894 resultados para world health


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Background Stroke mortality rates in Brazil are the highest in the Americas. Deaths from cerebrovascular disease surpass coronary heart disease. Aim To verify stroke mortality rates and morbidity in an area of Sao Paulo, Brazil, using the World Health Organization Stepwise Approach to Stroke Surveillance. Methods We used the World Health Organization Stepwise Approach to Stroke Surveillance structure of stroke surveillance. The hospital-based data comprised fatal and nonfatal stroke (Step 1). We gathered stroke-related mortality data in the community using World Health Organization questionnaires (Step 2). The questionnaire determining stroke prevalence was activated door to door in a family-health-programme neighbourhood (Step 3). Results A total of 682 patients 18 years and above, including 472 incident cases, presented with cerebrovascular disease and were enrolled in Step 1 during April-May 2009. Cerebral infarction (84 center dot 3%) and first-ever stroke (85 center dot 2%) were the most frequent. In Step 2, 256 deaths from stroke were identified during 2006-2007. Forty-four per cent of deaths were classified as unspecified stroke, 1/3 as ischaemic stroke, and 1/4 due to haemorrhagic subtype. In Step 3, 577 subjects over 35 years old were evaluated at home, and 244 cases of stroke survival were diagnosed via a questionnaire, validated by a board-certified neurologist. The population demographic characteristics were similar in the three steps, except in terms of age and gender. Conclusion By including data from all settings, World Health Organization stroke surveillance can provide data to help plan future resources that meet the needs of the public-health system.


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OBJECTIVE - The purpose of this paper is to estimate the impact of diabetes on survival among patients with first acute myocardial infarction, using data from the World Health Organization (WHO) Monitoring Trends and Determinants of Cardiovascular Disease (MONICA) Project in Newcastle, New South Wales, Australia. RESEARCH DESIGN AND METHODS - The WHO MONICA Project is a community-based surveillance system that monitors coronary heart disease morbidity and mortality. All patients with suspected coronary events were observed for 28 days after the onset of symptoms. RESULTS - Of 5,322 patients with acute myocardial infarction and no previous history of ischemic heart disease (3,643 men and 1,679 women), 333 men (9%) and 224 women (13%) had a history of diabetes. The age-adjusted 28-day case fatality for women with diabetes (25%) was significantly higher than for women without diabetes (16%); relative risk 1.56 (95% CI: 1.19-2.04). The difference for men was also significant (25% with diabetes and 20% without diabetes); relative risk 1.25 (95% CI: 1.02-1.53). Age-specific case fatality increased significantly with age in both men and women without diabetes, but systematic age effects were not so apparent in patients with diabetes. Case fatality significantly decreased over the study period in patients without diabetes, but not among the diabetic patients. CONCLUSIONS - The increased risk of death in the diabetic patients remained after accounting for their poorer risk factor profiles; even if they reached the hospital alive, diabetic patients were also less likely to survive than nondiabetic patients. The relative impact of diabetes on survival is greater in women than in men.


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Background: There are few studies on HIV subtypes and primary and secondary antiretroviral drug resistance (ADR) in community-recruited samples in Brazil. We analyzed HIV clade diversity and prevalence of mutations associated with ADR in men who have sex with men in all five regions of Brazil. Methods: Using respondent-driven sampling, we recruited 3515 men who have sex with men in nine cities: 299 (9.5%) were HIV-positive; 143 subjects had adequate genotyping and epidemiologic data. Forty-four (30.8%) subjects were antiretroviral therapy-experienced (AE) and 99 (69.2%) antiretroviral therapy-naive (AN). We sequenced the reverse transcriptase and protease regions of the virus and analyzed them for drug resistant mutations using World Health Organization guidelines. Results: The most common subtypes were B (81.8%), C (7.7%), and recombinant forms (6.9%). The overall prevalence of primary ADR resistance was 21.4% (i.e. among the AN) and secondary ADR was 35.8% (i.e. among the AE). The prevalence of resistance to protease inhibitors was 3.9% (AN) and 4.4% (AE); to nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitors 15.0% (AN) and 31.0% (AE) and to nonnucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitors 5.5% (AN) and 13.2% (AE). The most common resistance mutation for nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitors was 184V (17 cases) and for nonnucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitors 103N (16 cases). Conclusions: Our data suggest a high level of both primary and secondary ADR in men who have sex with men in Brazil. Additional studies are needed to identify the correlates and causes of antiretroviral therapy resistance to limit the development of resistance among those in care and the transmission of resistant strains in the wider epidemic.


