on-line resources are to win the favor and confidence of their respective communities there must be a clear distinction between published and maintainable resources, and, developmental content. Published material should, ideally, be supported via standard web-browser interfaces with fully integrated tools so that users receive a reliable, homogenous and intuitive flow of information and media relevant to their needs. We discuss the inherent dynamics of the design and publication of our on-line resource, starting with the basic design and maintenance aspects of the electronic database, which includes photographic instances of cuneiform signs, and shows how the continuous review process identifies areas for further research and development, for example, the “sign processor” graphical search tool and three-dimensional content, the results of which then feedback into the maintained resource.
This new and expanded edition builds upon the first edition’s powerful multi-perspective approach and breath of coverage. A truly comprehensive introduction to sustainable development, it is designed specifically to allow access to the topic from a wide range of educational and professional backgrounds and to develop understanding of a diversity of approaches and traditions at different levels. This second edition includes: •a complete update of the text, with increased coverage of major topics including ecosystems; production and consumption; business; urban sustainability; governance; new media technologies; conservation; leadership; globalization and global crises; sustainability literacy and learning; •more examples from the Global South and North America, while retaining its unique coverage of first world countries; •chapter aims at the start and summaries at the end of each chapter; •glossary of key terms; •a new chapter on Conservation with a focus on behaviour change and values; •a brand new website which includes discussion of how projects are done on the ground, additional exercises and online cases, test questions and recommended readings and films. Offering boxed examples from the local to the global, Understanding Sustainable Development is the most complete guide to the subject for course leaders, undergraduates and postgraduates.
Румен В. Николов - Статията анализира необходимостта от институционални промени в училищата и университетите с цел да се адаптират към съвременните изисквания на обществото на знанието. Паралелно се анализират феноменът на електронното обучение, глобалната образователна реформа и необходимостта от разработването и прилагането на нови педагогически модели. В статията е поставен акцент върху Уеб 2.0 технологиите и електронните инфраструктури, както и върху тяхното влияние върху образованието и научните изледвания в училищата и университетите. Професионална квалификация на учителите, която да е проектирана така, че да отговаря на новите предизвикателства, се разглежда като ключов фактор за успешното навлизане на новите технологии в училище. Важно е да се отбележи необходимостта от разработка на стратегия за обучение на учителите през целия живот, която да отчита съвременните научни постижения в технологично- обогатеното обучение и новите теории за ученето. Препоръчва се изграждането на социални умения и компетенции, които са подходящи за работа в една Уеб 2.0 базирана учебна среда и с глобалния социален софтуер, да се включи в учебните планове и програми както на учениците, така и в курсовете за подготовка на учители.
ACM Computing Classification System (1998): H.2.1, H.2.4, H.2.8, H.3.7, J.5.
A tanulmányban azt elemeztük, hogy a vizsgált vállalatok a válságra milyen marketingválaszokat gondoltak megfelelőnek. Ennek megválaszolásához a „Versenyben a világgal” kutatási program 2009-ben készült felmérésének 300 vállalatra kiterjedő mintáját elemeztük, amelyet szakértői interjúkkal egészítettünk ki. A tanulmány alapozó részében elemeztük a nemzetközi trendeket és megoldásokat. A marketingben a válaszok helyessége ugyanis annak alapján ítélhető meg, hogy milyen mértékben képes a vállalat a fogyasztók dinamikusan alakuló igényeit formálni vagy azoknak megfelelni oly módon, hogy figyelembe veszi a környezet sajátosságait. A vizsgált vállalatok válságkezelő stratégiája ad-hoc jellegűnek mondható, nem illeszkedik az addigi stratégiai irányokhoz vagy az addig folytatott marketingstratégiához. A legnépszerűbb válságkezelő marketingeszközök az új piacok keresése, az akciózás és a költségcsökkentés. Közepesen népszerű a más média használata, a termékinnováció, az árcsökkentés, valamint a reklámkiadások csökkentése. A legkevésbé kedvelt eszközök pedig a marketingtevékenység kiszervezése, a termékválaszték vagy a termékminőség csökkentése. A választott eszközök típusai alapján három stratégiai irány határozható meg, az alternatív utak keresése, az ármérséklés, valamint a beszűkülés. A megkérdezett vállalatok 39,9%-a beszűkülő stratégiát, 30,4%-a az alternatív és ármérséklő stratégiák kombinációját, míg 29,7% egyik stratégiát sem preferálja. A választás azonban a legtöbb esetben inkább ad-hoc jellegűnek, mint tudatosan átgondolt stratégiának tűnik, mivel a választott irány nem függ a vállalat addigi marketingtevékenységétől vagy az addig hangsúlyosnak vélt jellemzőktől és versenyelőnyöktől. ________ In this study the marketing responses of the companies were analyzed, which were involved in the Competitiveness Research Program survey carried out during 2009 among 300 companies, combined with expert interviews. A literature review proceeded the empirical part. The capability of dynamic adaptation to consumer needs defines the right strategy in marketing. In our analysis we mainly found ad-hoc adaptation to handling the crisis that has little connection to firms’ previous strategic directions or their marketing strategy. The most popular crisis management tools include the search for new markets, promotions, and cost reductions. New media, product innovation, price reductions and lower advertising is less followed by companies. The least frequent reactions include outsourcing and reducing product quality. Based on the above three directions emerge. 39,9 % of the companies contract, 30,4 % use a combination of price reduction and alternative strategies and the remaining subset has formulated no strategy. The strategic directions show little correlation to previous practices or to the core competitive advantages.
Even though the popularity and usage of teleconferencing is evident primarily outside the lodging industry, lodging operators cannot choose to ifnore the role teleconferencing will play in meeting the changing needs of guests. The authors discuss the factors that spurred the growth of teleconferencing, the opportunities and threats faced by lodging operators, and suggestions for taking advantage of the technology.