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Introduction: Data on epidemiology of HPV infection are needed for the development of human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccine recommendations, especially in countries where HPV vaccination is not yet included in public vaccination programs. The aim of this study was to determine the prevalence of serum antibodies to HPV types 6, 11, 16, and 18 and associated factors among young women after birth of the first child. Methods: This cross-sectional study was carried out in a large public maternity hospital in Sao Paulo, Brazil. Three hundred one women aged 15 to 24 years who gave birth to their first child were recruited between 43 and 60 days after delivery. Seroprevalence was performed using a type-specific enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay based on HPV Late protein 1 viruslike particles. The association of seroreactivity with these 4 HPV types with selected demographic and behavioral factors was assessed by Generalized Linear Model analysis. Results: Fifty-eight (19.3%) women (95% confidence interval, 15.0%-24.2%) had antibodies to any of the 4 viruslike particles tested. The overall seroprevalence rates of the HPV types were: HPV16, 9.0%; HPV18, 7.0%; and HPV 6+11, 7.7%, which are targeted by the HPV prophylactic vaccines. In the multivariate analysis, only age (inversely, P = 0.044 for trend) and previous sexually transmitted disease (P = 0.008) were 2 factors independently associated with HPV seropositivity. Conclusions: These data offer additional information on the epidemiology of HPV in a group of young Brazilian women after first delivery and contribute to establish a baseline of HPV seroprevalence against which post-HPV vaccine era seroprevalence can be compared.


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Pneumococcal vaccination has been recommended for immunocompromised children, including patients with chronic kidney disease. We determined pneumococcal immunoglobulin (Ig) G antibodies to serotypes 4, 6B, 9V, 14, 18C, 19F, and 23F before and after 48 pediatric patients with chronic renal failure were administered heptavalent conjugated pneumococcal vaccine. The patients were between 1 and 9 years of age and were separated into a conservative treatment group (Group 1) and a dialysis group Group 2). The antibody response to the vaccinal serotypes was evaluated by measuring antibody concentrations before the first dose and 60 days after the second one. Pre-vaccinal IgG concentrations >= 0.35 mu g/ml were detected for all serotypes in at least 50% of the patients in both groups. Patients from both groups showed a statistically indistinguishable behavior in terms of the medians of post-vaccination IgG levels. An ""adequate"" vaccine response was defined as a post-immunization level of specific pneumococcal serotype antibody >= 0.35 mu g/ml, based on the World Health Organization`s (WHO) protective antibody concentration definition for pneumococcal conjugate vaccines, or on a fourfold increase over baseline for at least five of the seven antigens of the vaccine. An ""adequate"" vaccinal response was obtained in 100% of the patients of both groups using WHO`s definition, or in 45.8% of Group 1 patients and 37.5% of Group 2 patients when the criterion was a fourfold antibody increase over baseline antibody concentrations.


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Background. Chikungunya, an alphavirus of the Togaviridae family, causes a febrile disease transmitted to humans by the bite of infected Aedes mosquitoes. This infection is reaching endemic levels in many Southeast Asian countries. Symptoms include sudden onset of fever, chills, headache, nausea, vomiting, joint pain with or without swelling, low back pain, and rash. According to the World Health Organization, there are 2 billion people living in Aedes-infested areas. In addition, traveling to these areas is popular, making the potential risk of infections transmitted by the bite of infected Aedes mosquitoes very high. Methods. We proposed a mathematical model to estimate the risk of acquiring chikungunya fever in an Aedes-infested area by taking the prevalence of dengue fever into account. The basic reproduction number for chikungunya fever R-0chik can be written as a function of the basic reproduction number of dengue R-0dengue by calculating the ratio R-0chik/R-0dengue. From R-0chik, we estimated the force of infection and the risk of acquiring the disease both for local residents of a dengue-endemic area and for travelers to this area. Results. We calculated that R-0chik is 64.4% that of R-0dengue. The model was applied to a hypothetical situation, namely, estimating the individual risk of acquiring chikungunya fever in a dengue-endemic area, both for local inhabitants (22% in steady state) and for visiting travelers (from 0.31% to 1.23% depending on the time spent in the area). Conclusions. The method proposed based on the output of a dynamical model is innovative and provided an estimation of the risk of infection, both for local inhabitants and for visiting travelers.


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Dizziness is frequent in elderly people. Aims: To evaluate the Quality of Life (QoL) in elderly subjects with dizziness, relate it with gender and age. Material and Method: A prospective study comprising 120 elderly patients with dizziness evaluated with Brazilian versions of the Whoqol-bref and the dizziness handicap inventory (DHI). The factor analysis (FA), the Mann Whitney and Kruskal Wallis tests, and the Spearman correlation were applied to study the results. Results: The most compromised domains were the DHI physical domain and the Whoqol-bref physical and environment domains. FA resulted in 3 factors in the DHI and 5 factors in the Whoqol-bref. There was a moderate correlation (-0.596) in the total scores of both instruments. Males had a better QoL in the ""environment perception and introspectivity"" and ""health perception"" factors of the Whoqol-bref test. Females had a better QoL in the ""functionality perception"" factor of the Whoqol-bref test. There were no significant age differences. Conclusions: Elderly patients with dizziness have a worse QoL. Elderly females with dizziness have worse QoL scores in ""environment perception and introspectivity"" and ""health perception"" and better QoL in the ""functionality perception"" factor compared to elderly males.


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Background The epidemiology of rapid-cycling bipolar disorder in the community is largely unknown. Aims To investigate the epidemiological characteristics of rapid cycling and non-rapid-cycling bipolar disorder in a large cross-national community sample. Method The Composite International Diagnostic interview (CIDI version 3.0) was used to examine the prevalence, severity, comorbidity, impairment, suicidality, sociodemographics, childhood adversity and treatment of rapid-cycling and non-rapid-cycling bipolar disorder in ten countries (n=54257). Results The 12-month prevalence of rapid-cycling bipolar disorder was 0.3%. Roughly a third and two-fifths of participants with lifetime and 12-month bipolar disorder respectively met criteria for rapid cycling. Compared with the non-rapid-cycling, rapid-cycling bipolar disorder was associated with younger age at onset, higher persistence, more severe depressive symptoms, greater impairment from depressive symptoms, more out-of-role days from mania/hypomania, more anxiety disorders and an increased likelihood of using health services. Associations regarding childhood, family and other sociodemographic correlates were less clear cut. Conclusions The community epidemiological profile of rapid-cycling bipolar disorder confirms most but not all current clinically based knowledge about the illness. Declaration of interest R.C.K. has been a consultant for GlaxoSmithKline Inc, Kaiser Permanente, Pfizer Inc, Sanofi-Aventis, Shire Pharmaceuticals and Wyeth-Ayerst; has served on advisory boards for Eli Lilly & Company and Wyeth-Ayerst, and has had research support for his epidemiological studies from Bristol-Myers Squibb, Eli Lilly & Company, GlaxoSmithKline, Johnson & Johnson Pharmaceuticals, Ortho-McNeil Pharmaceuticals Inc, Pfizer Inc and Sanofi-Avertis.


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Study objectives: To analyze and compare radiologic lung expansion after tale pleurodesis performed either by videothoracoscopy or chest tube and correlate it with clinical outcome. Secondary end points evaluated were its follows: clinical efficacy; quality of life; safety; and survival. Methods: Prospective randomized study that included 60 patients (45 women, 15 men; mean age, 55.2 years) with recurrent malignant pleural effusion between January, 2005 and January 2008. They were randomized into the following two groups: video-assisted thoracic surgery (VATS) talc poudrage; and tale slurry (TS) administered through a chest tube. Lung expansion was evaluated through chest CT scans obtained 0, 1, 3 and 6 months after pleurodesis. Complications, drainage time, hospital stay,and quality of life (Medical Outcomes Study 36-item short form and World Health Organization quality-of-life questionnaires) were also analyzed. Results: There were no significant differences in preprocedure clinical and pathologic variables between groups. The immediate total (ie, > 90%) lung expansion was observed in 27 patients (45%) and wits more frequent in the VATS group (60% vs 30%, respectively; p = 0.027). During follow-up, 71% of the patients showed unaltered or improved lung expansion and 9 patients (15%) needed new pleural procedures (VATS group, 5 recurrences; TS group, 4 recurrences; p = 0.999). No differences, were found between groups regarding quality of life, complications, drainage time, hospital stay, and survival. Immediate lung expansion (lid not correlate with radiologic recurrence, clinical recurrence, or complications (p = 0.60, 0.15, and 0.20, respectively). Conclusion: Immediate partial lung expansion was a frequent finding and was more frequent after TS. Nonetheless, no correlation between immediate lung expansion and clinical outcome was found in this study. (CHEST 2009; 136:361-368)


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Previous chapters have presented the latest findings in neuroscience research, and have pointed to potential treatment and prevention strategies. However, there are many ethical implications of the research itself, as well as the treatment and prevention strategies, that must be considered. The rapid pace of change in the field of neuroscience brings with it a host of new ethical issues, which need to be addressed. This chapter considers the important ethical and human rights issues that are raised by neuroscience research on psychoactive substance dependence.